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November 23, 1957 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1957-11-23

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-Daly-Wesley Kar
&R1CH - One of the few remaining traditions at Michi-
kissing of a girl in the Engin Arch to officially make
. An additional requirement of this tradition is that the
done at the stroke of midnight.

Arch, M



knell for tradition on
sounded as early as

At that time there was, among
her customs, a deadly rivalry
tweei the sophomore and fresh-
an literary college classes. The
an feature of this war was a
hire cutting competition. Each
=ring, with scissors in hand, the
val classes roamed the streets',
uch like bands of bloodthirsty
Although in 1898 a student had
ben injured, the faculty did not
irbid such "cuttings up." Wily
phomores and equally wily fresh-
en ran wild, literally out for
ilh others scalps.
Episodes in '0 .
Two episodes stand out in the
1 battle. The first concerns an
Iormal dance given by the fresh-
an class at Granger's Academy.
e sophomores were rallying to
tack' their younger brethren
Lere, but the freshmen set. up a
aunch defense. Police officers
ere engaged to patrol the entire
Ard in which the academy was
cated. Notices were circulated to
ze effect that the social committee
duld provide body guards for
embers of the class and their
roung ladies."
The party and the defense were
great success. Sophomores stand-
g near the academy who had
ainned to bag their gane on the
Lng gained only two freshman
alps. The }miscarriage of their
an resulted in the shearing of
ght of their own. So, members
both classes agreed, upon a tacit
uce until the close of vacation.
Freshman Attacked
Vacation's end in that year
ought the second episode-the
e hich proved to be fatal to the
i l
egents Grant,
Xtend Leaves
Fine leaves of 'absence were
anted and two others were ex-
ided yesterday by the Regents
th one leave of absence due t
"emergency situation in the of-
e of the Atomic Energy Cor-
prof. Donald Gilbert, of the
ysics department, was given a
wve for the first semester of the
57-58 year because- of urgent
>rk .with the AEC.
'University President Harlan
tcher said the leave represents
e fine service the University
ovides and enhances its utility
the o'utside world.
Sick Leaves
A sick leave was granted to Prof.
illiam R. Taylor, of the botany
partment, for the remainder of
e first semester of the 1957-58
ar. \
Prof. G u e n t h e r Stotzky, re-
arch associate in botany, was
ven leave for six months from
>v. 15, 1957 after being called
bo active duty training by the
aited States Coast Guard Re-
A sick leave was granted to
of. George R. Anderson, lectur-
in the department of economics.
Prof. Otto Laporte, of the phy-
s department, was granted a
bbatcal leave to write a series
papers on his research in shock
Extension Granted
An extension was also granted
Prof. Donald A. Glaser, of the
ysics department, to continue
study of high-energy particles
rough the use of an Xenon

tradition. George A. Malcolm, a
freshman on thedebate team, was
attacked by sophomores.
Fearing that lack of his curly
locks might bias the judges' deci-
sion in a forthcoming debate, he,
yelled mightily as his\ attackers
whipped out their scissors. His
mother dashed to his rescue brand-
ishing revolver.
Later the mother reported to the
authorities the harrowing tale,
complete with identification of one
of the sophomores. Expulsion was
threatened, Both classes hastily
promised; to abstain from the scis-,
sors and brought forth the follow-
ing fornal Resolution:
"The class of 1903 hereby re-
1 (a) To do all in their power
to stop the practice of haircutting
between the Freshmen and Sopho-
mores of the University of Michi-
gan, both for the present and the
(b) To see expressly that noth-
ing shall be done by the members
of the class of 1903 to hinder or
disturb the Freshman banquet.
2. The class of 1904 hereby re-
solves to do all in their power to
stop the practice of hair-cutting
between the freshmen and sopho-
mores of the University of Michi-
gan, both for the present and the
3. The following petition has
been signed by the men of 1903
and 1904: We, the undersigned,
hereby agree to do all in our power
to stop the practice of hair-cutting
between the freshmen and sopho-
mores of the University of Michi-
Tradition Diesr
So died a tradition. Many others
have gone its way. In the year
1957 we are left with only three:
A girl becomes a co-ed when kissed
under the Engine Arch at mid-
night. No one walks on the "M"
seal in the middle of the Diag for
fear that he will flunk his next
exam. And the lions in front of the
Natural Science Museum are sup-
posed to roar when a virgin walks
That's all. The Union custom,
that no girls should enter the front
door, died when the Union was
remodeled two years ago. For bet-
ter or for worse, we are left almost

Accepted As
Gifts to U'
Gifts, grants and bequests to-
taling $530,640.93 and ranging
from $400,000 to $100, were ac-
cepted yesterday by the Regents.
Largest grant, $400,000 from the
Carnegie Corporation of New York
went to support a Center for the
Study. of Higher Education.
A $25,000 grant from The 1907
Foundation Inc. was slated for the
Human Relations Program of the
Institute of Social Reseqrch.
Consumers Power Company do-
nated $1500 for the Power System
Laboratory in the electrial engi-
neering department. The labora-
tory will be under the direction of
Prof. J. G. Tarboux, of the engi-
neering school.
The Regents also accepted
$1200 from Lilly Endowment, nc.,
for the Lilly Endowment Fellow-
ship in the Pharmacy Fund.
General Electric Fund
Three funds totaing $11,300
were received from the General
Electric educational and chari-
table fund for the fields, of met-
allurgy, sociology and mechanical
Esso Research and Engineering
Co., and Armour and Company
gave $5,000 each toward the In-
dustry Program of the engineering
A grant-in-aid of $7,500 from
the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation,
Inc., was accepts d to provide an-
nual stipends for five Sloan Na-
tional Scholars for a two-year
period beginning in 1957-8.
President Harlan Hatcher men-
tioned at the Regents meeting
that the Sloan grant resulted from
discussions he had with officials
from the foundation. The fund
usually supports other types of-In-
stitutions, he said.
Netherlands' Gift
From the embassy of the Neth-
erlands Government came a $5,-
500 gift to cover a visiting pro-
fessorship in geology for the 1957-
58 year.
A grant of $4,200.11 came from
the estate of Walter R. Parker for
the, Margaret Watson Parker Art
Collection Fund.
Bendix Aviation , Corporation
has made two grants with one of
$3,500 to establish graduate fel-
lowships for students majoring in
engineering or science who are
well advanced towards a Doctor
of Philosophy degree. Another
$850 grant went to establish un-
dergraduate s c h o 1 a rs h i p s for
seniors in the engineering college.
The Helen Newberry Joy Fund
gave $3,500 for the Helen New-
berry Joy Aid Fund for Women
to held "worthy but needy fresh-
men or sophomore women" who
might have to drop out of the
University because of financial
A fellowship in chemical engi-
neering was created by the grant
of $3,100 from the Socony Mobil
Oil Co., Inc.
Support for Hospital
The Forney W. Clement Foun-
dation, Inc., supported by the
Kiwanis Clubs in Michigan, gave
$3,000 for support of the Univer-
sity Hospital School.
Four Michigan units of the
American Cancer Society have
given a total of $2,725 for the
University of Michigan Cancer Re-
search Institute Fund. The donors
were: Alpena, $2,000; Charlevoix,

A rapidly industrializing nation
with a rapidly growing population
is the way Prof. Oscar Lewis of
the University of Illinois described
modern-day Mexico in his lec-
ture yesterday.
Noting that the "rate of indus-
trialization" has not kept up with
the population rise, Prof. Lewis
added that in admitting thous-
ands of migrant Mexican workers
each year, the United States is
taking pressure off the Mexican
The University of Illinois an-
thropologist observed that in the

sleep on beds instead of on the
ground" and added that the trend
"can be seen even in the poorest
slum areas" of Mexico City.
Although Mexico now has more
wealth than in 1940, Prof. Lewis
observed that uneven distribution
has caused a great disparity be-
tween rich and poor.
He explained that results of a
recent study showed thatone per
cent of those gainfully employed
received 66 per cent of the nation-
al income.:
Low Living Standards
Despite increased industrializa-
tion and national wealth, Prof.
Lewis noted that over 60 per cent
of the population are still ill fed,
ill clothed, and ill housed, 40 per
cent are illiterate, and 45 per cent
of school-age children are not in
Discussing the Mexican govern-
ment, Prof. Lewis noted that the
"role of the military in political
life has been greatly reduced."
He observed that the new group
of commercial farmers "may soon
become a political force to reckon
with in the nation" but added that
at present the upper class has
great political influence.
U. S. Influence
Noting that the United States
has great influence in Mexican
affairs, Prof. Lewis said that "U.S.
citizens are now the largest single
group of foreigners living in the
He added that U.S. tourist
spending in Mexico has doubled
in the last 11 years and noted that
U.S. commercial ventures are
much in evidence.
"Major TV programs are spon-
sored by foreign companies," Prof.,
Lewis said, adding that "English
terminology is rapidly taking
hold" thanks, in part, to TV com-

Population, Industry
Dilemma Faces Mexico

Owner Tells.
Ex eriences
(Continued from Page 1)
Niles explains, "I called in the
building inspector and the fire
chief within 48 hours of the pur-
"That was before. the city re-
quired building inspection and I
had to argue the inspector into
Starting on a shoestring, as she
puts it, Mrs. Niles brought her
house up to the code requirements
before they were mandatory.
Most,of Mrs. Niles' tenants lately
have been happy living there, she'
said, and some of the present
tenants are extremely enthusiastic.
One upper classman claims it
to be "the best place I've lived in
Ann Arbor."
Exceptions Rare
There have of course been ex-
ceptions, Mrs. Niles pointed out.
A graduate student this fall ex-
pressed his disapproval of every-
thing but the maid service.
"I told the assistant Dean of
Men, Dr. Ostafin," Mrs. Niles said
with a smile, "that I guessed I
should burn the house down aid.
crawl into a hole somewhere." The
student is now living in a down-
town hotel at the advice of Dr.
Ostafin, she reported. -
Generally, though,Mrs. Niles
says the job of being a landlady,
is a rewarding one. Not financially,
she qualifies her statement, be-
cause to make money you've got
to ignore problems.
"I'm not considered by the peo-
ple who do make money at it to
be a good businesswoman," Mrs.
Niles says with a smile.
"But I have had the satisfac-
tion of bringing some property
fast becoming a neighborhood eye-
sore up to the place where people
want to buy it.
"It's been," she says, '"lots of'

Higher Education Cente
Aided by CarnegieGran

A $400,000 grant from the Car-
negie Corporation of New York,
accepted by the Regents yesterday,
will go to support a new center'
for the study of higher education.-
Principal objective of the center,
University President Harlan Hat-
cher announced, will be the train-
ing of administrators for colleges
and. universities. The project was'
initiated to offset an increasing
enrollment expected in the years
to come.
In charge of the center will be
Prof. Algo D. Henderson, instruc-
tor of higher education at the
University since 1950. The grant
will enable selected young admin-
istrators, without loss of salary,
to spend a year the University.
' Establishes
New Institute
Establishment of a Mental
Health Research Institute, as part
of the Medical School's psychiatry
department was approved at yes-
terday's Regents meeting.
The move was formulated in a
new Bylaw specifying that' the in-
titute shall be maintained for
he purpose of conducting basic
research concerning human be-
havior, normal and abnormal.
Although a Mental Health Re-
search Unit has existed since 1955,
the change made by the Regents.
is expected to facilitate work in
the field of mental disease.
Dial NO 8-6416
"Fascinating .. .

Realization of the center,
President Marvin L. Niehus
marked, will supplement othe:
grams for training administ
of higher education. He ind:
that it probably representi
first establishment of its kin
that the program will also
in the training of teachers,
From three to seven Fellow,
be chosen each year, accordi
present plans of the program.
will participate in higher educ
seminars, do research on s
problems or obtain internshi
periences in a variety of adir
trative offices and institution
Associated with Prof. He
son in the new center will be
James M. Davis, director o
International Center and pro
of ediucation, and Prof. Wal
Sindling, instructor of I
education. Other faculty men
will be employed as the need a
Expansion of the higher e
tion program, which began in
when Prof. Henderson joine
faculty, will assist professiona
paration of teachers for co
and junior colleges.
Further functions of the c
include publication of mat
related to college teaching an(
ministration and to public :
in higher education. It will
provide consultative and a
services in higher education.
Lost Complete Show 10:15 P.

-Daily-Leonard Cyr
..- speaks on Mexico
village where he carried out re-
search, most of the returning mi-
grant workers "have invested in
land and cattle."
Migration Helps
He noted that the migration of
workers had relieved an acute
land shortage in the agricultural
village and that returning work-
ers helped to raise the standard
of living.
Remarking that the standard of
living (is rising in both rural and
urban Mexico, Prof. Lewis said
that "more and' more rural people
(Use of this column for announce-
ments of meetings is available to of-
ficially recognized and registered stu-
dentz organizations only.)
Arab Club, movies, Nov. 25, 8:00 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheater. The follow-
ing color films will be shown: "This
Is Egypt," "Alexandria," "Lebanon, the
Dreamland." Admission free.
* " a
Graduate Outing Club, hiking, Nov.
24, 1:30 p.m., meet in back of Rackham.
Alpha Phi Omega, open meeting for
organization of chapter of Gamma Sig
ma Sigma, a women's service sorority,
Nov. 24, 2:00 p.m., 3rd floor Conference
Rm., Union. All women are invited.
* * *
Unitarian Student Group, Nov. 24,
7:00 p.m., First Unitarian Church.
Speaker: Carl Nielsen, "Trends In Mex-
ico Today."
* * *
Congregational and Disciples Guild,
cider and doughnuts after football
game, Nov. 23, Guild House.
* * *
Michigan Christian Fellowship, lec-
ture, Nov. 24, 4:00 p.m., Lane Hall.
Speaker: Dr. Cornelius Jaarsma, "How
Is Christ Both God and Man?"
* * *
Wesleyan Guild, supper, Nov. 23, 5:30
p.m., Social Hall; square dance with
Ohio State students, Nov. 23, 7:00 pn.,
Calkins Hall.

Dial NO4


TON IGHT at 8:30
G ee Club

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Highly Romantic! ...
Intensely idyllic !"
-Crowther, N.Y. Times
Premieres SUNDAY
That "Summertime"
guy is sizzling under
the Monte Carlo moon!





r S A
Starting SUNDAY

Still a Few Tickets Available at Hill Aud.


4 Filmea

"y .

I /




Dust off your best shrouds
and wear them to:
Chas. Addanis Dance.


$500; Roscommon,
costa, $25.
The Committee
Development gave
Michigan Business
search Conference.

$200; and Me-
for Economic
$2,500 for the
Executives Re-

Dial NO 2-2513

~'U' Reaches
id etRecored
During 1957,
'The University financial report
for the year ending June 30, 1957,
indicates record expenditures of
Salaries, wages and employe
benefit costs amounted to 69 per
cent of the total of $54,176,362, an
increase of $6,812,148 over the
previous year.
The balance of the expendi-
tures, $23,821,048, was used for
books and equipment, scholarship
payments, materials, supplies,
travel and plant extension.
Research expenses at the Uni-
versity totaled $19,850,017, which
included funds for studies in con-
servption and use of human re-
sources and mental health re-
search. These funds were appro-
priated by the state legislature. In
addition, many projects were
sponsored by the federal govern-
ment and industry.

Gift ern
Saturday 7 and 9 P.M.
Sunday at 8 P.M.
"riv"ate Life 'ofHerVI"
Also,-"ENCHANTED CITY"-a short
Architecture Audi torium 50 cents
FC t~tu w w w~~r C-t

Jim Servis




. of an ex-sheriff who'd faced too
many guns for his $40 a month and
.. ofa young sheriff whom he had
to teach how to wear

Saturday 9 till 1



of a boy who' lived only for the
he might stand tall and wear





- .

Hillel, Players


Jean Paul Sartre







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