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November 19, 1957 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1957-11-19

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ouncil Hears

am Ideas


, yesterdaydwit
)uDcil to discus
ing privileges fo
both to rewar
cholarship and t
in entering .th


in the form of honors sections and
special courses.
He asked the committee to sug-
gest social privileges which' might
be initiated to make the' honors
students an "admired group."


o Discuss Privileges
e After he explained that the
Council did not wish to make the
- honors students a completely sep-
f arate group from the rest of the
- student body, the committee dis-
e cussed the proposals now before.
e the Council for special privileges.
11 Special recognition at the Hoql-
ors Convocation and' evening so-
cial gatherings with faculty mem-
bers have been planned for honors
students, Prof. Angell explained.
These evening gatherings will
enable the honors student to meet.
his instructors and their wives on
an informal basis, he noted. One
of these meetings was held in Oc-
tober, and another is scheduled
for Dec. 5.

'U' To Hold
,On Colleges,,
The 11th annual Conference on
Higher Education will convene
here today and tomorrow under
the sponsorship of the Committee
on College Relations.-
Theme of the conference will be
"The Community College and Its
Relations with Four-Year Institu-
Registration will begin at 1:30
p.m. today in the lobby of the
Rackham Building, followed by the
first general session at 2 p.m. in
the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Hatcher to Speak
University President Harlan
Hatcher will open the conference.
with a talk on "How Are We To
Think About Community Col-
lege?" A panel discussion on "Suc-
cesesuand Failures in the Transfer
of Students "Among Michigan In-
stitution" will follow, under the
chairmanship of Henry H. Pixley,
associate dean of administration of
Wayne State University.
"Academic Pqrformance of
Transfer Students" will be dis-
cussed by John Milholland, chief
of the Evaluations and Examina-
tions Division of the, University's
Bureau of Psychology Services.
This will be -followed by a recep-
tion at the home of President and
Mrs. Hatcher at 4:15 p.m.
The dinner meeting; to be head-
ed by Harold "M. Dorr, University
dean of state-wide education, will
begin at 6:15 p.m. in the Michigan
Union Ballroom. Herman A.
Spindt, director of amissions at
the University of California, will
speak on "Specialization and ,iai-
son in California's Higher Educa-,
Effective College Courses
' Ralph R. Fields, director of the
division of instruction of Colum-
bia University Teachers College,
will open Wednesday's general
session at 9 a.m. in Rackham Am-
phitheatre. He will speak on "De-
signing Effective Courses in Com-
munity Colleges."

Quarterly Review Contains
Poems, Essays, Etchings


Suggest Study Room
The committee also discussed
the establishment of a special stu-'
dy room in the new Undergradu-
ate Library which the Honors
Council had studied. Another
privilege might be a lounge with
reading material available, simi-

lar to the Hopwood Room, in
which honors students could
i gather for study or discussion.
y One suggestion which gained
the approval of the steering com-
mittee members was the establish-
ing of a house for honors students.
L This house, a dwelling near cam-
pus, would be fixed up as a study
area and a lounge and would
probably have a faculty member
1, in residence.
e A special room in ,the house
would, be used to house distin-
r guished guests to the campus, and
- would provide an opportunity for
- honors students to meet noted in-
tellectuals on an informal basis.

Don't thumb through the'Mieh-
igan Alumnus Quarterly Review
unless you've got time to stop to
read an article.
poems are sprinkled betweenf
the essays on .serious current
events, or students' problems or
reviews of books recently pub--
lished by University of Michigan
faculty, No money is paid to the
contributors of this offspring of
the magazine, the Michigan
The highest compliment paid to
the Quarterly Review is when
"other journals pick up" the ma-
terial, Frank B. Robbins, the 73-
year-oldl editor said..
Discovery Made
Ever hear of the movie "It Hap-,
pens Every Spring"? Remember,
the chemistry instructor wh'o ac-
cidently discovered a concoction
that repelled wood? Capitalizing,
upon this he bottled the "goo"
and cleaned up in .the major
leagues by coating the baseballs
with it.
The play as written by Shirley
Smith, former vice-ptesident and
secretary of the University Club,
appeared in the Quarterly Review.
Val Davies, author . of the
"Miracle of 42nd Street,".saw the
magazine, was entranced with the
plot and - well, you saw the
Editor Etches
The -first issues came .out in
1934 edited by Wilfred B. Shaw,
'04, who before that was general
secretary of the General Alumni
Association. His intricate, alert
etchings became such an institu-
tion in the magazine that they
have continued to be drawn in the
same vigorous spirit since his re-
tirement in 1950. ,
Robbins,-with' a part-time staff
of one assistant has continued the
magazine in a "non-provincial
style." The magazine's mainstay is
articles, written by the faculty,
Robbins said.
With a circulatiori of 14,500,
the magazine is passed from sub-
scribers to untold more readers.
Protocol Authority
Before his retirement as assis-
tant to the President of the-Uni-
versity, Robbins was the unoffi-
cial writer of many of the Re-
gents' resolutions and an authori-
ty on academic protocol. He came
to the University in 1912 just aft-
er receiving his doctorate in Greek
at the .University of Chicago.
Robbins, who taught Greek here
for nine years, has translated a
book by ,the Greek astronomer,
Ptolemy, and a letter written by
Columbus to Queen Isabella and
King Ferdinand.
Today' he paints rocky land-
scapes of Maine in his summers,
Reception Held4
For Winners

plays billiards at the University
Club or occasionally reminisces
about the Apostles' Club, origin-
ally a group of 12 bachelor facul-
ty members that dissolved in 1943
due to the lack of help during;
World War II.
Center Study.
Shows Health.
Businessmen evaluate employe
health programs both in terms of
increased efficiency and in terms
of employe well-being, a study
conducted by the Survey Research
Center shows.
Results of the sui'vey also indi-
cate that in firms which have no
health service program, "there is
evidence that management's con-
ception of health service is a room
where the bloody, the battered
and the bruised are carried in on
The report noted that such a
concept is a barrier to the expan-
sion of employe health service
Prepared for the Occupational"
Health Program of the United
States Public Health Service, the
survey covered firms employing
from 50 to 500 persons.
About two-fifths of the com-
panies covered had either a doc-
tor or a nurse or both.
Results showed that a doctor-
nurse team bealth, service is su-
perior to a doctor or nurse alone
even if one member of the team
is in the plant "for only a few
hours a week."
The report noted that the doc-
for and the nurse perform differ-
ent rolep in the company organi-
zation: "The doctor talks to man-
agement and get's support for
needed improvements," while the
nurse assures employes of'health
service benefits.
Commenting on savings due to
in-plant health programs, the
survey..report noted that employ-
'ers in machinery manufacturing
and general retailing- "save
enough in reduced workmen's
compensation premiums to pay
the salaries of the doctor and
I Your Palm -
Tells Their FortuneI

Tax Levels
Prof. Richard A. Musgrave of
the Economics Department said
yesterday that taxes may be
maintained at their present rates
or even increased, if necessary,
without damaging 'the long-term
soundness of our economy.
Testifying beforethe fiscal pol-
icy subcommittee of the joint
House-Senate Economic Commit-
tee in Washington D.C.. Prof.
Musgrave said that any belief the
nation has reached or exceeded
the limit of its table capacity is
"without basis in fact and' econ-:
omic analysis."
Prof. Musgrave, 'who was one of
several experts invited to outline
their views on government budge-
tary policy at the committee hear-
ing also asserted that any concern
that the nation may be near the
limit of its taxable capacity "con-
-centrates attention at not exceed-
ing the upper limit of the budget,
while disregarding the risk of fall-
ing short of the lower limit."
He warned that spending too
little for national needs can be
just as dangerous as spending too
The University economist .la-,
beled popular bi-partisan feeling
that tax reduction is imperative
for the health of the economy as
"our version of the Marxist fal-
lacy that capitalism will succumb
by its own weight."
"That this proposition, falla-
cious as it is, should have been
permitted to interfere with meet-
'ing the national requirement for
defense and scientific progress
seems a great tragedy to me," he

Today and

,,au u uu k l, ; , ,
n ntini
} 1n u i nrur rm tuxi

Gov. Williams Asks State
To Cooperate on Libertie

m I , I 1 .1 '., I I



Michigan Daily Critic

DETROIT - Gov. G. Mennen
Williams of Michigan yesterday
stressed the need for cooperation
between states participating in the
civil rights conference called for
Dec. 12 in New York by Gov. Ave-
rell D. Harriman.
The Michigan governor made
the plea in an address to repre-
sentatives of nine states who met
here to shape the conference agen-
"We are all aware of the prob-
lems which presently fall outside
the jurisdiction of stwte authority,"j
Williaans said. "I hope that you
night prepare the way for a dis-
cussion of such issues at the meet-
ing of governors."
Williams cited as one example
the problem of extending fair em-
ployment practices to interstate



Participating in the
cussions were represe
the states of Washir
necticutt; Pennsylvar
chusetts; New York;
Colorado; Minnesota
City To S
Display V
Ann Arbor city creme
work next Monday on
of 32 strings of alt
which will fori the c
the-street Christmas
William J. Bott, I
Commerce manager s
play is probably the 1
kind in the state.





Starting THURSDAY .
:yr:'r4 4 :"? ' r{ ~:ti R:?,'s s r{{"{.}v ;: . 4 S ..;" $;~::




presenting Fourteen Countries
ernational Art Exhibit Display

'1 ,

'NO 8-f


Fourth International Biennial of
Contemporary Color Lithography,
held in the spring of 1956.
Nancy Hardy, "58, chairman of
the International Committee, com-
mented, "The artists represent 32
nationalities, which indicates the
world-wide interest in and prac-
tice of the medium of color litho-
graphy in recent years.
"The color lithographs generally
reflect the prevailing trends in
contemporary painting," Miss
Hardy continued. "France, which
has maintained the lead in color
lithography since the time of Tou-
louse-Lautrec, is represented along
with Spain, Italy, Germany, Great
Britain, the Netherlands, China,
Japan, Turkey, South Africa and
many others.
"This is only one form of art
which emphasizes a common herit-
age of many different peoples and
suggests a strong bond of common
interests to bind our 'family of
man,' Miss Hardy concluded.


D. Dingell Jr., (D-
speak on United
policy before tht
rats at 7:30 p.m.
Rm. 3G of the
of Georgetown Uni-
1 has served as as-
,uting attorney of
, research assistant
ates Circuit Court
ire Levin, and' on
tees in the House of

Duplicates -of most of the prints
are for sale and can be obtained
from the artists at moderate
Bell Praises'
City League
In New Book.
George A. Bell, formerly of, the
University's Institute of Public
Administration,. commends the
Michigan Municipal' League, an
organization which represents
municipal interests in the state
legislature, in his recent book.
"The Michigan M u n i c i p a 1
League: An Analysis of Policies
and Services" des cr i b e s the
League, which has its headquar-
ters in Ann Arbor, as an "organ-
ization comprising most of the
cities and villages in the state."'
In the book, Bell states, "Within
the framework of its practical
limitations, the Michigan Muni-
cipal League has served Its mem-
bers very well."
e e commends the organization
for its actions in upholding the
principle of home rule, maintain-
ing the property tax, successfully
fighting for more adequate shar-
ing of highway revenues, and
helping to preserve a liberal
amount of state-collected, locally-
shared taxes.It also acts as a
clearing house for information on
municipal problems.
Bell concluded, "Upon total
evaluataion, it must be concluded
that the League has been an im-
portant force in the promotion of
better municipal government. Not
always, to be sure, does the League
seek the theoretically best solu-
tion, but it usually seeks a politi-
cally. obtainable end."
Read the Classifieds

e Premieres WEDNESDAY

v c~nmaScope
An Avon Production . I
Also Cartoon and News





The display was opened to :stu-
dentsand the public on Nov. 5 and
is to continue through Nov. 25. Art
enthusiasts have ample oppor-
tunity to view the exhibit: the
Architecture Building will be open
from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday
through Friday, and from 8 a.m.
to 6 p.m. on Saturdays. The ex-
hibit is closed on Sundays.

his father in
entatives dur-
s and was re-

>rganization Notices

Out of state scholarship winners
were feted at a reception last Sun-
The tea and general get-to-
gether was held at Ingliss House.
More than 50 students and univer-
sity officials were in attendance.
The students present were re-
cipients of scholarships which pay
the differende between in-state
and out-state fees. This scholar-
ship program is maintained by the
Alumni Fund of the Development:
Council, which also sponsored the
This third annual meeting was
also attended by representatives
of the Scholarship Committee, ad-
ministration and Development
Dean Ivan W. Parker, chairman
of the scholarship'committee wel-
comed the guests and introduced
President Harlan Hatcher as the
featured speaker,
Recalling that the presence of
the students in attendance was
made possible by the alumni, Pres-
ident Matcher said "the strength
of the University is that its alumni
have gone throughout the world,
but still maintain their interest in
their alma mater."


Constance Bennett

United Jewish Appeal
Nov. 19-2




Tickets ot Union Student Offices
$5 - 3-5 P.M



f this column for announce-
of meetings. is available to
iy recognized and registered
t organizations only.)
mporary Literature Club, Nov.
p.m., 3529 SAB. Discussion 'of
1orca's "Blood Wedding," found
,bound Tragedies of Garcia Lor-
n Treasury of the Theater.
Club, practice, Nov. 19, 6:30-9:00
fe Range.
* * *
Club, meeting, Nov. 20, 7:30
Student Government Council
s Committee will hold an open
on Nov. 20, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 3516
the purpose of gathering com-
and suggestions on campaign
tion procedures. All interested
are invited to attend.
* * * .-
mbda Theta, Fal Invitational
v. 20, 7:45 p.m., Rackham As-
s Club, meeting, Nov. 20, 7:30
38 Randall Lab. Speaker: Dr.
to The

NAACP, meeting, Nov. 19,
Room 3511, SAB.

8:00 p.m.,

'4 * *
Young Democratic Club, meeting,
Nov./20, 8:00 p.m., Union.
Young Democratic" Club, Executive
Board meeting, Nov. 19, 4:00 p.m., SAB.
Deutscher Verein, meeting, Nov. 19,
7:30 p.m., Room 3-G Union. Prof. James
K. Pollock, chairman of the Political
Science Department, will speak on cur-
rent political trends in Germany. Dis-
pussion will follow talks.
* * '*
Congregational and Disciples Guild,
weekly coffee break, Nov. 19, 4:30-6:00
p.m., Guild House.

... _
r :::
.: y
F :'tt
3 ,:t4,;:ti .

- Let's get on the
band wagon
Thurs., NOV. 21, 7:15 P.M,
League Ballroom


Ballet Club, advanced class, 7:00 p.m.;
beginners, 8:15, Nov. 19, Barbour Gym
Dance 'Studio.
* *. *
Kappa Phi, Morning Matin, Nov. 20,
7:30 a.m. Chapel, First Methodist
Church. All students interested in mid-
week worship arc invited.
Episcopal Student Foundation, in-
formal tea for students and faculty,
Nov. 19, 4:00-6:00 p.m.; breakfast fol-
lowing the 7:00 a.m. celebration of Holy
Communion at the church, Nov. 20,' 218
N. Division.



2o. ,gr

*/ 4.
1' I




& 12.

.: $2:25, $1.75,.$1125




Dec. 13 .

. . $2.50,$2.00, $1.75

.-'t' 1


019 LUXE


Get your tickets NOW

Starting SUNDAY at the STATE!

to the

[ : 1'lM , MIM II fVAiM Ad J "V

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