SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ANCIENT TRADITION: Flight Problems Cause Train Rush England Begins Custom Of Boar's Head Dinner r- By SALLEY ABEL In mediaeval England it was customary to begin all great Christmas feasts with the solemn ceremony of bringing in the boar's head as the initial dish. This custom has been carried over to the United States and is practiced at the University. Helen Newberry has a boar's head din-- ner and procession every year. In England, the original cere- mony began as the master-cook, preceded, by trumpeters and other musicians and followed by hunts- men with boar-spears and pages carrying mustard, bore the smok- ing head aloft on a silver platter. This platter was deposited at the head of the table. Head Garnished The bead was garnished with rosemary and laurel and a lemon placed between its chops. The custom goes back to the pre-Christian days. The Druids killed a boar during the winter, and offered its head in sacrifice to Freya, the goddess of peace and plenty. She was supposed to ride upon a boar with golden bristles. + The lemon in the boar's mouth was a Norse symbol of plenty..An orange or an apple was sometimes substituted. The common practice in England of eating the suckling pig at 'Christmas has the same origin.' Ceremony Attached The bringing in of the boar's head. is performed with all the ancient ceremony. Every diner rises and chants the Boar's Song, which has been sung for centuries. The words are set to the common chant of the prose version of the psalms in cathedrals. Queen's College, Oxford, is fa- mous for its retention of the Boar's Head ceremonial. There is a local legend to explain the in- stitution of the ceremony. About five hundred years ago, a stu- dent of the college wandering near Shotong Hill in deep study of Aristotle was attacked by a wild boar. Since he had no other means of defense he shoved the book ' down the animal's throat, ex- claiming, "Graecum est." The sage choked the savage and his head was brought home in triumph by the student. A paragraph quoted by Thisel- ton Dryer from the "Daily News" of January 5, 1852 shoWs that the custom still survived at that date., Wrestle for Head "By ancient charter or usage in Horn Church a boar's head is wrestled for in a field adjoining the church, a boar, the property of the p a r i s h, having been slaughtered for the purpose. The boar's head, elevated. on 'a pail and decorated with ribbons, was brought into the ring when the competitors entered and the prize was awarded." According to Charles Lynch, an active member of the Episcopal Church, Canterbury House has had many successful boar's head ceremonies. He said that the pro- ession is an outright satire on the church itself. The procession con- sists of a group of mad monks, mad nuns, priests, deacons, and bishops dressed in outlandish cos- tumes. For example, last year the priests of Canterbury House dressed in bermuda shorts with a lace curtain on their shoulders. Their bishop held a pastoral staff composed of hot dogs and candy canes. Ancient Ritual The burning of the Yule-log was an ancienthChristmas ceremony. It has been handed' down from the Scandinavians, who, at their feast of Jul, used to kindle huge bon- fires in honor of their god Thor. The English ceremony of bring- ing in and lburning the Yule-log on Christmas Eve was full of pic- turesque details. The log, a mas- sive piece of wood, was usually part of an oak. It was drawn in triumph from its resting place amid shouts of laughter from the crowd. As it entered the hall, the min- strels hailed the yule-log with song and music. Inthe absence of minstrels, each member of the family sat upon it in turn and sang a Yule song. Meanwhile Yule doughnuts were eaten and washed down with tankards of spiced ale. Play Yule Games Yule games, such as "Dun in the Mire" were played. In this game the Yule stock was drawn into the middle of the floor. There, two of the group try to disentangle it. After many tries, they called for help. Finally, everyone present was mixed up in the horseplay. When this amusement was fin- ished; the log was kindled to cheer up the hearts of the revellers and to defy the cold. The firing was to be accomplished, according to tra- dition, from a portion of the charred Yule block preserved from- the preceding Christmas. It was believed that the pre- servation of last year's log was an effectual security to the house against fire. A monstrous candle, the Yule candle, was lighted during the evening. Brand, in his "Popular Antiquitus" states that in the but- tery of St. Johns College, Oxford, an ancient candle-socket of stone still remains. It is ornamented with the figure of the Holy Lamb. VACATION TIME-With the end of classes, students engage in the annual Yuletide rush to go home for the holidays. Bags are hurriedly packed, a book or two may be included, and the rush to get a seat begins. Some students will check their bags or get a reserved seat, but the majority will push and shove with their suitcases to get to a seat before their fellow students can. When Michigan students say, "I'll be home for Christmas," they usually mean New York - at least it seems that way to the clerks in two travel agencies in Ann Arbor. The agencies report that they book the greatest majority of pas- sengers on New York flights, some to Chicago, and "only a few" to Florida, Bermuda and other va- cationlands. "Most students wait until spring vacation to visit Florida," one agent commented. "However, one or two students have made reser- vations for a Mexico flight and one family is even going to Puerto Rico." Santa Claims Many TNqames Through Ages Old Santa Claus is spry indeed, considering that he has been kick- ing around for centuries now. In Lycia, Asia Minor, the orig- inal St. Nicholas was the bishop of Myra. He is said to have ridden the streets on a white donkey, dis- tributing gifts to the people of Lycia. From this our custom of ex- changing gifts is believed to have arisen. The" legend of St. Nicholas spread across Europe. In Britain, France and Russia he was known as Father Christmas, and in many countries of Europe he punished the bad children as well as re- warded the good. Dutch settlers brought their Sinterklaus with them when they came to New York, and from this personage came our modern Santa. 1i IL SANTA SUGGESTS Robe FOR CHRISTMAS Quilted styles in nylon and cotton corduroy, flannel and nylon, brush nylon, and silk can be found in many different colors. Also, nylon travel robes would make a nice gift. Sizes are from 10 to 20 in most styles; 14% to 22%2mz in nylon quilted. Prices are - $1095 $to95