TILE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 195'1' THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 195Y Christmas Flowers Set In Tradition By JUDI JACOBSON Many types of flowers and plants are associated with tle Christmas season. The practice of attaching spe- cial meaning to particular flow- ers and of using flowers to sym- bolize ideas and sentiments is widespread. The holly wreath, for example, is symbolic of the crown of thorns worn by Jesis Christ and red berries represent drops of blood. Today the rose is the acknowl- edged symbol of love and beauty. The white lily, which became the special flower of the Virgin in Renaissance art, symbolizes chas- tity and purity. These various Renaissance art, symbolize chast- ity and purity. These various ideas conveyed by flowers have descend- ed throughsthe centuries from an- cient myths and customs. Flowers Used Because of the symbolic tra- ditions they represent many flow- ers and plants are often used in the United States during the yule- tide season. The poinsettia in pink, white and especially red has been adopted as an official Christmas flower. The pink begonia and all shades of azaleas are also very }popular. Americans, like the English, have borrowed the custom of decorating their churches and homes with green boughs and flowers. Ameri- ca has the richest Christmas heri- tage, because the customs of ev- ery nation played a role in adding to the New World traditions. F Mistletoe Origin Mistletoe originatedgwith the Druids, who believed that mistle- toe brought happiness to those it covered. Hence the kiss. In almost every American home a sprig of the green leaves and white berries hangs from the chandelier and the girl who stands beneath pays with a kiss. The Romans ornamented their temples and homes with green boughs and flowers for the Satur- nalia, their season of merrymak- ing. When they observed the feast of Saturn, they raised an ever- green bough. See our , Christmas gifts to have that "HOLIDAY MOOD" f THE HELEN R POLH EMUS SH OP Distinctive Millinery for the Discriminating Lady Phone NO 3-5896 Corner State at William Lobanov Tells of Russian Christmas T By THOMAS TURNER "Christmas in Russia under the Czars was in many respects like Christmas in the Western coun- tries," Prof. Andrei A. Lobanov- Rostovsky of the history depart- ment recalls with a smile, "but we had some 'old pagan customs you might think interesting." Prof. Lobanov was born into a noble Russian family in 1892, and passed his boyhood in both Saint Petersburg and in Paris. Thus he has many happy memories of the old Russian Christmas. "We always had the Christmas tree and Father Christmas," Prof. Lobanov says, '"and exchanged gifts on Christmas Eve. But you must remember that in Russia the most important religious holiday is Easter, for the Orthodox Church c o, n s i d e r s the resurrection of Christ more important than his birth. We had no midnight mass on Christmas Eve, just one during the day." Ride in Sleighs It was very cold in Saint Peters-, burg during the holidays, Prof. Lobanov recalls, and sleigh rides were a favorite activity. "Laps would come down from The North with their reindeer when I was a kid," the professor continues, "as well as Finns with their fast little sleighs. We would be taken for rides arid have a grand time." Around Christmas the Russian' peasants would perform various "rites" to foretell the future, Prof. Lobanov said. Generally these de- vices were employed by girls wish- ing to learn the identity of their husbands-to-be. Slippers Thrown "For example," Prof7 Lobanov illustrates, "the girls would throw their slipper out into the winter snow, hoping to determine by the way it landed their future suc- cess." Another of the former pagan ceremonies Prof. Lobanov de- scribed consisted of lighting two Icandles in the dark before a mir- ror. "It was like crystal-gazing," he explains. "Girls would also run out into the street and, stopping the first male passer-by, would ask him his name. It was always thought a good joke." the professor said with a smile, "to think of the most im- possible name, because the name was supposed to be the name of the girl's future husband." Still another method he men- tions involves melting wax into water and interpreting the shapel formed. The Trimmings There was no particular Christ-j mas food in Russia in the days of the empire, Prof. Lobanov recalls, though geese and ducks were often used to make the meal more ela- borate. "T h e r e was no commercialj -Daily-Harold Gassenheimer REMINISCENCES OF RUSSIA-Prof. Andrei A. Lobanov-Rostov- sky of the history department, tells of Christmas sleigh-rides in his boyhood home of St. Petersburg, Prof. Lobanov, born in la noble family during the reign of Czar Alexander III, explains that while Easter, not Christmas is the chief Orthodox religious holiday, the Christmas season in Czarist Russia was the occasion for costume parties and fortune-telling games. Prof. Lobanov later fought as an officer in a White Russian army. season, but the cities and the drug stores would put up decorations a few days before Christmas," the professor says. "The Christmas trees were sometimes outdoors but generally inside. "When we had a Christmas tree, we would of course decorate it with candles, for electric lights were just coming in," he con- tinues. "It proved necessary to post a fireman with a wet sponge on the end of a' stick to ex- tinguish minor blazes." Schools in Imperial Russia were closed - from December 21st to January sixth or so, he says, noting the similarity to American school vacations. Rostov Estate A fine description of a Russian Christmas on a country estate is found in Leo Tolstoy's "War and Peace," Prof. Lobanov points out. In Book VII, Tolstoy tells of passing the holidays on the Ros- tov estate. The young people are told by an older woman of setting the table for two and then scatter- ing oats on the floor to be picked up by a cock. This complex method was also supposed to provide a clue to the girl's matrimonial fu- ture. A party begins as "the mum- mers (some of the house-serfs) dressed up as bears, Turks, inn- keepers, and ladies - frightening and funny-bringing in with them the cold from outside and a feel- ing of gaiety, crowded, at first timidly, in the anteroom, then hiding behind one another they pushed into the ball-room, where shyly at first and then more and more merrily and heartily, they started singing, dancing, and play- ing Christmas games." Games in Russia Some of the games are identi- fied by Tolstoy as "the ring and string game" and "the ruble game." The young people of the house also dress and, boarding sleighs called troykas, they race with "runners squeaking and whistling across the frozen snow" to the home of a nearby friend a few miles away. There the masquerading and dressing up are repeated, as Tol- stoy's story goes. "War and Peace" also mentions another way young ladies can ob- tain a general impression of their futures, standing in a barn and listening to the noises. Shifting grain, Tolstoy's old maid says, is a good omen, hammering or knocking bad. Dates Differ "One thing more must be point- ed out "about Christmas in old Russia," Prof. Lobanov declares. "The 25th of December, old-style, is the sixth of January in the Western nations. "The Orthodox Church didn't change to the Gregorian calendar. Christmas comes after New Year's in Russia, in Greece, even in Or- thodox churches in the United States. "When the Communists over- threw the government in 1917, Christmas wasn't done away with all at once," Prof. Lobanov re- calls. At that time he was 25 years old, fighting with a White Russian army in the South. Civil War Christmas "During the years of civil war," Prof. Lobanov continues, "no pres- sure was applied against it other than that due to inflation. "In 1921 or 1922 the communists began a campaign to stamp out the Christmas holidays because of their religious nature. "Now they realize that the holi- day is a part of Russia. The churches are full on Christmas day. The government has lately confined its efforts to replacing the traditional Father Christmas with a non - religious Father Frost." Christmas Carols Have Long History It is almost impossible anymore to separate the words "Christmas" and "carol." Through long association, the words have become connected, un- til it becomes hard to realke that there ever was any other type of carol. The word "carol" in Greek ori- ginally meant a dance, -especially the kind exemplified by, the chil- dren's dance, "Here we go round the mulberry bush." Religious Element Gradiu ally the meaning changed, until to the 12th century Anglo-Saxons, the word "carol" meant a drinking song. Apparent- ly drinking and the Christmas season were equated in the Anglo- Saxon mind, for a typical line from the earliest composition that was called a carol in England went, "Lordlings, Christmas loves good drinking." Eventually the merry songs of the season began to embody some religious element, and now, ac- cording to one expert, "nothing deser'ves to be called a carol which does not tell its sacred strain." The true birthplace of the carol was Italy, and Saint Francis of Assisi is commonly accepted to be the originator. Although no Christmas verses by St. Francis have come down to us, there still remains a "psalm" for Christmas day composed Dy St. Francis. Spread to Spain From Italy the carol spread to Spain, France and Germany with- out loss of its essential character- istics of simplicity, religious fer- vour and mirth. Fiction is an element that crept into these early forms and some- times it was fiction touched with humor. For instance, one carol has gypsies reading the palms of the Holy Family. The Noels are a peculiar group in which the word noel or nowell is repeated, generally as a refrain as in the English specimen, "the first Noel; an angel did say." Noel used in this sense meant "news." The original purpose of carols re- quired that they be in the vernacu- lar. But the mediaeval clergy were, as a rule, fairly familiar with Latin and some of them composed carols that became widely popular. Rich in Lore The earliest known copy of an English carol 'is a fragment pub- lished about 1410. By then English carols resembled their continental forerunners, making extensive use of alliteration, literalness and simplicity. Some of the old carols were very rich in legendary lore, often from sources that cannot be identified. There is often adaptation of Or- iental surroundings to Western lo- cale as in the famous Cherry Tree Carol, which in the original legend is a date palm. Some Christmas carols as "Christmas-day in the morning," originally mystical or allegorical, according to experts, have been so corrupted by oral tradition as to become just nonsense verses. The present day has seen al- most a total decline in the writing of carols, with only Gilbert Ches- terton's Christmas lyrics consid- ered worthy of mention by author- ities. p 4 for the Brother and Sister on your list Give BOOKS this Christmas $k $- $S 'I CH ILDREN'S BOOKS - $ and GAMES' FOR ALL AGES 'I. I GF Sthat are sure to please. * CLOCK RADIOS RECORD PLAYERS fi: TELEVISION -' HI FI COMPONENTS : TAPE RECORDERS - DIAMOND NEEDLES AM-FM RADIOS: GIFT CERTIFICATES . Give Name Brands, backed by our Service Guarantee , ANN ARBOR'S COMOST COMPLETE AC9R STOCK, CLASSICAL AND POPULAR PACKED AND MAILED FOR YOU S SHOP EARLY I . So They Arrive on Tim e! / J tri in Aer ( e WITH COSTUME JEWELRYf -.tNo girl ever has enough ! Costume rings from $2.00. Baubles and bangles to ornament lovely women. We've a Rings of sterling silver set tremendous assortment of high fashion jewelry. Beautiful with zircons and colored necklaces . . . pins . .. earrings . . . bracelets of pearls stones-from $ 5.00. . . . rhinestones ... colored'stones. Many matching sets of colored pearls . . . rhinestones . . . colored stones. Many matching sets of colored pearls, sparkling stones, rhine- stones and copper. Ropes and bibs and pendants of simulated pearls, gold, sil- verand copper from $2.00. Sweater pearls and poppitts in all colors from $1.00 plus tax. -Richelieu's ombre nuggets of breathtaking beauty in 1, 2, and 3 strands from $3.00 t6 $6.00. Bracelets by the armful from . $1.00 whimsies to better rhinestones at $12.95. 44 i.( 4'