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November 21, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-11-21

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

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4 '


SGC Plans

Semesters May Begin on Mondays

To Ask Legislat

-Daily-Harold Gassenheimer
RESPECT-Minnie Wallace, proprietor of a State' Street
sing house, complains' of tenants who throw bottles and cans
the window, and of the cost of bringing her property up to
ding code requirements.
wdyism Repair Cst
indlady's Big Worrie's
EDITOR'S NOTE:. This is the third in a series of six artfcles based on -
iews with 'Ann. Arbor's landlords and landladies.).
'he biggest problem I hake is tenants with no consideration,"
e Wallace, operator of a rooming house at 307 N. State, says.
.ast year," Miss Wallace illustrates, "I had one tenant who
,st plain noisy. He threw cans 'and bottles out his window. You
call him ornery.
hate another one like+ that this year," she continues. He's
calling me by my first name. Calling your elders or older
by their first names, that's no respect. It's just like a slap in
ce. He's not bad though, just childish."
Local Resident,
iss Wallace has lived in Ann Arbor for many years, and has
ed the rooming house since\ the death of her mother. "I was

Dorm F und
- Student Goernment Council
established a joint committee last
night to study the implications of
rising enrollments and residence
hall expansion on self-liquidating
The committee will include two
representatives from each of In-
ter-House Council, Assembly As-
sociation and SOC.
The committee will study the
adequacy of the self-liquidating
program and -possible alternatives.
Method of Financing
The self-liquidating plan is a
method of financing new resi-
dence halls b'y borrowing fund's on
the existing buildings. Approxi-
mately $200 of each residence hall
student's room and board fees
goes toward financing new dormi-
At the same sheeting nomina-
tions of -some candidates for SOC
officers were announced.
Joe Collins, '58, was re-nomin-
ated for president.
Shorr to Run
Ron Shorr, '58, administrative
vice-president, was nominated
for e x e c u t i v e vice-president.
Treasurer Maynard Goldman, '59,
received the nomination for ad-
ministrative vice-president. Scott
Chrysler, '59BAd., was nominated
for treasurer.
SGC' also decided to appoint
three students to the University
Housing Committee, two of whom
are to be Council melibers. This
committee, which is composed of
students and administration, was
established by the old Student Af-
fairs Committee in February of
It has not met for over a year.
However, Council members ex-
pressed the belief that a great deal
could be done in this area, and
members should be appointed.
Formerly, any three students
could be appointed.
Must Request Meeting
The student member s are
charged to request a meeting of
,the committee as soon as pos-
sible to discuss its role in the
housing situation and to report
lack to SGC.
The Council also set up a com-
mittee to study ways in which
SGC candidates could most ef-
fectively meet the electorate.
A letter was read to the Council
from President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower commending the group on
its International. Week.'
The President thought that
such a program was an important
aidin his "people-to-people" pro-
gram for international good will.
U.S. Rocket;
Given Tests
WAfHINGTON (P) - Govern-
ment, officials reported yesterday
there was a test last week of one
stage of the rocket designed to put
up the first, experimental, six-inch,
United States satellite.
J. Paul Walsh, deputy director of
Project Vanguard, said the rocket
stage was "static tested," meaning
it was fired while fastened to the
launching pad so that- it could not
take off.

The University Calendar Com-
mittee voted to recommend a cal-
'endar change yesterday by which.
classes would begin on Mondays
both semesters next year
The calendar had originally call-
ed for classes to begin on Thurs-
The committee's action will be
sent to University President Har-
lan Hatcher and the Deans Con-
ference for approval.
Education Emphasis Sought
The change was recommended
by the calendar committee in the
hope that.a committeetwould in
the future come up with a long-'
range calendar which placed more
emphasis on education.
Under the change, classes will
begin Monday, Sept. 22 the first
semester and Monday, Feb. 9 the
second. The present calendar had
classes beginning Thursday, Sept.
18 and Thursday, Feb. 5.
The following is the proposed'
calendar for next year ap-
proved by the University cal-
endar committee:
Orientation - Mon., Sept. 15
Registration -- Wed., Sept. 17
through Sat., Sept. 20.
Classes begin Mon.,'Sept. 22
Tlianksgiving recess - Wed.,
Nov. 26 to Mon., Dec. I.
Christmas recess - (eve) Sat.,
Dec. 20 to (a.m.) Mon., Jan. 5
Classes end-(eve) Sat., Jan. 17
Study period - Sun., Jan. 18
Exam, period - Mon., Jan. 19
through Thurs., Jan. 29
Semester ends - Sat., Jan. 31
Orientation - Mon., Feb. 2
Registration - Wed., Feb. 4
through Sat., Feb. 7
Classes begin Mon., Feb. 9
Spring recess - (noon) Sat.,
Mar. 28 to (a.m.) Mon., Apr. 6
Easter - Sun., Mar. 29
glasses end - Wed. May 27
Study period - Thurs., May 28
Exam. period - Fi., May 29
through Tues.,. June 9
Memorial Day - Sat., May 30
Conmnencement-Sat., June 13
Police Told:
Halt Hawkers
Ann Arbor police officers at the
University football game Saturday
have instructions to arrest anyone'
seen selling tickets while on city-
owned land, Lt. George Simmons
of the Youth Bureau said yester-
The action is the result of "nu-
merous" complaints about the
"hawking" of tickets outside the
stadium on city-owned property.
A city ordinance : forbids the
selling of any merchandise includ-
ing football tickets on city property
on Saturday when Michigan is
playing at home.
The only persons allowed to sell
goods near the stadium are those
who have purchased transient
trader's licenses from the City.

The change will give two 14/2-
week semesters. The original cal-
endar included two 15-week se-
Revision came because of com-]
Ding ell 'Says'
Soviets Have
Science Lead
Rep. Johh D. Dingell Jr. (D-
Mich.) charged last night that' the
Eisenhower administration has lost
the scientific lead over Russia, and
thereby severely damaged United
States foreign policy.
Rep, Dingell, who is a member
of the Interstate and Foreign'
Commerce Committee, in the
house, told the University Young
Democrats Club that "more in-
telligent spending as well as a
program of sharing nuclear knowl-
edge with our close allies would be
two big steps in remedying this
situation."' .
Rep. Dingell, who represents the
15th Congressional District in De-
troit said that present difficulties
stem from several factors.
$Ordered Research Cutbacks'.
"To start with," he noted, "when
the Eisenhower administration'
took over in 1953 they ordered
basic research cutbacks, and the
guided missile, program which
started under the previous ad-
ministration bogged down com-
Rep. Dingell said that this was
due not only to a shortage of
funds and scientists,'but to intra-
service rivalries as well.
"These rivalries as to which
branch of the armed service could
perfect the best rockets the fastest
caused and still cause a chaotic
situation in which work is dupli-
cated several times and a tremen-
dous amount of money is wasted,"
he continued.
Youngest Congressman
The 31 year old congressman,
who is the youngest member of the
85th Congress, said that this re-
sulted in the Russians beating us
with their satellite, which in turn
caused a sharp drop in American
prestige abroad.
"This," he emphasized, "coupled
'with bunglings by the Sec. of State
in the Middle East and Far East
has caused many nations to re-
gard our foreign policy as inept,
and our nation as a follower in-
stead of a leader."
Williams Asks
For Education
Gov. G. Menne Williams has
urged support for federal aid to
education under the direction of a
separate secretary of education.
He said yesterday education
should be separated from health
and welfare in the president's cabi-
net "to give education the rank it
must have in the corridors of gov-
ernment and in the minds of the
people if we are meet the Soviet
scientific challenges."

plaints from some schools that
classes beginning on Thursday,
directly after registration,.caused
administrative difficulties.
Study Day Changed
Under the tentative calendar
for next year, the "dead" study
day before exams the first se-
mester will be a Sunday, and for
the second semester a Thursday;
Prof. Paul S. Dwyer of the
mathematics department and
Prof. William Steinhoff of the
English department, committee
members, expressed concern be-
cause whenever a calendar change
is proposed, the extra days come
out of the academic program.
The committee emphasized that
the group wyas just working. out a
stop-gap situation-. for next year
which was in no Way representa-
tive of an educational philosophy.
On Design
The collapse of the Consumers
Power Company building in Jack-
son last fall was "apparently
caused by a fault in the design,"
according tp Prof. Leo. M. Legat-
ski of the engineering college.
Prof. Legatski .and Prof. Glenn
L. Alt, also of the-engineering
college, were hired by the com-
pany immediately after the col-
lapsed to investigate the causes of
the disaster.
In their report the professors
said that "the basic cause of the
collapse is the failure to provide,
in the design, the means for
transmitting moments and shears
around' openings in the concrete
floor and vents to supporting col-
umns." -
Prof. Legatski, a concrete strue-
tures expert, said that the collapse
of the first,- second, third and
fourth floors of the east and south
sections of the structure was "ap-
parently caused by the force ap-
plied by the loads put on them"
This disaster resulted in death
for six people and injury to at least
15 others.
Governor G. Mennen Williams
also appointed a committee to
study the causes of the collapse.
This committee reported that it
"questioned various aspects of the
design, construction and super-
vision of the building project and
the owners participation- therein."
It added that "from a technical
standpoint no single cause can be
pinpointed as the proximate cause
of failure." The committee did not
elaborate further in its report to
the Governor.
U' Orchestra
To Perform
The University Symphony Or-
chestra, under the direction of
Prof. Josef' Blatt Qf the music
school, will present its annual fall
concert at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill

For Budget Hike
25,000 Enrollment Seen for 195
Stirton Says Budget Based on ]
The University is requesting an increase of $7,02'
legislative appropriations for 1957-58 operations.
budget figures released to The Daily yesterday b
President William Stirton also show the University '
next fall's enrollment to reach a record total of
A total University operating budget of $47,667,000 i
recommended. The Legislature would supply $37,274,(
$10,393,000 would come from students' fees held at this
-'Based on University Needs
The budget requests are based "on the needs of ti
versity and not the number of students," Vice-Presiden
ton emphasized. 'Included -in

World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-French Foreign
inister Christian Pineau said yes-
rday "a high degree of unity of
iews" - has been reached with
nited States officials on most of
ie military and scientific prob-
=s which will come Up at the
ATO meeting in Paris next
His statement to reporters after
two-hour' meeting with Secre-
ry of Defense Neil McElroy was
terpreted as meaning virtual
;reement on the deployment of
omic ballistic missiles abroad.
* *i *
CHICAGO-Secretary of State
Ihn Foster Dulles said last night
ATO forces-would "almost cer-
inly fight back" without waiting
r a declaration of war, if at-
cked in the field.
The decision would be made on
e spot by'- field commanders,
illes told a news conference.
The attack, Dulles said, "almost
rtainly would involve American
oops because the NATO forces.
e so intermingled."
CAIRO-Maj. Gen. Abdel Ha-
mAmer flew home from Moscow
'sterday in a Soviet jet' airliner
th a reported promise- of- 175
illion dollars in Russian eco-
imic aid for Egypt.
A Soviet-Egyptian communique
Id he also discussed military
estions in Moscow.
The deal for economic aid as
-scribed here is similar to. the'
-year tie-up recently made be-
een the Soviet Union and Syria.
The war minister reported im-
ediately in a two-hour session
th Egypt's President Nasser on
s three weeks Soviet tour.
g yronip sn, p

"a substitute landlord while my
mother was ill," Miss Wallace ex-
plains. In contrast to many of the
city's landlords, she operates only
the one house.
.Miss Wallace still has trouble'
with her tenants, such as the
"ornery" one, but she feels her lot
as a landlady has improved since.
she - began using contracts from
the Dean of Men.-
"When some of these students
see these printed forms firomni Dr.
Ostafin's office they take off like
jet planes,"' Miss : Wallace says
with a laugh. In this' way she be-
lieves the least desirable' roomers
are eliminated.
- Rules Observed
Miss Wallace explains that .in
order to use these contracts she
must comply with both University
and city rules.
"I earn my living by University
students," the portly landlady ex-
plains, "so I use the contracts to
get some cooperation from the
University. It's a case of 'If you'
help me, I'll help you'."
Under the regulations from the
Dean's office there can be no loud
parties, for which Miss Wallace is
grateful. "I don't mind them hav-
frig beer with their meals at res-.
taurants downtown, but I don't
want them back here, just plain
old-fashioned noisy," she says.
"I read in The Daily where fra-
ternities want champagne with
their dinners, or something like
that. I forget just what. That's a
European custom, isn't it?
"What I do object to," she adds,
See MISS WALLACE, page 6
iiahon Begins
Into Weapons
WASHINGTON (/)--Rep. George
Mahon (D-Tex.), launching a sur-
prise inquiry into the United States
weapon program, said yesterday "a
prevailing view is that we are

the request for additional
funds, besides increased oper-
ating costs, is $3,252,000 ear-
marked for salary improve-
ments. The major portion, $2,-
921,000, would go for a 10 per
cent salary increase encom-
passing both compensation
for increased living expenses
and merit raises for promoted
faculty members. '
"We particularly need increases
to recognize the growth of young-
er faculty- members," University
President Harlan Hatcher said.
- Competition Keen
Also, competition is extreme-
ly keen and the demand- for top
flight people will be increased,"
he said referring, to the effects,
of Russia's recent scientific ad-
Headded that he hoped the
need for traiped personnel would
be reflected in the enrollment in-.I
Graduate School enrollment is1
expected to rise 250 to 5,550 stu-..
dents. Engineering school officialsl
predict enrollment there will rise
500 to, 4,000' students, and lit'
school enrollment is expected to
rise from 7,263 to 7,800.
Enrollment Fell Short..
University officials pointed out
that enrollment this fall fell short
of the predicted 24,100 students.'
The final enrollment- figure of
23,000, which still set a record, is
attributed by them to the scarcity
of summer jobs and the increase
in fees.
The tightened financialsitua-
tion for students is reflected in
the increased use of the student
loan fund, Stirton said. An addi-j
tional $100,000 was provided for9
student aid, according to Vice-;
President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis.
$281,178 for Services
The Legislature is being asked;
for $281,178 for services to stu-+
dents of which $13,000 is desig-
nated for Regents-Alumni Schol-I
Last year, the - University re-
quested $500,000 for a scholarship
aid program.' It was rejected by
the Legislature.
University officials are holding
meetings this month to discuss
the appropriation requests with
the state controller and budget
director who will then report to
Gov. Williams. The' governor will
announce his recommendations to
the Legislature when the session
opens in January.
Last year, Gov. G. Mennen
Williams cut the University's
request from 34.1 million' dollars '
to 31.6. "The Legislature, in a
"hold the line drive," appropri-
ated $30,250,000,
Health Service
Offers-Shots /
Health Service General Clinic
is distributing Asian Flu inocula-
tions on a daily basis and polio;
vaccine will be available on speciali

Bond Is re

Special to The Daily
LANSING-A $250 millic
issue-with $150 million ea
ed for higher education--wt
posed yesterday by Rep.
W. Sallade (R-Ann Arbor
means to meet Michigan's p
financial needs.
He told an Ingham
.Young Republicans meetir
the money would also be u
mental health, corrections
servation and welfare
"This proposal would be
on the ballot in the Novemb(
general elections for accept
rejection.... In effect, t1
government would be doing
ferently than any individ
private industry in adoptir
a 'time payment plan' for it
tol improvements," Sallade
He said the program "c
presented by the Republic
Islative majority in 1958."
University President
Hatcher 'and Vice-presider
11am Stirton last night
wait-and1-see attitude on tJ
"We must be sure all m1
of pay-as-you-go havebe
hauited before further tax
already heavily morgaged f,
President Hatcher said.
Ballade also suggesteda
point plan for lncreased sup;
higher education on a
basis - $250,000 for schol:
$250,000 for'-graduate resear
$500,000, for student loans.
Other proposals put bef
Young Republicans inch
$4,000 minimum wage for
ers; a minimum wage law
dollar per hour; a reorgan
program for state adminis
agencies; enactment of leg
for control of union welfar
and stronger civil rights la
German Yot
Fear _Ariin
Although every politica
in Germany agrees on the
sity of rearming, the peo
afraid of it, Dr. Ferdinand
Friedensburg IV, said yeste
Evaluating the "Problem:
New German Army," Dr. Fr
burg said in the event of a
war the people fear they
fighting against brothers ar
in the Soviet section of Ear
many. -
Children who saw World
first hand are now the o
military age, he observed, ai
want a return of "total c
tion." The strain of suppor
army and United States
ganda calling war "low an

Gilbert Suivan roup repares for Opening Night
Gilbert and Sullivan players are. putting the finishing touches -",
to their performances of "Trial By Jury" and "The Sorcerer," which
opens - at 8:15 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The show will continue tomorrow and Saturday evenings.
The first operetta will be "Trial By Jury," a one-act, 45-minute
opener. A satire on the English judicial system, the plot revolves pI
around a breach-of-promise suit.

Morningstar Plays Learned Judge
Gershom Morningstar, Grad., plays the role of the Learned Judge,
who decides the fate of the Plaintiff, Charlotte Schuster, '61, and the
Defendant, Griff Griffin, Grad.

N*j~W~ -

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