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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom




IL. LXVIII, No. 63




Russian Advance
S purs Increase
Congressional Leaders Hear New
Budget Proposal in Briefing Session
W4SHINGTON (P)--The 'Eisenhower administration was yester-
day reported planning to spend an extra 21/2 billion dollars next year
on defeznse and foreign aid to meet the challenge of Russia's military-
scientific advances.
Plans for a bigger Defense Department budget and increased
spending by mutual security agencies were laid before 31 congressional
leaders from both parties at a five-hour White House briefing.
Bridges Proposes Increase
Sen. Styles Bridges (R-N.H.), chairman of the Republican policy
committee in the Senate, reported the administration wants to raise
the defense budget about two.billion dollars for the fiscal year starting




De ense Allocations

rof. Billis
In his recent trip to the Soviet
ion, Prof. William B. Ballis of
e political science department
und the Russian people "very
rious about strangers, especially
He told the Russian Circle last
ght Russians were "very eager"

July 1 He said most of the in-
crease would be devoted to mis-.
siles and antisubmarine equip-
Defense spendir* this year has
been estimated at 38.4 billion dol-
Sen. Richard R. Russell (D-
Ga.), chairman of the Senate
Armed Services Committee, told
reporters after the meeting the,
defense program has not yet been
firmed up.
He said the legislative leaders'
were given a spending objective
but that the administration wasn't
yet sure it could stick to it. He de-
clined to furnish any figures.
Cut Domestic Funds
A figure of $3,940,000,000 was
reported to have been advanced
by secretary of State John Foster
Dulles for a new foreign aid pro-
gram covering both military and
economic assistance to American
allies. Congress voted $3,436,000,-
000 formutual security in the cur-
ren fiscal year. ' ,
Apparently the administration
hopes to 'hold over all federal-
spending in the new year close to
the current figures by cutting
down on domestic programs-
Chairman Charles Cannon (D-
Mo.) of the House Appropriations
Committee said he gathered from
the briefing that the entire budget
for the new fiscal year will run
a little more than the 71.8 billion
dollars President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower requested last January.
Bridges added there was no sug-
gestion that the administration,
plans to ask for an increase in
the national debt ceiling at this
time. The ceiling now stands at
275 billion dollars.
Reaction to the briefing was
mixed. Some Republicans said they
thought the administration was
coniing to grips' with the situation
while some Democrats spoke of
vagueness in the program and a
lack of any sense of urgency.

UN, Israel
Talk Again,
On Peace
JERUSALEM () -- United Na-
tions Secretary General .Dag
Hammarskjold conferred with Is-
raeli Premier David Ben-Gurikn
and Foreign Minister Golda Meir
yesterday on the second stage 9f
a peace mission that apparently
encountered roadblocks in Jordan.
A communique said discussions
extended over the main current
problems effecting the Israel-
Jordan armistice situation and
further talks would be held today.
There, Hammarskjold talked'
with. United States Marine Col.
Byron Leary. acting chief of the
truce organization, who is the per-
sonal storm center' of another Jor-
dan-Israeli quarrel.
Secretary Defends Leary
Jordan has accused Leary of
bias in his handling of local issues
and ,has asked Hammarskjold to
sack" him. 'Hammarskjold has re-
plied with an expression of confi-
dence in the Marine colonel, but
came to the Middle East to hear
the case.
The secretary general came to
Jerusalem after spending 12 hours
in conferences with Jordan's act-
ing premier, Samir Rifai, King
Hussein and other leaders.
Damascus Talks Expected
It was said in Jerusalei how-
ever, that the secretary general
is expected to leave Jerusalem di-
rectly for Damascus for a third
stage of his mission talks with
the Syrians on their border dis-
putes with Israel,
The Syrians may also bring up
their dispute with Turkey. They
are accusing Turkey of maintain-
ing troop concentrations on their
border and threatening aggres-
Union Senate
Lack of a quorum caused post-
ponement of last night's Union
Senate meeting until Dec. 12.
A quorum is half of the 88 votes
of the Senate; 38 voters were pres-
Union executive vice-president
Fred Wilten, '58, blamed the at-
tendance on changing the date of
the meeting from the Thursday
night date of the two previous
meetings. The date had been set
for today at the last Senate meet-
ing and then later changed to yes-














Paris Trip
WASHINGTON ') -- Adlai E.
Stevenson said yesterday he will
not attend the Atlantic Pact meet.:
ing at Paris "unless there are
compelling developments."
Stevenson issued a statement
following his attendance at a
White House briefing of Congres-
sional Republican and Democratic
leaders on President Eisenhower's
proposals for revitalizing the At-
lantic Pact NATO.
Voices Disagreement
Stevenson said he has studied
and commented on these proposals.
He added he does not intend to go
to' Paris, where they will be un-
veiled, because he does not agree
with all of them.
"I would be without authority
and necessarily identified with de-
cisions I might not always agree
with and could not publicly op-
pose," Stevenson said. "I do not
wish thereby to inhibit or Inislead
my friends here or abroad.'
Finish in Week
Stevenson, the Democratic can-
didate defeated in 1952 and 1956
by Eisenhower in the presidential
elections, expressed gratitude for
having been asked to serve as
Democratic consultant on the pro-
posals. He also said:
"While, of course, there are dif-
ferences between us, I do not wish
to leave the impression of dis-
agreement with our proposed posi-
tions at the meeting. On the con-
trary, I agree with most of them."
Stevenson repeated that he ex-
pected to complete his task "in
about a week."
Finletter Talk
Set for Today
# 1
Thomas K. Finletter, former
secretary of the Air Force in the
Truman administration, will speak
before the Democratic Second
Congressional D i s t r I c t Dinner
here tonight.
Finletter',a strong proponent of
strategic air power for many
years, is expected to talk about
what has happened to the United
States missile and rocket pro-
gram and what steps should be
taken to correct the present lag,
according to a party spokesman.
The dinner will be held in the
Union. Michigan Lt. Governor
Philip Hart, chairman of the
Democratic State Central Com-
mittee Neil Staebler, State Audi-
tor General Frank S. Szymanski,
Secretary of State and Mrs. James
M. Hare and other Democratic of-
ficials are expected to attend.

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Big Ten Leaders Oppose
9 9
Discriminatory Practices
The Big Ten Student Body Presidents recommended elimination
of discriminatory practices "at educational institutions through direct
action" as well as information programs. according to Student Govern-
ment Council President Joe Collins, '58.
The group indicated that while long range educational processes
are' the best way to end discrimination because of race, creed, color,
religion and/or natural origins, that in some cases this program must
"be supplemented with direct action."
Time Limit Proposed.
An example of direct action, Collins explained, might include
setting a time limit for affiliated groups to remove bias clauses. Such



-Daily Jaines MacKay
".... inquisitive Russians"
to talk to visitors, "even if they
spoke Russian. with a foreign ac-
cent. They ask questions about
your clothes, your job, your family,.
Cites Cultural Appreciation
Prof. Ballis also said he found
they have "a much better appre-
ciation of their -own language and
literature than we do of ours, and
f they are quite advanced educa-
He remarked that "the young
people are more enthusiastic about
the Soviet system than older peo-
ple, because they haven't yet ex-,
perienced the frustrations and dis-
appointments in living under it as
long as the older Russians have."
Although "there seems to be
relatively more freedom of, the
Russian people now than under
the Stalin regime," Prof. Ballis
said that those loving "in remoter
parts of the Soviet Union are more
talkative" than Moscovites.
Notes Moslem Influence
He remarked that the Moslem
influence is "quite noticeable" in
the republic of Uzbekhstan in
Soviet Central Asia. The slides
which he had taken showed'veiled
Moslem women against century-
Sold mosques.
Prof. Ballis also showed slides of
the Lenin Library in Moscow
which contains "19,500,000 vol-
umes-so the Soviets claim."
Dorr Speaks
Of 'U' Need
For Expansion
With the number of college-age

World News Roundup

a program is in effect at the Uni-"
versity of Wisconsin.
Collins said that SGC might
make a study to see if progress in
this area is being made on this
campus. If not, he commented,,
"more direct action may be neces-
In addition to the possible use
of direct action, the Conference
recommended that educational
programs be established at the
schools where they don't exist and
that the schools exchange infor-
mation on the subject.
In another action, the Confer-
ence recommended that the pres-
ent financial aid plan to athletes
be revoked or amended so as not
to restrict "full-cost" scholarship
to need cases only, and "that local
cost factors should be a considera-
tion in determining the amount of
the scholarship."
Athletic Proposals
The group pointed out that In-
tercollegiate athletics contribute to
the university community, "and
are justified as part of an educa-
tional process in leadership train-
ing, school pride and support of
the intramural program."
The resolution also noted the
need ,for a central agency to
"maintain the present amateur
status" of intercollegiate athletics,
but encouraged financial remuner-
ation on the basis of ability "of the
student-athlete to contribute to
the institution.

SGC Report
On Grading
Due Soon
Student Government Council
will consider the desirability of a
moi*e precise marking system in
the literary college at 7:30 tonight
in the Student Activities Building.
Any SGC action can only be a
recommendation to the Adminis-
trative Board of the literary col-
The system calls for addition, of1
.3 to the standard numerical
equivalent of a letter grade for a
plus and the subtraction of the
same for a minus.
The Council will also hear a re-
port on continuation of the Stu-
dent Book Exchange. The Union
had been responsible for the ex-
change but, after the program lost
money this semester, turned it
back to SGC.
The report notes a tendency of
the exchange to run a deficit,
making it a risk for the Council.
However, the report, continues,
the store aid a number of stu-
dents who Aeed the additional
funds from books sold. SBX can
also increase the supply of used
books for the benefit of students
who need to buy them.

'U' icier
Hold To
The 'University's Scien
visory Committee met in~
session yesterday at Ingli
to discuss "general" matt
cording to Vice-Presider
Dean of Faculties Marvin
Niehuss said the cor
centered around the prof
stepping up the Universi
search programs, and ex
science and mathematics
ing, both within the Ur
and in Michigan high sch
Niehuss also said thai
dent Harlan Hatcher will
too long set up one or mor
ing committees."
He explained that other
such as the Survey Resear
ter and the Bureau of
Services, are also being
in, as well as representativ
other schools and departn
the University.
Flu Epiden
Reached Pe
In October,
A report issued one wee]
the United States Public
Service indicates, on the
statistics, the current nati
Asian Flu epidemic ren
peak during the week of
18 and is declining.
Estimated new casesc
respiratory diseases dur
week of Nov. 2 is 7,879,
cording to the report,2
pared to 11,933,000 cases
Oct. 19 week.
On campus, Dr. Morle
ett, Health Service Direc
"We are seeing occasion
of upper respiratory in
and the epidemic of a mo
has definitely run its co
He added, there shoul
second wave of the diseas
is always the possibility o
rence in epidemic proport
this cannot be predicted.
Dr. Beckett said Asian
ventive vaccine is avai
Health Service for any;
who want the shots:
He reported that few
arp coming to Health Sex
SGC Petitio

Zero Hour
For Noon:
Rocket To Penetrate
Three-Hundred Milhs
Into Space Frontier
Canaveral, Fla. (/)--The zero hour
for the first attempt to hurl an
American "moon" into space was
set yesterday for 12 noon today.
Herschel Schooley, director of
information services for the De-
snyder fense Department,' told newsmen
the start of the countdown had
been set for 9 p.m., then put off
until midnight. The period of the
countdown is 11 hours.
ice If the firing is successful, the
United States will have met Nikita
Khrushchev's challenge to the tree
world to loin Russia in forming a
"commonwealth of Sputniks" in
the heavens.
Vanguard Read
The 22,000-pound Vanguard
stood tall on its launching plat-
ce Ad- form yesterday, pointing skyward
iclosed and re 'y for the first thrust o
s House its powerful engines, designedto
ers, ac- propel it 30O"miles upward'to the
nt and cold and mysterious frontier of
L: Nie- space.
In its bullet-shaped nose cone
nference nestled a six-inch satellite with a.
blem of radio voice which the Navy hopes
ty's re- to put into orbit at a speed of
panding 18,000 m.p.h.
teach- If the shooting comes off as
iversity planned, the beeping voice of the
ools. tiny American moon will be the
t Presi- only one coming from space. The
"before two Red satellites now are silent,
e work- their batteries dead.
Other Satellites Planned
groups, Exactly two months ago today
ch Cen- the Russians launchd Sputnik I.
School 'On Nov. 3, Sputnik II, with its dog
brought rider, was shot aloft.
es from Whether the shot is a success or
nents in failure will not be known at Cape
Canavarel immediately. The first
announcement will be made by the
Defense Department in W'ashing-
ton, probably about 1 p.m. today.
t The Navy plans to shoot four of
S the six-inch spheres this month
.ak and will try early in the new year
to launch a fullyinstrumented,
21-inch satellite.
At the time it is released, the
little moon will be about 1,000
k ago by miles from the launching site. The
Health elapsed time from takeoff will
basis of have been 9 minutes 45 seconds
Lched a
cheraCaution Urged
of acute ifSatellite
-ing ,the
000, ac-
as com- Unsuccessful
in the
Prof. Leo Goldberg, chairman
y Beck- of the astronomy deartment, yes-
tor, said terday cautioned against undue
al cases worry in case today's launching
fection," of the United States satellite is
nth ago unsuccessful.
urse. .dHe emphasized the fact that we
Id be a do not know how many abortive,
e. There attempts were made by the Rus-
f recur- sians before* they were able to
Lions but launch their two Sputniks.
"Firing a rocket is an exceed-
Flu pre- ingly tricky business," he said. "It
lable at involves a whole series of steps,
students and every step has to work."
He explained that any missile

students has only an even chance of being
rvice for launched successfully.
There is also a great deal of
pressure on those responsible for
today's launching, prof. Goldberg
added, caused by Russia's previous
n successes and the public nature of

By The Associated Press
CIO President George Meany yes-
terday panned any notion that
labor will accept a 1958 freeze on
wage increases.
Meany said that Richard Gray,
president of the building and con-
struction department of the AFL-
CIO, sounded like "the president
of the United States Chamber of
Commerce or any other manage-
ment group" when Gray proposed
accepting the freeze.
Meany spoke before the same
building trades audience which
had heard Gray.
He said that if relaxing credit
and increased government expen-
ditures are needed to buoy the
economy, then more mass purchas-
ing power brought about-by higher
wages is also necessary.
* *i *
source close to Prince Watt Wait-
hayakon of Thailand said yester-
day he is ready to report failure of
his United Nations mission on the
Hungarian problem.
This could bring a move to oust
the Hungarian delegation from the
82-nation UN General Assembly.
The United States has threatened
to call on the assembly not to
recognize Hungary's credentials in
case that country declined to co-

statement, he intends to stick on
the job and push for his farm
policy regardless of political criti-
* * *
LONDON- Moscow radio said
yesterday the carrier rocket of.
Sputnik I still is circling the earth.
A broadcast quoted an unnamed
member of the Soviet Academy of
Science as saying when the rocket
does reach the lower layers of the
earth's atmosphere "it will turn
into a huge incandescent ball
clearly visible at large distances
even in the daytime."

'U' Professors Discuss Methods of Social Scientsts

The social sciences, in attempting to adopt the methods of the
natural sciences to people "are exceeding the limits of those methods,"
Prof. Norman Nelson of the English department said last night.,
Prof. Nelson defended the humanists in- a debate on ."Literature
in an Age of Social Science." Prof. Roger Heyns of the psychology
department spoke in defense of the social sciences in the debate
sponsored by the English Journal Club.
Natural Science Methods
The 'social scientists must follow natural science's methods to
isolate the phenomena they are investigating., Prof. Nelson continued.
A great difficulty with this is that the social scientists are dealing

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