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December 10, 1957 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1957-12-10

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Sallade Refuses Support c
For~ Ri ht-To-Wor ILaw

Rep. George W. Sallade (R-Ann
Arbor) said yesterday -he would
not support a right-to-work law in
Michigan "under any circum-
Noting that management and,
labor have proceeded in Michigan
"without the handicap of such
legislation," he said these laws are
most evident in Democratically
controlled states.
Speaking before Local 38 of the
United Auto Workers of the' CIO,
Rep. Sallade said he would not be-
lieve that organized labor is the
Fdn Demands
Cause Danger
For Athletics
The danger in intercollegiate
athletics today lies in the demands
of its enthusiastic supporters, ac-
cording to Prof. Ralph W. Aigler
of the law school, veteran Univer-
sity faculty representative to the'
Big Ten.
Prof. Aigler said, "the enthusi-
astic supporter is disappointed-
often bitterly so-if his team has
not won distinctly more than half
its games. Spme are crushed if
their teams lost two or three games
or even just one crucial contest.
"Out of this primitive urge for
better and better winning percent-
ages," he said, "come the practices
that are causing a growing con-
cern among educators as to wheth-
er self-respecting educational in-
stitutions can continue to support
intercollegiate athletics."
Prof. Aigler feels, also, that to be
within the university sphere, in-
tercollegiate athletics must be
conducted as part of the educa-
tional process or contribute to it.

special property of the Democratic
party. He said labor unions in
Michigan could best serve their
members and the community by
backing programs and individuals
rather than one particular party.
He noted the "Young Turks," a
group of young, predominately lib-
eral Republican legislators that
has broken with the party on
many issues, has attempted "to rid
the Republican party in Michigan
of the shackles of big business
"Often times we have found our-
selves in sympathy with the legis-
lative objectives of organized la-
The young legislator disclaimed
Republican hostility to organized
labor calling it a "fiction the Dem-
ocratic party has repeated so often
...it has assumed theelement of
He pointed out that the Michi-
gan Fair Employment Act, the
Workman's Compensation Act and
an Unemployment Compensation
Law were the "result of actjon in
the Michigan legislature dominat-
ed by the Republicans."
Petitirs Open
e .
On Committee
Petitioning for membership on
the Literary College Steering Com-
mittee is now open and will con-
tinue until December 20, according
to Leslie Dietz, '58, committee
All students in the literary' col-
lege are eligible to petition, she
Petition forms are available in
Dean James H. Robertson's office,
1220 Angell Hall. Appointments for
interviews will be announced after
the Christmas recess.,

A local newspaper apparently
got carried away by the ex-
citement over satellites.
At any rate, they must have
had Sputnik in mind when they
wrote one of their headlines
yesterday for it left the definite
impression that England had
beaten the United States in the
missile race.
Above a perfectly straight-
forward story about a proposed
world tour by Queen Mother
Elizabeth. was the headline:
'Queen Mother To Circle
Earth Early in 1958
Insinuations that the head-
line was written with malice
aforethought were denied.

The periodical health appraisal
examinations program at the Uni-
versity has shown "startling re-
sults" in the first year, Dr, Charles
J. Tupper, director of the program,
said in an interview yesterday.
Approximately 300 professional
people "between 43 and 87 years old
were examined under the program,
with attention directed to disease
conditions of defects not previously
recognized or known to exist.
"We believe that through regu-
lar examinations, e can uncover
much unsuspected disease, can
contribute to longevity and can
reduce disability," Dr..Tupper said.
The periodic examinations un-
covered 465 physical defects.
He'll love his Xmas
G £B D
and Pipe Rack E
4ife CetePt
118 East Huron
31/2 blocks from campus


'^raa . . ,«a.e ".+ti' r vx~vr xq, r 'K ":"3 ? }:4" ti s :r}G" ">," k 3 W. .':.t.V..N¢V.a4~VtV.s.V.Vvr .y..::; i :: ":"




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t'isA:4:'i44iG^es'i's55'fiIX/.f!ACK'.X. .YaG" ++Mnx..ra¢.n...,rm-r - . .a- n-+Hr

Graduates - February, June, August.
Location of work - Chicago and other
airports housing American Airlipes.
America's largest airline. Women with
any degree with weight of 130 lbs. mak.
imum in proportion to height, single,
21-28 years of age, vision of 20/50 or
better and not requiring the use of
corrective lenses, attractive appearance
and personality with clear complexion
and even teeth'for Stewardess Training.
If you are selected; you will attend a
training school at Chicago, Illinois, dur-
ing which time you will be furnished
room, board and classroom equipment.
Upon successful completion of the
training program, you will be consid-
ered for employment and if accepted,
will be assigned to a base station.
U.S. Marine Corps, Woman Officer
Training Class, Detroit, Michigan. Grad-
uates -- February, June, August. Lo-
cation of work - Anywhere. Women
with or without any degree with citi-
zenship of the U.S., between 18 and, 27,
unmarried, in excellent health for Of-
ficer Training Program. Indoctrination
of future. Women Marine Officers is
conducted at the Marine Corps School,'
Quantico, Virginia. Marine Officer
Training ,for the college sophomore or
junior takes place during each of two
summer vacations from college. Once
the WOTC has successfully completed
her training she is commissioned as a
second lieutenant in the U.S. Marine
Corps Reserve.
Thurs., Dec. 12
The Chase Manhattan Bank, New
York, New York. Graduates- Febru-
ary, June, August. Location of Work-
New York City. Organized 1799. Approx-
imately 15,000 employees in 300 New
York City and 25 overseas locations.
Offer complete banking services in all
of its diversified phases. Men with BA
or MA in Liberal Arts, Law, or BBA or
MBA for Economics, Finance, Account-
ing, etc.
For appointments contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg.,
Ext. 3371.

hummer Placement:
The meeting of the Summer Place-
ment will be held on Tues., afternoon,.
Dec. 10, 1957 in Room D528, Student
Activities Building from 1-5 p.m. as on
Thurs., Dec. 12, 1957, and Fri., Dec. 13,
1957 from 8:'30-12. Positions available in
camps, resorts, businesses both techni-
cal and non-technical. Everyone is wel-
Personnel Requests:
D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., Princeton,
N.J. is looking for 2 men for textbook
sales to colleges. One for the Mich., Ind.,
& Ill, area, and one for Minn., Wis. &
Aetna Casualty and Surety Co., Hart-
ford, Conn., needs a man with either
a technical or non-technical back-
ground for Field Representative Trainee
Although the headquarters of the com-
pany is in Conn., branches to which
the trainee may be sent are located in
major cities throughout the t.S.
U.S. Armed Forces Institute, Madi-
son, Wis. announces an exam for Edu-
cational Specialist, GS-9-12. Requires
people with education and experience
in teaching Iftechniques, educational
supervision and admin., psychology of
learning, preparation or use of instruc-
tional aids or media, statistics, research
methods, etc
City of Detroit, Mich._ announces
openings for men or women in Bus Ad
for, the position of Student Technical
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Ext. 3371.
For Beginners and
College Level
Rates Very Reasonable
Phone NO 3-1470


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