. ..16 Rice .a. ..... 7 Notre Dame .. 7 'Purdue ... 7 Texas A&M.... 6 Oklahoma .. .. 0 Northwestern . 27 Wisconsin .. . 24 Michigan State 42 Ohio State.. . 17 Slippery Roc 0 Illinois. .;. . 13 Minnesota . . . 13 Iowa ... .... 13 West Liberty AN ALLEGORY 'AMERICA'S RUIN See page 4 Y Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom :I3at CLOUDY, WARMER No. 53 ANN ARBOR, MICHiGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1957 FIVE CENTS -i r ense Budget ks Scheduled nhower, McElroy To Discuss e Needed To Meet Red Threat Tunisian Arms Disput Unsettled After Secr NATO Council Sessio 4UGUSTA, Ga. (R})-President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Sere- r of efensNeil McElroy will meet here Tuesday to discuss just The President's vacation headquarters said McElroy will be cxpanied from Washington by the Pentagon's fiscal expert, Asst. ' eceary of 'Defense Wilfred'J. McNeil.. Before completing arrangements for that meeting and getting in round of golf delayed by rain, President Eisenhowertalked by tele- r~~phone with Scretary of 'State John Foster Dulles regarding French protests over Anglo-Ameri- o t oinery can arms shipments to Tunisia. Dulles was in Washington. James C. Hagerty, White House il leave press secretary, declined to provide any detail on the Eisenhower- Dulles discussion. AA T Post Stirted French Wrath -* The token arms shipments stir- red French wrath just a month in PAYOFF PITCH-EndGary Prahst (86) scores Michigan's second PARIS (R)-Field Marshal -Vis- advance of a Paris NATO council touchdown as he grabs quarterback Jim Van Pelt's seven-yard pass mnt Montgomery, last of the top meeting designed to strengthen the in the end zone. Indiana quarterback Tom McDonald (25) watches flied commanders of World War North Atlantic Alliance in.. the hopelessly. still on active duty, will' retire light of Soviet Union advances in. . deputy Allied commander in development of missiles and other Mic h urope next September. space age weapons. Supreme Headquarters Allied President Eisenhower and the owers in Europe used the occasion government heads of the 14 other I ontgsmrery's 70th birthday to- NATO member nations plan to at-,' ay to announce that lie will be tend that meeting. " ;leased from duty at his own Confer in Augusta Associate of lke spending plans for the fiscal year Qen. Lauris Norstad,. supreme starting next July 1, the President mmander of the Atlantic Alli- and McElroy will confer at the By JAMES BAAD c1e, issued a statement saying Augusta National Golf Club Tues- Daily sports Editor e accepted the decision of his day against the background of rst deputy "with the utmost re- President's Eisenhower's assertion The flit feet of Michigan's Jim Pace were nearly the whole show rt. that expenditures for weapons of yesterday as the obviously low spirited Wolverines easily dominated Montgomery, beret-wearing hero the future must be increased "a Indiana, 27-13. f North Africa, where he stopped very considerable figure." The season's smallest home crowd of 56,254 fans witnessed the *, German tide sweeping toward It already is cetain. defense slow moving contest. gypt, was a close associate of spending for the current iscal year Meanwhile down in Columbus, Ohio, the Buckeye horde of coach en.'.Dwight D. Eisenhower - will ex'ceed the 38 billion dollar Woody Hayes sewed up the Conference title and a Rose Bowl trip, Montgomery commanded Allied target. defeating Iowa in a see-saw contest, 17-13. Here at home the crowd nd forces under Gen. Eisenhower Sen. Styles Bridges (R-N.H.), 'was once again treated to the ithe historic Normandy invasion senior QOP member of the Senate fas bneaain reated o the r 1944. He became Gen. Eisen- Appropriations Committee, recent- flashy breakaway running of Pace ower's deputy when SHAPE was ly predicted military outlay for Exp t R ise but to little else. t up in 1951. the new year will outrun this year's While the Arkansas tailback was Montgomery, at 70. remains one spending by one to two billion Pr ba l eating up half of Michigan's yard- the busiest and most-traveled dollars. Probable, age on the ground and scoring two kIcers at headquarters. His special touchdowns, the rest of the Wol- sponsibility is the training of verines appeared to be 'having a Ile orces. 1 rl e s n hrd time getting started. "leA he haois conetied . D aisy G iven1 Benson Says -r - , askre. Memoirs Expectedr Ties Clark ause he phas continued to Incidentally, Pace's two touch- l active miitary postlong of WASHINGTON (W) - Secretary downs bring his Conference scor- t-r the other high wartime cm-) i o1n1jofAgriculture Ezra Taft Benson, ing total up to 48 points which ties ianders, Montgomery never has denying once more he is rsigning, current leader Don Clark of Ohio ritten abQut his side of the war. T returned from a 24-day world tour State. Clark saw no action yester- ow he is expected to get down to In yesterday voicing enthusiasm for day. ork on his memoirs. When they 1 American farm export prospects. Even though it scored four times ei DTpablished,M he has hinted, the He said he would recommend to against Indiana, Michigan's of- rn y)President Dwight D. Eisenhower a fense was not running smoothly The most colorful British field ufacturing Co. was assured of a year's extension of the 1954 Agri- yesterday. The running backs mmander in World War II, million dollar'state-built plant be- cultural Trade Development Act, weren't receiving adequate block- ontgomery was born in Ireland, fore it decided to switch its air which expires next June 30. He will ing a good share of the time, e son of an Anglican vicar. rifle plant to Rogers, Ark., the a* authority to ship abroad for especially on plays run to the left. Detroit News said today. sale, barter or gift at least an addi- Michigan's passers were off also The newspaper quoted Noel tional one billion dollars of sur- yesterday. With nearly everybody Boulware, chairman of the Rogers plus farm commodities. throwing - Jim Van Pelt, Stan Chamber of Commerce, as saying Act Extended Once Noskin, John Spidel, Pace, Bob .rT " the Michigan firm was guaranteed The act already has been ex- Ptacek, and Mike Slhatusky- the 11SC S special tax concessions, plus a tend once. So far the government Wolverines could complete only lease-purchase agreement on the has shipped or is shipping our- eight of 24 attempts besides having V1 C10BC0 new plant. billion-dollars worth of its surplus five of these picked off by Indiana The air rifle firm, located for 70 stocks of grains, cotton, rice and backs. years at Plymouth, Mich., an- dairy products to Asia, Europe and Weak Passing University professors who re- nounced last week that it would the Middle East. It wasn't that any one was open ntly traveled in the USSR will move to Arkansas. Lower taxes Benson said his department so much that the passes were scuss "American Scientists Visit plus lower wages and higher pro- might ask authority to dispose of either over or underthrown. At .e Soviet Union," at 8 p.m., Tues- ductivity were cited as reasons for an additional 1 billion-dollars least twice Michigan had a re- Wy in Aud. B, Angell Hall. the shift. worth of surplus products, but that ceiver clear in the end zone only This second lecture - discussion The News said Daisy was offered further conferences will be held to have the pass thrown short 11 be chaired by Prof.-Emeritus a choice of several pieces of prop- before a firm figure is agreed upon. into a defender's hands.-, Borge Y. Ralnich of the mathe- erty for its plant site and Will Defends Administration Defensively it just wasn't Mich- atics department. acquire possession under a lease It was during a planeside inter- igan's day either. The Hoosiers The series, entitled "Soviet, with option to purchase. view that he insisted he has no smashed into the Wolverine's end 4ion and Eastern Europe." is Although the plant will be worth plans to leave the Cabinet. zone twice compared to only one onsored by the University Com- more than one million dollars, the He also defended as "economi- previous score against the rest of ittee for the Program in Russian newspaper said Daisy's tax assess- cally sound" the administration's their Big Ten opponents. Yester udies.- ment will not exceed $100,000 for farm program which has been un- day's were Indiana's fourth and Education and research in Rus- 10 years. der attack, particularly in the fifth touchdowns of the year. , will be the topic of Prof. Henry Cass Hough, Daisy's executive Midwest farm belt. Benson said if Some credit must be given to Gomberg, of the nuclear and vice-president, said that conces- 'anyone had a better program to Indiana and especially to its two ctrcal engineering department sion "will cut our taxes to at least offer he would be glad to consider hard running backs, Jim Yore and d assistant director of the Phoe- one-third-perhaps more." it. See PACE, page 3 k Project. Prof. Orren C. Mohler, of the tronomy department and assist- IKE MAY ASK $4.2 BILLION: it director of the McMath-Hul- art, Observatory at Pontiac, will sean "Soviet Observatories 11 Research in AstronomyCorCngress Prepares for Aid Battle "Soviet Mathematics Today," al be the subject of Prof. Arthur WASHINGTON (JP) - Congress I request could be more important ping up their missiles program, Lohwater, of the mathematics members are squaring away for a than the military fund .increases have been stepping up their eco- partment. 1958 struggle over foreign' aid-a President Eisenhower will ask. enoic aid to other countries. fight likely to be complicated by This view does not seem likely We've already reduced our own the need to find more money for to be shared by his California col- foreign aid program to the danger ound Table missiles.league, Sen. William Knowland, point." Reports say President Dwight D. the Senate's Republican leader. Sen. Hubert Humphrey (D- c 1&1 ' Eisenhower is preparing to ask Opposes Deficit e Qt 1 71. [!nn(iljlcin Tmirv nrhi ' ck Tn xrl..r 1-.l . 1iinolMinn,) a Foreign Relations com- FOR NATO PROGRAM Daull 'es To Ask Plans, Aid from Stevenson WASHINGTON (M)-Secretary of State John Foster Dulles is expected to ask Adlai Stevenson tomorrow to join in working out an Allied political and military program designed to restore the crumbling confidence of North Atlantic Treaty countries in United States leader- ship.' The American-British crisis with France over Tunisia has re- doubled the conviction of administration-leaders that urgent measures are necessary to pull the alliance together. This is in large part a question of restoring confidence in American leadership, a confidence badly shaken by Russia's surge forward in the missiles race and by fears of CI lit -Daily-Fred Shippey' DAVE MOUNTS ... takes Indiana pass. SIGNS, TOO: I yroleans Fight Over Lang uag BOLZANO, Italy (R)-Some hot tempers may heat up the air in this Alpine Valley today as a bor- der dispute-mainly over langu- ages-rages on. One side is shouting demands in German; the other in Italian. This is the South Tyrol problem --in which the simple posting of a street sign set off violent reac- tion. East street in South Tyrol has two street signs, one in Ger- man and the other in Italian. More Violence Threatened Now the construction of a hous- ing development threatens more violence. To the German speaking people of South Tyrol, the housing development represents a stacking of the deck, with Italians in a move to outnumber the Germans. South Tyrol is a prosperous 8,200- square mile area in northern Italy on the Austrian border. It was handed over to Italy from Austria after World War I. In its north live 330,000 German-speaking inhabi- tants. In the south are 470,000 Italians. During the Mussolini regime, Italians flocked into South Tyrol in an "Italianization program" to offset the heavy German speaking population. Square Deal Promised After the war, Austria insisted she had the right to demand a squareadeal for the German-speak- ing population. The Germans de- mand. more rights, especially rec- ognition of German as the official language. The latest flare of tempers is over a housing development built by the Italian government for 900 families in Bolzano. The Germans charge it is designed to bring in more Italian families to alter the ethnic makeup. Violence Possible This dispute could break out Allies that the United States would not risk nuclear devastation to live up to its commitments to defend them against attack. Confidence Necessary Only by restoring confidence, high officials here believe, can the United States win acceptance of its plan for setting up intermediate range missiles bases on Allied ter- ritory extending from the North Atlantic into the North Pacific. Similarly, restoration fo confi- dence is considered necessary to win acceptance of plans for the kind of nuclear armaments pro- gram which Washington would like to carry through over the next two-or three years.. Trained in A-Warfare Allied forces would be trained in atompic warfare and promised ac- cess to nuclear weapons provided by the United States if war broke out. Stevenson, the Democratic presi- dential nominee twice defeated by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, is di e here today for a meeting to- morrow with Dulles. He has said that he could not undertake to make President Eisenhower's NATO policies for him but he has offered to comment on the Presi- dent's plans and to support them where he agrees. He may attend the NATO sum- mit conference at Paris Dec. 16-18 as a Democratic adviser to Presi- dent Eisenhower. Hope for Suggestions State Department officials ex- press the hope thatalthough Stevenson has refused to take the lead in policy-making, he is pre- pared to make detailed suggestions to Dulles. The latter was represented as ready to try to incorporate Steven- son's ideas. He and other adminis- tration leaders have been search- ing for proposals which would breathe new life into the alliance systems of almost 50 nations to which the United States belongs. Flymg Boat Tol Now 44 NEW PORT, Isle of Wight {P)- The death toll of the flaming crash of a big flying boat on this English island rose yesterday to 44. One of the 15 survivors, an Englishwoman, died in a hospital of her injuries. Forty-three of the 58 persons aboard, including the eight-mem- ber crew, were killed outright when the four - engine Solent' smashed into a timbered chalk cliff Friday night and burned. 1t , Democrats, Ask Spe'edup In Research WASHINGTON (M-)-The Demo- cratic Advisory Council called yes- terday for a greater sense of urgency in the race with Russia for survival. It said aspecial session of Con- gress should be convened if neces- sary to-finance a speedup in mil- itary and research programs. It said rivalry between the armed services should be ended if it is delaying the programs. Need All-Out Efforts "The all-out effort of the Soviets. to establish themselves as masters of the space around us must be met by all-out efforts of our own," said, the Council in a statement approved by Adlai Stevenson, for- mer President Harry. S. Truman, and other leading Democrats. The Advisory.Council is a 24- mnember policy branch of the Dem- ocratic National Committee. The Council listed 17 members it said had approved the state- ment in a telephone poll, includ- ing Stevenson. It said the others could not be reached in time. r Say U. S. Fallen Behind Decl ing the United States has fallen'behind Russia in developing the "weapons of tomorrow," the' Democratic statement said: "If our military and research programs are being held back be- cause of lack of funds, a special session of Congress should be call- ed requesting the necessary addi- tional appropriations and, if re- quired, the raising of the debt limit which is today artificially holding back the expenditure of, money already approved. Need End to Rivalry "If the rivalry between the armed services is delaying our programs- and causing unneces- sary expense, as we believ0 it is, this rivalry should be put to an Vnd and unified action taken with- in the Department of Defense:" The statement, a critique on President Dwight D. Eisenhower's two recent national security broad- casts, said the President's speeches. contained "no suggestion for a program to win the battle for outer, space despite its importance in the world of the future." "This is no time for complacent reassurances on the state of our defenses," it said. MVeetingSe Next Week Delegates Want Uni1 Before Summit Tall Of NATO Leaders, PARIS, ()-France locked hor with Britain and the United Sta again yesterday on the Tunisi arms dispute and an emerge, session of NATO's permane Council, called to seek a sw settlement, got nowhere. Delegates called for another co ciliation session next week, pry ably Wednesday. This'would give Foreign Minis Christian Pineau time to thra the matter out with Secretary State John Foster Dulles In Was ington Tuesday. Hope to Heal breach Delegates to the ruling body NATO expressed hope this .serc breach in allied unity could healed before the summit conf( ence of NATO premiers and prei dent in Paris next month. T summit meeting is designed as display of Allied unity before- t threat of Soviet technology. High French sources said Fran at yesterday's secret emergen meeting demanded two Unit States-British guarantees: Not for Rebels 1) That the 920 small guns se to Tunisia Friday will never used against France. 2) That not enough arms shipped to leave any over for t rebels in neighboring Algeria, n in revolt against French rule. B: tai andsFrance saidTunisi l given assurances the arms will r get to Algerian rebels The French informants declar that if 3ritain and the Unit States oppose France in the Uit Nations debate on Algeria, t North Atlantic Treaty Organi2 tion will be blown sky high. Failed to Convince W. Randolph Burgess, Unit States NATO representative, a British Delegate Sir Frank Robe failed in a day-long attempt convince the French the Arms C liveries were necessary to ke Tunisia lined up with the West. Count Etienne de Cry- hai and other French delegates sto fast on France's claim of exclusi right to supply arms to Tunis until last year a French protecto ate. World News Roundup By The Associated Pres PARIS - French riot poli mounted guard at the Unit States and British embassies.1 night. It was a ,precaution as Freni feeling ran high against Ame cans and British over the TunisF arms deal. WASHINGTON - A spokesma for the Senate Rackets Commiti said yesterday two of the grou investigators, now in Indiana, w check on the Oct9ber riot in 1955 strike at the Perfect Cir Corp. foundry in New Castle. ' ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Fo crewmen were found alive and 2 dead yesterday in the wreckage an Air Force B29 that crashed iX to an Alaska mountainside duria a snowstorm Friday ringht- The.four survivors, all injure were airlifted here from the cra scene. i VOLUNTEERS A-PLENTY: Space Ship Seats Scarce WASHINGTON (A')-America's first manned space ship will be" more crowded than a rush-hour bus if everyone who wants to climbs aboard.r Bids for the flight are trickling in from Maine to California de-. spite official turnddwns and forecasts that space travel is years away. A Vanguard information officer reported today hIe's received some 30 offers from Americans to go space flying since the Soviets launched dog-carrying Sputnik II early this month.