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December 03, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-12-03

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom"

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President Chairs!
Cabinet Meeting

Ike Has Busiest Day
No Fatigue Evident,

Since Stroke;
Snyder Says

WASHINGTON (M)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower, snapping
back from the mild stroke he suffered Nov. 25, presided over a Cabinet
meeting ,yesterday and then hit some golf balls on the White House
It was the busiest day President Eisenhower has put in since his
cerebral attack.
When it ended, Maj. Gen. Howard M. Snyder, the President's
personal physician, checked his pulse, blood pressure and tempera-
ture. All were described-as normal, and James C. Hagerty, the White

I ' )-

vote on Tax
For Sports
City Administrator Guy C. Lar-
com, Jr., last nigh recommended
to City Council that the council
not propose a tax increase for
recreational purposes on the Feb-
ruary ballot.
Larcom's suggestion came in re-
sponseto a motion last week by
Councilman George A. Keebler
that he study the question. The
Council has been seeking a solu-
tion to the city's recreation prob-
lem since the School Board an-
nounced that it could not sup-
por~t the program this year.
Wanted Action Deferred
Larcorn told the council that
the easiest way to raise money for
recreation would be to amend the
charter and raise the tax rate. He
suggested, however, that the
council defer action until the
city's needs for next year have
been estimated.
Approximately $17,000 would
be needed for the city to take over
financing of the program entire-
ly, Larcom said. Recreation ex-
penses of $36,435 have been
budgeted' for next year's recrea-
tion program.
Chief activities are providing
supervisors at ice skating and
hockey areas in city parks and a
summer sports program.
Study Year-Round Program
The School Board has borne the
cost of recreation programs in
former years, but felt it could not
continue to. do so after a proposal
for a school tax increase was de-
feated by the voters last spring.
The Council unanimously passed
a resolution to form a citizens'
committee on public recreation
which would work with the School
Board in studying he possibility
of a year-round program.
SFA Confab
To Feature
Hatcher Talk
President Harlan Hatcher will
be the principal speaker at the
Conference Saturday.
He will speak on City-University
relations, according to Peter Van
Haften, '59, of the Union.
Delegates to the semi-annual
cnoference will discuss counseling
problems, student relations with
the city, and the effect of increased
costs on students.
Twenty officials rom the city
administration and the Chamber
of Commerce have been invited to
dtheConference, together with 50
students and 45 faculty and ad-
ministration members.
It will start at y 9 a.m with a
welcoming speech .by Vice -Presi-
dent for Student Affairs James A.
Liquor at Party
Brings Fine
Pi Lambda fraternity has been
fined $400 and placed on social
probation for the rest of the semes-
ter for holding an "unauthorized"
party at which liquor was served
to minors, it was learned yester-

The fraternity, which appeared
before Joint Judiciary Council on

House press secretary, said Snyder
reported: "The President's condi-
tion is excellent and he shows no
signs of fatigue."
Meets with Cabinet
President Eisenhower was with
his Cabinet members for an hour
and 40 minutes discussing budget
problems and legislative recom-
mendations to be made to Con-
gress next month.
He also spent an hour in con-
ference with Secretary of State
John Foster Dulles. Secretary of
Defense Neil McElroy participated
in the last 10 minutes of this meet-
While the Cabinet was still in
session-and to the astonishment
of White House newsmen - the
President donned slacks and a'
sweater and began practicing pitch
shots to the green on the White
House lawn.
Didn't Disclose Practice
Hagerty did not disclose the
golf practice until after photogra-
phers outside the White House
fence had noticed an attendant
tossing balls back to a golfer who
was out of view in the dusk.
Inquiries confirmed it was the
President, acting under doctors'
orders to get a little exercise. Hag-
erty said President Eisenhower
spent 15 minutes with a nine iron
and a. wedge. Snyder stood nearby
and offered comments as the 20-
yard shots arched across the lawn.
Hagerty said the chief executive
appeared to be making a "great"
recovery. The press secretary add-
'ed he spoke as a layman, not as a
U' Neurologist
Cites Mildness
Of Ike' s Case
Dr. Kenneth Magee, associate
professor of neurology, said re-
cently evidence from President
Dwight D. Eisenhowe±'s neurolo-
gical examination "would seem to
confirm the fact that his current
illness is of a very mild nature
and no major brain blood vessel
has been occluded."
He added yesterday that, al-
though one can never predict the
future, any prediction would be
"more optimistic" than in the
initial relief period.
Dr. Magee cautioned against
using the word "stroke" in refer-
ence to President Eisenhower's
affliction. "It is often associated
with paralysis and cerebral hem.-
morage, neither of which the Pres-
ident has had."
According to the University
neurologist the President is in
good hands. "The consulting neu-
rologists are among the country's
leading neurologists," he said.
Recovery from such a mild ill-
ness may come in a' few days, he
The usual treatment for this
condition, he said, consists of de-
creased activity and rest for sev-
eral weeks, although bed rest is
seldom necessary.

Not Invited
To Confab.
Stevenson said yesterday he does
not plan to join the United States
delegation to the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization summit con-
ference In Paris this month, but
he left the door open to an invi-
"I have not been invited and
there hasn't been any discussion
of that," the 1952-56 Democratic
presidential nominee told reprot-
Stevenson said his job as Dem-
ocratic adviser on the United
States polity to be put forth at the
Dec. 16-18 meeting of North At-
lantic Treaty country leaders will
be completed within another week
or 10 days Then, he said, "I will
go about my business."
Whether Stevenson will be in-
yited to the Paris meeting hasn't
been decided, the State Depart-
ment ,said.
Stevenson spoke to newsmen
after an hour-long meeting with
House Speaker Sam Rayburn (D-
He said he briefed Rep. Ray-
burn on North Atlantic Treaty
matters likely to come up at a
White House meeting Tuesday of
congressional leaders, which Stev-
enson has agreed to attend.
Lincoln White, State Depart-
ment press officer, said it's pos-
sible that the question of an invi-
tation to Stevenson to go to Paris
may be decided after today's meet-
ing, along with other aspects of
his future as an adviser.
T ech n ic ian s
Find 'Bugs'
I n Missile,
Trouble was reported to have de-
veloped yeterday in the second
stage "brain" of the Vanguard
rocket being readied for an at-
tempt to propel an American baby
moon into space.
An informed United States Navy
source said American technicians
are working around the clock to
clear the bugs out of the second
stage which houses the control and
guidance systems of the 72-foot
Stage Not Tested
This stage has not been tested
He described the trouble only as
static in the electronic system.
Unless eliminated, he said. this
could cause the rocket to wobble
in flight and force its destruction.
In Washington, the Defense De-
partment has emphasized there is
no certainty the first sphere to be
fired will start circling the earth.
Not Prime Purpose
Putting a satellite into orbit is
not the prime purpose of the test
"but of course such a result would
be welcome because of the addi-
tional data which could be gath-
ered," the department said.
The test is intended primarily to
try out the complete launching
equipment and to gather perform-
ance data.
A satellite put into an orbit 300
miles above the earth's surface
could stay up for a year, calcula-
tions indicate.
The lower the height, the short-
am .aaogqs aqg 'lltaq aaunt a.

I time the satellite could stay aloft.









-~A -r ti" ___.".~

May Prevent
58 Infltion ',





Wa ge

Gray Tells Building
Union New Policy
Will Be Stabilizing
moratorium on demand's for wage
increases during 1958 was sug-
gested to the three and one-half
million member AFL-CIO build-
ing and construction trades de-
partment yesterday.
Department President Richard
J. Gray said he was proposing
this "unorthodox policy" because
of inflation and its resulting
shortage of money and cutbacks
in construction.
Cites Tight Money
* He said the Eisenhower admin-
istration is advocating a tight
money policy which is aimed at
slowing down construction.
A one-year moratorium on wage
increases, he said, would be a step
toward stabilizing wage gains and
"obtaining full e m p 16 y m e n t
through increased production."
In conjunction with the pro-
posed moratorium he proposed
creation of a building and con-
struction industry committee to
urge related industries such as
lumber and cement to join in the
wage increase suspension.
It would also work out a pro-
gram for increased production ac-
tivity including an effort to force
abandonment of tight money pol-
Addressed Group
Gray made the remarks to the
opening of the department's 49th
regular convention representing
19 international unions, 593 local
and county councils and 29 state
While construction has been
one of the brighter spots in the
1957 business picture, many in the
industry have been concerned'
about a two-year lag in housing
It's estimated that builders
would do well if they started
work this year on one million non-
farm homes.
That would be a decline of 23
per. cent from the boom year of
1955 when 1.3 million homes were
started, and the smallest total
since 1948.
Jenner May
Resign Soon
that Sen. William E. Jenner (R-
Ind.) may resign this month in-
stead of waiting for the end of his
term early in 1959 led td brisk
speculation about a successor yes-
Hoosier Republicans 'in Wash-
ington spent a busy day filled with
hurried conferences, telephone
conversations and political gossip
following Sen. Jenner's announce-
ment in Indiana Saturday that he
will not seek re-election.
Reps. W. C. Bray and E. R.
Adair indicated they would be re-
ceptive to a senatorial bid.
Indiana GOP congressional cir-
cles reported Sen. Jenner may
quit his Senate seat by the end
of the year, with a close friend,
Indiana's Gov. Harold W. Hand-
ley, taking his place.







Fin~al Step

-Photo Courtesy University News Service
NEW GARDEN SITE-The University's Botanical Gardens will move to the '200 acre site outlined
above. The land, donated, to the University by alumnus Frederick C. Matthaei, is bounded on the
left by Dixboro Road. The easternmost boundary is Gale Road. It runs into Cherry Hill Road, repre-
sented by the dotted line, which connects to Plymouth road at the top of the picture.
New Site Given for Botanical gardens


The University's Botanical Gar-
dens will soon be uprooted and
A gradual move from the pres-
ent 40 acre location on Packard
and Stadium to a 200 acre site
near Dixboro is being made pos-
sible by a land donation from Mr.
and Mrs. Frederick C.:Mattaei.
The new location, two and a


half miles east of North Campus
between Dixboro and Gale Roads,
just south of Plymouth Road, will
permit the University to construct
one of the finest botanical gar-
dens in the nation, President Har-
lan Hatcher "said Iriday in an-
nouncing the gift.
More, Better Facst~ties
An expansion and improvement
of research facilities will also be

Michigan Lawmaker
Urges Probe at MSU
LANSING (P)-Michigan's youngest lawmaker today urged a
"sweeping investigation" into operations of Michigan State University's
agricultural extension service and experiment station.
Rep. Russell H. Strange Jr. (R-Clare), 23-year-old graduate of
Central Michigan College, also called for a check on lobbying activities
of MSU officials pressing for legislative approval of budget requests.
In a speech prepared for a Mt. Pleasant civic club; Rep. Strange
said he had learned that the university's extension service and agri-

provided by the move, Prof. A. G.
Norman,; of the botany depart-
ment and director of the Univer-
sity Botanical Gardens said.
No completion date has been set
for the transfer but the main work,
of planning and, constructing.the
buildings and greenhouses should'
take at least two years, Prof. Nor-
man said.-
The new area ias considerable
variation in soil compared to thej
present location, he said in de-
scribing the site. Plans for dis-
position of the Packard and Sta-
dium site, used since 1914, have
not yet been completed, President
Hatcher said.
Gain Natural Beauty
In moving to the Dixboro loca-
tion, 4.7 miles from Hill Auditori-
um, according to Prof. Norman,,
the University will gain an area
of great natural beauty. The site,
bordering both sides of Fleming
Creek for about one-half mile al-
ready contains many thousands
of trees, artificial ponds and oth-
er landscape 'features, he pointed
"An attempt will be made to
preserve much of the area's pres-
ent condition, blending new plant-
ings with those already there," he
Many Garden Possibilities
The site donated by Matthaei,
a University alumnus, consists of
wooded area, creek bottom, rolling
hills and farmland, offering "at-
tractive opportunities for garden
development," Prof. Norman said..
"It will provide larger and more
varied planting areas in a rural
setting in keeping .with the Botan-
ical Gardens concept," he said.
"Our main goal will be to pro-
tect the natural setting of the
area while accommodating within
It the greenhouse facilities and
specimenplantings which arees-
sential elements of Botanical Gar-
dents," he said.

No Target Date
For Full Operatic
Of Atomic Station
entists yesterday fired up the
atomic furnace at the nation
full-scale civilian nuclear
station-15 years to the day
man achieved a chain react
the world's pioneer reactor.
Initial splitting of ur
atoms at the historic Shii
port plant marked the final
step before production of
mercial quantities of electric
When nuclear-generated e
city begins flowing to Y
shops and factories in the
burgh area, it will represe:
longest forward stride y
America's peace-time atom
ergy program.
No Definite Date
The target date for full
tion is indefinite, but is ex
sometime before the end t
The Shippingport reactor
powerful in the country, is
with 12 tons of natural ur
(U-238) and 165 pounds of
enriched uranium (U-235).
It was started up at 4:3
for testing purposes. No elec
was generated. Before the r
is allowed to reach its mir
operating capacity of 60,00(
watts of electricity, exhi
tests must be made for safe
other factors.
Under AEC Contract
Duquesne Light Co., a
burgh area utility, will oper
110 - million - dollar station
contract to the Atomic :
Commission. Westinghouse
tric Corp. built the reactor.1%
the cost was footed by the .
Several small power ri
now are operating in the
States, but none is rated a
than 6,000 kilowatts.
TU' Prof essor
Atom Scient
63, Suceuml

NIC Defends National Fraternity Rights

cultural experimental station had"°-
spent money on programs "entirely
unrelated to agriculture."
Cites Examples '
As examples, he cited booklets
published by the experiment sta-
tion or the University Cooperative
Extension Service carrying such
titles as "entertaining at buffets,1
teas and parties," "You learn to
knit," and "Indians, a study of the
Hannahville Community."
"These services may be nice, but
when state government is so hard
hit for money, we just can't afford
them," Rep. Strange told a news-
man in Lansing. "This is an ob-
vious waste of state funds and
these booklets duplicate informa-
tion which is or could be furnished
by private business."
Legislative appropriations for the
extension service and experiment
station for 1957-58 totaled more
than $3,700,000.
Has Backing
"The least they can do is spend
the money for programs in the
field in which it was appropriated,"
Rep. Strange said.
The young lawmaker said he had
won "considerable" support for his
proposed investigation from fellow
legislators and citizens from hisI
home district of Clare and Isabella
Honors Plan
Discussion Set

,Airflight Seats
To Go on Sale
Arrangements are being com-
pleted for the 1958 Airflight to
Europe, according to Frank Tran-
zow, '59E, of the Union.
The 68 available seats for the
flight will go on sale next week,
according to Tranzow. He esti-
mated the cost would be $325.
The flight will leave June 21
from Willow, Run. Stops will be
made in New York, London and
Amsterdam. The flight will re-
turn from London to Detroit Aug.
30, with a stop at New York. Am-
sterdam' will not be included in
the return trip.

The National Inter-Fraternity
Conference recently passed a reso-
lution approving the "right of fra-
ternities to practice rmembership
The NIC's move came at their
annual meeting in Colorado
Springs, Colo.
No mention was made in the
resolution as to discrimination on
the basis of race, creed or color.
The Conference also did not defi-
nitely state whether it was for or
against bias clauses.
Delegates Vote
Tl~an7~wr.4 ~n~rr'A'MV 1'i.. [

in accordance with its own stan-
Establishes Standards
3) The fraternity family is na-
tional in scope and the entire fra-
ternity at its regular convention
through democratic processes es-
tablishes the standards binding
upon all of its constituent chap-
Mal Cumming, '58BAd, Inter-
Fraternity Council executive vice-
president, said yesterday the reso-
lution gives, in a sense, any na-
tional fraternity the right to re-
strict an individual on the basis
of race, creed or color.
-'r ern Y + m .a.ven'...,.i4

effect on the fraternities on cam-
pus or the University," he contin-
Cumming commented that "If"
the University should decide to put
into effect a ruling abridging the
NIC resolution, the national fra-
ternities on this' campus would
probably leave if all efforts to
reverse their decision failed."
'U' Won't Recognize
The NIC's resolution does not
violate the University's present
ruling on discriminatory practices.
Because of a 1944 regulation, the
University will not recognize new
groups having any restrictions on

World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
MAEBASHI, Japan - Japan announced early today it will not
appeal the three-yearsuspended sentence imposed in the William S.
Girard manslaughter case.
This means he and his Japanese bride may return to the United
States immediately.
Maebashi Prosecutor Kaname Watanabe made the announce-
ment. There was no immediate elaboration.
The decision clears the way for Girard, central figure in the cele-
brated firing range death of a Japanese shell collector, to leave for
the United States Friday.
* - .

Prof. 'James M. Cork, 63 y
old, a member of the physics
partment since 1920, died at
University Hospital Wednesda
Prof. Cork, an early resear
with "atom smashers," had an
ternational reputation for his
tensive studies of x-rays, ra
activity and atomic structure
The construction of the Uni
sity's cyclotron, which for a pe
was the world's largest particle
celerator, was under. Prof. Cc
supervision. During the e
years of the cyTclotron'stopera
more than 80 of the now kr
radioactive isotopes were dis
ered and identified in exy
Taught in England
Prof. Cork was 'an exch
professor at Victoria Universi
England during the academic
A sabbatical leave in 193
permitted him to be a rese
associate in the field of x-ra:
the laboratory of Duc de Br
in Paris. He conducted rese
at the University of Califs
during 1935-36.
After serving as a membe
the National Defense Rese
Committee during World Wa

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