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November 21, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-11-21

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"What Are We Fighting For Now - Inflation Or Deflation?"

Suxty-Eighth Year

!n Opinions Are Free
uth Will Prevail"

The Sorceress'
Thoroughly Enjoyable
ALTHOUGH CINEMATOGRAPHY has for the past 40 years been
clamoring for recognition as an independent art form, it seems
recently that the only real or commercial justifications for this clamor
have been films produced in countries other than the United States.
Seldom in Hollywood, for instance, can one find the sort of experi-
mentation with plot and techniques that make a movie like "The
Sorceress," the film currently playing at the Campus, seem fresh, dy-
namic, and thoroughly enjoyable. An unpretentious exploitation of
simple photographic skills, fine acting, and an imaginative, meaningful


ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Cooperative Defense Plan -
Key to Western Security

is reported to have formulated a revolu-
tlonary cooperative plan for Free World de-
fense, to be presented to our NATO Allies at
next month's conference in Paris.
Dulles' plan, if supported by the United
States Congress and accepted by the Allies,
could be the answer to the challenge of Rus-
sian scientific advances in the arms and mis-
sile field, and the means of presenting a
mighty, united Western defense front against
any threatened Soviet aggression.
Basically, the plan puts forth four proposals:
A pool of Western scientific resources, includ-
ing laboratories and equipment, as well as
scientific brainpower; a pool of machinery for
"pushbutton warfare," eliminating to a large
extent the huge, costly land armies of the
past; a joint scientific training program, with
an extensive program for exchange of top sci-
ence students among American and Western
European universities; and finally, the con-
struction of an arsenal of nuclear weapons
anid guided missiles in Allied countries.
e "ifs" involved, however, are crucial. Re-
3ection by either the Congress or the NATO
powers could and would torpedoe the scheme
at birth.
WINNING THE endorsement of Congress will
be the first critical step towards activating
the plan. This promises to be an imposirg task,
fo Dulles can be sure of little support at pres-
ent, and equally sure of powerful opposition,
as much from within his own party as from
the Democrats.
Republican opposition is certain to come
from the Old Guard wing of the party. The Old
Guard is traditionally isolationistic, while
Dules plan approaches the ultimate in inter-
nationalism, militarily at least. This conserva-
tive group of congressmen has consistently op-
posed Administration foreign policy for being
too internationalistic and New Deal-ish; it
is unlikely, to say the least, that they would
make an about-face overnight.
'Democratic opposition is not likely to be so
solid or so certain. In the past, because of the
New Deal-ward leanings of Eisenhower-Dulles
foreign policy, they could count on some mea-
sure of Democratic support. This, unfortunate-
ly, is not so now, for basically two reasons: The
Democrats are riding the crest of a popular
dis atisfaction with the Eisenhower Adminis-
tration, due largely the Soviet Sputnik and all
its implications; and the Republican National
Committee has recently been waging an in-
tense propaganda war against the Democrats,
repeating the same charges that were used in
the last two national elections - 20 years of
treason, and the precipitation of two world
"wars .
IF, HOWEVER, Dulles can give his plan an
aura of bipartisanship and' persuade the
Democrats to lay. aside political considerations
in the interests of national and Free World
security, he may be able to garner enough sup-
port to leap the first hurdle. This will be no
mean task of salesmanship, but its success is
vital. Hence the sudden consultation with Ad-
lai Stevenson, a move made in the hope that
if Stevenson collaborates on and approves the
scheme, he can bring his party into line.
Supposing, now, that this is accomplished, an
even more imposing obstacle looms - accep-
tance by the NATO alliance. For the Allies,
the decision to support or veto the plan in-
tolves far more than petty political differences.
They will be putting their national independ-
ence, security, and very existence on the line.
The Nonsense of
azine says, do not belong to a "beat genera-
tion" but are instead "No-Nonsense Kids." This
evaluation is much more valid than the charges
of sheep-like conformity leveled by educators
such as Griswold of Yale, but the stamp of
approval Time places on the kids' definitions of
nonsense is questionable.
Time cites declines in intellectual, political
and artistic cultism, saying they have generally
been misinterpreted as reve'aling growing dull-
ness. The declines, Time says, are being bal-
anced by added stress given education. More
students come to college, more graduate and
more go on to graduate school than ever

This re-emphasis is explained by the maga-
zine in terms of today's complex world. The
students see that crusading doesn't accomplish
very much; they are concerned not with how
to improve things but how to adjust to them.
Thus existentialism and fundamentalisma,
philosophies of man in environment typified by
Camus and Neibuhr, have replaced more opti-
mistic philosophies of reform. Faulkner and
Dostoevsky, concerned with people's problems,
and Salinger with his picture of adolescent
adjustment have supplanted Sinclair Lewis and
James Joyce as authors read for answers.
OR WE ARE LIVING, Time says, in an Age
of Consolidation, of combat with anxiety. To
cope with today's problems the student finds
adjustment imnerative. unorthodoxy unprofit-

for the Dulles plan as it now stands would re-
quire such intimate coordination of Free World
defense that some of the smaller nations would
be asked to give up some phases of their mili-
tary effort and concentrate on one or a few
specific contributions to the united effort, de-
pending entirely on the union for what they
lack. Even the Big Three may be required to
leave a vulnerable spot in their individual de-
fense froits and depend on the others for
protection of that soft spot.
ANOTHER major objection is sure to arise
against the plan's insistence on authority
to declare war and to dip into the atomic
stockpiles being vested in the United States
and England. This provision is apparently in-
tended to prevent any of the smaller nations
from using the might of the alilance to back
them up in relatively minor disputes
To counter' this fear of entrusting national
autonomy and safety to the Anglo-Saxon na-
tions, Dulles proposes a solemn pledge that
the United States will go all-out to defend
any free European nation under attack, using
every weapon at its disposal, heedless of the
threat of retaliation against the American con-
tinent itself.
It is in this provision, committing the United
States to all-out war and exposing us to direct
retaliatory attack in defense of what might be
only a few square miles of foreign soil, that
Dulles will probably meet some of his most in-
tense and most well-founded opposition at
home. Hence the need for strong Democratic
support in Congress.
In spite of all its implicit threats, both to
the United States and to its Allies, the Dulles
plan appears to supply what the Free World
needs most in facing up to the Soviet threat,
scientifically and militarily - power and unity.
SOME MAY argue that such a radical mili-
tary alliance is in vain, because the Soviet
Union seems to be abandoning military expan-
sion in favor of more subtle peaceful economic
and political infiltration via foreign aid, satel-
lite party organizations, and propaganda.
The answer to this is that such an alliance
as Dulles proposes would be, in addition to its
tangible might, a major propaganda victory,
a reassurance of Western supremacy to the
vacillating neutrals so much impressed by re-
cent Soviet accomplishments and accompany-
ing propaganda.
In the course, of the verbal battles sure to
be fought over the Dulles plan, it will no doubt
be considerably revised. If, however, it survives
without drastic or fundamental change, and
with perhaps an addition to provide an effec-
tive counter to Russian economic infiltration
in the underdeveloped areas of the world (par-
ticularly Asia and the Near and Middle East),
it could be an invaluable contribution to the
maintenance of world peace - uneasy though
that peace may be - and an effective block
to Soviet expansion.
THE WESTERN ALLIES would have to sac-
rifice a great deal, particularly of national
pride, in activating the Dulles plan, but they
have a great deal more to gain - first and
most important, security, but also an easing
of the increasingly harder-to-bear financial
burden by elimination of duplication, increase
of international cooperation and cultural ex-
change, and access to the vast scientific, indus-
trial and military resources of the great powers,
particularly the United States.
Assoiate Editorial Director
'No-Nonsense' Kids
is for example the only convincing explanation
of apathy here at the University.
When SGC elections come up, they stay home
in droves, not because of any violent opposition
to Student Government in theory, but because
no definite answer can be given to their ques-
tion, "What's in it for me?"
Likewise it has been pointed out and can be
seen that interest in national politics is nearly
non-existent on this campus. The Civil Liberties
Unions, Young Socialist Clubs and other
political action groups are no longer in evidence
here. The Young Democrats and Young Repub-
licans generally remain in hibernation between
Still more specific was the apathetic response

given the Haley lecture on space law recently.
A more timely address could not have been
conceived barring a speech by Khrushchev on
the eve of war, yet attendance was negligible.
Coming on the same night, Poet Carl Sandburg
spoke to a full house in Hill Auditorium; he is
an interesting old codger to be sure but had
little challenge to offer.
"No-Nonsense" tag, must it be conferred like
a degree? What is so healthful about individual
Seen as part of an historical cycle, attitudes
of consolidation may be- expected to coincide
with times of stress. Marriage and job security
are to be expected as preoccupations, but is
this self-interest so praiseworthy?



Inter-Servce Feud at Peak

ONE REASON for our disastrous
lag behind Russia on satellites
and missiles is the bickering be-
tween the armed services.
This was tacitly admitted when
new Secretary of Defense McElroy
gave the green light to the Army
to fire one of the six Army satel-
lites which have been gathering
dust in a Huntsville, Ala., ware-
house because the Navy was in
charge of the satellite project.
This was a victory for Col. John
Nickerson, court-martialed for
protesting that the Army had been
euchred into a back seat in the
missile race. More important, it
highlighted the backbiting, cut-
throat competition between the
Army, Navy and Air Force which
has reached a point where the na--
tion's security has seriously suf-
* * *
IT WAS only a few short years
ago that the three armed services
were put under one Secretary of
Defense in order to prevent this
bickering. Yet today, rivalry has
reached an all-time peak. Never
has it been so bad.
To illustrate: The Army mis-
sile base at Huntsville looks over
Air Force officers very carefully
before they are allowed security
clearance to come to Huntsville.
They get clearance in the end, but
not without enough red tape to
make the Air Force wonder
whether they are members of a
foreign power rather than fellow
defenders of the United States.
Again, ,hen civilian represen-
tatives of the secretary of defense
meet with representatives of the
Army, Navy and Air Force on

materiel matters, they sometimes
act as if they were representing
three foreign governments. When
it comes to writing specifications
for such things as motors for mis-
siles, all three services hang back
from revealing too much to the
In the end, the directive is so
watered down, in order to please
all three, that, it's almost mean-
One reason for uniting the three
services under one Cabinet mem-
ber was to save money. It was ar-
gued that instead of buying dif-
ferent towels, sheets, underpants,
boots, dishes, artillery, rifles and
sometimes bidding against each
other, the Army, Navy and Air
Force could pool their buying.
BUT GETTING such coopera-
tion has been a superhuman task.
Some of it has been accomplished.
But whenever the budget is cut,
the personnel studying joint pur-
chases are taken off that job.
It's estimated by some civilians
in the Defense Department that
five billions could be saved, if the
three armed services pooled their
buying and also required competi-
tive bidding instead of plus-cost
The big question is: Why hasn't
unification worked? Why hasn't
the secretary of defense cracked
military heads together?
Charles E. Wilson, was a big
businessman, onetime head of
General Motors, supposedly skilled
in efficiency and money saving.
But under him, the armed services
ran more wild than ever. He ex-
ercised no authority. It's too early

yet to judge his success6r, Neil
McElroy, another big business-
man, head of Proctor and Gamble,
one of the biggest soap companies
in the world. But so far, he's
leaned over backward to please,
not boss the armed services.
What's the reason?
TO GET the answer you have to
go back perhaps to Roosevelt's
day, when the Army and Navy got
into the habit of running to the
White House. Under the tradition-
al American system, the Army
and Navy are supposed to be
bossed by civilian secretaries. But
FDR loved the Navy and ran the
Navy. The admirals always knew
they could go over the head of
the secretary of the Navy direct
to the President, and they did -
time after time.
In one case, Charles Edison, lat-
er governor of New Jersey, re-
signed when he tangled too vig-
orously with the admirals and
they went to the White House.'
The general, not to be outdone
by the admirals, also took their
trubles to the White House. They
couldn't always see Roosevelt, but
they had a sympathetic friend in
General "Pa" Watson, his military
President Truman, who suc-
ceeded FDR, was tougher on the
military. He fired General Mac-
Arthur, exiled Adm. Arthur Rad-
ford .and Adm. Arleigh Burke
when they undercut the Air Porce.
But, under Truman, the admirals
and the generals went direct to
Congress, sometimes over the
head of the White House.
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.)

story combine to produce a really
effective unification of content and
"The Sorceress" is a. fairy tale, a
fantasy for adults. Filmed by a
French company in rural Sweden,
it tells the story of a young engi-
neer, on a project in the North,
who falls in love with the lovely
granddaughter of the village hag.
A real witch, an enchanted prin-
cess, a wicked lady, and a hand-
some prince are caught up in the
sticky web of superstition that sur-
rounds the town.
* * *
DESPITE the techniques of mod-
ern science and the church, how-
ever, the breaking of the spell is
more than even an engineer can
manage;' the ending of the story,
unlike the endings of the stories
Grimm, is rather horrifying and
very sad.
The young girl, Ina, is a delicate
child who lives, like Snow White,
in the woods. On friendly terms
with the animals and the birds,
she possesses magic powers, gifts
which the townspeople attribute to
the Devil.
The engineer, after meeting her
in the woods by chance, decides to
take her back with him to civiliza-
* * *
PLANNING to marry her, in or-
der to deflect the wrath of his
jealous lady boss, the young man
attempts to bring the girl into the
church. She refuses, fearing the
wrath of God, and her lover ap-
peals to the supposedly clear-
minded pastor, who also backs
Like most fairy tales, "The Sor-
ceress" has a moral and a lesson
concealed beneath its fragile sur-
face. The irrationality and power
of prejudice is overwhelmingly
called to the attention of the
viewer, but it really accounts for
only a part of the impact of the
Sensitive acting, especially on
the part of Marina Vlady, the
Sorceress, contributes ultimately
to a deeper atmosphere of subtle
and idyllic horror.
-Jean Willoughby
New 'Czar'
"czar" over missile develop-
ment, nosed out Lee A. DuBridge,
president of the California Insti-
tute of Technology, for that White
House job. It was a tossup between
the two right up to the time of the
Missile "czar" Killian did not
ask and was not given any guar-
antee of access to the President, or
any assurance that his decisions
would be acted upon.
One of the President's aides
said: "The President gets worried
about some situation and names a
special assistant to deal with it.
The assistant for a time has many
contacts with the President him-
self and exercises a lot of influ-
ence. Then the problem subsides
and the assistant sees 'the Presi-
dent less after that."
-U.S. News & World Report


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daly due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
The Automobile regulations will be
lifted for Thanksgiving vacation from
5 p.m. wed., Nov. 27 until 8 a.m. Mon.,
Dec. 2.
Senior Board, January graduation
announcement orders taken, Nov. 21,
22, 12 noon-5:00 p.m., SAB.
Late Permission: Women students who
attended the PanHellenic Jazz Concert
at Hill Auditorium on Mon., Nov. 18,
had late permission until 11:25 p.m.
International Center Tea, sponsored
by International Student Association
and International Center, Thurs., Nov.
21 from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. at the In-
ternational1 Center.
Department of Journalism. Prof. Le-
land Stowe will open his class, Journal-
ism 230, Current World Affairs and
Their Background Events, to the cam-
pus public on Thurs, Nov. 21, and
Thurs., Dec. 5, in Aud. C, Angell Hall
at 11:00 a.m. Stowe's topic for Thurs.,
Nov. 21 will be "Sputnik and America's
Crises (plural)." Topic for De. 5 will
be announced.
University Lecture sponsored by the
Departments of Sociology and Anthro-
pology. Prof. Oscar Lewis of the An-
thropology Department. Uversity of
Illinois, will speak on "Mexico, Since
1940." Fri., 4:00 psm., in Aud. A, Angell
Emlyn Williams, British actor and au-
thor, will present his one-man show
"A Boy Growing Up" tomorrow, 8:30
p.m. in Hill Auditorium as the fourth
number on the Lecture Course. Tickets
are on sale 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. In the Audi-
torium box office.
Professor Slosson, of the History De-
partment, wil speak at the coffee hour
of the Office of Religious Affairs, Fri.,
Nov. 22, 4:30 p.m. In keeping with the
season, his topic deals with "Ye Lord's
Free People" i.e., the Pilgrims - their
beliefs, morals, idiosyncrasies. Library
of Lane Hall.
University Symphony Orchestra, Jo-
sef Blatt, conductor; will present a
concert in Hill Auditorium at 8:30 p.m.
Thurs., Nov. 21. Stravinsky's Feu D'-
Artifice (Fireworks), Mozart's Sympho-
ny No. 34 in C major, and Hector Ber-
lioz' Symphonie Fantastique. Open to
the general public without charge.
Academic Notices
College of Architecture and Design
midsemester reports are due on Fri.,
Nov. 22. Please send them to 207 Ar-
chitecture Building.
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics,
Thurs., Nov. 21 at 11:00 a.m in Room
3017, Angell Hall. William Wrobleski
will speak on "Some Work of R. R.
Bahaduraon Statistics and Subfields."
Research Seminar of the Mental
Research Institute. Dr. Alfred Emer-
son, Department of Zoology, University
of Chicago, will speak on "Tracing Evo-
lution of Behavior by Artifacts," on
Thurs., Nov. 21, 12:45-2:45 p.m., Con-
ferenceRoom, Children's Psychiatric
Applied Mathematics Seminar. Thurs.,
Nov. 21, at 4 p.m. In Room 246, West
Engineering Bldg. Prof. Frederick J.
Beutier, Department of Aeronautical
Engineering, will speak on "General-
zation of wiener optimum Filtering
and Prediction." Refreshments at 3:30
p.m. in Room 274, W. Engineering.
American Chemical Society. Dr. Ar-
nold Weissberger of the Eastman Ko-
dak Company will speak on "Chemical
Processes in Color Photography" at
7:30 p.m. in Room 1300, Chemistry
Building on Thurs., Nov. 21.

401 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the
Application of Mathematics to Social
Science, Room 3217, Angell Hall, Thurs.,
3:30-5:00 p.m., Nov. 21, John Holland,
E.L Walker, Department of Psychology,
"Modelling of Nervous Systems on
sychology Colloquium. "Some Con-
siderations of Pattern Analytic Methods
for Clinical and Personality Research."
Dr. Louis L. McQuitty, Michigan State
University Department of Psychology.
4:15 p.m., Fri., Nov. 22, Aud. B, Angell
The following student sponsored so-
cial events are approved for the com-
ing weekend.
Nov. 22: Alpha Gamma Delta, Ander-
son, Chicago, Hayden, Lambda Chi Al-
pha, Phi Delta Phi, Pi Lambda Phi,
Prescott-Hinsdale, Zeta Beta Tau.
Nov. 23: Acacia, Alpha Delta Phi, Al-
pha Epsilon Pi, Alpha Kappa Kappa,
Alpha Omega, Alpha Phi Alpha-Alpha
Kappa Alpha, Alpha Sigma Phi, Chi Phi,
Chi Psi, Delta Kappa Epsilon-Psi Upsi-
lon, Delta Sigma Delta, Delta Sigma
Phi, Delta Sigma Pi, Delta Sigma The-
ta, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Theta Phi,
Evans Scholars, Gomberg, Graduate
Student Council, Helen Newberry, Hen-
derson, International Students Assn.,





Value of FUB Exchange Program Explained


(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is
a copy of a letter to Student Gov-
ernment Council regarding its evalu-
ation of the Free University of Ber-
lin Exchange Program. The writer is
studying at the University this year
under the FUB program.)
To the Editor:
THE MAIN purpose of every in-
ternational exchange program
of course will be to create under-
standing and appreciation among
people and to overcome prejudice
which is usually created only by
lack of knowledge about each oth-
I am very happy that through
the FUB exchange program, the
Germans are being given the
chance to correct the bad picture
that has been created during the
12 years of trouble when the bad
elements in our nation actually
gained leadership.
But beyond this theFree Uni-
versity of Berlin Exchange pro-
gramhas to offer something in
particular -- the exciting experi-
ence of living in the foremost out-
post of the Western way of life,
surrounded by and bordering on
a different world. Because the
eastern hemisphere has not only
different political principles and
philosophical ideas, it has its own
indescribable atmosphere.
BUT THIS IS NOT the only

the leading cultural and scientific
city of the country. There are sev-
en universities, 24 independent re-
search institutes, 14 museums and
art galleries with rare collections,
10 theaters and operas in the
Western sector, (plus seven in the
Soviet sector, which are accessible
and have at times good pro-
grams), three symphonies and
various chamber orchestras.
All these facilities are available
at surprisingly low admission,
prices that are reduced even more
for students.
. The high scientific level of the
Free University of Berlin is ac-
knowledged throughout Germany
and Europe. It is also highly re-
garded for its other fields of study
which include law, medicine, phil-
osophy, history, languages and so-
cial sciences.'k
The study discipline is more
liberal at all the European univer-
sities because the assumption is
made that a University student is
mature enough to work on his
in Berlin should be aware of the
fact that 50 per cent of the stu-
dents are from the Soviet zone
but are now living permanently in
the Western zone. These students
carry a real burden of sorrows and

advanced education is not too ur-
gent in West Germany.
Because of all these dififculties,
the Berlin student may at first
appear somewhat unconcerned
about campus affairs but he
proved his ardent interest in his
brave and struggling 11-year
Free University throughout its
In comparison to the German
student American students have a
sorrowless and gay life, and I am
enjoying the privilege of living
with them here at the University
of Michigan. When I leave this
country, I will carry my scientific
training and friendship' with
America to everyone at home, ex-
periences which I could not have
participated in or understood
without the existence of a Free
University of Berlin exchange pro-
-Ole Sorensen
Pitchman . .
To the Editor:
WONDER that the editors of
Generation see no inconsistency
in the kind of magazine they pur-
port to publish and the kind of
merchandising they utilize to sell
The shouting of student sales-
men in the area which has come

all day yesterday, and sold more
magazines than ever before." This
classic example of a "post hoc ergo
propter hoc" argument suggests
that the Generation editors and
staff may not have taken into
consideration two coincidental sell-
ing points:
1) The magazine is currently
publishing material of higher qual-
ity than wa§ the rule several se-
mesters ago, and
2) Professors Haugh's review of
the current issue, which appeared
in The Daily, called attention to
the competence of some contribu-
tors to Generation.
I submit that these two factors,
.rather than the carnival selling
technique, have been responsible
for the popularity of the current
issue of the magazine.
If, after weighing all factors,
Generation's editors determine
that the success of the magazine
depends upon shouting at passers-
by in the Fishbowl, then I shall
withdraw my objections, with
If they find, as I suspect they
will, that the shouting does little
more than antagonize prospective
customers, and that it is in keep-
ing neither with the kind of maga-
zine they publish nor with the kind
of institution which in part they
comprise, then I trust they will
substitute some more decorous



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