"They Keep Disintegrating" Sixty-Eighth Year . I- EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OMICHIGAN Ven Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. DAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID TARR Castles, Cannons, .Catapults Alleory ofAmerica's Ruin AV x'17I -7 S~w ., i w .., .. ,! (ยง7') *11 To Thfe Editor Rehash of SGC Elections . . . To The Editor: SHOULD LIKE to take issue with the editorial column by Richard Taub in Friday's paper, entitled "Organized Support Helps Win SGC Elections." First of all, Mr. Taub nowheff defined what was meant by "organ- ized support." Obviously, he didn't just mean support in the form of votes. Since the only breakdown by groups in the ensuing discussion was in terms of residence groups, one might assume that this is the organ- I S ^ t r , } a.. r'C .. , I A.. ' ,, .. ONCE UPON A TIME, not very long ago and in a land not very far away, there were two nassive castles. They stood on opposing sides of a wide river, 5ne fortress flying the flag of the eagle and the ether sporting the emblem of the bear. Every Lay, some knights from the land of the bear vould climb to their castle walls to glare or 'ell insults at the people living in the land of he eagle. Occasionally, they would even blow heir bugles and flex their bows. At first, the recipients tried to turn the other far to the noise that was directed at them, but oon, they too began yelling at the other side. Things were nt always like this in that land iot very far away. Once, a short time before he bear and the eagle were fri ns and they yen had fought together to defeat the big ilonde warriors wearing the emblem of the volf, who had invaded the land of the bears. -owever, after the knights of the wolf were esoundingly defeated and their land was oc- :upied by. the victorious allies, the friendship egan fading. The people in the land of the eagle were rosperous and rather happy. The harvests irought surpluses which they shared with other astles whose fields were trampled during the var, the mills were humming efficiently and he shoemakers were very busy. R UT THE LEADERS of those living under the standard of the bear sneered at all this. [hey knew their people were barefoot and the #ops often failed, and many tried to escape Lcross the river, but they basically had a much fetter society, in which all, people shared xqually, and even the women could work. It wa'.really such a good system, they bought, that they had already pursuaded neighboring castles on their side of the river to o things the same way, and now they were rying to install the same system across the And so, they shouted about the evils of the eople in the land of the eagle and the good omradeship of those living under the emblem Af the bear. But also, they kept their knights n armor and made sire their swords stayed harp. Across the river, the people in the land of the agle thought their system was good ... after k11, they had plenty of food and everybody wore hoes. But they weren't too concerned about preading their system to other castles. Let hem decide for themselves, they said, taking ff their armor and beating their swords into ows. Also, the people from the land of the bear ouldn't really hurt them. A wide river sepa- ated them and besides, the eagle people were nuch more advanced and 'had much better veapons. For during the war with the people from the and of the wolf, they had built many catapults. With these, they could propel big stones long listances, even across the river. Most im- >ortant, their alchemists had discovered, during he war, the secret of firewater. It was possible o hurl clay jars of the liquid which would xplode upon impact and kill more than just me person with each stone. Of course they knew they couldn't keep, the ecret away from the land of the bear forever, >ut there would still be enough time to stock- >ie many clay jars and develop more efficient tapults. ALSO, HOW COULD A PEOPLE who didn't even grow enough food or make enough hoes be a threat? After all, their standard of lving was much lower and therefore they ouldn't be very smart. So, the people in the land of the eagle kept ewer knights in armor and placidly went about he business of growing crops and making hoes. One day, they heard the rumble of an xplosion across the river and deduced that he secret of fire water was no longer exclu- sively theirs. Soon enough, the knights from the land of the bears began shouting about their fire water and their catapults. Even when they heard that the people from the land of the bear had also discovered the secret of fire water, they took comfort when King Like told his people that they too were learning new things that would help keep the edge of superiority over those across the river. Under the direction of his head.knight, Sir Charles E. Will-He-Put-His-Foot-in-the- Mouth, the land's sorcerers were working to develop something called a cannon. It would be a fantastic new weapon, much better than catapult because it could, when perfected shoot faster, farther,"'and kill more people. Some day, far in the future, sorcerers predicted, it would be possible to fight a war merely by lighting a fuse. OF COURSE the sorcerers in the land of the bears were also trying to develop the can- non, but no one seemed too worried about them. After all, they couldn't even make a good pair of shoes. So the budget for cannon research in the land of the eagles was kept small and the work was done slowly. Then, suddenly, the impossible happened! The clear blue sky above the river was punctu- ated by a white cloud of smoke visible all over the land. The bears had fired a cannon high into the sky. Fearfully, the people in the castle of the eagle milled around. What happened, what was the meaning of this, they asked each one of their alchemists and sorcerers. But even the learned men disagreed. Some warned "If they' can fire into the sky, they can fire across the river at us." "We're years behind them," others declared. "Train more sorcerers; improve our schools," suggested a few. "I told you so," .jeered those who didn't like King Like. "Give the sorcerers more money," suggested a few. "Investigate and see who's to blame," cried the wise men in the long beards. Even King Like seemed concerned. He stopped saying everything is all right and decided to talk to all his knights and people, hoping to calm their fears. Things aren't ,eally so bad, he said. The cannons still have to be perfected and the land of the eagle still has lots of catapults and a big stock pile of firewater jars, the King pointed out.. HOWEVER, HE ACKNOWLEDGED, it dd seem time to spend more money on cannon development and even step up the training program for alcemists. He even had his new chief knight, Sir Neil Macaronie, stiffen up the research program and appoint a cannon coordinator to make sure too many people didn't work on too many ideas for cannon de- sign. The sky wasn't completely dark, the King said, even after the people from the land of the bear sent a second cloud of smoke into the sky. After all, it was still the age of the catapult, and to convince the people, King Like had his top catapult expert, Sir Curb Lemay parade them around in front of the castle and even fire some soft bales of hay to show the weapons were still dangerous. Sir Lemay told a group of scribes that "It is my personal opinion that there will be a place for the catapult for a long time to come. The first generation of cannon will not be as effective as catapults, and the land of the eagle is interested in getting the best weapons possible." . . And he was right. For many years thereafter, the catapult occupied a prominent place in the museum that the people from the land of the bear built upon the ruins of the castle of the eagle. -,MICHAEL KRAFT ized support referred to. In that Collins, serves to refute, not to support, Mr. Taub's contention, since Mr. Collins has lived in off- campus housing with exactly four mer. for the past two years. However, I guess he didn't nmean individual housing units by "or- ganized support," since he said of three of the defeated candidates that they, "although possibly ac- tive in their own fraternities, are not on IFC." Now, if he meant that the IHC supported Goldman and Belin, the IFC supported Getz, and Pan- hellenic supported Miss Rainwater and Miss Wurster, why didn't he say so? IN ANOTHER of his comments on SGC representation. Mr. Taub's mathematics are intriguing. He says the Alpha Xi Delta's and Sigma Chi's, with only .65 per cent of the people on campus in their houses, "control" 5 of the 18 votes on SGC. Accepting the implicit, though dubious, assumptions that: 1) the members of the two houses think alike on any given issues, both among themselves and with the other house; and 2) the members of the house in fact do "control" the votes of the elected representa- tives and ex-officios on the Coun- cil, we are led to some interesting comparisons. Ideally, given the theory of living unit control of SGC votes, there should be 18 large living units of 1277 members, each having one vote on the Council. something, short of that ideal re- presentation wherein each student controls exactly his share of the power on SGC: one-one thousand two hundred- and seventy-seventh of a vote. IF THERE ARE 150 Sigma Chis and Alpha Xi Deltas combined, and they "control" five votes, then each member of one of those houses controls one-thirtieth of a vote, which Mr. Taub says "throws any theory of representa- tion into a cocked hat." Only last year, Joe Collins and Lew Engman lived together in a house of four, meaning four people controlled two votes, a situation- which under this theory would be 15 times as deplorable. I realize that analyzing SGC election results is largely a guess- ing game, and that there is room for different interpretations. But if one is to make his interpreta- case, the first example listed, Joe tions publicly (which is of dubious value), then he must make defi- nite, not implied, conclusions, and back them up with. logical con- sistency. -Janet Neary '58 In a Stew . .. To the Editor: I HAVE SPENT the past couple hours working up a stew, and I now offer you a taste. The ingredi- ents consist of the contents .of the article in the latest Life regarding the declining popularity and status of college football players. Whether or not the grid star has lost his role of idol to the average undergrad and coed is debatable. My'thesis is that there is no justi- fication for this decline. One of the major accusations was that the animalistic ball- player is ostracized by the student because of his inability to discuss subjects of the more deeply intel- lectual type. Will "Joe Bookworm" please re- member that "Mr. Touchdown" devotes roughly three hours of his day to activities directly concerned with the practice session, and often several more to skull sessions, treatment of injuries, etc. At in- stitutions where he is expected to maintain a .respectable scholastic standing, "Varsity Bill" will prob- ably have to spend most of his non-football hours keeping up with his classmates in this direction. Here the question arises-is the man who devotes most of his time, effort, and interest to athletic activities any less well prepared to take his place as a responsible citi- zen in the non-campus world than the science or literary enthusiast? Is intellectualism necessarily the key to success in world service? First of all, it seems reasonable to remind ourselves that . football is every bit as much a mental activity as it is physical. Can men- tal attributes such as loyalty, per- severance, courage, decisiveness, foresight, give-and-take, coopera- tion, mental and physical hygiene; honesty, and self-confidence -be developed better in a library, a bar, a fraternity living room, or around a bridge table than they can be on the athletic field, which to me is the ideal laboratory in which to learn to live? -John H. Nordlinger, Grad. 4' 4 ip ,}+ WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: UnionySues for $1 By DREW PEARSON THE MAIL ORDER house of Sears, Roebuck, one of the big- gest retail corporations in the world, is in for a $10-million dam- age suit. It's being brought by the Retail Clerks International Asso- ciation on the charge that Sears, Roebuck used Nathan Shefferman, gift-giving friend of Dave Beck and Jimmy Hoffa, to block union organization. The Retail Clerks, who have suspected certain big retail estab- lishments were playing ball with the Teamsters, now have the evi- dence with which to go to court. The Senate racket hearings caused Wallace Tudor, Sears, Roebuck vice-president, to admit that the firm's practices in hiring Nathan Shefferman were "inexcusable, un- necessary and disgraceful." In 1953, a National Labor Rela- tions Board examineruruled that Sears, Roebuck should bargain collectively with the Retail Clerks. This was ignored. So in addition to the $10-million damage suit, James Suffridge, head of the Clerks, will move before the NLRB to force Sears, Roebuck to do what was recommended four years ago. * * * OSWALDO ARANHA once spent a year in the saddle and sleeping out on the pampas of southern Brazil, leading a revolution. The -revolution was successful, and he and the late Getulio Vargas became leaders of a new Brazilian govern- ment which remained in office 20 years. Aranha came to the United States as ambassador, mingled with congressmen, attended the Presidential conventions, drove all over the west, became a great rooter for American-Brazilian friendship, finally went back to become Brazilian foreign minister. Though retired from active poli- tics, Aranha is back in New York as head of the Brazilian delegation to the United Nations Assembly. He has been to the UN before, once was elected president of the As- sembly. Still a great friend of the United States, despite our current lack of interest in Latin America, Aranha believes that friendship carries ob- ligations. "If the United States doesn't lead on the American continent," he says, "other nations will. Al- ready, Venezuela has established a fund to loan to other Latin American nations. Hitherto, we looked to the United States for this kind of help." Ten years ago, Aranha presided over the UN Assembly when the question of Palestine and Israel werebdebated. This spring, Israel will be 10 years old. "The leading nations should liake a flat statement that Israel is here to stay, advises the Brazil- ian statesman. "Too many Arab nations believe to the contrary,; and there will be no real peace in the Near East until they treat Israel as a permanent member of the Near East family of nations." * * * WASHINGTON is watching as- tute new Attorney General Rogers to see whether he lifts the secrecy lid clamped on the Justice Depart- ment by his predecessor, Herbert Brownell. When he retired, Brownell had not held a press conference for two years. He ordered his subordi- nates not to talk to reporters; also refused to cooperate with congress- men; and withheld files from Sen. Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn.) in the U. S. Steel case, Sen. Joe O'Ma- honey (D-Wyo.) in the Middle East oil investigation, and Con- gressman Emanuel Celler (D-N.Y.) in the American Telephone and Telegraph case. Most shocking was Brownell's refusal to so much as define the instruction the Justice Department gave the FBI in the oil-pipeline probe. This was requested by Con- gressman James Roosevelt (D- Calif.), whose committee later got the information from subpoenaed company correspondence. A letter written by J. L. Burke, president of Service Pipeline, own- ed by Standard Oil of Indiana, re- vealed that an FBI agent had turned over the Justice Depart- ment's full instructions to Burke to pass on to his superiors. MADDEST MAN in Europe over the purge of Marshal Zhukov is perhaps not Zhukov himself, but his friend in Yugoslavia, Marshal Tito. The ruler of Yugoslavia is simply sizzling. He says it's the second time within a year that Khrush- chev in the Kremlin has double- crossed him in Belgrade. The first time was when the Russians arrested Hungarian Pre- mier Nagy after he had taken refuge in the Yugoslavian Embassy in Budapest last year. Tito offered Nagy asylum with the intention of saving him, but found he was over- ruled by the Kremlin. Nagy was removed by superior Russian force. The second double-cross came when Zhukov, visiting in Belgrade, persuaded Tito to recognize East Germany. This was the last thing Tito wanted to do. Hitherto he has been considered the spiritual, leader of the satellite countries. They have looked to him for guidance in winning independence from Mos- cow. So, when he recognized East Germany, he knocked the props out from under his own leadership. It was Marshal Zhukkov who turned on the heat, persuaded Tito to take his step. Then, shortly after Zhukov returned to Moscow, he was purged. So Tito is furious. He doesn't seem to learn that it doesn't pay to do business with the Kremlin. (copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.) DAILY OFFICIALBULLETIN #I 'I The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1957 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 54 General Notices President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold open house for students at their' home Wed., Nov. 20 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Lectures The International Center presents a series of free illustrated travel talks as a community service. Part I in the series is "Report: Africa." On Sun., INTEGRATION RESISTANCE SOLIDIFIES: Reaction to Little Rock Felt in Deep South Stevenson Appointment Nov. 17 Henry L. Bretton, assistant pro- fessor of political science, and S.G.O. President J. Joseph Collins will present "Emerging New Nations of West Afri- ca; Ghana and Nigeria," showing color films and slides. 7:30 p.m., Aud. B, An- gell Hall. Concerts Student Recital: Ann Holtgren, senior in the School of Music majorinj in Music Education, will perform works by Paul Cooper, Paul Dukas, Johann Wen- zel Stich, and Gordon Jacob, at 8:30 p.m. Sun., Nov. 17, in Aud. A, Angell Hall. Miss Holtgren studies French horn with Clyde Carpenter, and during her recital will be assisted by Linda Reek, piano, Jane Flowers, violin, Elizabeth Lichty, viola, and Arthur Follows, cello. Academic Notices The Extension Service' announces that there are still a few openings in the following class to be held in Ann Arbor, beginnign Tues., Nov. 19: Efficient Reading II, 7:00 p.m., 524 Uni- versity Elementary School, 8 weeks, $13.50. Rosemary Nagel, instructor. Registration for this class may be made in the Extension Service office at 1610 Washtenaw Avenue during Uni- versity office hours. Sociology 60 (Marriage): for students kin all sections (including previous se- mesters), optional question-and-an- swer sessions with Professor Blood in Room 429, Mason Hall, Tues., Nov. 19, 8:30 p.m. and Wed., Nov. 20, 4:00 p.m. The latter session is designed primarily for engaged and married students. Political Science Roundtable Tues., Nov. 19, at'8:00 p.m. in the Rackham Assembly Hall. Discussion by Professors Robert Ward, Henry Bretton, and George Grassmuck, with Prof. Roy Pierce, moderator. All are from the Po- litical Science Department. The topic is "Urban-Rural; Patterns in the Poli- tics of Japan, West Africa, and the Arab States." Refreshments. Doctoral Examination for Werner Lowenthal, Pharmaceutical Chemistry; thesis: "Formulations for Compression Coated Tablets," Mon., Nov. 18, 2525 Chemistry Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, A. M. Mattocks. Doctoral Examination for Gordon Spencer Dean, Pharmaceutical Chem- istry; thesis: "Antispasmodics: Substi- tuted beta-Phenyl-gamma-Hydroxypro- pylamines and Thiazole Analogs of Meperidine," Tues., Nov. 19, 2525 Chem- istry Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, F. F. THE RAISED EYEBROWS that accompanied Adlai Stevenson's appointment to an ad- visory post on the United States NATO delega- tion are perfect proof of one of the fundamental problems of the presidential, political party, form of government-the enormous waste of manpower. It is significant that the appointment of an election loser by the head of the opposing party should cause such surprise, for the sharp line between the Democratic and Republican parties is one that is rarely crossed, no matter how pressing the situation. Thus, when a candidate loses an election, he can do nothing but sit ' down and wait for four years. This should not be. When a man has reached a position of influence high enough to be nominated for president by a party, it must be assumed that he has an absolute minimum of one-third of the country behind him. He must be well-informed, politically powerful and at least fairly capable, and these are attributes the government cannot afford to let remain though he does not reach the top post. His talents are not lost to the country. In America, a presidential election loser does not remain in his former position, and yet, paradoxically, he does remain titular head of his party. In such a situation, he 'owes allegi- ance to none but his own party. THIS IS ONE of the basic causes of that odious thing called "playing politics." Of course a man will "play politics" when he has absolutely no responsibility to the existing administration and no hand in current political policies. This is what has happened to Adlai Steven- son. The post he accepted is a far less im- portant, less influential one than the post originally offered him by the President. The original one he turned down. He turned it down at the behest of the Democratic party. He turned it down because the Democrats did not wish to be connected with any facet of administration policy, pre- By RELMAN MORIN Associated Press Staff Writer ECHOES of Little Rock are still thundering through the Deep South today and authorities everywhere see three major effects on the anguished question of de- segregating the schools. They are: 1) A definite hardening of the determination of many Southern- ers to resist the Supreme Court order. People tell you they were prepared, reluctantly, to accept in- tegration before but now are ready to battle to the bitter end to avoid it. Tempers are edgy. A judge in one city said, "I'm really afraid people would be kill- ed here ii they try to push integra- tion at this time," *' * * 2) AS A RESULT, there is wide- spread talk of a "cooling off" period. Southerners believe -per- haps wishfully-that Little Rock will cause proponents of integra- tion to postpone new petitions for Today, the other points of view are emerging. Men who were si- lent before on the moral and so- cial aspects of the problem are finding the courage to speak out. Along with this, there are rd- ports of economic boycotts aimed at the Negro, new state laws to preserve segregation, -and much discussion, pro and con, of the desirability of deserting the Demo- cratic party and forming a new one. *, * * THE EVENTS that swirled around a single high school in Little Rock last September are reflected across the South today in these dissimilar forms- In Decatur, Ga., a printed leaf- let, unsigned, addresses itself to all whites, including doctors and housewives as well as business- men. It says: "If you continue to employ even one Negro, you shall be labelled a renegade white. The whites shall With apparent confidence, Mrs. Ruby Hurley, Southeastern region- al director of the NAACP, says today, "Segregation is dead." "Maybe so," say the officers of the Southern Regional Council, a research group working to im- prove race relations, "but it's go- ing to take a long time to lie down." So, in many ways, the shadow of Little Rock - especially the use of federal troops to enforce inte- gration there - lies heavily over the Deep South. Southerners quietly tell you that this is all too reminiscent of the tragic days of the Reconstruction. THE PICTURE varies from place to place. For example, people tell you there are parts of Georgia where they will never - and they mean just that -accept integration. But in Atlanta, although it is "The General Assembly is ab- solutely adamant that there will be no integration in Georgia. State law permits us to close the schools. They (the federal government) know they can't make us levy a tax to operate a school. There's no necessity for sending troops to a school where the doors are closed." 2) Segregationist organizations appear to have been given a big lift by Little Rock. Their leaders, in some cases, candidly admit that membership had been dropping off before. 3) Reports of economic boycot- ting of Negroes appear to be true, although hard to pin down. 4) MRS. HURLEY said she did not know about the substance of reports of a "cooling off" period now, during which no further pe- titions to integrate will be filed. "It depends on the attitude of * I