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September 16, 1957 - Image 53

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Page 8--The Michigan Daily Magazine
A Writer Deserving Recognition


- , _ 4' i







3N BEERMAN These are good words, perhaps

LAST YEAR, shortly after his
third novel was published,
Writer's Digest printed a short,
essay by Paul Darcy Boles. This
magazine prints mostly market
reports and how-to articles for
writers, but what Boles wrote
went far beyond the usual how-to
article. He presented his philoso-
phy as a writer, perhaps that of
all genuine writers; it was an elo-
quent statement of a man's creed.
In his essay, Boles says, "There
are proud responsibilities to be-
ing a writer. The work is the man,
and you are the man doing it. So
this means being, true to your-
self in all ways."
As a writer, he cannot allow
himself to write a thing for money
that he would not have otherwise
written, and, as a person, he must
have an or. r in his life, so he
bas time, "mybe not to think,
but to absorb, to be."
Burton Beerman, a senior in
the literary college at the Uni-
versity, has contributed on oc-
casion to Generation and to
The Daily. He was the recipi-
ent of a Hopwood Award in
Poetry in 1956 and is now
working on a novel.

too easy to say, but they are words
any writer would do very well to
follow. There is a fine way,of life
here, for the writer, and one that
Paul Darcy Boles follows in'his
life and in his work.
WHAT IS important is an or-
dered life. What Boles does to
a certain picture of the writer,
not by what he says but by his
own accomplishments, is to re-
duce that type of writer, with
his drunkenness and his ration-
alized squaror, to that special hell
of ineffectuality.
He is a family man, whose jobs
have been positions of responsi-
bility, such as his tenure as man-
ager of a radio station and his re-
cent duties with an advertising
agency in a large Southern com-
He has remained married to the
same woman, who has borne him
three sons. The dust-jacket people
credit Boles with several diverse
hobbies, and I am confident he
takes time out merely to be. Know
that and take heed, O Bohemia!
WHEN Paul Darcy Boles goes to
the typewriter, he carries his
philosophy with him. He has not,
to my knowledge, published work
other than the single essay and

his novels. This is the way it
should be.
What he has written are, by his
own admission, only things that
he a wanted to write. He is
a straightforward writer whose
clear vision is not fogged by
Freud, mythology (be it Bulfinch
or Graves), or the once-new criti-
cism; he can tell a story and be
in complete control of his tech-
nique, without becoming, at any
time, enslaved to some expedient
literary fashion.
The stories he tells are love
stories. In his first novel, "The
Streak," we share the loves of
Tagli, a master race driver of the
European courses, his love for his
driving and his love for the wo-
man Elena.
It is mostly Tagli's story, but we-
see a part of him as Elena sees
him, and likewise know how his
devoted mechanic sees the maes-
tro. The climax of the book is exe-
cuted in a rare example of com-
prehensible stream-of-conscious-
ness writing.
WHERE Tagli is too busy living
life to come to terms with it,
Carp Rambo, the protagonist of
"The Beggars In The Sun," has
also done much in the world, but
he has learned to see things be-
yond the confines of his own ex-

Bigger and Better Than Ever, They're Revolution izin
and Making Motoring Safer

Daily Staff Writer
OT SO MANY}years ago, travel-
ing through the Midwest and
other areas east of the Mississippi
was far more dangerous th rr
driving through the "wild" West.
For although the Indians in the
western scene have long since con-
fined their attacks on travelers to
occasional scalpings at roadside
rug stands, the midwest still
threatened the tourist with tor-
ture. To be sure, it was labeled
and could be avoided, but after a
long day's drive with crying kids
and a nagging wife, the sign pro-
claiming "Tourist Cabins" was an
almost irresistible concealed trap.
The small, under-sized, under-
heated and usually under-seiege-
by-mosquitos cabins continued to
mar the midwest until only re-
cently in most areas, a traveler
had to take it or drive on ... and
on and on.
Despite civilization's longer ten-
ure in this part of the country, it
was generally conceded that west-
ern hospitality in the form of
clean, convenient motels was sev-
eral years ahead of easterr "gra-
cious" living.
PERHAPS it was because the
midwest seemed only flat farm
land to speed past on the way
to the west's wonders. However,

the driver in search for over-
night accommodations usually had
to satisfy himself with cabins,
fight traffic around a downtown
hotel if nightfall found him still
in a city, or put up with a "Tourist
Room" run by some "nice old" but
partly deaf lady whose radio had
only one volume setting.
Yet, as in many other fields,
time and money have brought
great changes.
The old lady now has a televi-
sion set.
In other changes since the late
forties, the country cabins and
their mosquitos nave been virtually
crushed out of business by the
spectacular construction of motels
throughout the country.,
In Michigan alone, an estimated
100 motels are under construction
this year.
Generally following trends set
by clean and convenient accomo-
dations common in the west, build-
ers have pleased the eastern
traveler with a wide variety of
cabin courts, motor courts, tourist
courts and motor hotels.
WHATEVER they're called (usu-
ally motels) they mark a pro-
gress just as extensive as the dif-
ference between today's collection
of horsepower and fins that the
modern traveler cruises in and the
old hand cranked two-flat-tires-
per-milevehicle he used to push.

'maybe not to think, but to absorb, to be'

Carp is happily married, but
when he meets the kennel-man's
wife, they are drawn to each oth-
er. He can accept their relation-
ship as something "you 'don't
stop . . . like part of the bigness
of breathing."
It is this same strength on

Carp's part, an acceptance with-
out resignations that carries him
through a boating accident, a
framed robbery, and the end of
his relationship with Ellen. Un-
derstanding came to Tagli too late
for that man to help himself; but
See WRITER,-Page 10


__________________ _____________ _______ ______________________________________________________________ II

In the days of unpaved roads
and unbillboarded - country sides,
many travelers "rolled their own"
sleeping bags and camped along
the way. The efficient wife could
take down the tent and break
camp in the time it took father
to 'start the car and free it from
the mud.
As men grew more muscular and
experienced in the ways of start-
ing autos, people began developing
auto camps with facilities such as
central toilet and shower build-
ings. Today, they throw in some
picnic tables and call it a state
Then perhaps about the time
electric starters became standard
equipment and the crank could be
thrown'away, traveling by car lost
its leisurely air. Since women had
also won their "freedom," some
enterprising observer decided
travelers could save time by rent-
ing a shelter and bed next to their
THESE CRUDE cabins were the
beginning. But as driving be-
tween cities lost the atmosphere
of adventure, hardship and rug-
gedness, softer and more citified
souls began taking to the road.
For them, cabins were nearly
the end as the odor that perneated
the shelters were not always pine
Today however, the nation's
highways are flanked by rows of
clean modern motels featuring air
conditioning, wall to wall carpet-
ing, telephones, television, radios,
and comfortably-decorated interi-
ors. The newer and bigger ones
boast swimming pools, lounges,
tennis courts and helicopter ports.
Yet the construction is not con-
fined to rural areas. Within the
cities themselves, a tremendous
surge is evident in motel construc-
tion. Detroit issued 21 permits for
motel construction in 1956 com-
pared to 13 the year before.
Many others are being built in
the surrounding suburbs.
Behind this boom is a public
that's increasingly traveling and
demanding. Where once they had
to resign themselves to accommo-
dations far inferior to their usual
residence, many can afford and
want a more luxurious, air condi-
tioned, arid swimming pool living'
on their vacations.
ALSO, MOST communities have
lacked an adequate supply of
high quality rooms for several
years. In Michigan, most of the
hotels were built in the railroad
and steam boat area and do not
suit the auto traveler "who likes

the car nearby and party nois
a distance.
In Detroit for instance, the
motels are "not doing more t
keeping pace with closing h
rooms" according to Leon
Thomson, manager of the Sot
eastern Michigan Tourist s
Publicity Association.
Experienced hotel operator 'I
Murray declared "the hotel b
ness is the only one still operal
in the horse and buggy age.
"Motels are nothing but the
spring of a rude awakening to
hotel industry," he said. Mur
now runs the 80-unit Golden G
Michigan's largest motel wl
opened in June in Ecorse towns
midway between downtown Det
and Willow Run Airport.
Because of the changing mc
of American traveling and
dissatisfaction that existed am
commercial and pleasure travel
we have to take the rooms ou
the highway," he said.
ATTRIBUTING the increas
gomfort of motels to the hig
American standard of living, M
ray, who hails from County SI
Ireland, said the living level
mands luxury. conditions. "
motel or hotel should always b
place to get the things you can
find at home."
His own deluxe motel, c
structed and owned by a grout
Detroit builders, is an examplt
the growing trend in motels.
After their birth in cab
motels commonly took the f
of 10-15-unit operations loca
on the highways. Accommodati
were not particularly luxurioi
they offered primarily a comf
able and clean place to sleep v
the convenience of keeping the
But partly because of
traveler's ability to pay, and
need to keep ahead of the comp
tion, motels offer more and n
services. "And there is no de
that the services are here to st;
Murray claims.
LOOKING through the milli
dollar Golden Gate as an
ample of what's offered in a m
ern motel, one finds tiled shoe
and baths, wall to wall carpet
large screen television sets,
and FM radio, room operated
conditioning and telephone v
around the clock service.
The three two-storied balco
structures surround a swimn
pool and sports site. In the at
cent nearby administration
lobby building are meeting ro
for business and organizat




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MOTEL STRUCTURES-Large, modern buildings have replaced the
individual cabin buildings and moved the ears further away.



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to chat and eat"
in Nickels Arcade


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