Sixty-Eighth Year .. - EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ons Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS 11 Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 : printed in The Michigan.Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints. "Whew! At First I Thought It Was Sent Up By One Of The Other Services" V"' .. THE INSIDE STORY: Tunisian Arms Deal -Aplomatic Riddle By WATSON SIMS Associated Press Staff Writer LONDON-THE TUNISIAN arms deal which disturbed three capita and caused,a furor throughout the Western world may go down history as a diplomatic riddle. The inside story of the deal is a case history in modern diplomac It demonstrates how people in high places can misunderstand eac other, how governments can go wrong in forecasting the reactions their people,.and how democratic governments can shift and sway und public pressures. French diplomats are contending their government was nev MBER 24, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID TARR I; Political Discussion Waits Upon Political Clubs .~t cti tfl _a W V 3ABLY THE DULLEST PERIOD of poll- ,1 activity is that year following a presi- . election-the period this country is tly experiencing. clear and startling reflection of these al political doldrums is in the student and more particularly in a few student nations . on this campus. To date this er there has been an incredible void of al discussions, speeches or activity of any, Young Democrats have made interesting inor contributions by bringing United Congressional Representatives John D. [ and Martha W. Griffiths here to speak. oung Republicans were more spectacular nging to have Sen. William F. Knowland but the club stubbed its toe in the pro- id, because of less interest in the senator ras expqected, reputedly lost over $300. LACK OF INTEREST shown in Sen. owland, a national political figure regard- what one thinks of his politics, is not to lained by one or two reasons. But it does the interesting question, which is con- by the overwhelming success of Thomas 's appearance here a yewr ago, of the . of political activity that will interest its. We doubt that students do not wish r prominent national figures, but it is a on that political clubs should consider in ng future activities. hould be made clear that organizations s YR's and YD's are faced with many and It problems in arranging for any speakers, ularly in an off-year in politics, one of the crucial being the great lack of personali- illing to speak. This same problem has faced this year by political organizations isiderably more influence and financial ces than groups located on .university ses. in light of these difficulties-not that excuse the dearth of activity on this is-the tragedy of of the Political Issues s all the worse. s organization's only meeting was a panel sion on "Science, Democracy and the War" which included Prof. Henry Gom- Prof. Morris Janowitz and Prof. Kenneth ng. The result was most commendable; anel provided an interesting and stimu- evening. more significant was the surprisingly. turnout on what was a rainy and rather isant evening. Following the meeting, ub's officers expressed surprise and grati- 'n at the attendance. SUCCESS of this panel suggests that .dents here may react more favorably-at least during a dull political year nationally-to local political discussions than to outside per- sonalities. If this is true, the failure of the Political Issues Club to carry through on their first success is even more lamentable than the failures of the YD's and YR's. Certainly; the United States and the entire world is not lacking for issues today that would easily lend themselves to interesting discussions by University professors andi, possibly, experts in different fields outside the University. It may be a little late now, but a discussion based on the revelations by the McClellan com- mittee of unethical practices in labor manage- ment would have beenin order. The nation's economy and its hazy future could also provide a lively discussion; indeed, possibly even a debate. It would be most unusual if there was not one in the economics department of busi- ness administration school having opinions on these subjects. It is quite likely the political science department has numerous members willing to discuss strictly political issues. And the list could b'e extended to numerous other departments. WE WOULD, however, caution an organization VV such as the Political Issues Club against becoming too involved in entirely contemporary issues. We would suggest they aim also at broad categories of basic importance to a free society. Possibly several professors would dis- cuss the changing role of the states' relation- ship to the federal government and the three branches of the government. If two professors could be found with opposing views on states rights, a debate would'be in order. A panel discussion on liberalism in this coun- try, its past and where it must go in the future, would be most stimulating. But in considering topics such as these, and the many left unmentioned, it would be unwise to limit the possibility of discussions to pro- fessors. Young Democrats and Young Republi- cans might provide political activity by holding debates between representatives of each organi- zation It is said, and probably with a certain degree of truth, that 95 per cent of the students here are caught in a bottomless pit of apathy with no way out. Even if this were true, it would be inexcusable to neglect the other five per cent. But we doubt that all 95 per cent are completely lacking in concern for the world of politics, government and society. It is much more likely, most of them become so involved with their college life as never to take time to consider issues and political problems that control their destinies. If so, then it must be said that their lack of interest is no worse than the void of opportuni- ties to stimulate and develop an interest. -DAVID TARR , . I a i { ' Y {i 4 . 2 c b. properly consulted about shipment was betrayed by its closest allies. British and American officials charge it was France that failed to consult' properly on her own intentions. , One British version, stemming from a highly qualified course, maintains the present government of France actually consented to the arms shipment - and thent turned on Washington and London when popular resentment In France proved more violentnthan expected. IN EXPLAINING the dispute, diplomats of all three nations go back to Sept. 4, when Tunisia first asked Britain and America for a token consignment of rifles and machine guns, a request loaded with diplomatic dynamite. President Habib Bourguiba of. Tunisia said the weapons were needed to protect his country from attack by French forces in neigh- boring ,.Algeria. To grant the arms would anger France, which feared they would be turned over to the Algerian rebels. To deny them,- -Britain and America feared, might mean that Tunisia-like Egypt-would turn to Russia for arms and give com- munism a foothold in North Af- rica. Britain and America took no immediate action, but told France about the request aid suggested that France itself provide the weapons - with whatever safe- guards were necessary to keep them out of Algerian hands. On Sept. 18, Tunisia renewed her request, adding a strong hint that she might get weapons elsewhere if it was refused. A week later, Egypt added to the pressure by announcing she would give arms to Tunisia. * * * WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: President Juggles Figures By DREW PEARSON U NLESS Congressional leaders change his mind, President Ei- senhower will not boost the budg- et, but, will 'pay 'for the missile speed-up out of other government savings. His hope is to squeeze about two billion dollars out of the present budget by eliminating low-priority defense items and cutting nonmilitary programs, such as veterans benefits arid wel- fare projects.' Ike has promised to clear with congressional leaders, however, before he makes a final decision. They will huddle with him Decem- ber 3 for a bipartisan briefing. Meanwhile, orders have gone out to agency heads to tighten their belts. Their approach to Congress has already been worked out by the political strategists. The agency spokesmen will claim they need every penny of their appropriations, but will offer to "sacrifice" for the sake of national defense. In this way, the Administration hopes to get credit for speeding up the missiles program and hold- ing down taxes' at the same time. ** * THE BIGGEST cuts are expect- ed to be made at the Defense De- partment itself. Assistant Secre- tary W. J. McNeil, the comptrol- ler, is now juggling figures. By re- tiring some conventional Navy ships and Air Force planes, he hopes to scrape together close to one billion dollars for more mis- siles. The details are also being worked out as to which nonmili- tary projects should be trimmed. Veterans and welfare payments probably will be reduced by tight- ening the eligibility requirements.' Ike is also expected to abandon his school-construction program and settle for less. expensive aid to education, probably govern- ment scholarships for promising science students. The President's offer of more defense for the same price will likely run into Democratic oppo- sition. Most Democratic leaders fear we can't catch up with Rus- sia on a balanced budget, also object to paying part of the mis- sile speed-up out of the pockets of veterans, widows,, and school children. Some northern senators will sug- gest plugging up t;e tax loop- holes, such as the oil depletion al- lowance, , to finance the missile increase. Note: Ike's determination to hold down the budget stiffened noticeably after his recent visit with ex-Secretary of the Treasury George "Hard Buck" Humphrey at the Augusta Golf Club. Humph- rey was photographed sampling a cracker from a cracker barrel he had presented to the club. A Pen- tagon aide, seeing the picture, cracked: "I see George still has his hand in the cracker barrel." * * * BRIGHT, BRASH Bernard Shanley, who stepped out as Pres- ident Eisenhower's appointments secretary to run for the Senate in New Jersey, has thrown state' GOP leaders into a tizzy They will meet informally Tues- day to try to batten dowi( the lid Shanley blew off the party by challenging veteran Sen. Alex Smith in the Republican primary. Strangely, the Eisenhower Re- publicans seem to be lining up against Ike's ex-aide, who instead is finding support among the po- litical disciples of the late Sen. Joe McCarthy. Shanley endeared himself to the Jersey right wing by launching a McCarthy-like attack on Demo- cratic Gov. Robert Meyner during the recent gubernatorial cam- paign. Shanley tried to link' the governor with pro-communists by claimihg he was close to the Amer- icans for Democratic Action group. To brand ADA as pro-commu- nist, Shanley quoted J. Edgar Hoo- ver who had never even mention-, ed ADA. It was also Shanley who in 1953 claimed that the Eisenhower Ad- ministration had removed "1,456 subversives" from the government. Later, Shanley was forced to ad- mit that the 1,456 persons who had resigned or had been dismiss- ed had not been adjudged "sub- versive" at all. Many QOP leaders believe Shan- ley's tactics hurt more than helped the Republican campaign against Governor Meyner. They want no more of it in the 19,58 senatorial campaign. Note: Democratic leaders are urging popular Congressman Pete Rodino to take the Democratic nomination. * *. * . of arms to Tunisia and in the end proposition: that all three nations join in tellingBourguiba he could have the weapons only if he pledg-. ed not to accept arms from Soviet bloc ountries. Britain and America refused. On Nov. 14, Bourguiba turned down the French proposal. The British and American arms were immediately ordered on their way. The result was an outpouring of Indignation by the French public, Almost unanimously, the French press charged the nation had been betrayed and had not even been notified that the arms shipment would take place. Gaillard declared the Atlantic alliance had been shaken and iext month's summit meeting of NATO powers im- periled. * * -* IN BRITAIN, the French indig- nation was at first greeted with an air of tolerance. But as the out- pouring continued, tempers grew short and the cordial atmosphee between the French Embassy and the British Foreign Office acquired a heavy coating of frost. The French said- and British and American diplomats denied- that Bourguiba might have agreed not to accept communist arms had Britain and America joined France in insisting on such a pledge oip Nov. 13. In London, a high official in the foreign office quickly met privately with American reporters and told them Gaillard, after the final French negotiations with Bour- guiba had failed, actually consent- ed to the British-American arms delivery. This British information officer said Gaillard made clear he would, of course, protest the action be- cause this would be demanded by popular opinion in France. But the Briton said this country and Amer- Ica had been given to understand the. incident would be passed off with a formal expression of regret. On the French side, one high French embassy official told news- men France was not even told of the Oct. 30 delivery date originally set by British and America. -Diplomats of all three nations declined formal comment on the conflicting versions which were being circulated - energetically circulated in "private"-to news- men.; OFFICIAL D3UILETIN The Daily official Bulttin Is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for *hcb the Michigan Daily assumes no ed- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Buil- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1957 VOL. LXVIII, No. 59 General Notices The Automobile regulations win be lifted for Thanksgiving vacation from - 5 p.m. Wed., Nov. 27 until 8 a.m. Mon., Dec. 2. Late Permission: Women students who at'tend Fortnite on Mon., Nov. 25, will have 45 minute permission at the end of the event.', TODAY AND TOMORROW: Interlocking Vetoes, By WALTER LIPPMANN THE LIGHT of what Secretary Dulles and secretary McElroy have been saying at their s conferences this week, thescontrolling fact he discussions about NATO is that we now ect the Soviet Union to produce-some years re we do-missiles which can fly the dis- ce between Russia and America. We are, it ears, less far behind the Russians in missiles ch can fly the. shorter distance between stern Europe and Russia. herefore, we are proposing to our allies t we, in cooperation with them, set up iching sites for medium range missiles in stern Europe. This, it is believed, will deter Soviet Union both from launching the i range missiles against the United States the medium rangedmissiles against Britain, ,nce, Germany and the, rest of Western ope. his will indeed mean a very high degree of t the President and the Prime Minister e called "interdependence." Under this ar- gement our main defense can be used only ur European allies separately and jointly sent. Their main defenses can be used only e, plus the other members of NATO, jointly . severally consent. This interlocking system, ch looked at negatively is really a system of vetoes, is likely to work successfully only if the issue is an unmistakable, open and fla- grant aggression against a member of the NATO organization. BUT IF THE ISSUE is outside NATO, whether in Africa, the Middle East, or Eastern Asia, the interlocking vetoes of the interdependent system are likely to prevail; NATO is not likely to have a collective policy. We have seen this in Korea, Formosa, Suez, Cyprus, and French North Africa. This basic situation has led to the search for formulae. Usually they are df two kinds. One is to work out theoretically the answers to all sorts of imaginary situations which might arise if there were various kinds of trouble. These exercises, which are the proper business of military planners, cannot be taken too seri- ously by statesmen. Except in the case of direct and overt attack, there are no clear situations which can be defined in advance, and made the subject of binding commitments to go' to war. The alternative is to seek formulae of consul- tation by which the allies can work out a com- mon position and a collective line of action. This must, of course, be attempted. There should be continual consultation. But we must not deceive ourselves. There are diverse in- terests within NATO, and when these interests are regarded as vital, the greater powers, though they consult the others, will not feel themselves bound in all cases to abide by the Judgment of the others. STUDENTS OF COLLECTIVE action are, I think, well aware that the general tendency of coalitions among sovereign states is to be- come stalemated and inactive. That is to say, the veto prevails. Thus, there is a stalemate in Eastern Asia because the United States government exercises a steadfast veto against dealing with Red China. There is therefore no aa a s lpA nl+v nn the nn pn nprtn ranee- BY 1957, there quill be 100 mil- 'lion motor vehicles in the United States, traveling about a trillion miles a year. Bertram D. Tallamy, a, soft-spoken, white-haired man of 56, is seeing to it that we have highways that will take the traf- fic. , Tallamy is the boss man of Un- cle Sam's $50-billion superhigh- way program. As administrator of the Bureau of Public Roads, it is his job to keep operations at top speed on a vast blueprint that calls for the building of 41,000 miles of new highways connecting all 48 states, plus the rebuilding of 750,000 miles of primary and secondary roads already in use.-. "Barring unforeseen bottlenecks, we should have it licked in from 13 to 16 years," says Tallamy, who built the New York City-Buffalo Thruway before bringing his en- gineering tools and know-how to Washington last year. (Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.) THERE IS little controversy about what happened in this.ini- tial period of the dispute. France was kept fully informed and was constantly urged to deal with the situation herself. But on Sept. 30, Maurice Bourges-Maunoury was voted out as premier and for the next six weeks France wash left with only a caretaker government. The controversy which blew up with such suddenness last week arose from what took place during these six weeks. British and American diplomats say Christian Pineau, foreign min- ister in the caretaker government, agreed in mid-October to the de- livery of British and American arms. The weapons consignment was assembled and Oct. 30 formally fixed as the date for delivery. But at the last minute Pineau pleaded for a delay on the ground a new French government, under Felix Gaillard, would soon be formed and should be consulted. * * * BRITAIN and America accepted the delay with. an expression of hope that Gaillard would act promptly. They set a new weapons delivery date, Nov. 12. A high American source says Gaillard advised Britain and America Nov. 12 that their arms would not be needed-that France would provide the arms by mid- night that same day. But the arms were not delivered, and on the morning of Nov. 13, Gaillard came .forward with a new 'I LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Landlords,'Intellectual Quietism' D iscussed £iic4~jau Oi Parasites * To The Editor: ONE HAS but td read The Daily these last few days, to wonder with amazement as to what ex- actly its editors or writers are at- tempting to accomplish with its series of articles relating to "the plight" of the poor landowners and landlords of Ann Arbor. Personally, I feel that such problems are just a farce and that in reality, such persons are but the parasites on the finances of the students in Ann Arbor. If their problems should be so great, which I doubt, why is it that they don't close their doors to the dollars and cents that annually flood the city and their bank ac- counts from the pockets of the poor and helpless students caught in such a system that exists here. IT IS the student, who lives in povertv. yet at the high price that money, for our checks are often refused, but also the deeds and actions which, we the future citi- zens of our country and world community, give today and shall lead with tomorrow. We are giving ourselves to gain an education to help not only our- selves, but also those who dis- criminate against us. We have clear hearts to live with! Do they and their fattened bank accounts? My letter is a challange to The Daily to print and to the kind and gracious studeits of this great University to read and think about. Will our children have the same problems ,when they come to Michigan or will we begin now to clean up the city and our plight? -Naylord L. Urshel, '58 Brotherhood . . To the Editor: I PON EXAMINATION of Ar. system should be given credit for its many services instead of con- stant condemnation of its minor faults. "Sweat sessions" and "pledge raids" like dorm "horse play" are just the college male's method of "blowing off steam" and should be viewed in their proper light-a small facet of fraternity life. -Alan Simmons, '58E -John Erlanger, '57NR. Conveyor Belt * . . To The Editor: ) I'M STANDING on a conveyor4 belt. Here, I am lubricated with the oil of English. There, a poten- tiometer is turned with a screw- driver named calculus. Further on, one of my bolts is tightened with a wrench of psychology. Some- where in the process, I am daubed with a stain of political science. As I progress, more potentio- meters are adjusted, more bolts This is the position of the dis- contented student who is aware of the intellectual quietism that results from the standardization process. * * * - AN APATHETIC calm has set- tled over the American college campus. The University of Michi- gan is no exception. The sttudent, as the harbinger of new thought and as the active solution-seeker to'unrest, is nearly extinct. This is simply bceause there is no un- rest-at least none for the "quiet- ed" student. -Indifference to the problems ouitside of the student's immediate circle has developed into an in-' sensitivity to the intellectual quag- mire in which he is caught. This letter is not being written to condone unproductive cynicism, but rather to catalyze the solidifi- cation of realistic goals from a solution of ideals. If you are dis- contented with the state of affairs as they are and if you are not A general meeting of varsity debaters will be held on Tues., Nov. 26, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 2040, ;Frieze Building. All interested persons may attend. Lectures ' The International.Center presents a series of free illustrated travel talks as a community service. First in the series is "Report: Africa." On Sun., Nov. 24 Prof. Chester B. Slawson will show colored slides and talk on "Develop- rent of Resources and People." 7:30 p.m., Aud. A., Angell Hall. Lecture by Dr. Harry Kolsky, visiting professor of engineering from Brown University. "Stress-Wave Propagation in viscoelastic Solids." Auspices of the Departments of Engineering Mechanics and Mathematics. Mon., Nov. 25 at 4:00 p.m., Room 311, west Engineering Bldg. Lecture. "The Solar Corona and the Interplanetary Gas," by Prof. Sydney Chapman, International President of the Special Committee for the Interna- tional Geophysical Year, Tues., Nov. 26, at 4:00 p.m., in Aud. C, Angell Hall. Third and final lecture in the series "Soviet Union and Eastern Europe," en- titled "Recent Travelers' Reports on Poland," at 8 P.M. Tues.,, (Nov. 26) in Aud. B, Angell Hall. Chairman will be 'rof. william B. Ballis, of the Depart- nient of Political Science, and the fol- lowing speakers: Prof. James O. Ferrell, r Editorial Staff PETER ECKSTEIN, Editor WES ELSMAN, JR. VERNON NAHRGANG Editorial Director City Editor NA HANSON ........Personnel Director MY MORRISON..............Maga ine Editor ARD GERULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director LIAM HANEY .....................Features Editor El PEILBERGC3................. Activities Editor O, PRINS....... Associate PersonnelDirector ES BAAD ................ Sports Editor CE BENNETT ...........Associate Sports Editor N HILLYER............ Associate Sports Editor I