r Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. " Phone.NO 2-3241 Another Summit VKAS/r s~~ ~ y" -. ... en Opinions Are Free ruth Will Prevail" CHORAL UNION: 'Messiah' Performance Lacks Fervor THE CHRISTMAS SEASON officially entered Ann Arbor this weekend with our first heavy snow and the Choral Union's annual presenta- tion of The Messiah. Handel's great oratorio has become a permanent feature of this season, and it was welcomed back to Hill Auditorium by a large and enthusiastic audience. The performance was conducted by Lester McCoy and featured the University Choral Union, the Musical Society Orchestra and four solo- / Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints. Y,ECEMBER 8, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS BLUES Public Must Be Told AfSS BUDGET r l /SJ/LE RACE So to Make Decisions, Sacrifices 'HE WORDS former Air Force secretary Thomas K. Finletter uttered here Wednes- y night will probably never find their way the men in Washington planning our na- n's defense, much less to President Eisen-. wer. But they should, and they should also heard by all the hundred's of other govern- mt bureaucrats in Washington, state capitols, les, counties, townships and villages. Finletter said there is a "crisis of a lack of formation" about the status of United States Tenses. He said, "We can never have any nplex or important defense policy decisions less the people are fully informed of the dted States' position-good and bad-and are 'are of sacrifices they may have to make to hieve supremacy." Whether he would take quite this position re he still in office is a-subject for specula- n, but the truth of the assertion can hardly denied. And yet government officials-not , but many of them-do deny it. They seem believe that what the public does not know I not hurt them. This phobia of revealing facts appears to ,e support from the public at times. Right w criticism is being directed' at the govern- nt for announcing, prior to the actual firing, e attempt to launch an earth satellite. If ything is going to cause government officials pull in their necks, it's criticism such as '. ERTAINLY THE UNITED STATES looks rather bad now that the first launching empt has failed, particularly in the eyes of eign nations. And on this. basis it perhaps n be justly argued that the prior announce- nt was unwise. But to completely conceal any failure of the portance of this one is to rob the public of 'ormation it has every right to know. It is too evident, furthermore, that when govern- nt officials are given a little. censorship wer they take a lot and far exceed the in- ided limits. If there are times when the nation suffers m release of information, we are sure there innumerable other times when it would nefit, ultimately, from such action. It might argued that had government officials spent s time tacking' up secrecy signs in past years e United States today might not be standing agrined in the shadow of Sputniks I and II. Finletter, of course, would probably like to ve the government release more information at could be used by Democrats to criticize e Republican 'Party and the Eisenhower ministration. But because this is the in- pensable role of the opposition, it must be d they should have the information necessary criticize accurately. Government officials are, in the last analysis, responsible to the public. Practically, it may be true that public opinion is seldom generated to a point where public officials need give it great consideration. But there are times, oneof which was created by Russia's success in the scientific and military-fields, when the public does begin to worry and does collectively voice its opinion. But the government refuses to give adequate information for the public to debate and decide intelligently or to prepare itself for a greater tax burden. We hear of "shocking" testimony given to the Senate about the United States' missile pro- gram. But what is the testimony and why is it shocking? We hear of America's work on missiles. But what is this work and what state is -it in? And just how far is the United States behind Russia in the missile race? The Administration can hardly expect the nation to put forth the effort necessary to meet and surpass the Russians militarily and scien- tifically unless the public is fully aware of the crisis and danger it faces. THE TRADE MAGAZINE of the newspaper world, Editor and Publisher, which happens to be one of the few constant crusaders against government secrecy, described the present situation in a recent editorial. It read in part: "Prior to this scientific achievement, (launch- ing of Sputnik I) there appeared to be an im- provement in the Washington climate sur- rounding the release of official news from government departments. Now, security-con- scious Washington has received all the impetus and excuse it has needed, or wanted, to 'clam up' again. It is our guess that the cause of freedom of information has been 6iet back many years." But even the best secrecy-minded officials are not able to hide everything. The result is that little bits of news, frequently incomplete and inaccurate, leak out and are publicized. The department or official that' has suppressed the information will often suffer more for his ac- tions because of the inaccuracy and incom- pleteness of the leaks. What is worse, as Finletter so aptly pointed out, is that public officials not only withhold information but they occassionally imply, if never saying it outright, what-Is just the op- posite from the truth. We believe that if there is any death knoll of responsive and responsible government in a democracy, it sounds every time information that is rightly due the public is withheld. And while we do not suggest that it is in the na- tion's best interests to release all information, there is sufficient evidence that more informa- tion is classified presently than is necessary for the protection of this country's vital interests. --DAVID TARE / F (Herblock Is Copiright. 1957. The Pulitzer Pub1ishinkC . St. Louis Post-Dispatch on Vacanon) WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND:, Share No Secrets-Bridges SENATOR BRIDGES of New Hampshire, Republican policy chairman, has forced Eisenhower to abandon his plan to share our atomic secrets with our NATO allies. Bridges warned Eisenhower at a recent breakfast that Ike's own GOP Senate leaders would oppose any attempt to revise the Atomic Energy Act. Bridges said they did not trust the Labor Party, which might be running the British goy- ernment after the next election. If this happened, Aneurin Bevan would become Foreign Secretary, and Bridges declared flatly he con- sidered Bevan more friendly to Russia than the United States. After the senator's warning, the Administration decided not to press for a change in the law, Dulles still intends to stockpile atomic missiles in Europe and teach our allies how to fire them. But the actual atomic explosives will be kept a so-called American "secret,"' even though Russia is ahead of us in those secrets, and even though England, Italy and Israel either have, or will have, their own atomic know-how. The British politely denied last week that they are ahead of us in building atomic reactors-but it was a diplomatic denial-in order to placate Atomic Energy Chair- man Lewis Strauss. Earlier, Dr. T. V. Dunworth, Britain's reactor research chief, told a press conference the British were ahead of America. This hap- pens to be the truth. But Strauss blew his top after reading Dunworth's statement and demanded a denial. In order to soothe Strauss's ruffled feelings, the British dutifully agreed $o is- sue a joint statement claiming that both Britain and America By DREW PEARSO had made equal progress on re- actor research. Note - Admiral Strauss, the Kuhn-Loeb investment banker, is the man who drove Dr. Robert Oppenheimer out of government. Pennsylvania's fiery Congress- man Dan Flood stormed out of a secret House appropriations hear- ing the other day in the middle of cross-examining Defense officials about our satellite-missile lag. * *4 *. FLOOD DREW an admission from Maj. Gen. John Daley, the Army's special weapons chief, that the Pentagon had ample advance warning of Russia's missile pro- gram. Even after learning Russia had successfully fired an Inter- continental Ballistic Missile, Daley admitted, the Defense Department cut back our own missiles produc- tion. Twice, Chairman George Mahon of Texas hinted that time was run- ning short and Flood ought to let someone else ask questions. The second crack brought Flood to his feet, his waxed mustache bristling. "Oh hell," he stormed, "I'm not really interested anyway!" Without further comment, he charged out of the hearing room. After Flood's abrupt departure, Lieut. Gen. Clarence Irvine, the Air Force Deputy Chief, claimed that interservice rivalry may have spurred,.rather than hindered, our missile program. "We wouldn't be making as much progress on the Thor, and the Army probably wouldn't be as far along on the Jupiter if it weren't for the rivalry," he declared, re- ferring to the Army-Air Force feud over medium-range missiles. Both Army and Air Force spokesmen cautioned that their in- termediate missiles need more test- ing. They admitted neither the Thor nor Jupiter had been fired intact, though all parts had been successfully tested separately. At one point, Mahon asked Gen- eral Irvine for his personal opinion as to whether the Defense Depart- ment should scrap the Thor or Ju- piter or produce both of them. "I can plainly see," smiled Ir- vine, "that I should have retired nine years ago." & 4* * * REAR ADM. William Raborn, the Navy's special projects officer, gave an optimistic report on the 1,200-mile Polaris which will be carried by atomic subs and fired from under the ocean. Mahon noted that Raborn's name sounded similar to that of speaker Sam Rayburn. "The Rayburn name," Mahon remarked drily, "is not unknown on Capitol Hill." In the end, the committee agreed that all three medium-range mis- siles are coming along as fast as can be expected. / The Air Force is studying the possibility of putting pilots inside ballistics missiles. The pilots could guide the missile and aim the war- heads at enemy targets with great- er accuracy. Then they could drop out of the missile in a pellet, and fall into the ocean at a rendezvous to be picked up by a waiting sub. Sounds fantastic, but they are talking about it. Both the Army and Air Force are also studying the possibility of using nissiles as cargo carriers to deliver supplies at supersonic speeds to our overseas bases. Vice-President Nixon is using his full influence behind the scenes to put the missile program on a crash basis. He has'bffered to take full charge of the program per- sonally. (Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.) ists, Adele Addison, Eunice Alberts, As a totality the performance it possess conviction. Too often it There were moments . of real strength and beauty, but more -often mistakes and insecurity marred the evening. * * * SINCE THE CHORUS is the star of any performance of this work, it merits first consideration. The Choral Union consists of about 300 voices, more or less. The first point of contention is this: what size chorus' should be used? I personally prefer a smaller, more manageable group. However, my preference does not count here. Mr. McCoy has drilled his sing- ers well enough that the large group manages to keep its music generally clean and intelligible. The tone of the group is good, especially the strong bass section. At times the other sections suf- fered by comparison. The worst defect of this pe- formance choral-wise for me was the constant and irritating use of aspirated h's in all of the passage work. This distorts the words. I know that choral conductors insist that this is done in large choruses to keep the musical lines clear. But it should not be done noticeably. For example, a word such as "revealed" comes out as "re-ve-he-he-he-led." The affect of this after a time becomes ludi- crous. The stirring chorus "Glory to God" was neither stirring nor angelic. The opening phrases were weak and lacking in anything resembling the fervor with which the angels on that night so long ago would have sung it. Even with- out considering the words, the performance lacked musical con- viction. '*4* * AGAIN A MAJOR REASON for this, as well as the fact that this huge chorus does not sound nearly as large as it is, is due to the great emphasis on consonants to the detriment of the vowels. Very little tone can be pro- duced on a consonant. These let- ters should be used to add strength or emphasis to the vowel, which can be sung. The quartet of soloists con- sisted of three fine artists and one very weak link. Adele Addison, soprano, back again from last year, provided the most beautiful mo- ments of the entire evening. Her voice is sweet and lovely and she sings expressively. Miss Addison's sincerity and artistry were best shown in her first recitative, "There were An- gels," and in the later aria, "How Beautiful Are the Feet of Them." Eunice Alberts possesses a pleas- ant voice which she uses with dis- cretion. There were few outstand- ing features in her performance, but she never fell below a more than acceptable level. Harold Haugh's lovely tenor voice and his outstanding artistry made the tenor solos the joy and fine experience they should be. His interpretation of the aria, "Be- * * PAUL MATTHEN, the bass solo-. ist, was the weak link in the group. His voice is gutteral and at times rather unpleasant. He does not possess the low rankge for much of the music and neither is he able to negotiate the difficult,. florid passages in his solos. Fortunately, Handel created in The Messiah a musical monument of great magnitude. It has with- stood far worse treatment than it received here. -Robert Jobe Harold Haugh, and Paul Matthen. was not especially exciting, nor did was a thing of shreds and patches. NATO MEETING Conference Pro gnos is (Editor's Note--Government chiefs of the Western Allies gather Dec. 16 against theominous backdrop of growing Soviet missile power. Can they remove the obstacles in the path to strength and unity: A veteran for- eign correspondent analizes the pror pects.) By STANLEY JOHNSON GALVANIZED by Soviet Sputniks and massive missile advances, government chiefs of the NATO nationsmeet here in Paris next week determined to forge a dy- namic new program to push the West ahead of the Russians. But the great question is: Can they do it? Can dissensions and rivalries within the Western Alliance be put aside? Can questions of national pride and national budgets be sub- ordinated to the imperative needs of the North Atlantic Treaty Or- ganization as a whole? « « THE CONDITION of President Eisenhower after his latest attack,, and the question of whether he or Vice-President Nixon would come to Paris caused little anxiety here. The general feeling in NATO circles is that the vice-president ranking international diplomat and it would be worthwhile to set has developed into, top-ranking international diplomat and it would be worthwhile to see him operate under such circumstances. The meeting's program is ex pecter to call for much tighter Allied cooperation in scientific edu- cation, experimentation and man- ufacture, a cooperation which would end rival developments in the same field and replace it with a planned share-out of informa- tion. AMONG. OTHER things, the American delegation - which will also include Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and Defense Secretary Neil McElroy-is expect- ed to pledge efforts for congres- sional modification of the Mc- Mahon Act, which strictly limits American sharing of atomic sec- rets. Even before this legislative ac- tion is possible, the United States is expected to pledge a share-out of missiles-when it has any to share-even though keeping con- trol of nuclear warheads in its own hands. This leads directly'to one' of the thorniest problems the conference must face: Which other NATO powers are willing to face certain Russian wrath for 156ssession of 'these instruments? DETERMINATION to strength- en the Alliance so far as possible has by no means been unanimous on this particular issue. West Ger- many is reluctant to become. a rocket base, while France has al- ready asked the United States for such weapons. Proposals are also expected that, instead of supplying individual na- tional forces with nuclear-age weapons, supranational groups handle them directly upder NATO control. Since NATO's European military chief is an American-currently Gen. Lauris Norstad-this would ease U.S. congressional action. I I DAILY i OFFICIALI BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Vniver- sity of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1957 VOL. LXVIII, No. 67 General Notices President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold open house for students at their home Wed., Dec. 11 from. 4 00 to 6:00 p.m. Lectures Lecture: "The Earth's Atmosphere in the satellite Region," by Prof. Sydney Chapman, International President of the special Committee for the Interna- tional President of the Special Commit- .1 i i ,; Christmas Paychecks Needed [HE UNIVERSITY CALENDAR, set up oii a "stop-gap" basis for the next academic year till poses several problems, not the least of 'hich is Christmas recess. The Calendar Com- aittee has recommended a proposed calendar 'hich bows to complaints of administrative dif- iculties caused by classes beginning onThurs- ay after registration. But- there has been no etion taken on student concern with the im- ractical Christimas recess. 1 It used to be that classes ended on or about lecember 16, allowing students to capitalize on hristmas-rush employment, mainly in the Post ffice Department. The opportunity to earn 11 or the major .part of the next semester's aition money was important to many. Univer- .ty students. Since that time, tuition and other educational ost have twice risen and the calendar altered : allow no time for Christmas employment. his year, classes end on - December 21. The roposed calendar for next year has classes easing December 20, hardly leaving time for udents to take temporary employment, some- mes sorely needed. HIs IS A SERIOUS problem and one which! should be given extensive consideration by the Calendar Committee. The committee is interested in a calendar which places more emphasis on education. This is a goal which no serious student would deny: However, there are other considerations to be made. One of these must be the concern for students who must 'work to gain that education, and there are many. The committee has- emphasized that the calendar for next year is not representative of an educational philosophy. It might be advis- able for a calendar to be worked out which included in any educational philosophy a con- sideration for the financial needs of students. Last summer, jobs were hard to get. The ab- sence of the some students who were unable to return after a summer of job-hunting and the increased use of the University loan fund clearly indicates that many students are find- ing it difficult to finance an education in the face of increasing costs and fewer job oppor- tunities. This fact stresses the need for enough time during the Christmas holidays to earn expense money. Although a problem, the Calendar Com- mittee should make every possible effort to reconcile this need to a future academic .calen- dar. -THOMAS BLUES LETTERS TO THE EDITOR:e Students Propose Anti-Discrimination Petition INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Dignit Is Unity By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press Mews Analyst ON THE SAME DAY this week the foreign secretaries of Canada and the United States issued. directly' contrasting pronouncements re- garding policy toward Soviet Russia. Secretary Dulles said there was little pur- pose in having conference with the Russians. "You can't rely upon agreements unless you can enforce them," he said, applying it to the recent Russian suggestions for a ban on ship- ment of arms to the Middle East. Sidney' E. Smith, Canada's Secretary of State for Foreign affairs, said, he was distressed about that very attitude. He criticized automatic rejection of Russian At the last high-level meeting in Geneva, for instance, the Russians -agreed that the big powers should work out an arrangement for reunification of Germany. They had hardly reached home, however, when the Russians began trying to enlist Tito's Yugoslavia and the Eastern European satellites in a campaign for recognition of "two Ger- manys." THE RUSSIANS RENEWED their demand that occupied East Germany be recognized as an entity for negotiations with West Ger- many on a unification plan.- Both of these campaigns run counter to the Geneva statement. Petition, . To the Editor: BELOW IS A COPY of a petition drawn up by a group of stu- dents and faculty members after much careful deliberation over a period of two months. This peti- tion concerning discrimination in university housing is representa- tive of the thoughts of members of many organizations and inter- ests on campus. We are confident that non-dis- criminalery placement is possible and sound, as it has be'nk proved in the- many colleges and universi- ties across the nation where it is being practiced. Aside from being tn unjust basis for assignment of roommates, the: distinctions by race, religion and nationality in roommate selection are not in keeping with the Uni- versity's stated educational objec- tives of enabling new students the experience of a "cosmopolitan, cultural, and intellectually stimu- lating environment." specific roommate) without regard to race, religion, or national origin. However: 1) Officials have stated that freshmen are assigned if pos- sible with others of the same race, religion and nationality. 2) Photographs (which are of- ten a good indication of an individual's race and nation- ality) are requested on the housing application. Both the application and the pho-4 tograph must be received before roommates are as- signed. 3) The applicatsions indicate that race, religion, and na- tionality are important fac- tors in pairinfg roommates. On .the men's application, numerous questions concern- ing these are included. We therefore petition you, Mr. James Lewis, Vice-President in Charge of Student Affairs at the University of Michigan, to initi- ate and give your full support to nn1 invryad'inn ov, gf icrri.m inn rv From my experience as a frater- nity presiding officer, I have be- come well aware of the typical attitudes of those who would use alcoholic beverages indiscreetly, but this is one of the few instances where I have found one so selfishly blind to the welfare of others that he would publicly assert his mis- conceptions. An adult problem such as campus drinking, which affects so many, should not be treated with children's iogic. * * * "PI LAM's only sin" was not that they w e r e unfortunate enough to get caught, but that they were indiscreet enough to have a function which would make it easy for minors to be served. The purpose of a fraternity is to promote brotherhood, and it is hardly conceivable that encourag- ing one to break the law is brcth- erly. Such \a violation places in jeopardy not only the reputation of the Iraternity tat of the Uni- versity as a whole, and thus it be- The rule concerning drinking in residence halls is basically good in that it protects the rights of a group that does not drink, it pro- motes an atmosphere which is more conducive to learning, and it provides a neutral atmosphere for those minors who have not taken time to consider the prob-. lem adequately. Another argument by Mr. Taub is that this regulation is danger- ous, because it encourages students to get smashed and then drive home (while drunk). By the same logic, laws against theft are wrong when they cause people to embez- zle funds with the mistaken belief that there is a lesser probability of getting caught. Even though laws restrict a few, they make living in this so- c.cty more harmonious. From this it is easy to see that a law is not dangerous because the perverted choose the wrong psychological outlet for their inadequacies. * * *