THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'Mama George' Hosts Regents, Ferry Fields Forgotten Now Many Foreign Students : (FC on'.tnued from Page 1) here," Mrs. George says, "and from the Women's Pool and a few whenever anyone gets back from a doors west of John Stegeman's trip he shows us the slides he has door wes of ohn tegean'staken."-~- expensive new apartment building. Carved Pumpkin The front parlor reveals the cos- A ar-enuthi mopolitan nature of the home and Atr Hallowe'en this year, Mrs. of Mrs. George. George relates, Halladay and his Before the fireplace, for instance, room-mate, Ram Mohan Adyan-- there Is a carved walnut Gothic- thaya, Grad., of Indonesia, carved style table with arches and figures' what Mrs. George calls an "elabor- \ of saints carved on the sides. On ate" face on a pumpkin to place - the table stands a plaster piece of in the front window. statuary representing the fugitive "It was the biggest pumpkin - slave law. On an end table covered. I ever saw," Halladay says. with a miniature Navaho rug there I That evening, Mrs. George goes is a little "Speak No Evil, See No on, all the men photographed the -- Evil, Hear No Evil" statue. .rack-o-lantern under various light- FIRST GRIDIRON-Regents Field, pictured above during the 1905 game with Wisconsin, was the home of Michigan's football tea Prints C nconds and Ctlfrom various during the "point-a-minute" dasys. Midway in the third quarter of this game, which Michigan won 12-0, the bleachers in the west e The walls of the parlor are hung On Hallowe'en the foreign stu- zone collapsed. The game'was then delayed for a number of minutes while the players helped go to their rescue. The field was local with Japanese prints, English ro- dents, according to Mrs. George, on the site of what is a varsity practice field today. mantic landscapes and contempor- were very curious about "trick or A crumbling pile of concrete, ary oil paintings done by Mrs. treat" begging. The youngsters wood and steel, a frame house and On this plot in 1893, Michigan's and came to be known as "Cham- Living up to his nicknanm George's friends. In the front hall who came by, apparently, were two goal posts are all that remain first permanent gridiron, known as pions of the West." "Hurry-Up," Yost's first teal there Is a copy of the Steig cartoon equally curious about Mrs. George's to remind us of the first 48 years Regents Field and later as South Had Imposing Record 1901 ran up a stupendous "People Are No Damn Good." Be- household, for, she says, two asked of gridiron glory at Michigan. During the next five seasons points in 11 games, held the c side it there is a little blackboard if they could come back. This great history of football Ferry Field, was laid out and after the stands were rebuilt the sition scoreless and gained inscribed, "Punctuality is the cour- One Thing at a Time ' athletes, coaches and accomplish- stands to accommodate 400 were Wolverines managed an imposing five miles from scrimmage. tesy of Kings." The first returned several days ments began back in May of 1879 constructed along the sidelines of record of 40 wins, six losses and Change Field's Name Meals in Mrs. George's house later and asked Mrs. George if he when the Wolverine gridders play- this field which ran East and West. two ties and in 1898 walked off During the next tour years are cooked by her, with the help could please sit down in the living ed what is said to have been "the In 189 the original stands burn- with the championship of a newly- flocked to the gridiron now e of three boys. A graduate of Leeds room. "I want," he said, "to look first game in the West," defeating ed down and stands with twice as formed conference, then known as "Ferry Field" in honor of 1 University, Mrs. George holds der at things one at a time." Racine 7-2, in a game played in large a capacity were built along the "Big Seven" and later the "Big Ferry who gave the Ufiv grees in dietetics andnursing. The other little boy, Mrs. George Chicago. Only three games were with a grounds keeper's house. This Ten" in 1898.-another20-acreathleticfield n Withethis background in dietetics says, wandered about the parlor a played that year, but the "U" house, which was 15 or twenty In 1901, however, a new coach of Iegents Field, in every Inc cncenedwt t her.ere of for-e bit with a puzzled look on his face, gridders won them all. yards due east from the original and a new era were ushered in. ing numbers to watch such all. concerned with the welfare of for- then asked, "Is this a museum,, By 1891, they were playing a stands is the only landmark left The coach, Fielding H. Yost was to Wolverine stars as Willie He eign suenisy- lady?" He later asked, Mrs. George full schedule of games and in this from th[ early era, continue on as head coach for all "Germany" Schulz, and Know Nothing of Health continues, whether he could bring same year an athletic field con- It was'on Regents Field, where but one of the next 26 yars and Weeks. "I look at some of these poor his mother down to see thecollec- sisting of the south 10 acres of on nearly the same site today's was to build the Wolverines into These "point a minute" t boys walking down the street," she tion. what is now Ferry Field was pur- practice field is found, that Michi- one of tie all-time football power- ran up a staggering total of says, "and I don't think they know Mrs. George, her boys say, is chased for $3,000. gan first achieved gridiron fame, houses. points in five years while alle the first thing about health." greatly interested in rare books. the opposition to cross their Often, she says, the foreign stu- "The other day," Halladay illus- vonly five times for a scana dents don't vatch cold weather, trates, "she got a copy of a book points, while running up scor and they come down with pneud by Erasmus from the Vatican col-r. 128 and 30 t nothing. monia or tuberculosis., lection. It's one of two in the whole So many came to watch 1 "Walking," Mrs. George declares, world." games that despite holding 1 "is mighty good for you, unlike Trunks of Books fans for the last game of 19 cycling." "I have trunks of books down- new field was laid out to the n Boarders at Mrs. George's home stairs," Mrs. George says. "It's a # # In 1906 the North Ferry. don't have to watch out for their pity there isn't a book man inAnn { kgridiron and running track health, she- watches it for them. Arbor anymore. There used to be visible next to the Intrail When they leave the house, En- one over on South University. I'd Building were constructed. rique Castillo, Grad., of the Philip- see him sometimes walking down Bleachers Rebuilt pines illustrates, "MamiaGeorge" the street with his nose in a book. By 1914 the wooden stands makes them take gloves, hats, I'd have to take him to lunch or rounding this field were f scarves and boots. he'd forget to eat." inadequate, and the South Ble Well-Balanced Meals Mrs. -George expresses concern ers, still standing today wer Similarly, the meals are well- over the amount of time given built of steel and concrete. balanced, the boys say, and at foreign students to adjust to the Later the addition of temp the same time "exotic." Every so University. She admits that the stands around the west end o often kyohei Asaoka, Spec. E., English Language Institute pro- TODAY: All that remains of Regents Field is this practice gridiron where the Freshman team plays field brought its capacity to 4 Yuichi Shinzawa, Spec. E., Kyo- gram is a step in the right direc- its games. In the background can be seen the caretakers house, only remaining landmark of the by the early 1920's. jiro Shinkawa, Spec. BAd., and tion, but fiinds that more specific bygone era. Here too, students and al Yasuo Tamura, Spec. E., cook a help is often needed. thronged to watch the "M" Japanese meal of sukiyaki, for For example, Shinzawa says that :° "Yank s-4 .. y' * 1 k -ders wri outright or share example. When the cowbell in the going into restaurants confuses- N Western Conference Chan front hall sounds the call for din- him and he forgets his English. ships, between 1918 and 1926 ner, 'all the boys expect a good Mrs. George used to collect menus Saw Champions Play meal, they say, and get it. and give lessons in ordering food They saw such Maize and "These are men of many tal- to remedy this. grets asuhnMerdan ents," Richard Halladay, '59, de- House Has Fine Blott, and Harry Kipke, and Glares, "All of them can dance but In Mrs. George's house there is a visiting stars s Red Grange, me." Halladay, the only American two-cent fine levied for not speak- h a 192istia s ed 2ng' boarder, was recently ambushed ing English. The fine, Mrs. George a 1925 teamj which scared 227 and kissed by coeds in retaliation'says, provides an incentive to learn giving up just 3 (shades o for a letter on female apathy and is given to Girlstown, a house A h ndf1 ,Ysr which he wrote to The Daily. for delinquents run by the Feder- faas head coach to take oe One of the favorite pastimes at ated Womens Clubs. x ashead coachto tae ove the boarding house is showing Also to encourage growth in ahlec dieto te wlQ slides. "We're all photography bugs English vocabulary and to have was Ferry Field, now dto sm a good time doing it, the boys and holdthe immense crowds Mrs. George play a great deal of athered on autumn Saturda Your~ Scabbl." . Ann Arbor, and the. Wolve YourMMICh ia Scrabbles. George, who has run board- moved into a new stadium fa Ging houses in Ann Arbor for 17west, which is still in use years after an active career in Today, only the much eat which she made such friends as Eleanor Roosevelt, and according SATURDAY CROWD-In front of the old main entrance to Ferry I-M BUILDING lonely frame house, and men to Halladay established the school Field where the Athletic Administration Building now resides .. where north stands once stood remain where so much gri lunch program for surplus foods, crowds such as this gathered during the early 1920's. history was once made says she has friends all around the world. - Around the World-Someday "One of these days I'm going to - take a trip like Sputnik, circling . the globe," she says with a laugh, "but I'll take along a cat instead ORDER NOW! of a dog. I don't like dogs." Before she dies, Mrs. George says in a more serious vein, she'd like to see a nice International House"- 717 N. University in Ann Arbor. ' Near Hill Aud. "And when I do die," she adds, "I'll miss everybody." PRACTICAL Cousitlevution 0 NORTH FERRY FIELD-Still visible above are the old south ALL THAT REMAINS-The 55-rot south bleachers of No bleachers of what was once the varsity football field. The west end Ferry Field built in 1914 still stand as a reminder of the Yost- zone bleachers are gone and the I-M Building has replaced the of Michigan football. Fans once watched such gridiron stars north stands but the running track still remains. Red Grange and Bennie Oosterbaan from this slowly decay* As you get to REALLY know your University town... the edifice. local shops . . . your favorite "spots" . . . you'll find yourself more and more regarding Ann Arbor as your second "home." And part of getting "home-bred" is, of course, the practi- cal consideration of arranging for thoughtful, safe, and ecdhomi- cal handling of your financial affairs. Why not make it a point to stop in at one of our two convenient campus offices soon? We're situated both on State D A ILY Street and on South University, with a complete line of banking services for you. We have our OWN "Michigan Tradition," you PH O TO know, and we'd like YOU to be a part of it! FEATURE