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December 06, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-12-06

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

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Y IY" Y r 1 1

Democrats Give Opinions
On Fiscal, Defense Plans

Mitchell Sets Forth


hower administration got some as-
sorted advice on fiscal and defense
planning from Democratic leaders
yesterday, including a defnand
that it "get out of its dream
But the Democrats didn't agree
100 per cent on what should be
a done.
Sen. Richard Russell (D-Ga.)
approved the administration's de-
clared aim of a balanced budget
next year, while Sen. John Carroll
(D-Colo.) called for a little deficit
spending if that is necessary to
maintain full employment.
4alanced Budget
The Democratic floor leader in
4 the house, Rep., John McCormack
of Massachusetts, said in a state-
ment the Republicans are evidently
thinking of national defense in
terms of a balanced budget.

"As between a balanced budget
and a strong defense," he added,
"they had better think in terms of
a strong defense.
."We had better catch up with the
Soviets in the field of interconti-
nental missiles within the next
"The democrats will cooperate.
World of Reality
"It is about time the adminis-
tration got out of its dream world
and into the world of reality.
"If anyone thinks the Soviets
will let us catch up with them if
they. have the advantage, they are
doing a disservice to our country."
Sen. Harry F. Byrd (D-Va.)
called for an end to waste and1
nonessential expenditures to make
way for whatever increased spend-
ing may be necessary on modern

Anti-Racket Program,
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. OP) - The Eisenhower administration
yesterday took the wraps off its 1958 labor legislation program aimed
at smoking out crooks and racketeers from the labor movement.
It includes provision . for full disclosure of union funds, secret
ballot election of union officers, tightened bribery restrictions and
broad recommendations for revision of the Taft-Hartley Act.
The program was outlined in detail by Secretary of Labor James
Mitchell to the second constitutional convention of the AFL-CIO
and was greeted by polite applause from delegates.
The federation executive board will take up the ,program at its

Navy Plans To aunch
Satellite Again Today;
May-%, Put Moon i1n Orbit





. . for balanced budget

Georgia Gas Explosion
Kills 13, Injures 30,
VILLA RICA, Ga. (A) - At least 13 persons were killed and about
30 injured in an explosion and fire that leveled half a block in this
northwest Georgia town yesterday.
The number of dead could reach 15 or 16 as there was no definite
word as to the number of persons in the business establishments
and a second-floor dentist's office at the time.
The blast, which demolished a drug store, dress shop, 10-cent
store, jewelry and florist shop, was attributed by Asst. Police Chief
H. G. Black to a faulty gas line in the basement of the drug store.
Oscar Hixon, superintendent of the municipally owned gas system,
was working on the line at the

In a speech prepared for the
National Assn. of Manufacturers
in New York, Sen. Byrd said: "Our
military danger is great, no doubt,
but further to imperil our national
security by impairment of our fis-
cal stability and loss of confidence
in our government would be over-
Warned on Increase
Sen. Byrd warned that an in-
crease in total expenditures for
the present fiscal year, 'ending next
June 30, would spell a deficit.
He said he had just received a
new estimate that revenues for the
year will be $1,300,000,000 less than
the Budget Bureau figured in Oc-
The latest figures, he said, came
from Colin F. Stam, head of the
staff of the Senate-House Com-
mittee on Internal Revenue Taxa-
tion, and are based on reports of'
declining corporate profits in re-
cent months.
"This will mean," Sen. Byrd
said,, "that the estimated surplus
of one and one-half billion dollars
will be reduced to 200 million, as-
suming expenditures are not in-
President Dwight D. Eisenhow-
er's plans to meet Russia's chal-
lenge in the military and scientific
fields were outlined to congres-
sional leaders at two White House
briefings this week.k
The administration proposes, ac-
cording to word from legislators,
to spend an extra two and one-
half billion dollars on defense and
foreign aid.

Votes To Aid
The Graduate Student Council
last night passed a resolution sup-
porting the efforts of student
groups seeking to promote "volun-
tary ethnic integration" in Univer-
sity Residence Halls.
. The resolution called this goal
"a worthy one" and asked the
University's administration to co-
operate "to the fullest extent" with
these groups.
The Council also appointed a
committee to study the University's
policies on granting parking per-
mits to graduate students working
for the University as full-time em-
One delegate to the council re-
marked he could see "no logical
- reason why a full-time instructor
cannot get a parking permit when
a secretary can."
The Councilriscomposed of rep-
resentatives from the nearly 70
departments in the University
which offer advanced degrees
through the Horace Rackham
School of Graduate Studies.
"Of course, not all of the de-
partments got around to sending
representatives and some of the
departments don't have any degree
candidates at the moment." John
Burch, Grad., president of the
Council said. It lists representa-
tives from 38 departments. at the
present time.
The Council, which meets once'
a month in the Rackham Bldg.,
has no direct connection with Stu-
dent Government Council other
than being a recognized student
Joe Collins, '58, SGC presi-+
dent, said he thought a group as
large as the graduate students on
campus should be represented on
SGC and that one method of ob-
taining representation would be
through the Graduate Student
U Professor
MCCotter Dies
Professor-emeritus Rollo E. Mc-
Cotter of the Medical School died
Wednesday of a heart attack at
his Lawrence, Mich., farm home.
The 79 year old anatomy spe-
cialist had retired in 1947 follow-
ing a career in education with 39
years at the University and serv-

He was killed.
Hundreds of rescue workers
from surrounding communities
helped to dig through the rubble
and debris in the search for
Some of them were burned so
badly' they could be identified
only by dental work.
Two bodies still were not iden-
Ray Tyson, 39, a clerk in the
drug s:tore, said he was behind
the soda fountain when the ex-
plosion came about 11 a.m.
"I thought a bomb had hit the
place," he said.

m' Icers
Pl ay -Host'
McGill University will provide
the opposition as the Michigan
hockey squad opens its 1957-58
season tonight at the Coliseum in
the first of a two-game series
with the Canadians.
This is the first Wolverine home
sporting event of the winter sea-
The meeting will be the eleventh
time a ,Michigan team has skated
against the Redmen. To date in
the series the Wolverines have
won seven times while losing
New Coach
'Tonight will mark the first time
the Wolverines have taken the ice
under the direction of Coach Al
Renfrew, former Michigan star
forward on the championship
team of 1948. However, Renfrew is
not new at coaching, having spent
five years at Michigan Tech and
a year at' North Dakota before re-
turning to his Alma MXater this
The Redmen have much of their
scoring punch back this year in-
cluding veterans Leo "The _Can-
non" Konyk and Dick Baltzan.
Another holdover. from last sea-
son is Keith Lawes, the third
member of the 'forward unit. Mike
Joyal will tend the nets for the
IYoung Squad
The Wolverines are faced with
the problem of a young squad,
with only seven lettermen r'eturn-
ing while eleven men were lost' by
graduation. Of the seven, five are
juniors, with but one year of ex-
perience. The two seniors, Captain
Neil McDonald and Ed Switzer,
will comprise the front line along
with Sophomore Steve Bochen.
Backing them up are Don Mc-
Intosh, Gary Starr, and Bob
White, all of who are sure to see
plenty of action. Ross Childs, who
took over the netminding duties
after the graduation of Lorne
Howes last January, will be in
goal for the Wolverines.
Several rule changes announced
by the NCAA Ice Hockey Rules
Committee will be in effect in
this evening's game.
If the opponent scores while a
a See MICHIGAN, Page 6

,meeting Tuesday. Mitchell said
the proposals will leave the basic
responsibility for "honest and
democratic trade unionism right
where it now is -- with you."
But, he added, they will correct
conditions which appear "to havej
encouraged abuse and oppression
on the part of some people"
Mitchell said later the program
has the approval of President
Dwight D. Eisenhower, who saw

tt as late as Wednesday, and that Issuing the denial that expulsion had been ordered, a foreign
it has been discussed ith Repub- ministry spokesman referred to a statement Wednesday by Premier
and Senate.b h juanda that no pressure was to be applied to force the Dutch to
lead thecnntytaepesnt
He said Democratic lawmakerslevthconratpsn.
were notaled inortconltatikon The premier said the "lives and property of all Dutch subjects
were not called in for consultation pht h
because Mitchell believed they here is guaranteed by the government. If they wish to leave the
would oppose it. countrythey will be given every
The administration, Mitchell assac.
said, had not consulted or been Nationwide BroadcastT oloun ts
consulted on the program by the Earlier today Maj. Gen. Abdul
SenteRa'nkets Inivestigating Harris Naustion, chief of staff, y
Committee which is expected to made a nationwide radio broadcastI
present a legislative program of calling on the Indonesian people n g a
its own. to avoid, any individual actions/
against the Dutch. R ail
The announcements on the fu- C r s
ture status of Dutchi citizens in In- -
Se M etng asked the Netherlands to close all working under the menace of te-
Set M eting donesia came as the government LO>NDON (A} - Rescue teams
T but one of its eight consulates. ering steel girders reported last
Osip A Cabinet decree also ordered night they have taken 89 bodies
A sia seizure by the government of- all from the wreckage of two smashed
the big Dutch business concerns trains.
Candidates taken over in the last few days by Police said 177 persons were in-
Communist-dominated labor un- jured, 110 seriously.
ions. Three more, bodies were seen in
By DOUGLAS VIELMETTI All of these actions, a phase of the wreckage late last night,
the anti-Dutch campaign aimed at making the known death total 92.
The first mass meeting for po- winning primitive West New Swirling fog-the choking mist
tential Southeast Asian Delegation Guinea, were hedged by contradic- in which the two southbound
applicants will be held at 7 p.m. tions and confusion. trains collided with 2,000 commut-



Indonesians To Provide
For Dutch Repatriation
JAKARTA, Indonesia (P') - An Indonesian government official
said today Indonesia intends if possible to repatriate the 46,000 Dutch
people living in this sprawling island republic.
A later government announcement denied that expulsion of Dutch
nationals had been ordered or issbeing considered.
No Force

Call Success
Odds 'Good'
Mechanical Troubles,
Strong Winds Caused
Yesterday's Delay.
Another effort to launch the Van-
guard rocket will be made today
and the deputy director of the pro-
ject said last night there is "a
good chance" that it will boost the
American "moon" into orbit
around the world.
"We are in a materially better
position than we were .yesterday,"
said youthful J. Paul Walsh of the
Office of Naval Research.
Better Position
"If we thought we were not, we
wouldn't have asked for use of
the firing range tomorrow."
Wednesday's first effort to
shoot the Vanguard into the cold
outer reaches of the earth's at-
mosphere was stymied by mechan-
ical trouble and by high-level

Inter-House Council Accepts
Executive Evaluation Report
The Inter-House Counpil yesterday voted to accept the IHC
executive board evaluation report called for in the South Quadrangle
evaluation motion passed Nov. 14.
University housing director Peter A. Ostafin later in the meeting
discussed University housing policies designed to increase residence
hall space to accommodate 10,350 students by 1962: The present
capacity is 6,750. Ostafin said that the present program calls for
construction of a ;new residence

Wednesday in room 3S of the
Union. Undergraduate and gradu-
ate students who are interested
should have a good knowledge of
current events, a reasonable scho-
lastic average, an active knowledge
of Asian problems and the ability
to work with groups and actively
participate in discussions, accord-
ing to Margaret Quick, '58, SEAD
Enrollment in specific classes is
not a requirement as previously
announced, Miss Quick said yes-
The committee's goal is'to send
a delegation of. six university stu-
dents this summer to visit many
of the Southeast Asian countries-
their towns, colleges, industries,
agricultural developments, and
their people-in an effort to in-.
crease greater understanding of
both Asian and American prob-
lems, and cultures.
"Lack of funds has not put a
damper on the committee's efforts
tion," Miss Quick said. "Although
we have been thus far totally un-
have been thus far totally un-
successful in getting funds from
foundations, we now feel that
there are many other possible
sources of funds such as industrial
groups and interested alumni and
friends, and we are going ahead,
with our organizational plans,"
Miss Quick said.
Present plans call for the selec-
tion of six student delegates who
will be accompanied by a faculty
S"Thiswould be the first student
delegation from an American uni-
versity to visit Southeast Asia, and
presents a fine opportunity for the
University of Michigan to lead in
a vital field of international rela-
tions," Miss Quick concluded..

Had Ruled
The Dutch until 1949 ruled the
3,000 East Indies islands now
known as Indonesia.
They still have a billion-dollar
business empire in the republic.
Some 46,000 Dutch subjects live in
Indonesia, though two-thirds are
Nearly 300 1former employes of
the banned KLM Dutch Airlines
who are now employed )y the In-
donesian Garda Airways will not
be asked to leave, he said.

ers and'Christmas shoppers aboard
Wednesday night-still blanketed
the scene as darkness fell.
Firemen hacked at the wreckage
by the light of flares and arc
lamps for the second night.
. Piles of gaily wrapped Christ-
mas presents, children's toys and
bits of clothing were scattered
along the tracks.
Police and railroad officials dis-
agreed on whether any more bod-
ies may still be pinned inside the
twisted steel and splintered wood-

Doubling Defense Spending
Advocated by Industrialist
The United States could probably double its defense spending
"with little more economic dislocation than occurred during the
Korean War," Detroit industrialist E. Howard Perkins said last night.
Speaking to the 19th annual study conference of the Michigan
Bankers Association, Perkins said raising the defense spending from
$40 to $80 billion may be necessary "if we face up to the fact that

- Newsmen here for the
launching of America's first
baby moon organized loosely
Thursday night as the Greater
Canaveral Astrophysical, De-
bating, Marching and Bird-
watching Society.
Lifetime dues for the 100
members, turned over to a
crippled children's fund, were
$1 each.
Members set as their first as-
signment the application of a
suitable and popular name for
the satellite.
Each ' member of the new
society holds the rank of presi-
winds so strong they might have
twisted or toppled the rocket in
After hours of exhausting work
on the Vanguard Wednesday,
Walsh said, the sleek, 72-foot
moon-launching vehicle is nearer
to the m e c h a n i c a 1 perfection
which must be achieved before the
Favorable Winds
Adding to his optimism was an
Air Force forecast that winds will
be favorable for a shooting today.
"I think the chances that we
will launch are pretty good,"
Walsh said. "We have launched
three test vehicles - separate
stages of the three-part Vanguard
-and each one met or exceeded
the expected performance.
"We did this by not lighting the
fuse until we felt that chances
were excellent that it would go.
"There is a good chance that
our moon will go into orbit.
"If it doesn't, we'll know why It
doesn't, and we'll learn."
If new mechanical troubles do
not crop up, the 22,000-pound
Vanguard will roar skyward dur-
ing the daylight hours, carrying
the tiny satellite with a radio
voice in its nose cone.
No Surprise'
Rocket Fails

IFC Fines
For. Violation
Inter-Fraternity Council's Exec-
utive Committee fined four fra-
ternities $25 each last night for
failing to observe IFC rushing
counselor rules.
Alpha Delta Phi, Sigma Phi,
Zeta Beta Tau and Psi Upsilon
were ruled in violation of an IFC
by-law stating that each fraternity
must select two members to serve
as rushing counselors during the
rushing period.
A $10 suspension was included
in the motion with the stipulation;
that the fraternity must partici-
pate actively' in future rushing
Rob Trost, '58, IFC president,
commented on the recent Big Ten
Student Body Presidents recom-
mendation that discriminatory
practices be eliminated at all edu-
cational institutions. He cited the
fact that fraternities here having
"discriminatory clauses" only
number four as compared to last
year's 13.
Bill Cross, Assistant Dean of
Men in charge of fraternities, list-
ed the four houses as being Sigma
Chi, Sigma Nu, Alpha Tau'Omega

hall every two years and new Uni-
versity apartments on alternate,
He cited as an example Mary1
Markley Hall, which is planned for
opening next fall with 1200 spaces.
Although University enrollment
may increase, Ostafin explained,
the present one-third percentage
of students living in residence halls
may diminish with increase in the
number of graduate students and
Details of the evaluation report
included recommendations to
change the IHC committee struc-
ture by making publicity, scholar-
ship, and house services standing
committees and providing for cre-
ation of special committees.

To Split Profits
of Michigras
Four charities will share in the
Union's half of next year's Michi-
gras profits.
The Union's Board of Directors
voted last night to allocate the
profits between Fresh Air Camp,
Retarded Children, Galens' child-
ren's workshop and the University
Hospital Cancer Fund.

only with the known ability to
overwhelming manne can wed
have a safe deterrent," to war.
But retaliation alone is weak,
he emphasized, "for it involves
absorbing the first shattering
blows, so the massiveness must
become the strength of the doc-
Perkins, president and board
chairman of Brooks and ,Perkins,
Inc., of Detroit, the firm that has
constructed the United States'
earth satellite fdr the Navy's Proj-
ect Vanguard, urged .speeding up,
of the production of "the best we
have now instead of practicing'
economy by waiting for more de-

retaliate in a truly massive and
Elzay To Ask
More Money
For Science
The Ann Arbor Board of Educa-
tion decided to consider an ex-
panded budget to keep up with
Russian education in science and
Meeting Wednesday night, the
Board discussed increased taxes as
a means of implementing the pro-
grams recommended by President
Dwight D Eisenhower and others.
Superintendent of Schools Jack
Elzay outlined plans to call in out-
side experts to co-ordinate pro-

Off; bnk Ta Evhuin Ci ty Government

Nl.7 .. xlux AUQk7 .L-V ..-.d -Z -.r 1&4,x

LA - R l)N-P~ y ~ ..F'.. ..U~.E l...Tl111...U. . V gull ""ona " ' "U M levAenvestylet n oker
improve the classroom teaching
staff and reduce class sizes in some said yesterday he was "not sur-
By JOHN WEICHER instances. prised at all that the satellite-
mstaces.bearing Vanguard rocket didn't
Ann Arbor's Open House will officially begin this morning, "We need people who have the get off as scheduled."
Citizens are invited to visit the City Hall today and tomorrow ability -to get out in 'left field' and Nelson Spencer of the engineer-
morning to learn more about their city government. The departments do some real thinking," Elzay de- ing school, head of a University
of the government havelset up displays and exhibits of their activities. clared. research group that has been
A reception will be held from 3 to 6 p.m. today in the City Council He admitted that the job probing the earth's atmosphere
meeting room, at which the mayor, douncilmen, and city officials will couldn't be done with small in- with rockets since 1946, said "in
greet visitors. creases in the present salary scale this business delays are the rule
Bus trips to the sewage treatment and water softening plants are because trainedspersonnel are in rather than the exception."
also scheduled. Busses will leave City Hall at 10 a.m. 1 and 3 p.m. today demand in industry. Spencer said, "The launching of

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