DRINKING REGULATIONS NEED RE-EVALUATION See page 4 Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom 4:Ia4l U U CLOUDY, WARMER VOL. LXVIII, No. 64 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1957 FIVE CENTS SIX PAGES Scjentists DesIgn Midget H-Bombs Planners Seek 'Clean' Weapons For Use in Battlefield Warfare WASHINGTON (RP)-Nuclear weapon designers are working at developments of midget H-bombs, relatively "clean" of radioactivity, for use in battlefield warfare. The primary objective is not so much to use the powerful kick of hydrogen explosives-ample power for tactical use can be packaged in an ordinary atomic explosion-but to ! reduce the fallout of radioactivity. The problem has been to provide a trigger for the fusion process of therhionuclear explosion without using fission explosion to produce the multimillion-degree heat needed. Fission produces huge amounts of radioactive material; 'fusion AFL-CIO. . . X e K My Epe Two Unions ATLANTIC OITY, N. J. ()-Th AFL-CIO top command yesterda marked two more unions - th United Textile Workers and Dis tillery Workers-for possible ex pulsion on corruption charges. These. two unions were added t the Teamsters, Bakers and Laun dry Workers unions as targets fo 44 expulsion action by the nearl 2,500 delegates to the federation' convention .opening Thursday. AFL-CIO President Georg Meany told reporters after a meet ting of the federation's powerfu Executive Council that the UTV and' Distillery Workers, afte promising reforms, had not acte in good faith to carry them out. Meany said AFL-CIO auditor t have uncovered evidence of "in credible stealing" of UTW fund as recently as last Saturday. He charged that UTW official who resigned after being accuse of misuse of union funds by th Senate Rackets Investigatin Connittee, still were being car Sried on the UTW payroll despit their quitting office. At the same time Meany sai the giant Teamsters Union, claim ing 1% million of the APL-CIO' 15 million members, could escap expulsion action at the convention only if James R. Hoffa quits a Teamsters president - elect an the union accepts AFL-CIO super vision for a cleanup. May Postpone June Tax Cut, Knowland Say, WASHINGTON (om) - Sen. Wil hiam F. Knowland (R-Calif.) re ported last night it probably wi be necessary to postpone a three billion dollar-year reduction h corporation and excise taxe scheduled for next June 30. "In view of the circumstances and defense needs, I don't see an likelihood of giving up the reve nue from those taxes," the Sen ate's GOP leader declared. He expressed - his views at news conference called after Re publican congressional leader conferred for eight hours wit President Dwight D. Eisenhowe and members of the Cabinet o the 1958 legislative program. Sen. Knowland said he is ver hopeful that a tax increase can b avoided, but that any reduction next year are "highly unlikely. In response to a question, th, senator said he came away fror the meeting with a strong impres sion that the budget for the fisca year starting July 1 can be bal anced. Union Extends Merger Time ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. UP)-Th APL-CIO executive council vote yesterday an indefinite extensio of today's deadline for merger o state and local AFL and CI( much less. How such a trigger is --designed to work is an official secret. But there has been specula- tion about possible methods. Combined Explosions Needed Produce the heat needed to set off fusion reaction there could be a combination of chemical explo- sions and compression.. Using the "shaped charge" prin- ciple in which the force of explo- sion can be directed, such chemical e charges might be aimed inward in Y an H-bomb to produce the reverse of an explosion, an implosion. e This terrific compression, boost- - ed by the heat of the chemical ex- - plosior might be enough to trigger the fusion charge of the bomb. o Fusion Diluted - Fusion explosion is not com- r pletely clean of all radioactivity. y Hydrogen, carbon and tridium ele- s ments are radioactive, but so diluted by the action of air and e moisture before they can get into - a humati body that they are harm- less. W eThis "clean" b4omb.effect applies r when the explosion occurs high d enough so dust and debris are not drawn up by the bomb cloud. When s this does happen, fusion as well as - fission explosions result in radio- s active fallout. s, # d .g t In Collision d - LONDON (M'-Two trains load, s edl with home-bound commuters e and early Christmas shoppers and n an overpass bridge were wrecked s by a freakish crash in thick Lon- d don fog at the rush hour peak last night. At least 50 persons were report- ed killed. A third train about to cross the bridge was derailed and stopped just short of toppling into the wreckage. A railway official said 105 per- sons were . removed with serious injuries from the tangled wreck- sage by late last night.J Firemen, doctors, nurses, police and hundreds of civilian workers ripped desperately at the wreckage with one fear uppermost in their ll minds: more steel from the bridge might fall on them. n The main part of the viaduct s was supported at only one end by girders on a steel pillar. It was s, carrying the weight of the de- y railed third train. Dead and injured were pulled from the wrecked can and laid out in rows alongside the track before medical teams removed . them to hospitals and mortuaries. - Doctors were thrust through s gaping holes in compartments to h drug injured persons moaning r piteously in a tangle of arms and n legs. FOREIGN AID: Stevenson To Seek Support WASHINGTON (P) - Adlai E. Stevenson is reported ready to tes- tify before Congress and make public appeals for a "cash" Pro- gram of open-handed foreign aid and Allied cooperation against the Soviet threat. Informed sources disclosed this yesterday in the wake of the Dem- ocratic leader's decision not to stay on as a consultant to Presi- dent Dwight D. Eisenhower's ad- ministration. These sources emphasized that Stevenson would press his views on international affairs only as a Democrat and a private citizen. Opposes Identification They said he is opposed to being identified in any way with the administration once he has com- pleted his current consultation. They gave this insight into the thinking of the Democrats' 1952 and 1956 presidential nominee: 1) Stevenson sees no sign the administration will fight for the programit is drafting to increase Allied cooperation and responsi- bility-sharing with the North At- lantic Treaty Organization. Appears Alarmed 2) He is alarmed at what he and other Democrats percieve as a lack of sense of urgency in the Eisenhower administration. He is quoted as agreeing with Sen. John W. Fulbright (D-Ark.), who is said to have predicted failure in Con- gress of President Eisenhower's program as it was outlined Tues- day at a White House conference of Democratic and Republican congressional leaders. 3) Stevenson, studying this program as Democratic consultant, has no quarrel with it as far as it goes. But he thinks it does not go far enough. 4) He particularly wants sub- stantially more money spent to help underdeveloped countries - perhaps a billion dollars more-lest the Soviet Union capture the alle- giance of such nations with the lure of unlimited economic aid. He wants stepped-up American eco- nomic aid channeled through an international agency similar to the Organization for European Eco- nomic Cooperation. 5) Stevenson will keep quiet until after the NATO meeting. Religious Issue Brings Trial Whether or not the government has the right to define religion is the basic issue in a forthcoming Federal Court trial, says Peter Horst, '58, on trial Tuesday for alleged violation of the Selective Service Act. Horst, 24 years old, says he first refused military induction for religious reasons in January 1955. When the board discovered that he did not belong to a church, it refused to grant a Conscientious Objector classification, but decided to reconsider the case, Horst said. On March 26, 1957, Horst was again ordered to report for induc- tion and he also refused on re- ligious grounds. "Whether we win the case or not, one of the things that we want to establish is the power of the government to define reli- gion," Horst said. MVechanical Cause Delay in .8 Satellite -Carryi CONVOY DISPUTE: Settlement Gained - ammarskjol JERUSALEM (P--United Nations Secretary General Dag Ham- marskjold settled the Israeli-Jordan dispute over convoys to Mt. Scopus yesterday. -:« . Israel will resume the dispatch of supplies to the isolated ridge today. > An Israeli government spokesman said the next convoy includes nine drums of gasoline, the ingredient which had threatened to blow up the peace and brought Hammarskjold to Jerusalem on his trouble- shooting mission. In Amman, the Jordan capital, a government spokesman said the Launching ing Rocket sGC (Cancellation Supports Comes After 'Bugs, Winds i . .... F . 1U E~ next convoy would pass through Mandelbaum Gate into Jordan terri- I tory today and would be searched by Jordan military authorities. .N o Serious " The convoy will carry supplies approved by the Jordan authorities only," he said. He would not say CSwhether such supplies would in- C r silee ude gasoline.! + A joint UN-Israeli communique n M aannounced the settlement after Iid-E ast Hammarskjold had spent four days shuttling between Jerusalem By THOMAS HAYDEN and Amman. '"Arrangements have be ae The current turmoil- in the Near "rngm tshv been mvade Ethisdaet ro buthprobalyfor a resumption of convoys to Mt. East is dangerous but probably Scopus," it said. will not erupt into a major con- Israeli Prime Minister David flict, R. P. Mitchell, an instructor Ben-Gurion, who first told news- in the' Near Eastern studies de- men of the settlement appeared partmerit predicted yesterday. menset pleased. However, he declared that the Still unclear was whether United "outlook is somewhat depressing, States Marine Col. Byron Leary, "The situation will erupt again, acting chief of UN truce observers and again, and again," he claimed. in Palestine, would keep his job. "No resolution seems possible with- inrPaetneadwoudkephisob.a out consideration of certain basic .Jordan had accused him of bis disputes," including the place of in the two-week crisis over Mt. the Aab world ing the cold ar,ce Scopus convoys and in other mat- the refugee problem, various eco- , and had asked his removal. nomic troubles, and the whole question of Israeli peace. ? Describes Nasser Mitchell spent three school years (September, 1951, through June, 1955) studying in Cairo, Egypt. It was during these years that Gamel Abdel Nasser,' present Egyptian leader, rose to power. "Nasser is an impressive person- ailty and probably the most pow- erful man in the area," according to Mitchell. "He demonstrated this to his people and gained their favor by proving by his strongly nationalistic action that he was not a puppet of the Western pow- ers," Mitchell said. Called Careful Nasser has been described as impulsive, especially in national- izing the Suez Canal. "I can't quite agree," said Mitchell, "he seems to plan very carefully. He planned to take the canal for two years." It is important to realize, Mit- chell said, that "aid from the Soviet Union does not necessarily create a satellite nation. This is too often the American idea. Utty "EfLCU>HS ,To Host Public City Hall will play host to the public at an open house explain- ing city functions tomorrow and Saturday. Exhibits demonstrating the ac- tivities of the departments of city government will be on display in the City Hall offices and the City Council room., Conducted tours of the build- ing will be held continuously, and bus trips to the sewage treatments and water softening plants will be made at 10 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. tomorrow, and 10 a.m. Saturday. The Open House will begin at 8 a.m. tomorrow and continue un- til 6 p.m. A reception is scheduled from 3 to 6 p.m. in the council room. The mayor, councilmen, and city officials will be present to meet citizens. Saturday, City Hall will be open from 8 a.m. to noon. REGENT PAUL ADAMS ... . new Attorney-General Adams Gets State Off ice, Resigns Post Paul L. Adams said yesterday he will resign as University Re- gent when he becomes Michigan's attorney general Jan. 1. His appointment to succeed present Attorney General Thomas M. Kavanagh was made yester- day by Gov. G. Mennen Williams. Kavanagh will move into the state Supreme Court to which he was elected last spring. Gov. Williams will fill the va- cant Regent post by appointment, University Assistant Vice-Presi- dent Herbert G. Watkins told The Daily yesterday. Precedents ecurred Watkins said there are numer- ous precedents for such action. There has been no indication of how soon the vacancy will be filled or who is being considered for the pbst. University Attorney Edmund A. Cummiskey said a previous court case, requiring a state senator who was also elected to the Regents to resign one post, 'would necessitate Adams' leaving the Regency. Faces Re-election Adams' Regent post continues until the end of 1963. Regents are elected by state wide vote for eight year terms. As attorney general he will face re-election next fall. He said "I am very happy and very sad about the appointment. Happy because of the opportunity it provides and sad because I must leave the Regents. It was a very difficult decision and I was most reluctant to make it." Adams, a resident of Sault Ste. Marie, graduated from the Uni- versity with a BA in 1930. He is a 1P36 graduate of the law school. Resides in Soo I -rvrectse AMany Hours GradinM Pla nIouemn Of New Time Today Student Government Council last night urged the Administra- CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (')- tive Board of the Literary College Mechanical "bugs" and cold, gusty adopt a "more precise" marking winds spoiled the United States system. effort to shoot the satellite packing The Council also decided to Vanguard rocked into space last study the possibilities of such a night. system in the other colleges and Hours of waiting for the blast schools of the University after off came to a disappointing end at conferring withl officials of these 10:40 p.m. when word came that colleges. the firing had been "scrubbed." Action in this area is only a Zero hour for the shot originally recommendation. The controlling was set for 4 p.m. Then came one, groups in each school and college postponement after another and would make all decisions on such finally the decision to put off until a plan. . another time the attempt to put Uses Per Cents an American "mnoon" into the skies Under a more precise marking with the Russian Sputnik. system .3 would be added to the Adjustments Delay standard numerical equivalent of John P. Hagen, director of the a grade for a plus and .3 would satellite project, said at Washing- be subtracted for a minus. For ex- ton it will be known today when ample, a B plus would be a 3.3 the test firing may be held. Hagen and a B minus would be a 2.7. said a series of minor technical Jerry Blackstone, '60, education adjustments had forced postpone- and social welfare chairman, em-. ee phasized such a system would be He said it was necessary to un- fairer for the students. Such a load the liquid oxygen fuel and to movewoul alo enblegradateunload and load would require sev- move would also enable graduate eral hours. This, he. said, -would schools to more precisely measure tax the crews to the danger point a student's ability, he said, and because of weariness. also would decrease the conse- quences of "just missing" a high- The crew preparing the Van- er grade. guardr for its journey into the world's thin outer atmosphere was Blackstone told of a -course plagued by mechanical difficulties where a B was given to any stu-pand by2meh ou ins dent who acquired between 750 Iand by 25-mile-an-hours winds dnt whoaired etweena pos750lelashing the Florida beaches. and 900 points out of a possibleTroubles Appear thousand. It wa's learned unofficially that He said he failed to see the dif- replacement of one defective part ference of one honor point be- in the rocket's intricate mechan- tween the student who compiled ism had taken up two hours of 898 points and the student who time. Then, less than an hour be- acquired 901. fore zero, other troubles popped Opposition centered about the up. ) CALLS BUDGET HIKE 'INADEQUATE': Finletter Criticizes Gov By, DAVID TARR Former Air Force secretary Thomas K. Finletter strongly con- demned the Eisenhower administration for failing to tell the public where- the United States stands in the military-scientific race with Russia., He said the "information crisis" threatens to greatly aid the Russians in overtaking and surpassing the United States in air power. "We can never have any complex or important defense policy decisions unless the people are fully informed of the United States' position- good and bad-and aware of sacrifices they may have to make to achieve supremacy." Finletter, who was Air Force secretary from 1950 until 1953, also criticized the two billion dollar hike in the defense budget for next year proposed by the Eisenhower administration. Not Enough for Challenge Saying it would be inadequate to meet the challenge of Soviet Russia's scientific achievements, he added that a figure of 10 billion dollars, suggested by one study, "would be about right." Finletter, who spoke before 400 Democrats at a fund raising din- __ ___ ___ v -I s ~ L _ __ . _ .. .. - - ., , ,,1 , ..« _ argument that testing was not an acurate measurement of a stu- dent's ability, and that while pluses and minuses might look more precise on paper, they really would not be. Defend SBX Dan Belin, '59, pointed out that teachers often have difficulty de- termining who should get an A and who should get a B. He sug- gested that it would be more dif- ficult to determine grades to any closer degree. SGC also defeated a motion to re-establish the Student Book Ex- change. The Union had dropped the program this semester after it had lost more than $200. The new motion called for paid stu- dent personnel to serve as clerks in the exchange. There still is 'a possibility that a new motion to re-establish the SBX will be considered next week. SOC Decides To Terminate J-Hop Election. Student Government Council decided last night to terminate all-campus elections for the J-Hop Central Committee. No alternative method of chos- ing the group has been decided upon. .ction came after an elections committee recommendation that ~J-Hop elections be dropped be- cause they added to the confusion and difficulties in conducting of the spring all-campus elections conducted by SGC.I Don Young, '58, Union president, told the Council that J-Hop elec- tions were just a popularity poll, n" f1% t 0 1A. - +O - - - -. tt a .n .. The wind also was a distressing factor, because any blow over 10; miles an hour could have an effect on the Vanguard in its upward journey through the dense lower atmosphere. The :countdown toward zero started at 5 a.m. Scheduled for 11 hours, the count would have ended in a blastoff at 4 p.m., if all had gone well in preparing the 22,000- pound rocket for its flight. Interceptor Missile Sites Contracts Let WASHINGTON (P) -- The Air Force is preparing to build the first four of an ultimate chain of launching sites for its long-range robot interceptor missile, the Bo- marc. It announced last night it has signed a total of 46 million dollars in contracts for building sites at existing air bases in four north- eastern states. The Bomarc missile i can fly faster than sound to strike enemy bombers with atomic explosives at ranges up to 300 miles and as high as 60,000 feet. The announcement said the four sites will be at Dow Air Force Base, Maine, costing $10,500,000; Mc- Guire Air Force Base, N. J., $12,- 500,000; Otis Air Force Base, Mass., $10,500,000. and Suffolk County Air Force Base, Long Island, N. Y., $12.500,000. The Bomarc missiles and bites, said the Air Force, "are to be integrated into the air defense system of the United States." This system now includes inter- ceptor planes of the Air Force and Navv and the Nike missile system A tN 1 11 er nmen Defense Secrecy' He has a successful law business / G G T in Sault Ste. Marie where he ~ served as mayor from 1938 to 1942. { to knock-out the retaliatory blow we would thrpw at them in case of . A director of the Michigan Wel- attack. I doubt if they have reached this point yet. fare League, Adams is a former Won't. Get Through Someday member of the State Social Wel- "Butsoetime ntGe roug edyfare Commission and has been "But sometime in the future our manned bombers will not be able a Democratic candidate for the to get through their defenses. This is especially true of our sub-sonic Supreme Court and for Congress. bombers. And it must be noted that we have not prepared or planned He is married and has four for producing a super-sonic bomber. daughters. "However, if the Russians get to the point where they can stop our retaliatory blow before we develop the Inter-Continental Ballistics Missile (ICBM) we will probably be at their mercy." Death Claim s He noted that development of ballistic missiles takes the United States into the third phase of post-war policy. This will include use Us of both manned bombers and missiles, he said. , Professor "The significance of the Soviet satellites," he said. "is they indicate the Reds' have developed the power and guidance systems Professor emeritus Edward Lax- necessary for ICBMs. The only problem left is that of getting missiles rabee Adams of the romance lan- out and back into the atmosphere without burning up from friction guages department died Tuesday with air." at University Hospital, following Hopeful Element in Picture a long illness. > T.7., -iA 1-s -nL--".- n . r..n' i 4- .,'.'. l.'. .. s 1bAii' Prof Adams. 79 years old, had he d n of D ' bodies.w This was manounced by AFL- CIO President George Meany, who said further efforts will be made to br., fg the unmerged groups to-'