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November 27, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-11-27

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No. 61



I I I- - -- ; . ;: I I





,eases Berlin
tn1ge Program
Also Asks Board To Study
)or Housing Discrimination
nent Council last night terminated its Free Uni-
erit exchange program.
[now look into possible alternative programs.
ted the Human Relations Board to study discrim-
renting off-campus housing and recommend "ap-
ealing with it."
rnds to make this report, which has been requested.
,mester, available to groups "which niay have an
." The Free University of Berlin decision came
"after a ,substitute motion to con-
tinue the program' for another
year had been defeated..
Council members expressed con-
cern that the money now appro-
priated for the program might
better be used in another program;
that there would not be enough
money to continue the FUB pro-
gram next year; and that an aver-
age of only three students a' year
had petitioned for the grant.
Suggest Near East Program
Union President Don Young, '58,
said that an exchange program in
Sthe Near East might be more
valuable at this time, because it
wps such an important area.
pther members emphasized that
Germany. was "culturally" closer
to the United States than were
countries in Asia and Africa, and;
that an exchange program inthese
latter areas would be more bene-


PrOfessors Discuss Life in Poland
. r e>.'.:.> " .-.. ..i .... . . t.... .

WASHINGTON (P)-The direc-
tor of the American satellite pro-
gram told Congress yesterday that
unquestionably the United States
could have launched. a satellite
ahead of Russia but that he was
denied the top priority he asked
for the project.
Dr. John P. Hagen, who testi-
fled that he sought top priority
in 195§, said this country suffered
Psychological and political dam-
age from failing to 'be ,first into
space with a manmade moon.
Senators investigating the satel-
lite-missiles lag also heard Lt.
Gen. James Doolittle testify that
he thinks the United States leads
Russia in military strength at the'
moment but that there is a real
threat that The Soviets "will 'over-
tape us."
Reds In Front, ,
Already, the retired general said,
Russia is out in front in ballistic
missiles, both intercontinental and
Hagen said his request for top
priority for Operation Vanguard
Was relayed to the Office of Naval
Research and on to. the Defense
Department. Somebody turned it
down, he said, and he doesn't know
While he had indicated earlier
there has been no speedup in plans
to send up an American satellite,
Hagen said later on that the
Pentagon missiles chief, William
M. Holaday, approved a procedures
shortcut on July 15 :which should
result in getting a satellite into.
the. air earlier.
'Calculated Risk'
As Sen. Lyndon Johnson (D-
Tex.) sized things up, "we took a
calculated risk and we lost" when
the satellite was denied top prior-
Doolittle and Hlagen were, the
two on-the-record witnessesin the
second day of inquiry by a Sen-
ate subcomnmittee into America's
lagging. missile and satellite pro-.
Called in for questioning behind
locked doors was Allen Dulles, di-
rector of the government's super-
secret Central Intelligence Agency.
Doolittle said under questioning
that he didn't think American
intelligence consistently had un-
derestimated Russian strength and
progress. He said he thought those
who 'interpreted it did.
As did two eminent scientists
Monday, the general urged that
the United States meet the Soviet
menace by strengthening its Stra-
tegic Air Command and speeding
up the missiles program.

S. . to be demolished
CT' To Raze
lid Building'
n February
'he Romance Languages Build-
will be razed sometime in Feb-
xy, a University spokesman
I yesterday.
aids for demolition of, the
rnch Renaissance structure will,
taken from Jan. 6 to 9. The Re-
its are expected to consider the
s at their monthly meetinig on
z: 10, he said.
>estruction of the four-story,
y brick building is in keeping'
h the University's program of
iodeling the old Ann; Arbor.
h School for classes, the
kesman announced.
'lasses now lodged in the Ro-
nce Languages Building will be
fisferred to the Frieze Building
inning with the spring ae-
.ussia W arns
urks To End
ew Pressure
[OSCOW (AP) - Premier Nikolai.
ganin has warned Turkey any
tinued pressure on Syria may
rce the governments interested.
a stable peace for the Middle
t to take measures aimed at
ctive maintenance of peace and
et in that area."
'he new message from Bulganin
rurkey's Premier Adnan Men-
es warning against an. attack'
Syria was released in Moscow
he Soviet government leader
I conditions along the Turkish-
an frontier provoke the ques-
i"Whether Turkey is interested;
t this areashould- continue ito

Some members wondered where
the, funds for FUB would come
from next year. This group has
not 'been able to receive enough.
money to cover expenses from
Campus Chest and has had to draw
the difference from a fund set up.
by -the old Student. Legislature.
This is rapidly becoming depleted.
Language Blocks Applications
The language. requirement (ap-
plicants,must speak German), was
cited. as a reason. for the low num-
ber ofpeople: petitioning for the
program. Daily Editor Peter Eck-
stein, '58 suggested that English
language universities in India,
Burma, Ceylon and Ghana might
be looked into.
Young and Eckstein recommend-
ed .that the Human Relations
Board study off-campus housing
discrimination. Ecksteiri explained
that it was evident that landlords
in Ann Arbor did discriminate and
that this was a serious problem.
He'cited a series of Daily articles
on local landlords which helped to
point up the problem.

-Daily-Ronald Somdl1
..Poles hate Russians
End Arms
PARIS (R) - Two solemn-faced
premiers yesterday wound up 13
hours of ponderous talks aimed at
ironing out British-French diffi-
culties over arms shipments to
While some wrinkles remained,
a high.French source suggested
France had ;scored at least a par-
tial victory.
The conference between young
Premier Felix Gaillard and Brit-,
s Prme Minister Harold Mac-
millan produced a vaguely-worded
communique that did not give a
black-and-white British promise
to halt arms shipments to the
neighbor of rebellious Algeria.
Talks Covered More
But the French informant said
the talks went far beyond the
wording in the communique. He
said the French do not expect the
British to ship any more arms to
Tunisia in the near future if at
"There is a difference between
what the British can do and what
they will do," he said.
Macmillan and Gaillard stood
almost stony-faced as the British
leader read the communique after
their talks. He had come to Paris
Monday in the hope of patching
up a troubled friendship.
Discussed Arms Shipment
The talks revolved around the
shipment on Nov. 14. and 15 of
arms to Tunisia by. the United
States and Britain. Also discussed
was the effect'' of a split in the
three allies would have on the
solidarity of NATO.
The communique noted that the
two chiefs of government had a
"frank discussion" on the arms
deliveries and decided to "make
arrangements designed to avoid
the recurrence of difficulties" sim-
ilar to the violent outburst of
French feelings.

Prof. John W. Addison, Jr. of
the mathematics department said
"the most striking surprise" in
Poland is the friendly attitude of
the Poles toward Americans, as
contrasted with "the intense'
hatred of the Germans and Rus-
sians in tho Poles whom I met."
Prof. Addison said he ioted a
tremendous interest in science'
among most of the Polish people,
whom he said have excelled in the
field of mathematics, "where one
does not need much psysical equip-,
ment, but only a pencil and paper."
, He also commented-on the "very
low standard of living," the "low
morals" of the Poles and the rem-.
nants of anti-Semitism which was
instilled during, the 1930's..
Ferrell Notes Friendliness
Prof. James 0. Ferrell of the
Slavic languages department also
noted the friendliness of the Poles
for Americans.
He said in the field of music,
rock and roll and jazz are very
popular with the Polish people, and
the quality of their theatrical pro-
ductions Is "very good."
Of the liberty which the Poles
enjoy, Prof. Ferrell said: "People
are intoxicated with their freedom
- they are not afraid to speak
their mind or to go where they
.Poland Compared to David
Father Peszkowski, S.J. of St.
Mary's Seminary, Orchard Lake,
compared Poland today to David,
keeping the Goliath of Russia
back, using the "slingshot,. of:
Prof. Edmunid Ordon of the
Slavic'department of Wayne State
University said that one important
factor in Poland was the "interest
of young people there in what is
happening in, the world."$
He also said the Poles are con-.
vinced that Europe needs a "unit-
ed states of Europe," but that they
must first come to terms with
Germany over Silesia.


Aid Funds
The University is requesting
more money for scholarships but
no special "sputnik inspired"
scholarship program, Vice-Presi-
dent for Student Affairs James A.
Lewis said yesterday.
The Legislature is being asked
to appropriate $711,800 for student.
aid and scholarships and as part
of the toal $40,118,984 operating
budget request.
The increase, $13,000 over ithe.
appropriation for this year, would
allow 50 additional high schools
to participate in the Regents-
Alumni scholarship program.
Lewis said although various
scholarship programs have been
suggested by some legislators, in
"view of the state's present tight
financial position it see ed prac-
tically impossible" for one school'
to set up its own program.
"If some 'special program is set
up in the field, it would probably
be a state wide program to interest
students in science," he said.

-Daily-Ronald Sossi
. . . notes Polish culture

U.S. Missile
Flight Fails
Canaveral, Fla. () - The Army
fired its Jupiter missile into the
skies' last night but the missile
failed to complete its programmed
flight because of. technical diffi-
The missile rose almost straight
up and was brighter than any star
and was almost directly overhead
when last sighted from the beach
about four or five miles away.'
Shortly after the firing, the pub-
lic information office at Patrick.
Air Force Base issued a state-'.
ment saying the missile "failed
to complete its programmed flight,
because of technical difficulties."
No details wereravailable asnto
how far' the intermediate',range
ballistic missile IRBM traveled but
spectators on the beach near the
Missile Test Center said it appear-
ed to go straight up until it was
out of sight.
There was/no official explana-
tion of what "technical difficul-
ties" might have, been involved,
and Defense Department spokes-
men would not elaborate on the
brief statement.

Students Fill Planes, Trains
For Thanksgving Trip Home'
Whether leaving for the West where it's warm but getting colder
or the East where it's cold but getting warmer, students will encounter
swarms of their fellows trying to use the same transportation today.
"The only way you could get out of Ann Arbor now would be by
bicycle," the manager of a local travel agency declared4,yesterday.
"Everything's full. It's impossible to get tickets for anywhere, not
merely for New York," the travels'

Pa 'nhelJCC
Raise Money
In Ann Arbor
Panhellenic Association raised
approximately $1,800 by selling
fruitcakes Monday night in co-
operation with the Junior Cham-
ber of Commerce of Ann Arbor.
The purpose of the sale, accord-
ing to David Gray, JCC represent-
ative, was to raise money for the
park and recreational facilities of
Ann Arbor.
he three-pound fruitcakes were
sod by 760 volunteers from Pan-
he lenic Association throughout
the Ann Arbor area. JCC members
and volunteers from fraternities
transported the women to 'their
designated areas.
lot from the experience, and it has
become more broad-minded and
learned about customs and re=
ligions of other countries.
Maria Rojas, Grad., Venezuelan
student, who spent Thanksgiving
in a Dearborn home last year, said
that it was one of the best denmon-
strations of American friendship
that she has experienced.
She thinks that in making other
people happy in this way, Ameri-
cans are carrying out the Christian
doctrine of helping one another.-
She learned a greatdeal about
how Americans interpret this holi-
day and hon the hnnmp h an

Doctors Say 1k
Retains Sten
Chill Believed Contributing Fa
Hospitalization Called Unneces
WASHINGTON (A) - A team of specialists confirm
terday that President Dwight D. Eisenhower has suf
blockage of a blood vessel'leading to the brain - a co
generally called a mild stroke.
But the specialists said:
"He is alert, his spirits are good."
- Speaking Difficulty Termed 'Improved'
And, although this second phy ical examination
President 'confirmed that the blockage "has produced a
difficulty in speaking," the medical men added:
"The difficulty in speaking has improved over the
of the last 24 hours and is now manifested only by
tancy in saying certain, difffi-
cult words. K fl W Al " 7

"Reading, writing and reason-
ing are not affected.-
Strength 'Normal'
"The President's p h y s i c a 1
strength is normal, and he is al-
lowed to be up and abouthis-home
the White House."
The first two reports used medi-
cal, aid greatly similar, language
to say what has stricken President
Eisenhower - an occlusion or
blockage of a branch of a brain
This condition is what is com-
monly called a stroke, although
that word was not used in either
medical report.
Nixon Visits President
Vice-President Nixon,' who pent
nearly -nine hours at }the White
House today, said that President
Eisenhower is "fully capable" of
making any major decisions that
come up.
And he expressed himself "com-
pletely confident the President
will return to his desk and re-
sume his responsibilities."
The President's condition was
revealed in midafternoon after
approximately 24 hours-in which
the White House had stuck to its
original description as "a chill"
Brain Artery Blocked
A key part of the 3 p.m. medi-
cal report, signed by- the White
House physician, Maj. Gen. How-
ard M. Snyder, and Maj. Gen.
Leonard D. Heaton, commandant
of the Arniy's Walter Reed Hos-
pital, °said:
"The President suffered an oc-
clusion blockage of a small branch
of the middle cerebral artery on
the left side. It cannot be deter-
mined at this time wliether the
condition present is one of a small
clot or a vascular spasm. All find-
ings indicate no brain hemor-
They said this confirmed their
original diagnosis, made Monday
afternoon after President Eisen-
hower complained of a chill and
went to bed.
Wanted to View Condition
Asked why the finding had not
been supplied to the public
promptly by Dr. Snyder yesterday,
Mrs. Anne Wheaton, acting White
House press secretary, said in ex-
"It was not made known at that
time because he wanted to ob-
serve the condition and give a
full and complete report to the
Americandpeople;when all the
facts were at hand."
Repercussions from the Presi-
dent's illness were swift:
Stock Market Slumps
1. A heavy selling wave hit the
stock market in New York, send-
ing prices down as much as $7 a
share. All sorts of stocks were hit
by the selling.
2. Unofficial speculation arose
as to how the government's af-
fairs - that is, those which are
especially in the President's pro-
vince - will be handled.
In this connection, the doctors
"Although the present condition
is mild and is expected to be tran-

Seri usne~
Of Sickue
Dr. PaulS.Barker,;actn
man of the Internl med
partment said last night I
Dwight °D. Eisenhower's
"should be taken serious
Commenting on. what t
dent's doctors have anno'
a' clotting 'of, "a small1,:
the !fiddle cerebra art
added, "I have seen path
have made complete reco
but sometmes te oues
favorable and something
He said the ailment is n
sarily incapacitating, "i
recovery is a matter of a
sometimes it takes seversi
weeks. Some patients.
very well."
Prof. Russell N. DeJon
man of the neurology de
said "recovery is usual" f
type of attack.
There are all degrees
ailment, Dr DeJo ng sad
ston Churchill recover
pletely from such an ilini
he was Prime Minister of:
The late President Wood
son never did completej
from it."
Illness ,COu
Delay NAI
PARIS P)--President I
Eisenhower's illness put N
lantic Treaty Organizatio
in a dilemma last night
mid-December summit cc
on atomic-space ea defen
The question was wh
hold the Dec. 16-17 cc
without President 'Eisen
perhaps Vice-President I
ting in for him-or postp4
A spokesman for the
States delegation at Pa
quarters of tie 15-nati
Atlantic Alliance said he
the meeting wduldgo on'
uled, With Nixon heac
American delegation,
"It' is our' understand
the United States is willi
ahead with the shedule
once with Vice-Presder
sitting in for Presiden
hower," he said. "This inff
has been relayed to NATC
But higher authorities
NATO structure implie
were. still up in the air.
Paul-Henri Spaak, Belh
,retary general of NA'
nounced in London the
tions of, the President's ,il
be considered at a meeti
permanent council here
Dulles, In'
e ,r

managet concluded. "There may
be some cancellations, but that's
Local transportation offices
corroborate. the travel agent's
statements. An airline at Willow
Run Airport reports that reserved
flights both east- and west have
been sold out for five or six weeks.
Planes out .of Willow Run will
be on schedule for the most part,
airport officials said last night.
Trains to both East and West
are expected to be filled to capa-
city, according to ticket-sellers at
the depot. Reservations for the
afternoon trains to both Chicago
and Detroit have been filled for
about three weeks.
Students passing the four-day
vacation here in Ann Arbor have
little hope of improving weather.
Temperatures will drop this aft-
ernoon. according to the Willow

Foreign Students Enjoy U.S.

About 300 international students
will spend Thanksgiving in homes
in this area through the. Thanks-
giving Home Hospitality Program
sponsored by the International
Many other foreign students
have personal invitations for
Thanksgiving dinner or the
Thanksgiving weekend, according
to Kathleen Mead.of the Center.
Some requests from long dist-
ances away have to be turned down
because of transportation diffi-
culties, Mrs. Mead said. Grand
Fanirl i a f rt.+m.+nnin+t+f.nm

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