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November 19, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-11-19

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Sixty-Eighth Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG.' ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Y. NOVEMBER 19, 1957


Equality of Opportunity
A National Necessity

"Oh, Boy, This Is Going To Be Tres Gay"
N Lm
s: ~ i
-- *

'Jazz for Moderns'
Occasionally Interesting
RAIN, FOG and impending midsemesters were not enough to pre-
vent a near sell-out at the Jazz Concert last night in Hill Audi-
torium. The program was informal, with the Australian Jazz Quintet,
Helen Merrill, the Miles Davis Quintet, Chico-Hamilton and the Gerry
Mulligan Quartet performing in that order.
Each group seemed to have a particular strong point which it
emphasized, often to the point of boredom for the audience.
The Australian Jazz Quartet, which opened the program, produced
really fresh color with rather carefully conceived contrapuntal tex-
tures. For this reviewer, this was the most expressive ensemble on the
program. A slow, quiet number, with the instrumentation of flute,


HE "REAL" meaning of the Soviet sputniks
will continue to be debated for years to
come. Perhaps that meaning is not much great-
er than that it has occasioned such a debate -
that 'it has deflated a gigantic national ego
and caused America, for perhaps the first time
since it became a world power, to compare its
institutions with those of another nation and,
in many cases, find ours wanting.
In some cases this national self-examination
has proven fruitless: Soviet educational ad-
vances have been frequently written off as
having been achieved through means incon-
sistent with our way of life, the implication be-
ing that our way of life is so far superior that
it should never be modified to attempt to
match the Russian accomplishments. Others
have said the real problem is that we have been
wasting too much time in education on non-
scientific (and therefore non-practical) sub-
jects, or, as is suggested by the President's
Oklahoma City speech, have been spending too
much government money on non-military
items. Such comments reveal very little under-
standing of the nature of the Soviet accm-
plishment and the responses from America
which would be appropriate to it.
NE DANGER lies in regarding the Soviet
achievement as being entirely a scientific
one. A comparison of Soviet and American sci-
entific progress, even in the missile field, can-
not be made through a comparison of the two
nations' satellite programs. As the President
was quick to point out after the launching of
the first Sputnik, one reason for the American
lag was that government planning prioritized
satellites low, because of their low military
potential, and target missiles high. But the
psychological impact of the Sputniks suggests
that the Soviet victory lay not so much in the
area of surpassing the United States scienti-
fically, although they undoubtedly have done
so in this area, as in intelligently applying
their scientific knowledge to the realities of
the atomic stalemate, sacrificing, as they have
often done before, military advantage for poli-
tical victory. The current concern over the need
for a greatly improved national scientific ef-
fort Is Justified, although there is an equal
need for the national perspective and sensi-
tivity which would lead us to apply more intel-
ligently our scientific and-material accomplish-
ments. As George F. Kennan describes our sit-
uation, "Ofir problem is no longer to prevent
people from acquiring the ability to destroy
us: it is too late for that. Our problem is to see
that they do not have the will or the incentive
to do it." While this is partly a problem for
the physical scientists, it is far from being
theirs alone, and any increased educational
effort which emphasizes physical science to the
detriment of the humanities and social sciences
would not only be a serious detraction from an
already undernourished American culture, but
would be but 'another step in the direction of
cultivating a race of men who know "how" but
not "why," who abdicate to elusive "others"
the responsibility for the uses 'of the power
which their discoveries have given to man.
ANOTHER danger lies in writing off the So-
viet achievement as secured at too heavy a
cost for the American people to pay without
abandoning their way of life. Insofar as So-
viet educational advances - the basis upon
which the Sputniks were built - are being
'achieved at the expense of the necessities of
life for Russian peasants and workers and of
freedom for teachers and students, this is true.
But is this entirely the case, or was the
achievement based partly on the Soviets' great-
er recognition that education is a necessity,
not a luxury of national life? And, even if
the price to the Soviet people was in the short-
run high, in terms of consumer goods lost
through channeling of resources to education,
may not that investment itself pay dividends
in greater industrial productivity? And might
not a similar investment by the American
people, who are already consuming so much,
be achieved at a much smaller price than that
paid by the Russians, a second automobile
rather than a second loaf of black bread, a
color television set rather-than an indoor toilet.
It is true, as many have been too quick to
point out, that the Russian systems of dicta-
torship and public enterprise have permitted
the heavy diversion of resources to education
without the necessity of popular assent. But,
along with the indispensable American systems
,of democracy and largely private enterprise, we

Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
DONNA HiNSON.............Personnel Director
TAMMY MORRISON .. ...... Magazine Editor
EDWARD GERULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director
WILLIAM HANEY ....'................ Features Editor
ROSE PERLBERG.............. .Activities Editor
CAROL PRINS....... Associate Personnel Director
JAMES BAAD ....,................. Sports Editor
BRUCE BENNETT.........Associate Sports Editor
ON NTT.YER ............ Associate Snorts Editor

have acquired some rather dispensable tenden-
cies to react toward the federal government as
though it were still being run by George III, to
regard even public primary and secondary
schools as a concession to the Bolsheviks, to
pinch every penny of public expeniture as
though it detracted directly from the bread-
and-water subsistence of the American tax-
If these notions are a part of the American
way, then the kind of educational program this
country needs is incompatible with it. But if
it is not inconsistent with American freedom
of choice for it to be exercised in such a way
as to prepare the nation for the challenges it
must face, challenges even more difficult than
that of two metal projectiles and a dead dog
circling the globe, then America can match
the Soviet educational system with a better
one of its own, better not because it is as rigid
but because it is freer,, not because it has ome
out of the daily bread of peasants but because
it has come out, of the ample incomes of free
and willing people.
WHEN Eleanor Rosevelt spoke here recently,
she said that America must try to do for
its people under a free system some of the
things Russia was able to do under compulsion,
the most important of these being an approach
to equality of opportunity. And it is important,
she said, not only because it is the humanitar-
ian thing to do, or even because America and
Russia are being constantly compared by new-
ly-freed peoples who seek equal opportunities
-between countries and within them-but also
because, as she put it, the most precious thing
we have, in our current race with the Soviets
and always, is "human material", and it has
become "almost wicked" for so wealthy a coun-
try to waste what it is most in need of.
The point is that without imposing rigid re-
strictions on the freedom of students and
teachers, without establishing educational fac-
tories under strict party supervision, without
even sacrificing local control over educational
policies, the United States can copy the most
important feature of the Soviet educational
system - full support fpr education at all lev-
els and jealous guarding of every human re-
source - and at much less cost, in terms of
other benefits lost,, than can the Soviets. What
we need primarily, is not greater emphasis
within education, but greater support for edu-
cation as a whole.
Were we to match the Soviet example, we
would establish a federal scholarship. program
at all levels of education, recognizing that even
primary and secondary education can be ex-
pensive for some families, when it involves the
loss of even a young child's earning power. We
would subsidize teaching at all levels of educa-
tion, especially in vital areas like physics
where competent scholars can earn much
greater sums practicing their specialty than
teaching it. We would subsidize counselors in
each large public school or school district in
the country to examine carefully every actual
or potential "dropout" to see whether the child
was capable of benefiting from continued edu-
cation and whether his parents couldafford to
provide him with it; counseling and offering
scholarships where these would help. We would
keep in mind that the child and society are
the losers if parental poverty or parsimony -
or even youthful impatience - separate the
child and his school. We would ask whether
the ruthless men in the Kremlin - without a
hint of humanitarianism or idealism - would
stand by and allow the tenement child in Man-
hattan's lower east side, the farm boy in the
Tennessee hills, or the Negro youngster in Mis
sissippi to be swallowed by their environments
and lost in their potential usefulness to society.
Unfortunately, such a program - and such
an attitude - are as far from reality as the
sputniks from the real moon. Our own pre-
occupation with "private initiative," "local
control," and even "rugged individualism" are
still likely to regard as "collectivist" any effort
by society to selfishly preserve and improve it-
self by helping - seemingly selflessly - the in-
dividuals who comprise it.
But the least we can expect from the next
session of Congress and the President is an
extensive program of federal college scholar-
ships and graduate fellowships in the areas
of education and the physical and social sci-
ences, federal subsidization of the incomes of
teachers at all educational levels, and the
sponsorship of projects to develop curricula

more attuned to the needs of our children and
our security, quite possibly with an earlier ap-
proach to many subjects now deferred to high
school and college.
More complete programs will await the aban-
donment of our national phobia against even
the most practical of programs which give any
hint of idealism. But those should not be lost
sight of, because, as the Sputniks serve to il-
lustrate, America finds itself in a situation'
wherein equality of opportunity, once merely,
an egalitarian ideal, has become a national

" .fit,




Revolutionary Defense Plan

bassoon, marimba, bass and piano
was particularly interesting. The
bassoon and flute players also
played saxophones and the ma-
rimba player doubled on percus-
sion for the final number.
* * *
HELEN MERtILL managed to
overcome what seemed to be a
very weak voice and limited mu-
sical taste by singing very close to
the microphone in a husky voice.
Occasionally, she showed a real
flair for the dramatic.
Her glissandi and evidently in-
tentional flatting cannot be ex-
cused by her "style" of singing.
These seem to be affectations, and
only detract from the total ef-
fect. Her accompaniment in the
piano and 'bass was always clear
and sometimes very imaginative.
In direct contrast to Miss Mer-
rill's intimate vocal, Miles Davis
and his Quintet were loud and
usually rather uncontrolled. The
insistent crashing of a cymbal
through an entire piece was par-
ticularly annoying; especially, as
was the case here, when the oth-
er instruments were drowned out
in the process.
Davis' trumpet produced some
unusual sounds at times, but he
seemed to reach for many notes
that he never was able to hit.
. * I/
THE Chico-Hamilton Quintet
(reduced to a trio by illness)
played with real finesse in its two
planned numbers, but sagged
slightly as an ensemble in two
improvised bits. Chico Hamilton
demonstrated, however, a real tal-
ent and a fine sense of humor in
the last of these, with a long per-
cussion solo, the basic materials of
which might have been heard at
almost any football game. His
guitarist's 'interjection of a phrase
from the Stars and Stripes For-
ever was hilarious.
Concluding the evening with
some fairly innocuous counter-
point for baritone and alto saxo-
phone were Gerry Mulligan and
his quartet.
George Shearing's absence was
a real disappointment. He might
have sparked an otherwise only
occasionally interesting evening.
-Wayne Slawson

Shook Up
TME LATEST Elvis Presley movie,
"Jailhouse Rock" is not even as
good as "Love Me Tender." We
might also say that cancer is not
as good as leprosy, and that "Kiss
Me Deadly" is not as good as I,
the Jury."
An Elvis flick should at least be
funny, but "Jailhouse Rock" can't
even boast that. It is dull. It drags
along, plodding through its plot
(?), compelling the audience to
sleep. It's so dull that I had to
buy an extra box of Jujyfruits to
stay awake. That way, I keep so
busy picking my teeth that it's im-
possible to snooze.
Even Elvis doesn't seem to have
his heart (or other portions of his
anatomy) in this one. Occasionally,
he will slam about and grunt; re-
volving and rolling in the style
that made him infamous. But that
stuff is at a minimum, and we
don't know whether that's to the
good or not.
Perhaps the advertisements are
trying to tell us something by
advertising "Elvis in his First
Dramatic Singing Role!" But then,
one wonders what he was supposed
to be doing in those last two
4, *

IF YOU GET a glimpse at the
advance plans John Foster Dulles
has for the NATO meeting in
Paris, you can readily understand
why he wants Adlai Stevenson to
stand by his side to give a helping
hand. Dulles will need all the sup-
port he can get from Stevenson
and the Democrats, since he isn't
likely to get much from Old Guard
For he has worked out the most
revolutionary plan of Free World
defense ever contemplated in the
history of individual nations. So
far it's tentative and subject to
change. It depends in part on
Stevenson's reaction. But what
Dulles wants to sell is such a com-
plete coordination of West Euro-,
pean defense that France might
give up her Navy to depend on the
British and American Navies, while
England might give up long-range
bombers to depend on American
* * *
HERE ARE the outlines of the
tentative work plan for Western
Free World defense:
1) A pool of Western scientific
resources, not only of scientists,
but of laboratories and equipment.
2) A joint training program,
whereby the best science students
would study at any university,
whether British, American or Ger-
man. Thus an Italian student
might go to Germany, a Greek
student to the United States. There
would be an international pool of
scientific training.
3) A military pool, as outlined
above, whereby expensive land
armies are curtailed in favor of
pushbutton warfare.
4) Finally, the United States
and England would build up an
arsenal of nuclear weapons and
guided missiles in Europe.
This involves the most revolu-
tionary step of all. For what Dulles
and Eisenhower will have to sell

the smaller nations of Europe is
that the Anglo-Saxon nations re-
serve the power to decide when
Europe will go to war or when it
won't. It will be their decision as
to when this stockpile shall be
used. Eisenhower and Macmillan
did not want to permit Belgium,
Greece, Denmark et al to dip into
the atomic stockpile when they
may be worried about war; only if
England and the United States are
ready to go-to war.
Selling this will not be easy. In
order to sell it, Dulles proposes a
solemn pledge that the United
States will come to the aid of any
free European nation if attacked;
that we will go all-out to protect
it with every weapon in the ar-
senal-even if this involves retali-
atory bombardment of American
This is the trump card Dulles
proposes to play, and this is where
Adlai Stevenson comes in, His job
will be to keep the Democrats in
* * *
IF YOU STUDY the diplomacy
of John Foster Dulles, you come
to the inescapable conclusion that
his chief failures have resulted
not from lack of brain, but lack of
courage. Today he has two great
fears: one is Russia; the other is
the Congress of the United States.
And much as the Administration is
worried about Russia, much as it
fears their ICBM and new scien-
tific victories, even more it seems
to fear Congress.
In the past, Dulles and Eisen-
hower could always fall back on
the Democrats for support. They
knew they could expect little from
such pillars of Republicanism as
Sens. John Bricker of Ohio, Styles
'Bridges of New Hampshire, Bill
Jenner of Indiana, or, in many
cases, Bill Knowland of California.
These stalwart GOPers have
been against almost every plank in

the Eisenhower-Dulles foreign af-
fairs platform, because basically
Eisenhower-Dulles are following
New Deal foreign affairs policies.
So Dulles knew he could fall back
on the Democrats.
Today, however, he can't. The
Democrats are irked, sore, and re-
bellious. They are all too aware of
the fact that the Republican Na-
tional Committee is continuing to
mail out reams of publicity ac-
cusing them of getting the nation
into two world wars; still branding
them as guilty of 20 years of trea-
son. Democrats also see the Eisen-
hower missile-satellite setback as
their political victory. And they
know that GOP chairman Meade
Alcorn has warned the White
House that public-opinion polls
show Sputnik means political dis-
aster for the Republicans. Sputnik,
Alcorn has reported, is the basic
reason for fantastic Democratic
majorities in New Jersey and New
The Democrats know this, and
John Foster Dulles knows that
they know it. That's why he is
clutching at the coattails of the
once-scorned egghead, Adlai Stev-
* * *
CLOSE FRIENDS of Adlai Stev-
enson are firmly convinced he will
never run again for President, but
that he does cherish the ambition
to become Secretary of State in the
next administration - which he
hopes and believes will be Demo-
Stevenson's greatest interest has
always been foreign affairs. He
worked on British-American prob-
lems in London during part of the
war, was later the first to propose,
a republic rather than a kingdom
for Italy; attended the San Fran-
cisco conference in 1945 which
hammered out the foundation for-
mat of the United Nations.
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.)

The Need for a Theatre

The Daily Official Bunetin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Dailyaassumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold
open house for students at their home
Wed., Nov. 20 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Conference on Higher Education, Nov.
19-20. Theme of the conference: "The
Community College and Its Relations
With Four-Year Institutions." Sessions
Tues., Nov. 19 in the Rackham Amphi-
theater at 2:00 p.m. and in the Michi-
gan Union at 7:45 p.m.; Wed., Nov. 20
in the Raekham Amphitheater at 9:00
Square Dance, Tues., Nov. 19, Lane
Hall at 7:30 p.m. Caller Grey Austin.
Applications for Engineering Research
Institute Fellowships to be awards for
the spring semester, 1957-58, are now
being accepted in the office of the
Gmaduate School. The stipend is $1,175
per semester. Application forms are,
available from the Graduate School.
Only applicants who have been em-
ployed by the Institute for at least one
year on at least a half-time basis are
eligible. Applications and supporting
material are due in the office of the
Graduate School not later than 4:00
p.m., Tues., Jan. 7, 1958.
Applications for F ello ws h ip s and
scholarships in theFGraduate School for
1958-59 are now available. Applications
for renewal should also be filed at this
time. Competition closes Feb. 1, 1958.
Please note that this deadline is earli-
er than in previous years. Applications
and information may be obtained in
the Graduate School Offices, Rackham
Building. Only students who intend to
enroll in the Horace H. Rackham School
of Graduate Studies for 1958-59 may ap-
Lecture on Soviet Union and East
Europe.rauspices of the Committee for
the Program in Russian Studies.
"American Scientists visit the Soviet,
Union." George Y. Rainich, professor
emeritus of mathematics, chairman;
Henry J. Gomberg, professor of nuclear
and electrical engineering, and assistant
director, Michigan Memorial-Phoenix
Project; Arthur J. Lohwater, associate

THE PLOT of "Jailhouse Rock"
might well have been a writing
assignment for students in Ding-
Dong School. At the opening, Elvis
is in a bar and sees a lady (hah!)
get insulted. His wrath mounts and
he slashes out at the insulter,
finally killing him with bare fists.
Pretty cool stuff.
So Elvis goes to jail where, in
the picture's high point, he gets
his hair cut. His cellmate is a
whiny hillbilly singer who fore-
sees a great future for the Pelvis.
"Aw," says the unbelieving hero,
"I never heard of any body payin'
money to hear guitar playin'."
In one of the most implausible
events since the birth of Fats
Domino, a network coast-to-coast
television show emanates from the
penitentiary. Sure, happens all the
time. In this little sing at Sing-
Sing Elvis appears, is seen by the
world, and skyrockets to success
upon his release. It's very poignant
ON HIS WAY UP, he acquires a
beautiful girl manager, whose
,father is a professor at Berkeley.
jElvis' boorish ways and swelled
head bother her, but she loves his
cool style. She invites him to a
cocktail party at her papa's, and
there he insults all the faculty
members. Then there occurs this
classic bit of dialogue:
Girl: (annoyed) "But they were
just trying to draw you into the
Elvis: "Aw, they can shove their
And so it goes, reel after reel,
with the hero getting more and
more money and less and less dec-
orum. Finally, his old cellmate re-
appears to punch him in the
larynx. For five happy minutes
there is the possibility that he may
never sing again!
But as luck would have it, he
recovers and learns manners. At
the end he has achieved his great
goal-he is not a slob anymore.
Gosh, it's a touching scene. The
songs are all based on the same
three chords, done in the usual
way, and the Jailhouse Rock num-
ber is, at least, well staged.
Poor Elvis. He just doesn't seem
happy in Hollywood. Maybe it's all
above his head.
-David Newman
to the
Allegore .
To the Editor:
There is a Daily reporter
named Kraft.
(Perhaps the poor man's daft.)
He delights in making an allegore.
(The editors cry for more.)
Now the allegore is a beast
of hideous mien.
Useful for subtly venting
one's spleen.


FOUR YEARS AGO on this cam-
pus, there was an ambitious
outfit called The Student Players.
Independent of any Speech Dept.
connection, the group was com-
posed of people interested in acting
good plays.
Their first play was to be Chris-
topher Fry's "The Lady's Not for
Burning" and they were well along
in rehearsals. Then, quite suddenly,
they disbanded. The reason-they
d6uldn't get a stage.
For that one reason, the Student
Players disappeared. For that same
reason many another budding
theatre project has been stopped in
the first planning stage. It strikes
us as more than incongruous that
such a community as Ann Arbor,
with all its potential talent and
cultural activity, has only one
decent, albeit small, theatre. Bless-
ed be the Lydia Mendelssohn, but

Square Garden. Speech Depart-
ment plays, Gilbert and Sullivan,
Ann Arbor Civic Theatre, Drama
Festival, Soph Show, J.G.P., Opera.
even the Spanish plub play and
the French Club production-all
use the Lydia, when and if they
can get it.
The Lydia is a pretty nice house,
but its small seating capacity has
lost many a good show its profits.
People get turned away at the
box-office fairly regularly. The
backstage facilities are too limited
for sets to be built or stored there,
although the technical equipment,
including the cyclorama, is excel-
We wonder why, when the Uni-
versity is building everything from
libraries to bike - racks, we must
make do with one little theatre?
Occasionally, groups will try
al ,m n,,,+,ill Aw A, mnr , mo nr.

Union Opera, manages to get the
Michigan Theatre.
But that takes an assurety of
Very Big box-office power, which
MUSKET has, and Very Big mon-
ey, which MUSKET also has. We
doubt whether the Butterfield
chain could be easily persuaded to
turn its theatre over to every group
that wanted it for a weekend.
We visited Oberlin College in
Ohio, a decidedly small school, a
few years back. The Oberlin cam-
pus has a theatre that makes the
Lydia look like a broom closet. It
is big, modern and well-suited to
production needs. Its backstage
area is bigger than its audience
area, so that sets can be built and
kept there.
Here, groups squeeze into the
Lane Hall attic, the SAB basement
and other impossible places to con-
struct their sets. The Oberlin house
h a 1Valr uknnr.pheitrat nit- mwe

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