)aily Presents Complete News Coverage
Ensian Records Campus Year
In Permanent 500-Page Book
In the pages of the Michigan-
ensian, shortened to Ensian, for
everyday usage, is the most com-
plete, most attractive record of the
University year.
Within its covers are relived the
strains of rushing, the Diag at 8
a.m. and the band in all its glory
performing at halftime during a
football game.
All that is typical and memor-
able of campus life is portrayed
in the 500-page annual's slick
black-and-white and color pages.
However, the Ensian records
more than pictures. Its copy can
be either critical-when discussing
the educational side of the Univer-
sity-or it can be nostalgic-when
portraying one of the social events
of the year.
A 45 rpm record, which can be
purchased with the yearbook, also
helps to relive the University year.
Michiganensian derives its name
f r o m a mispronounciation of
Michiganensis, meaning "sport of
Michigan." Since 1897 the Ensian
has grown from' a small yearbook
to one of the most distinguished
in the nation.
The editing of the Ensian is a
year-round proposition, according
to its managing editor.
Its senior editors are appointed
every spring by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications for
the production of the following
year's book.
Although preliminary planning
takes place during the spring and
summer, the greater amount of
work is done during the school
Soon after classes are in session,
the Ensian try-out program begins.
This is designed for anyone,
whether he has had experience or
not, who is interested in learning
and has a willingness to work.
If one starts as a freshmen or
sophomore he can gradually work
up to the status of junior editor
and then a senior editor.
During the year the staff is busy
preparing the Ensian for publica-
tion. Copy and photographs must
be assembled, typing must be done
and layout and designing com-
Meanwhile, the business staff is
busy with the financial portion of
the Ensian. In the fall, salesmen
corner students on the Diag to
buy an Ensian or solicit in the
Residence Halls for subscriptions.
This staff also has the responsi-
bility of keeping the books straight,
making contracts and soliciting
merchants for advertising.
Finally, just as final exams are
creeping up on the students and
summer plans are being made, the
Ensian returns from the publishing
Students jam the Publications
Building, waiting to pick up the
permanent memories of their year
at the University, and the staff
has a deep sense of satisfaction
seeing their completed work.
The Ensian is beginning its 80th
year this fall, a comprehensive
yearbook that was once only a
small picture book established in
1897 by a merger. of three inter-
collegiate magazines.
It has won many awards for its
excellence in national rankings.
To Issue Calls
For Tryouts
All student publications depend
on obtaining new staff members
at the beginning of each new se-
Trainees, tryouts - whatever
they may be called -- are essen-
tial to the life of the publications
both in replacing the positions of
those who have left and in contri-
buting fresh ideas and new out-
looks to the publication.
The Daily will hold introduc-
tory meetings on Wednesday and
Thursday of the first full week
of classes. The Business Staff will
meet with prospective new work-
ers at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday and
at 7:15 p.m. Thursday.
Editorial Staff supplicants will
be welcomed at 7:15 p.m. Wednes-
day and 4:15 p.m. Thursday in the
Student Activities Bldg.
The Ensian, Generation and
Gargoyle will all announce times
and places for new staff meetings
early in the semester.
SPORTS DESK-Animportant part of The Daily is its Sports
Department, where reporters cover all local events and many
The photography staff is pro-
vided with a darkroom in the Stu-
dent Publications Bldg. They have
access to cameras and all neces-
sary darkroom and picture taking
and developing apparatus.
Photographers work with re-
porters when pictures are needed.
Their biggest chores arise when
The Daily prints - as it often
does - picture pages illustrating a
department of the University or
some aspect of University life.
Through the years The Daily
has gained a reputation for being
one of the top college newspapers
in -the United States.
It has been ranked All-Ameri-
can by the Associated Collegiate
Press for many years in succes-
sion, a rating considered to be
the highest honor a college paper
can attain. It also has received
highest awards from Sigma Delta
Chi, national professional Journal-
ism fraternity.
The Daily is likewise one of the
most successful. college papers
when circulation is considered,
having approximately 7,000 sub-
Charles Curtiss
WOMEN AT WORK-Enslan staff members find yearbook pre-
paration a continuing, year-long job with a series of deadlines to
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