N.: POLISH L. LUCAS STUDENTS: Literature & Psychoic (Continued from Page 7) discusses poetic -justice, popular legends and romance. We often think of poetic justiceras mani- festing itself only in tragedy, yet an Indian doctor who threw over his former standards when coiing to Vienna developed a skin rash as self punishment. Conscience, evidently, comes upon us unknown, and certainly when we least ex- pect it. IN THE AREA of legend and myth, Lucas points out how Narcissus has ,passed into psy_- choanalytic jargon,.and how fit- ting it was that, for a mistress, the Greeks gave him Echo-the sound of his own voice. Lucas decries romanticism, inl the several chapters he devotes to that movement, mainly on grounds that it is an expression of primi- tive impulses, or the id. Although he is in general sympathy with what Romanticism started out to be-freedom.from the stifling reg- ularity of the neo-Classic age-he notes that it soon developed ten- dencies which he is later to call "unhealthy." Many Romantic writers were Victims of neurotic strain, unable to face the responsibilities of adult life, so they threw off the shackles and - declared that there was no responsibility. Drawing examples from French and English litera- ture, he cites Blake, Rousseau, Chateaubriand, Wordsworth, By- ron, Lamartine, Hugo, Vigny and Musset. As Romanticism pro- gressed, "writers made daisy chains of les fleurs du mal." There is no question of con- demning Romantic art simply because,like much medieval re- ligion, it found inspiration at timer in sadism and masochism. These are ugly names for ugly things, yet none of us is with- out traces of both. The fault of the Romantics lay in, growing .too obsessed by them. THERE IS A difficulty in know- ing how far we are to go, how we can serve what Lucas calls both Apollo and Dionysus - self -mas- tery and self-abandonment. Since. we are still living in the Romantic. world, though it is "Romanticism in decay" of which Surrealism is the prime example, it is impera- tive that we quickly find a solu- tion to the Apollo-Dionysus .con- flict. "For the Maenads had no atom-bomb." In the second section, Lucas tackles problems of judgement. It is somewhat surprising, in view of his earlier moralistic writing, to find that he holds the popular emotiiist view of aesthetics: good means "I like it;"- all beauty is relative. He takes great pains to prove this point, though the case has been stated and restated since the pre-Socratic philosophers. Ac- cording to this view, the critic be- comes a kind of guide and, to use Lucas' word, advocate; the reader is, still the final judge. BECAUSE HE IS mainly con- cerned with moral values, how- ever, Lucas cannot stop there. For him, everything may be relative, but not everything is permitted. Aside from art's "pleasure-value," there is also "influence-value." To demonstrate this, he launches a perceptive discussion of the Art for Art's Sake movement; for him, its nineteenth century advocates were unable to prove that art is. unassociated with ethics.- They are engaging neurotics, but the fas- cination we may have for them is an unhealthy one. But some exponents of Art With a Purpose are unpleasing to him also. He is, as it is evidently fash- ionable to be, anti-Plato, and his discussion of that philosopher is stimulating; if infuriating. Plato was a "neurotic genius" whose idea of Absolute Beauty has become "a sort of Alabaster Lady on a cloud." With his coming, there falls already the first cold shadow of,- the Middle Ages, with their sense of sin, their Inquisitions, and their Infernos. And again: Better a jungle (of Romanti- cism) than a concentration camp (of The Republic). FOR THOSE who have read The Republic's tenth book and felt that it was one of the greatest compliments that could be paid literature, Lucas' view seems un- necessarily harsh. It seems even more so in the light of his own statement in the chapter on value: We have seen in the last thirty years plenty of 'novelties,' of 'subtill games,' of 'Arts and ex- ercise;' are we so sure that they too did not contribute to the rise of Hitler 'and the baseness of English 'appeasement' and the fall of France? When we re- call the cynical sneerings of the 'twenties, the sadistic notalgia for savagery in D. H. Lawrence, the egomania of Joyce, the. _ hankerings of 'intellectuals' after medieval obscurantism, or the 'tragic beauty' of bullfights, the anarchism of Surrealists, the calculated squalor of Celine, even the exquisitely intelligent decadence of Proust-is it so hard to read here the omens of, what was to come? For an anti-Platonist, this comes dangerously close to grounds for tossing the poet out of The Re- public. Though Lucas maintains that he and Plato are tempera- mentally incompatible, both men are severely troubled about the moral effect of art on men. Plato shrugs and says "Get rid of the artist;" Lucas is unable to bring; himself to that decision. Instead, it is the critic's function to pass moral, as well as interpretive, judgement on a work of art, using ethical standards gleaned "from the experience of the race in its struggle to survive." The irrit a fi in i tatio son seem reads whic] (SoD real for : Ouch Fo' not c notio the w sense often even stimt ume. artist Shak aboul them life, L for in retre: me,.] servic has t art is the - ality despe: IN SOME RESPECTS, and Psychology is book. Statements like:. Literature a cranky yeril n y o n v l i s ' o b o . S a e e t i e e p , ,-~ rw '"a""'r"M Part of the old-wall encircling the old town of Warsaw. 4~M \ (, By ROSE PERLBERG Daily Activities Editor OR most Americans the years of childhood and adolescence e carefree; we remember parties d pranks, the everyday traumas growing up that we laugh at in trospect. But on the whole, we n probably describe these years relatively happy and stable. For Alex Matejko and Maria gorska, Polish students here on e-year scholarships, the picture very different. They are a part the Polish generation who lost d never recovered youth. Alex is 31, slim and straight- eked with a florid complexion d receding brown hair. Meticu- lous in dress and manner, he is softspoken, shy and conscious of the fact that he has been speak- ing English only a few months. When he's with Maria, he tends to let her carry the discussion. Alone,' he's. more eloquent, shows a keen awareness of Polish problems. AT 24, Maria has a medium build with short-cropped blond hair and a clear complexion. Snapping brown eyes crinkle around the edges with her ready smile. She likes a jocular phrase and her hearty laugh is infectious. But when Maria talks about the past two decades in Poland, she speaks seriously. What stands but in Maria's mind about her childhood is the fact that she spent the first 12 years of her education in 12 dif- ferent schools. "There was never a stable existence. We were always running from something; not, knowing what was coming next.". , Nazis -- Maria makes a careful distinction between Nazis and Germans-bombe'd and destroyed, one school after another or'killed teachers. When Nazi occupation started in 1939, education was banned. It went underground. Both Alex and Maria recall "a great enthusiasm" for learning. "We would gather in a private home to study Polish history," re- members Maria, 'earry books..un- der our blouses, draw the curtains and speak in a whisper." P UNISHMENT was severe when conspirators were c a u g h t. Maria once saw Nazi soldiers bru- tally beat a little boy whose books showed through his clothing. Alex, a sociologist, tells of a group of students who were? dis-: covered by the Gestapo and herd- ed with their professor to a con- centration- camp.. But the "worst experience of the war" for both was the two- month period of futile Polish up- rising against the harsh occupa- tion. Recalls Maria with a shudder: "We lived in damp, musty cellars with barely enough food to eat- once a day. We were always hun- gry, constantly frightened .. . It was ,pretty - tough." Alex nods, mouth tightening into a grim line: "It was very bad"' The Poles are a tough people. They survived in the cellars. But finally, they had to sur-- render to Nazis, who expelled the whole population of Warsaw, cap- ital city and a home for Maria J and Alex, then burned it- to the ground. Maria and Alex describe the re- habilitation of their ravaged towns and cities matter-of-factly. They say quietly: "What. had to be done, we did." ALL OVER the country tremen- dous construction projects got underway. Groups of sociologists -of which Alex was one-teamed ' up with architects and did exten- sive research to determine what would be most functional struc- tures. From the ruins of a city sprang a new town; from forest (Continued on Next Page) CATULLUS ac?" 4 1 A U ARMY-NAVY TYPE The Paybo tuxedo,. Style-quality-price The ideal tuxedo for the university man. Easy-fitting natural lines, shawl collar, center vent, (Montinufd from Page 6) CRITICS of Copley's Catullus may question the fitness of modeling the diction of some of the shorter poems after E. E. Cum- .nings' language. The distortion of word-order this style permits en- ables Copley to bring forth Latin features which would otherwise go unrevealed. For example, your speechless (and to what end) ashes to address for Catullus' et mutam nequiquam adlo- querer einerem in poem 101, is, I think, an especi- ally rich rendering. But Cum- mingsesqueI sentimentality should not have been allowed, on the other hand,4o turn novem continuas fututiones (poem 32) into a mere nine times to feel the pulse of love In the group of long poems, numbers 61 through 68, Copley performs his pieces-de-resistance, as in the epyllion (64) on the wed- ding of Peleus and Thetis; here, through four-hundred and eight lines of blank verse, he manages to translate the long Latin hexa- meters with near line-per-line parallel correspondence. There are lines here one can remember, and not always solely because of what they felicitously translate: (64) This maid at dawning light will show her nurse that yesterday's fillet can- hn ot span her neck (whirl spinning the yarns, you spindles, whirl) or this unusual Homeric simile from poem 65: You must not think that what you said to me~ was thrown to, the winds or slipped out of my heart like a lover's apple, gift in hi s secret sent, which falls out from a virgin's OXFORDS mm4 FOR ALL R.O.T.C. 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