,a r.a's "rii viaial t";1 LL'fl i.i i 40 11 M ". in I , wommommp- wvmmm-w---M 211 ALTERATIONS CONVERT your double-breasted suit to a new single-breasted model. $15. Double-breasted tuxedos converted to single breasted, $18. or new silk shawl collar, $25. Overcoats .$18. Write to Michaels Tailoring Co., 1425 Broad- way. Detroit. Michigan, for free de- tails or phone WOodward 3-5776. )P2 BUSINESS SERVICES GENERAL MAI|TENANCE SERVICE. Storm windows. R. Gonzales, NO 5- 6968. )38 LINOLEUM, wall tile, shades, venetian blinds installed properly. Murphy Brothers, 320 E. Liberty. NO 8-6725., )J35 PRINTING Specialties - 24 hour service News Letters - Stationery Fraternities - Sororities Invites - Programs Posters - Tickets. ROACH PRINTING - Ph. NO 8-8132 415 Detroit (opposite Farmer's Market) )d71 ANN ARBOR EMPLOYERS PERSONNEL 504 First National Bldg., MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS -6 DAYS 2 .80 2.00 2.96 3 .96, 2.40 3.55 4 1.12 2.80 4.14 Figure 5 average words to a line. Classified deadline, 3 P.M. daily. Phone NO 2-3241 FOR RENT MAN TO SHARE extra large double room with fireplace and carpeting. Includes kitchen, parking, and TV facilities. Close{ to campus. NO 2- 8525 between 5:30 and 7:00 only. )C64 ONE SINGLE iROOM, one double room for girls or women at 419 Hamilton. NO 2-8288. Call evenings. ' )C63 FOR RENT: Graduate women or work- ing girls. Large, clear, newly furn- ished double room. Available imme- diately. NO 3-6362. )C58 ROOMS FOR RENT. Male students. One half block from campus. Cook- ing privileges. 417 E. Liberty. )C57 FOR RENT-2 large, clean pleasant rooms with bath in private residence for women student~s or nurses. Near campus. Call NO 2-7282. )C55 IDEAL FOR FOUR students thru sum- mer session. Two bedroom apartment unfurnished. Includes stove, refriger- ator, heat and water. Available Nov. 1 and lease thru August' 31, 1958. $142.50 per month. Coin operated laundry facilities and swimming pool., J500 Pauline Blvd. See caretaker. )C51 ATTENTION STUDENTS - TRAILER SPACE AVAILABLE. Car pool now forming, excellent water and road. 20 minutes east of Ann Arbor. Mich- igan at Hagety Rd.+Canton Mobile Village, Wayne, Michigan. }pi CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES) Snow tires -- new or recapped. Get our price before you buy. Hickey's Service Station 30 N. Main cor. Catherine NO 8-7717 )S14 WHITE'S AUTO PAINT SHOP 2007 South State NO 2-3350 Bumping and Painting )82 PETS AND SUPPLIES TROPICAL FISH, aquarium, plants and supplies, monkeys, hamsters, alliga- tors, etc. UNIVERSITY AQUARIUM 328 East Liberty NO 3-0224 (Open daily except Thursday) )T7 BABY PARAKEETS and breeders. Ca- naries. Cages and supplies. AKC Beagles. 305 W. Hoover. NO 2-2403. )Ti FOR SALE FOR SALE: Hoover apartment washer. Excellent condition. NO 2-5409. )B67 FOR SAME: New Harmony Spanish gui- tar. Phone NO 3-4040. )B66 FOUR SKIN silver blue mink $70.00. Three skin white mink $50.00. Both in A-1 condition. One very little ma- hogany end table 26 in. high, 28 in. wide. $12.00. Excellent condition. NO 8-7407. )B65 SIAMESE CAT, show cat qualities, house broken, about a year old, good with children. Papers. NO 3-6580. ) B63 ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords $7.25; socks, 39c; shorts, 69c; military sup- plies. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. 1811 FOR SALE--49 Olds 88, excellent shape; Kodak medalist camera; book case- divider 7 ft. long. Make an offer. Phone NO 3-6582. )BSA PHOTO SUPPLIES Purchase from Purchase Argus C3 35mm. camera with case and flash. Regular $69.50; Purchase price $49.95 PURCHASE AMERA 1116 S.U. NO 8-6972 ) D26 BOLEX MOVIE CAMERA for the finest in movies priced from only $89.95 THE QUARRY 320 S. State . NO 3-1991 )D25 MISCELLANEOUS GROUP bicycle Insurance! Available to University, of Michigan students, faculty and staff. Complete all risks protection at lowest cost. Airway Underwriters, Inc., NO 2-7521. )MT -Daily-David Arnold WLL-Mary Lou Monger, '58Ed, watches as Mrs. eceives the traditional white rose from dance. NO 5-6107 )J12. "men from the dead" called their dates who were presented a docu- ill ifient ordering their appearance in "appropriate dress." oom, hair- They will be marched in line to the haunted house at 800 Lincoln valry to see a horror movie guaranteed to chill, the spine and to be secretly initiated into the sacred order. ois iiI ch Intl nAe is y Sig- d the Decorations will be a wine cellar, gallows, a guillotine and skeletops. While You Wait Service SANFORD'S Get your hats cleaned - Suits pressed Shoes repaired and shined -r Fine Tailoring, 119 East Ann Street Phone: Business NO 8-6966- 30 years in same location (opposite court house) )J31, EXPERIENCED. typist desires work for evenings and weekends. Call HU 2- 1577 after 5 P.M. )J39 WILLIS PACKING CO. Huron River Branch Freezer Lockers for Rent, 331VE. William, Ann Arbor Ca11 Huron River plant for information--HU 2-1685 Home Freezer Meats & Vegetables )J8 DON'T BE CAUGHT UNPROTECTED BY THE COMING COLD WEATHER. GET YOUR FALL CHANGEOVER NOW GOLDEN'S SERVICE STATIONe 601 Packard )J15 TYPEWRITER REPAIR and service: pick up and delivery. Moseley Type- writer Service. 204 N. 4th Avenue. NO 3-5888. )J30 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Black beaded evening bag, Fri- day night. Reward. Call NO 2-5553 after 7 P.M. )A62 LOST: Bass fiddle stolen from Delta Chi fraternity. Substantial reward. Call NO 8-7651. )A57 LOST-Brown wallet. Contents impor- tant. Reward. Call NO 2-2539. )A29 LOST: Lady Elgin wrist watch with ini- tials MJM-in the vicinity of East U. or Ed School. Reward. Call NO 8- 9658. )A64 COATS MISTAKENLY EXCHANGED in Little Shop. I have your Alligator; you've got my Baracuta. Call Creed, NO 2-3180. )A63 HELP WANTED Restaurant Personhel "THE CIRCUS," Ann Arbor's newest drive-in, is now interviewing for the following positions: Car Hostesses Waitresses Kitchen and Fountain Help We offer you the finest of working conditions, training program, and free meals, "Student wives" a perfect part or. full time job. Contact 3300 Packard'rRoad between 11 A.M. and 5 P.M. daily. WANTED - Cab drivers, full or part time. Apply 113 S. Ashley. Ann Arbor Yellow and Checker Cab Co. Phone NO 8-9382. )H5 BASKETBALL PLAYERS with college. or semi-pro experience for league and exhibition with top area team in Ann Arbor. Phone Nd 8-7420, ask for Tom. )H54 IF YOU ARE FREE Mon., Tues., Wed.,' Fri. from 8 to 10 A.M. for the next two months and would like to earn $60 for 60 hours of easy work as a subjept in an experiment, contact Sally Bastian. NO 3-1511 Ext. 2159. )H55 - USED CARS '50 PLYMOUTH Sedan. Excellent trans- portation. Best offer over $79. Call NO. 2-5489. )N61 '50 NASH Ambassador. Bed seats. Never raced, yours for $79.25. Cali Ape. HU 3-1839 noons. )N59 '53 Chev. hardtop, '54 Ford hardtop, '55 Ford 2-door. No Money Down. PALMER FORD SALES Chelsea, Mich. OR 5-3271 )N54 SHARP '50 Chev. Two door; good shape; clean; R. & H.; whitewalls; econom- ical. Call NO 3-6136.,)N80 FOR SALE: '39 Packard, good trans- portation, $100 or /best offer. Monitor Washer (Apt. size), $25. Roller skates, all leather shoe, 8% D, $20. Two Apt. size chairs, table lamp and end 'tables, and 9 r 12 Mohawk rug. Call 5-5077. )N51 FOR SALE We specialize in good used cars from $100 -up. GENE'S AUTO SALES at 544 Detroit Street. NO 3-8141. )X36 ; I hours 4 Speaker: MRS. GERDA SELIGSON Dedicated to Place- HILLEL FOUNDATION 1420 Hill Street L If you have tried the rest -try the Reasonable Price on Delivery Service From 6 P.M. to 12 P.M. 122 West Washington to 12 P.M. - Closed T, , amount of md all' the us far, this Pledging for 'Mu Phi Epsilon, national professional-music soror- ity, was held recently at the home of Mrs..Robert Courte, 1816 Arling- ton Rd. C-TED STANDARD SERVICE Friendly service is our business. At- las tires, batteries and accessories. Warranteed & guaranteed. See us for the best price on new & used tires. Road service - mechanic on duty. "You expect more from Standard and you get t I", 1220 S. University at Forest NO 8-9168 )S3 For an exciting one that personal practical select a Personalized Social S President Nelita True, '58, of Gamma Chapter, and Rushing Chairman Judith Huntington, '58, have announced the following 26 pledges: Shirley .Anderson, '59, Barbara Barclay, '59, Jo Ellen' Bonham, '60, Nancy Carter, '58, } t,. will will orror . H-arty ! The cemetery will be ng place at 7:30 p.m. for the dates of Sigma z men. were tapped this week ers of the "Eternial Cult." in tle middle of the >oms, "grotesque looking and Suzanne Covich, '60. Other pledges are Marianne Davidson, '59, Greta Dinsnore, '58, Nancy Farrand, '59, Helga Frank, '59, Nancy Gamble, '60, Betty Grotegut, grad., Nancy Hallston, '60, Wilnella kornberger, '58, Lois Kaler, '58, Beate Kaulfuss, '58, Delight Lewis, '60, Virginia Loot- ens, '61, and Linda Lundquist, '59. Norma Margolish, '59, Jean Ann McBride, '60, ,Sandra Mills, '54, Marlene Paxson, '60, Marilyn Slaw- son, '59, Ardith Watts, '60, Jana Woodrum, '58, and Roberta Young were also named. We have given away 9,197 free hamburgers Ashley cor. Liberty 4,000 Miles Free Gas and Oil. Inquire EUROPEAN CARS 303 Ashley NO 5-5800 )815 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS" LESLIE RECORD RACKS as adverbised in Hi-Fi Magazine $9.95 and $14.95 MUSIC CENTER 300 S. Thayer NO 2-2500 )X23 PIANOS AND ORGANS Baldwin and other makes New and Used RARE VIOLINS Bows and Accessories All repairs promptly serviced by two competent repairmen. MADDY MUSIC 508 X. William NO 3-3223 )X20 NEW CARS NEW CARS See's*(4 44a#daWM *00W4,. AT LIBERTY: Experienced guitarist desires dance band work. Union. Alan DeMause. NO 3-0521-ext. 890. )M1O OPEN 24 HOURS CLOSED SUN. )JIG /. (Don't Forget to Ask for. '9944 Mario) For Free Delivery Carpet remnant: Many sizes and colors. Ideal for student rooms. Save up to half. SMITH FLOOR COVERING 207 East Washington NO 3-5536 )J40 PERSONAL ANY FUR STYLE made quickly. Your fur or ours. Accessories for sale. MARGARET SHOP 516E. Liberty )F5 Parties or snacks!-w Cakes, cookies, and pastry; Nothing satisfies so well, As baked goods from Campbell. CAMPBELL & SON BAKERY 219 N. Main NO 8-9880 Order Now - We Deliver )72 WANTED: Apothecary jar for unem- ployed sorcerer. Apply Gilbert and Sullivan.- )F8 CONFUCIOUS SAY: Gung Ho Soph Show! )F85 I 119 East Liberty I N USED TV SETS NEW and USED TAPE RECORDERS 'AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES We carry a good selection of several brands of prerecorded, stereophonic tapes. A Ford Product * Up To 35 Miles Per Gallon ' Easy Parking and Driving Room Inside for the Entire Family *Smart Styling * Advanced ntegral Body Frame Design 12 Models Now On Display NO 8-7 COMPLETE ONE-STOP QUALITY SERVICt Free Pick-Up and Delivery , ? RUSSIAN LESSON Experienced native teacher. Call NO 3-1511 Evt. 595. )F88 .