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December 04, 1957 - Image 14

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Michigan Daily, 1957-12-04

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Sports Popular i

,tHe 1E,~ /CHERE, LD I H
'M' Sailors Rank High Nationally
Bowdoin. Michigan's Bruce Gold- emblematic of the North Ameri- came back strong, only to lose to
Michigan's Sailing Club has smith, however, was the top skip- can Team Race Championship. Notre Dame by a single point.
placed the Wolverines' name per of the event. Thede Paces Win The latter loss came despite the
among the best collegiate sailing fact that Michigan's Otto Scherer
teams in the nation. Cop Midwest Title Early this fall the team, led by was high point skipper of the
.The latest proof came on No- Last spring the sailors copped Thede, who captured nine con-Wsgh n it
vember 16th, 17th, and 18th when the Midwest Intercollegiate Sail- secutive firsts in. as many events, regattaE
Michigan's yachtsmen spent a ing Championships and placed captured the Orchard Lake Invita- Three Boats Entr
chilly weekend proving Wolverine fourth in the National Champion- tional Regatta against the top There are only three boats in
water supremacy in the Michigan ships held at the Naval Academy teams, in the Midwest. competition for each race.
State Championship Regatta. in June. ,rSince that time until the No- Sailing site for the club when
Beat Four Schobis Thede, Scherer and Goldsmith vember 18th win, victory escaped it is not competing is Base Lake.
Dexter Thede, Otto Scherer and all placed on the Midwest All-Star the squad. It lost to Notre Dame, After Thanksgiving the club hiber-
Bruce Goldsmith skippered the team that captured for' the first Purdue and Michigan State at the nates until March when it takes
Wolverines to victory with Wayne time, the Sir Thomas Lipton Cup, end of October and one week later the "navy" out of mothballs.
State, Detroit, Michigan State
and Hillsdale following them in t t
that order.
Over Thanksgiving Holiday the
team participated in the Timme
Angston Memorial Regatta which
was held in Chicago,' results of I
which were not known at the time GZX[piOY i G /w theG2 ami4
of publication.
Last year the sailors placed
third in this meet, behind two East
Coast representatives, Brown and
n Annrbor we're
Skiers love the stretches of,-
powder snow that- can be found
on the hills outside Ann Arbor,
the same powder snow that blows
so annoyingly in your face as you,
struggle to class. Just two miles
from Ann Arbor is the Huron a. p, .
River Stable, where many a riding .
fan enjoys the Michigan sceneryt
while riding on one of the snow
laden trails. The ,sledder and
tobbaggonist make good use of
the snow-covered slopes surround-
ing Ann Arbor.
Snow's close friend anddtravel-
ing companion, ice, provides the-+
outdoor enthusiast with more BEAUTIFUL Koolfoam
choice of winter sports. The many
lakes and ponds in the vicinity are
used for ice hockey, ice skating,
and ice fishing (with the proper $250 $ 95
license). The Ice Coliseum is the
scene in Ann Arbor of much ac-
Most Popular
Snowisusedinte mostpopular Your choice of smart decorator colors
winter sport on campus-throwing
snowballs. More snowball material i d and
than , a hundred Michigan men
could throw at co-eds in one year
falls on Ann Arbor during one
Maybe you're the kind that
doesn't go in for the more vigorous .
outdoor winter sports. Then walk
ing in the brisk winter air is the
sport for you. After all, who
wouldn'ta2enFoyr a scenic walkF
through the Arboreitum (with 1209 S.
member of the opposite see, na-
ytturally). ue(formerly Vogue Drapery)
.Whatever your winter sport, en-
joy the snowe wh i'it's here. Re-
member, the rain is coming.

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of}S" .

Give him the best ...



'HIS' Handi-Trio, Unbreakable burgundy bot.
ties in clear plastic cqse. After Shave Lotion,
Balanced Talcum, Cologne Deodorant. $3.25
(plus tax) Handi-Duo with After Shave Lotior
nrid Cologne Deodorant. $2.25 plus tax.

s The Sop _ 1. i

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