lord Dislikes 'Rowdy' Students
need from Page 1)
mit, Dr. Speer explains,
lnly to keep tenants for
semester but pays for
I theft in case they do
are imposed on Dr.
ants other than those
cessary in having an
partment in the build-
ants may come and go
as they please, but must not have
women in their rooms. Rough-
housing upstairs is discouraged,
because of the office on the first
floor," the landlord explains.
"I've had no real trouble over
drinking," he goes on. "One pair of
boys moved hi and only stayed two
weeks. The others said they were
coming in soused. The two boys
found another place and I was
Just as glad..
(Continued from Page 4)
429, Mason Hall, Tues., Nov. 19,
.m. and Wed.,,Nov. 20, 4:00 p.m.
atter sesion is designed primarily
Lgaged aid married students.
ticatl Science Roundtable Tues.,
19, at 8:00 p.m. in the Rackiam
bLy Hall. Discussion by Professors
+t Ward, Henry Bretton, and
* ,Grassmuck, with Prof. Roy
, moderator. All are from the Po-
'"ience Department. The topic
ban-Rural Patterns in the Poli-
r'Japan, West Africa, and the
States." Refreshments.
hematis Colloquium, at 4:10 p.m.
m "3011, Angell Hall. Prof. Fred
right will speak on "Some Exten-
of Results for Alpha-regular
ons." Refreshments at 3:45 in
3212 (Copimons Room).
rations Research Seminar: Dr.
0 Grabbe, Senior Staff Consult-
a Automation, The Ramo-Woold-
Corp., will lecture on "Computers
Doss Control" on Wed., Nov. 20.
ho'Mur iln oom '243, West Engi-
tg at 3:30 and seminar at 4:00 in
*229 West Engineering. All facul-'
onbere' are welcome.
toral . Examination for Gordon
er Dean, Pharmaceutical Chem-
thesis: "Antispasmodies: Substi-
ines and Thiazole Analogs of
idine," Tues., Nov.1, 2525 Chem-
Oldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, F. F.
following foreign visitors will be
e campus this week on the dates
Med. Program arrangements are
made by the International Con-
rs. Miller.
Jose Aleman Garcia, -Director,
of Literature, Univ. of San Carlo,
mala, Nov. 16-18.
Fehim First, Professor at the Fac-
lf Forestry, Istanbul Univ., and
or of Forestry, Products and
)mis I n st it u t e, Turkey, Nov.
l' Maria Palliou, President, Pierce
oe Alumnae Association, Greece,
r Helen Andreades-Apcarian, See-
-eneral, - Constantinople Wo-
College Alumnae Association,
*, Nov. 19-21.
El Asia Taha, Head, Photographic
tment, National Research Center
pt, Cairo, Egypt, Nov. 18-28. (
zcemnent Notices
following schools have listed
ng vacances with the Bureau of
Atments for February, 1958. They
ot be here to interview at this
'oit, Michigan (Redford Union
) - Speech Correctionist.
t, Michigan (Kearsley Agricultur-
I School) - Mathematics; Physi-
duoation( one woman and one
lervlte, Michigan - Mathematics
iary or Februay)
den City, Michigan - For now or
-=,lndergraten; Elementary (1st
h); SHS English. For Feb. - Ele-
,ry (1st, 3rd, 4th, and 6th).
k Head, New York (North Shore
Is) - Elementary (January or
e Linden, Michigan - English.
Clemens, Michigan -- Special Ed-
n (all phases).
Canaan, Connecticut -- Elemen-
(3rd - December, 1957) , SHS
imatics, (January, 1958).
th Tonawanda, New York - Gen-
Science (9th grade -- January).
soOaks, Michigan- Band.
verse City, Michigan (Old Mission
;sua School District) '- Elemn-
berville, Michigan-Genpral Shop
ttemore, Michigan -- Band.
any ,additiopal information con-
he Bureau of Appointments, 3528
istration Building, NO 3-1511,
nel Interviews:
appointments with any of the
ing, please contact the Bureau
pointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg.,
Nov. 21
higan Bell Telephone Co., Detroit,
Interviewer - Miss Virginia Phil-
College Employment Representa-
location of Work-State of Mich-
3raduates - February, June, and
t. Women for Public Contact
and Management Training Pro-
grams, in the various branches in De-
troit and in the State.
Interviewer - K. A. Newman, Col-
lgenEnploymet.Supervisor. Gradu-
ates - February. Location of Work -
State of Michigan. Constructs, Main-
tains, operates te.lephone system in
Michigan. Men with BA in Liberal Arts
for Management Trainee.
American Telephone and Telegraph
Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Graduates-Feb-
ruary. Location of work - State of
Michigan. Men with BA in Liberal Arts
for Management Trainee.
Western Electric Company; Detroit,
Michigan. Graduates - February. Lo-
cation of work - State of Michigan.
Men for Management trainees with BA
in Liberal- Arts. They,do manufactur-
Ing and purchasing for the Bell system.
7th U.S. Civil Serviee Region, Detroit,
Michigan. Interviewers: G. A. Butter-
bach, Personnel-.Assistant; Jack Dengel,
Placement Officer, Railroad Retire-
met Board, Alex Co tts, Personnel
Officer, Commodity Stabilization Serv-
ice, U.S. Dept of Agriculture; James
Walsh, Chicago Administration Center.
Graduates - February, June, August.
Location of Work -1 Anywhere in U.S.
(see announcement for more informa-
tion) Men and women with BA n Lib
eral Arts, Bus Ad., or Law for work in
any department of Federal Govern-
EliLilly and Company, Indianapolis,
Indiana. Interviewer - W. L. Garter,
. Chief Personnel Requirements. Gradu-
ates - February, Junei Location of
work - Indianapolis, Indiana, Phar-
maceutical Company. Men and women
with BA or MA in Mathematics, Nat-
ural Science or Eco omics for Publi
Relations, Industrial .Management and
Office Methods. The Harvard-Radcliffe
Program in business administration;
Cambridge, Mass. Interviewer, Rose-
mary Bachman, Asst. Director. Gradu-
ates - June. One'year graduate course
in Bus. Ad., Co-sponsored by the Har-
vard Business School and Radcliffe Col-
lege. Especially designed for women
Liberal Arts Majors who have not had
previous courses in business subjects.
Women with BA in Liberal Arts for
Bus. Admin. Program (formerly the
Management Training Program) Loans
and Scholarships are available.
Fri., Nov. 22
Michigan Bell Telephone Co., - See
Thursday's listings.
American Telephone and Telegraph
Co., - See Thursday's listings.
Western Electric Company - See
Thursday's listing.
Eli Lilly and Company.-See Thurs-
day's listing.)
Union Carbide Nuclear Company, Oak
Ridge, Tenn. Interviewer - David R.
Cuneo, Chemist. Graduates - Febru-
Ar'. Locationof Work - Oak Ridge,
Teun.,'Paducah, Kentucky. Men with
deree in, Mathematics.
R. R. Donnelley and Sons Co., Chica-
go, Ill. Graduates - February. Location
of work - Chicago, Illinois. One of the
largest printing companies in the world
producing printing, 'binding, lithogra-
phy and engraving. Our production in-
cludes high speed magazine work such
as Life and Time; other large volume
work such as th large mail order cata-
logs, encyclopedias, telephone directo-
ries for 1500 different cities. Men with
BA and MA in LS&A with technical
aptitudes for manufacturing program,
BA or MA in LS&A for customer rela-
tions leading to sales, purchasing and
traffic, and personnel.
Representatives from the following
will be at the Engrg. School:
Wed., Nov. 20
Air Reduction Co., Inc., Murray Hill-
N.J. - all levels in Elect., Metal., B.S.
in Ch.E. and B.S. and PhD in Chemis-
E. I. DuPont De Nemours and Co.,
Wilmington, Dela. - PhD in all Engrg.
City of Miwaukee, Wisconsin -- B.S.
and M.S. In Civil, MS. in Constr. fo'
Summer and Regular Design and Con-
The New Jersey Zinc Co., Palmerton,
Pa. - all levels in Metal., Chem. E.,
Physics, Chem., B.S. in Elect, and Mech.
for Research, Development, Production,
Mine Engrg., and Plant Engrg.
Swift & Co., Chicago, 1ll. - B.S. and
M.S. in Chem. E., Elect., and Mech. for
Summer and Regular Research, Devel-
opment, Design and Const. I
For appointments contact the Engrg.
Placement Office, 347 W.E., ext. 2182.
Summer Placement:
Calling all students interested In
summer employment: There will be a
big meeting of the Summer Placement
Service at Aud. B in Angell Hall, on
Thurs., Nov. 21, at 3:00 p.m. Open to all
students who want to get in on the
summer job hunt right from the be-
"Some landlords don't know hu-
man nature," he averrs. "They put
a good Christian boy next door to
one interested in cigarettes, whisky
and wild, wild women. -This leads
to trouble."
Should be Screened
Dr. Speer admits that there
should be some definite way to
screen prospective tenants, but
claims a good guide to be where
the applicant is from.
"Boys from small, towns lfn
Michigan, or small towns any-
where, tend to be quieter than big-
city boys. New Yorkers tend to be
rough and loud-talking. Of course,
there. are startling exceptions," he
Generally Dr. Speer doesn't try
to size up prospective tenants, but
instead makes sure they under-
stand what the conditions will be.
If he told them the rules about
rough-housing and the rest after-
wards, he says, there'd be trouble.
"Because of the slight housing
shortage the landlords can afford
to screen a little," Dr. Speer adds.
High Overhead
Besides his complaints onpos-
sible low rents, Dr. Speer considers
high overhead due to bulding re-
pairs the main reason rooms aren't
a good investment. ,
Before he moved into the build-
ing in 1953, the doctor had $2,500
worth of alterations done, chief
among them the enclosing of the
porch, now used as a waiting room
for his chiropractic patients.
He had carpenters in to do the
construction work, but painted the
walls himself. "I'm no carpenter,"
Dr. Speer explains, "but I like to'
piddle with interior decoration.
With these new rollers you can
really conjure up some things if
you have the knack."
Dr. Speer evaluates his invest
.ment at $22,000 and considers his
return of $1600 per year less than
the return from good stock invest-
mhnts. It carries the overhead on
the office, he says, or would if he
were not still paying off the prin-
Eight Dollars
The rent for Dr. Speer's single,
furnished rooms is eight dollars a
week. This includes a bath and
linen. The tenants do their own
Because of these expenditures,
Dr. Speer doesn't "think much of
rooms." He adds, however, that
since there is a housing shortage
and the four rooms are there he'd
feel guilty about not renting them.
As an exception to the rule on
±eiting rooms, Dr. Speer cites an
example from his undergraduate
days at Linboln Chiropractic Col-
lege in Indianapolis. He put down
$600 for an old house and became
a landlord, recovering his initial
investment in a very short time.
EMONTON MP)-- A dairy
here has taken a fro the
automobile driving schools,
When It is breaking in a new
horse on a milk route, a sign at
the rear of the wagon advises
motorists: "Caution: Student
Coffee Hour
to Be Held
The English Departmental Cof-
fee Hour will be held from 4 p.m.
to 6 p.m. today in the Terrace
Room of the Union. Coffee and
cookies will be served.
"This coffee hour will give stu-
dents an opportunity to have in-
formal discussions of English with
members of the faculty," Irvin
Schatz, '60, of the Academic Serv-
ices Committee said.
He added that all members of
the faculty and student body are
invited. In the past, as many as
100 faculty members have at-
tended these coffee hours.
Japan Politics
To Be Explored
Three University professors will
discuss "Urban-Rural Patterns in
the Politics of Japan, West Africa
and the Arab States" today.
The discussion is scheduled for
8 p.m. in Aud. B, Angell Hall. It
is being sponsored by the Political
Science Roundtable.
Taking part will be Prof. Robert
E. Ward, Prof. Henry L. Bretton
and Prof. GeorgeL. Grassmuck of
the political science department.
Prof. Roy Pierce of the political
science department will act as
moderator. The meeting is open to
the public.
Bowles Hits
Solutions to the administrative
problem of admissions were pro-
posed by Frank H. Bowles, presi-
dent of the College Entrance Ex-
amination Board of New York
Two solutions were proposed.
One of them would be for colleges
currently under admission appli-
cation pressure, to institute a
longer and more flexible cycle of
admissions p r o c e d u r e, inviting
and deciding on certain applicants
before or early in their senior
Each candidate currently re-
quires from seven to 10 admission
operations, with scholarship ap-
plications requiring from five to
eight additional steps, Pres.
Bowles stated.
"The colleges eduld, with rela-
tively little effort, get in contact
with all or nearly all of their can-
didates months earlier than they
now do. They could use a prelim-
inary screening test to make ad-
visory Judgements on preliminary
applications and could begin to
make certain types of final de-
cisions, that is negative decisions,
shortly after receiving the Jan-
uary or February test scores," he
The second solution suggested
by the Board's report was to de-
sign 'and administer a central
clearing house operation, which
would leave to the colleges the
full exercise of admissions discre-
tion, employing whatever combi-
nation of information and judge-
ment they would wish to employ.
"If application pressures on col-
lege . . . continue to increase at
the rate at which they have been
increasing for the past five years,
then we must expect that the ad-
missions process as we now know
it will suffer a clerical breakdown
by 196," Mr. Bowles said.
To Discuss
Red -Science
Three University professors will
discuss different aspects of Soviet
science at 8 p.m. today in Aud. B,
Angell Hall.
Prof. Arthur J. Lohwater of the
mathematics department will dis-
cuss mathematics and science as
they relate to education in Russia.
In June and July, 1956, the So-
viet' Academy of Sciences invited
Prof. Lohwater to address the So-
viet Mathematical Congress in
Prof. Henry J. Gomberg, assis-
tant director of the Michigan Me-
morial-Phoenix Project, was in-
vited in April, 1957, to attend a
meeting of the Soviet Academy of
Sciences on the uses of radio-
activity. While in Moscow, he vis-
ited the university, research in-
stitutes, and the atomic power
plant just outside Moscow.
Prof. Gomberg will discuss the
nuclear aspects of the Soviet sci-
entific program.
In August, 1956, Prof. Orren C.
Mohler of the astronomy depart-
ment visited Moscow, Leningrad
and the Crimea, primarily to vis-
it. the Astrophysical Observatory
in the Crimea. Prof. Mohler will
describe and compare the Soviet
and. American astronomical faci-
lities and accomplishments.
Prof. Emeritus George Y. Rain-
ich of the mathematics depart-
ment will acefas chairman for the
porgram, which will be held in
Aud. B, Angell Hall.
The program is open to the
public without charge.
Pollock To Deliver Talk Tod
On Trends in German Politi
Protect Bikes
Prof. James K. Pollock, chair-
man of the political science de-
partment, will speak on "Modern
Political Trends in Germany" in
Rm. 3G of the Union at 7:30 p.m.
In discussing this subject, Prof.
Pollock will use two movies on
West Germany. He will deal
chiefly with the last West Ger-
marl election, from which he re-
cently returned.
An advisor to the Departme
of State on West German po
ties, he is considered an author
on German government. AP
World War II, he'helped to set
the new West German gover
ment. Prof. Henry W. Nordmeh
chairman of the German depa
ment will introduce him,
Student Bicycle Shop
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Our laboratories, covering over 350,000 square feet;
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For detailed information on APL, an organization of
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The Elliot Company representative will be at the
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A representative of the Applied Physics Laboratory
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