Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN n Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS uth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. AY. NOVEMBER 15, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS BLUES _,. - - Ike's Defense' Policy Shows Backward Look REFUSAL to look squarely at the basic facts of the Age of Sputniks continues to be idenced in the policies of the Eisenhower ministration. [n his speech at Oklahoma City, a few of the esident's remarks seem to demonstrate the ministration's thinking-or rather, a lack of ious thought-on the place of science in ation to national security. The President phasized the importance of retaliatory power d conventional armament. The President's eech was conspicuous for the absence of ncrete suggestions for improvement of edu- tion or "basic" research opportunities, speci- ally in the sciences. [t is indicative of administration policy to ntrast the President's statement that: "The military services are underpaid. We ust be fair with them. Justice demands this, t also compelling is the factor of efficiency our defense forces. We cannot obtain and tain the ,necessary level of technical profi- ncy unless officers and men, in sufficient rmbers, will make the armed services their reers" with his statement about science to e effect that "money cannot do everything. u cannot say to a research worker, 'Your lary Is tripled; now produce three times as any basic discoveries.'"' DMITTEDLY, the President did suggest a 'system of nation-wide high school testing id an "incentive" plan for high aptitude stu- nts to pursue scientific education. But also significance was his statement that "the ggest part of the task is in the hands of you, citizens." Thus, it seems that the administration con- hues to bask in the belief that the function the federal government is to provide guns, t test tubes. The President continues to ink-with little basis in light of the fantastic ogress of the Russians - that, basically, Lence and security are not related, and that . excepting, the "science" of rocketry and lsiles-science and education should remain nfined in "local," and inadequate, ivory wers. Administration policy canbe summed up nply from the President's remarks: More oney for the Air Force; probably slight cuts r the Army and Navy; a cut in non-military ernment services; either a tax increase or an unbalanced budget; and, except for some top-priority, immediately practicable military projects, a few nice tokens-but no real bene- fit-for scientists and education in general. Such a policy does not even obliquely face the real problems which confront the nation. To face these problems, the President must realize-as the Russians have-that education, scientific and otherwise, and so-called "basic" research, have become a nation's first line of defense. The President-an old general in fact and at heart-seemingly cannot force himself or his advisors to realize that armaments, beyond a certain absolute level, mean nothing. Both the Soviet Union and the United States now possess the weapons to almost totally destroy the other at any instant. Possibly, the Russians, with their missile edge, could do the job a little more efficiently than the United States, but an argument of this sort is obviously meaningless. W TE ARE NOW, in fact, fighting a peace, not a war. The Russians have shown the world that a communist system with its broad latitude for governmental control, has produced remark- able advances in the physical sciences. They can now turn mpre to consumer goods produc- tion and have in fact announced plans to do so. If the Russians can succeed now in "human- izing" their policy as they have succeeded in vitalizing their science and education, they will earn the admiration of the world. If, meanwhile, in the next few decades, the United States does not make equivalent progress in science and education and does not also succeed in keeping its own standard of living rising, it will have lost the "war." Obviously, increasing the overall military budget, giving "basic" science and education a few tokens of support, cutting non-military government services, and either running up the national debt or raising taxes are not the answers. The administration must be made to realize that quite the opposite approach is now neces- sary. Beyond the minimum of absolute retali- atory power, defense forces, especially the Army and Navy, should be pared down. A real effort must be made at the federal level to improve opportunities in science and education, and finally, other non-military government serv- ices must not be cut. -LEWIS COBURN "Hey-Don't Forget The Bottom Part, Too" I ' G d".* $Jt9.1 & ,t L- !.?ASllts.6T'tL~. P<.'Sc- +. Slick Fothergill and his wife Kate, a couple of irate cowboys (Lank and Pete), and a villain, sly Sam Mason. AT LYDIA MENDELSSOHN: 'Soph Show' Dispels Campus Apathy Myth SOPH SHOW for 1957 is the so-called musical comedy "Girl Crazy," mainly noted for its music and lyrics by the Gershwins, which fared surprisingly well at the hands of the Sophomore class. The production was genuinely enthusiastic and, for that reason, occasional opening night mis-adventures often passed unnoticed. But more of this later. Now for a quick romp through the plot: Danny Churchill, lionaire's son (Tom Kirshbaum), sent out West because he has been chasing women, arrives in a small western town via Brooklyn taxicab. Together with the cab driver, Goldfarb, he establishes a stylish dude ranch and wins Molly, a pretty western girl. Sidelights are gambler 4 UNIVERSITY LECTURE COURSE: 'Rivalry' Tries Historical Drama T HE ASPECT of creating a dra- matic presentation by string- ing together excerpts from politi- cal campaign speeches is an inter- esting one. The task is obviously one of building character and plot from what are often dull and col- orless historical happenings; the problem is one of remaining authentic within certain bounds. Norman Corwin has made such an attempt with the famed Lin- coln-Douglas debates of the Il- linois senatorial campaign of 1858. His product, "The Rivalry," which played Hill Auditorium last night on the University Lecture Course, has something to offer of an his- torical nature but little in the way of good drama. ** * THE HISTORY of the debates is well-mown Americana. Stephen A. Douglas, the incumbent Demo- cratic senator in Illinois, meets his Republican rival, Abraham Lincoln, in a series of seven de- bates, primarily on the slavery question, in a tour of seven Illi- nois cities in a two-month period. Douglas, a man high in the Demo- cratic party, is expected to be a future president, and wins the senatorial race from the unknown Lincoln rather handily. Author Corwin has taken these debates as the skeleton of his play; he has incorporated and re- arranged sections of the debates in a presentation that becomes a study of the man Douglas - as seen by his wife, Adele, who acts as interlocutor and epilogue. Douglas is the person whose character comes to examine it- self during the course of the de- bates and the years immediatelyt following. For, although he is vic- tor in the 1858 election, the slav- ery issue has become too big and the party flounders. When Lincoln is elected president in 1860, Doug- las rises above party to the call of his country, aiding Lincoln in the keeping of Illinois within the Union. But "The Rivalry," in its non- deviation from the actual his- torical events except where neces- sary, gives neither motivation nor depth to this central reversal of character in Douglas. * * * MARTIN GABEL, in the part of the blustery senator, performs competently and rattles off his often-long speeches with the as- surance of memorization instead of the hesitancy of note refer- ences. In spite of his readiness and polished performance, how- ever, the character is not forth- coming; even the fictional scenes with his wife or with a bottle - he drank - are insufficient. Agnes Moorehead as the wife, Adele, is the one unifying charac- ter holding the web of debates together. It is she who places the context each time and who, at the conclusion of the debates, pro- vides the epilogue and unneces- sary relation of the debates' out- come for her husband. This epi- logue pronounces the final char- acter of Douglas, then hears his death from his wife's lips. Miss Moorehead is more spiri- tual than spirited; she reminds one of Judith Anderson's Medea. Perhaps some of this criticism can be laid to the makeshift staging necessary in the curtain-less Hill Auditorium, but she is distinctly a person from the past come to the present for the sole reason of telling her story to her captive audience. * * * RAYMOND MASSEY is his usual capable Lincoln. But the obvious comparison of "The Ri- valry" with "John Brown's Body" of four years ago, both similar in style of presentation, makes the former a very poor production in- deed. In "The Rivalry," Massey must work with excerpts from speeches and impossibly dull jokes that even Lincoln couldn't have told, and there is no comparison with the flowing Lincoln of the Benet poem. But, as in "John Brown's Body", Lincoln is not the most prominent figure, majestic as he may be. Massey, however, tends to be seen as all the Lincolns he has been and not this particular one. His portrayal is just what one would expect and the role is consequent- ly subjected to the more im- portant development of Douglas. Difficult staging adapted to the problems of Hill Auditorium is brightened by very effective light- ing. The costumes, in keeping with the "reader's theatre" type of production, are more functional than decorative. -Vernon Nahrgang HENRY SANDWEISS as Gold- farb, and Hal Randelman (Slick) are extremely effective in comedy roles, while Kirshbaum, a better actor than a singer, is nonetheless successful as Churchill. Judy Volkert makes Molly a sweet young thing, without a trace of western accent, but cute, don't you know. Spring Condoyan is in good voice as Kate Fothergill; at any rate she fills the part to my satis- faction, with a strong voice and gay mannerisms. The two irate cowboys (Glen Rosin and Mike Schiff) act authentic enough, although some of the others wear most un-cow- boylike glasses. But then, so do many other cast members in a touching tribute to the eyestrain of college life. Ira Gould comes up wih a George Raft effect as sly Sam Ma- son: silk scarf, walking stick, and sneer. Fern Bender has a few mo- ments to characterize Goldfarb's part-time girl Patsy, but she makes the most of them, as do short-blond Judy Wilson and long-blond Brenda Porter, two of Danny Churchill's female enoUr- age. A COUPLE of the musical num- bers are worth special mention: "Sam and Delilah" in act II, at the dude ranch night club fea- tures good dancing and colorful costumes. Also "Bronco Busters" from act I and some quasi-Span- ish dances from act III werecare- fully staged. The production staff turned in an adequate job; scenery was gen- erally simple but good, lighting was simple but bad, with too many sudden plunges into light and darkness. Irwin Gage seemed quite professional as musical di- rector, even though the audience unaccountably failed to give him the traditional burst of applause before the last act. * * * IN SPITE of a certain amount of first night uncertainty, the Show turned out generally well, and left its audience apparently satisfied, especially because of an incident in the Finale which can- not be mentioned here. The en- thusiasm with which the Sopho- more class has worked on this production should help dispel the myth of campus apathy. Some- how, the spectacle of a class en- terprise such as this, for all its imperfections, is as satisfying as the slick professionalism of cer- tain other campus activities. -David Kessel Where Are All the People? WWHERE ARE all the people?" This question was asked by a young co-ed on Tuesday evening, the night of the Student Government Council election count. It was asked by many others also. ' They may have referred to the low number of 11 SGC candidates running for office; they may have been surprised at the few people present at the count night-very few when SGC members, members of the administration and Daily reporters were subtracted from the total. But they were mostly appalled at the elec- tion returns. The lowest number of votes in any Student Government Council election-5,347- made shameful history. Apathy, apathy, apathy. This, has been de- scribed by various people these past weeks. This derogatory word was expressed by all the candidates in their campaigns. The subject has been mentioned, people have nodded their heads in assent and ... that's all. With less than 23 per cent of the University's enrollment voting, a lack of some sort is evident. "But it was raining," some people may offer as an excuse. This is not a good one. It also rained last March and in the November, '56, elections. Clearly it is not a problem of poor communi- cations. Students had the opportunity to hear the campaigns in the rooming houses and over the radio, and to read about the candidates and their platforms. PERHAPS THEN, the answer to the low vote can be found through looking at results. Of the six candidates elected, two were re-elected. Of the remaining four, three are affiliated. Evidence points to the fact that the affiliates had something at stake in this election. The Sigma Kappa issue and deferred rush have and will affect them. But with what incentives does the Council provide the remaining 80 per cent of the cam- pus? Evidently the issues which SGC under- takes do not particularly interest the larger portion. At the polls Monday and Tuesday, comments such as "What's SGC anyway?" "I don't believe in it," and "Do they do anything?" could be heard. Not only does the campus need to be awak- ened to some of the Council's functions, but more imporant the Council must also realize the entire campus' needs and operate accord- ingly. With this definite purpose of serving the students as a whole and putting aside petty and insignificant issues, the newly elected Stu- dent Government Council should be able to prove itself this year, not only to the students, but to the entire University and to itself. -DOROTHEA STEUDLE DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michiga for which the Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. k FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1957 VOL. LXVII, NO. 51 General Notices January graduation announcement orders will be taken from 12 noon until 5 p.m. Nov 13-20 in the Student Acti- vities Bldg., the ceremonies will be held Jan. 25 at 2 p.m. in Hill Auditorium, Burlap Bags, a tape of a dramatic production heard over the Canadian Broadcasting System last year, will be played and discussed at the coffee hour of the Office of Religious Affairs at 4:30 p.m. Fri., Nov. 15, in the Lane Hal li- brary. Application blanks for Phoenix Pre- doctoral Fellowships for 1958-59 are available in the Graduate School Of- fice. Applicants should be well ad- vanced in their graduate studies and should present plans for research or graduate study leading to research in some field dealing with the applications or implications of atomic energy. Re- search projects may be In the fields of nuclear physics and chemistry, in the use of radiation or fission products In the medical and biological sciences or on the effect that atomic energy de- velopments will have on government, economics, philosophy and culture. Competition will close Feb. 1, 1958. Lectures Lecture, auspices of the Department of Architecture. "Urban Design." Nor- bert Gorwic. member of the Detroit City Planning Commission. 4:00 p.m., Fri., Nov. 15, Architecture Auditorium. Astronomy Department Visitors' Night Fri., Nov. 15, 8:00 p.m. Rm 2003, Angell Hall. Prof. Freeman D. Miller will speak on "Astronomy with Field Glasses." After the lecture the Student Observa- tory on the fifth floor of Angel Hall will be open for inspection and for telescopic observations of a double star and cluster. Children welcomed, but must be accompanied by adults. The International Center presents a series of free illustrated travel talks as a community service. Part I in the series is "Report: Africa." On Sun., Nov. 17 Henry L. Bretton assistantpro- fessor of political science, and S.G.. President J. Joseph Collins will present "Emerging New Nations of West Afri- ca: Ghana and Nigeria," showing color films and slides. 7:30 p.m., Aud. B, An- gel Hall. Films Movie, auspices of the College of En- gineering. "The Challenge of Outer Space," Rackham Lecture Hall, Fri. Nov. 15, 1st showing 4:00 p.m., 2nd showing 8:00 p.m. Open to the public. Concerts Student Recital: Ann Holtgren, senior in the School of Music majoring In Music Education, will perform works by Paul Cooper, Paul Dukas, Johan Wenzel Stich, and Gordon Jacob, at 8:30 p.m. Sun., Nov. 17 in Aud. A, An- gell Hall. Miss Holtgren studies French horn with Clyde Carpenter, and dur- ing her recital will be assisted by Li. da Reck, piano, Jane Flowers, violin, Elizabeth Lichty, viola, and Arthr Follows, cello. Open to the general public. AcademicNotices The National Teacher Examinations: Application blanks for the Feb. 1958 ad- ministration of the National Teacher Examinations are now available at 122 Rackham Building. Doctoral Candidates who expect to receive degrees in Feb., 1958, must have at least three bound copies of their dissertations in the office of the Grad- uate School by Fri., Dec. 13. The report of the doctral committee on the final oral examination must be filed with the Recorder of the Graduate School to- gether with two copies of the thesis, which is ready in all respects for pub- lication, not later than. Mon., Jan. 13. Psychology Colloquium: "Military Re- Iquirements for Basic Research in Psy- chology." Dr. Arthur Melton, Psycholo- gy Department. 4:15 p.m., Fri., Nov. 15, Aud. B., Angell Hall. Interdepartmental seminar tn A- plied Meteorology: Engineering. Mon., Nov. 18, 4 p.m., Room 307, West Engi- neering Bldg. Harry L. Hamilton, Jr. will speak on "The Effect of Solar En- ergy on Air Conditioning Loads" - Chairman: Prof. J. R. Akerman. Analysis Seminar, auspices of the De- partment of Mathematics. Prof. Max- well Reed will speak on "Determining the Region of Sehlichtness of an Ana- lytic Function." Mon., Nov. 18, 4:10 p.m., Room 3017 Angel Hall. Doctoral Examination for Donald Sid- ney Macvean, Library Science; thesis: "°A Study of Curriculum Laboratories in Midwestern Teacher-Training Insti- tutions," Fri., Nov. 15, East Council Room, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, R. H. Gjelsness. aPhlrnm.Pn t ?4n t Q 4 .# Y PAKISTANI-INDIAN DISPUTE: UN Attempts Solution of Kashmir Problem INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Hands Off Foreign Aid By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst TrHE EISENHOWER ADMINISTRATION has launched a coordinated campaign to forestall any congressional tendency to take money out of the foreign aid program for the expanding national defense effort. President Eisenhower, Vice President Nixon and Secretary Dulles all made the point Wed- nesday, a day replete with notice to the Ameri- can people of the magnitude of the burden of keeping up with Russia's military advances. The President stressed the "distasteful task" of Congress to find the money through elimina- tion of domestic services. Administration spokesmen steered clear of the possibility of higher taxes to maintain a balanced budget, leaving the implication that Former President Harry Truman was more blunt. What way is there to do it, he asked, except to increase taxes. The administration was reported cool toward suggestions that Congress should enact stand- by wage, price and production controls at the next session, so that the President could put the country on a virtual wartime basis if needed. Dulles, however, referred to the possibility that people might have to give up some "small marginal freedoms." Some interpreted this as a preliminary reference to the subject of con- trols. WITH REGARD to foreign aid, Congress has displayed a tendency to preserve domestic spending programs at its expense. The Wdmin- (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last of three articles treating the Kashmir problem from the Pakistani point of view. Today's installment continues a history of the Kashmir dispute be- gun yesterday and concludes the ar- gument for Pakistan's position. The author was president of the campis chapter of the Pakistani Stu- dents of America last year, when he attended the University. He is pres- ently editor of the Association's mag- azine and director of publicity.) By Mohammed Azhar Ali Khan The Pakistan army moved into Kashmir and the Indians com- plained to the United Nations of Pakistan's "aggression;" Pakis- anis charged Indian "aggression," but the UN didn't find anyone aggressor. The Security Cduncil suggested a plebiscite to determine the fate of Kashmir. India and Pakistan agreed, and a UN Commission was sent to implement the decision. The UNIC adopted two resolu- tions calling for: 1) cease-fire and demarcation of a cease-fire line; 2) demilitarization of Kashmir; 3) free plebiscite under UN. THESE PROPOSALS were ac- cepted by Pakistan and India and endorsed by the United Nations. Cease-fire was ordered on Janu- ary 1, 1949. UNCIP then asked India and Pakistan to submit plans for troop withdrawal. Pakis- tan did so; India first asked for more time, later refused. UNCIP troop withdrawal by India and suggested that during the plebis- cite period: a) A Commonwealh force be provided by Australia and New Zealand, or b) a force jointly provided by India and Pakistan, or c) a force to be locally raised by the UN-appointed Plebiscite ad- ministrator. Each of these proposals was ac- cepted by Pakistan, rejected by India. In March, 1951, Ambassador Muniz of Brazil mad^ his pro- posals in the UN. Pakistan ac- cepted, India rejected them. In March, 1951, the Security Council made its proposals. Pakis- tan accepted, India turned them down. Between March, 1951, and. De- cember, 1952, Dr. Frank Graham, the UN mediator, made his pro- posals. Each of these Pakistan ac- cepted, India rejected. In December, 1952, the Security Council urged that Pakistani troops in Kashmir be reduced to between 3,000 and 6,000 and In- dian troops to between 12,000 and 18,000. Pakistan accepted even this proposal, while India rejected it. AT UN suggestion, India and Pakistan entered into direct nego- tiations in 1953, which continued .F.,. J - -~ _ - ,- .t.,,+tttt- General Assembly because India's friend, Russia, has been vetoing Security Council resolutions. Meanwhile, during the fighting, 500,000 Kashmiris fled Occupied Kashmir and sought refuge in Pakistan. Since then 100,000 more have come, and they keep coming. In Free Kashmir, there isn't a single political prisoner. In (In- dian) Occupied Kashmir, thous- ands languish in jails. Among them is Shaikh Abdullah, life-long friend of Gandhi and Nehru, prime minister of Occupied Kash- mir till 1953 and member of the Indian delegation to the UN in 1948 and 1949. In 1953, he was deposed and clamped in jail, where he still is, without charges or trial. Is this the record of which the Indians are so proud? *. * * ALSO IN JAIL was Pandit Nath Bazaz, a Kashmiri Hindu who fa- vors plebiscite. Also in jail was an Indian Hindu, Pandit Lakhanpal, chairman of "End the Kashmir Dispute" Committee, formed of enlightened Indian ciizens who believe friendship with Pakistan is more important than forced oc- cupation of Kashmir. Abdullah wrote a letter to the Security Council earlier this year. His letter was smuggled out of Kashmir, published in the New York Times, and its authenticity Repressive measures were let loose in order to crush the spontaneous uprising of the people. Indian Central Reserve Police and army, as well as the militia and the special police were given a free license to shoot at sight. The number of those killed was officially reported to be 36 al- though the public version puts it much higher, No judicial enquiry was held to investigate into these atrocities. "In March, 1956, the Prime Minister of India made a public declaration ruling out plebiscite in Kashmir. It has shocked the world conscience and stunned the people of Kashmir. * * * "INDIA'S Prime Minister has hinted that a vote in favor of Pakistan, will arouse communal passions in India and endanger the security of its Muslim minor- ity. Is India's secularism so skin deep that it will collapse like a pack of cards as soon as the Kash- miris exercise their right of self- determination? Are Kashmiris to be held as hostages for fair treat- ment of Muslim minority under the so-called secular democracy of India? "Kashmir is at present ruled by monstrous laws which have crippled all political and social life in the State and paralyzed all progress. A lawless law of Preven-