See page 4
lAfr 4t1
.. Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
. .
NO. ,52
e Mays
Ike, Council Seek
Defense Budget
)rs' Pressure
'FRANCISCO (R) - Negro
.i star Willie May§ got his
J home yesterday after a
day in which the race issue
by neighbors was overcome.'
ad several other offers, but
; was the first and I de-
t should be 'first come, first
Walter' A. Gnesdiloff
e Associated Press.
opposition from neighbors
tically all over. Some people
n't understand."
diloff said earlier that he
xned down Mays originally
. heavy pressure was put
in the neighborhood.
ear Exclusive Section
area adjoins exculsive St.
sWood in the western San
co hills, with a fine view
out over the Pacific,
Study Problem in Second Meeting;
Truman Suggests Tax Increase
WASHINGTON (.') - President Dwight D. Eisenhower and the
National Security Council dug again yesterday into the question of.
how to shape the federal budget to the demands of space age defense.
The meeting was the second such this week and was secret, as
Press Secretary James C. Hageyty said it was not possible at
this time to expand on President Eisenhower's statement Wednesday
night at Oklahoma City about cutting down on nondefense spending
to permit a considerable increase on defense.
' Truman Gives Advice"
From New York, former President Harry S. Truman volunteered
the advice that the only way to overtake the Russians in their sci-
NSA Head,
Sees' Threat
In Schools
eople of San Francisco
to live here so we de-
let him have it," the
minutes before Mrs.
said she and her hus-
e undecided. She said
two other firm offers.
sterday's disclosure that
r to buy had been re-
ause of his color, civic
astily moved to straight-
baseball player's diffi-
es Announcement
Howden, executive di-
he San Francisco Coun-
ivic Unity, announced.
had agreed to sell the
Gnesdiloff had said he was.
raid that if he sold to a Negro in
s all-white neighborhood he
ght be denied work. He is a
all-scale home builder.
When he heard Howden's re-
rt, Willie commented with relief
at he hoped to complete the
al -at once. He said he plans to
urn to New York with his wife
a few days' to dispose of the"
ne they own there.
Vorthy Urges.
If Red Chma'
'he United States should recog-
e Communist China and nego-+
e with her to establish a UN;
steeship for Formosa, William
rthy of the Baltimore Afro-
erican said in an interview yes-
"American education is in dan-
ger of being reduced to a satellite
of the Russian system, spinning
in an orbit directed by Russian
Ray Farabee, president of the
National Students Association,
said at a news conference in
Washington, D. C., yesterday the
Amreican student would be the
loser if the UnitedStates is panic-
ed into a race with Russia to pro-
duce scientists and technicians.r
He said the American. student
has become increasingly more
aware, during the past decade, of.
the grave crisis that has been de-
veloping in education.
Keep Humanist System
Commenting on the report on
Soviet education published recent-
ly by the Office of Education,
Farrabee said "it would be dis-
astrous if we abandoned our tra-
ditional humanistic-oriented edu-
national system in favor of the
Russian science - centered voca-
tional training."
Arnold Armstutz, president of
the student body'at Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, remarked
that students, with aptitude and
interest in. science and technology
should spend their college years
in the most productive way pos-
"Inorder to succeed, the student
needs to recognize that becoming
an educated scientist or engineer
is a full-time vocation," Armstutz
said. He cited the need for the'
"humanistic scientist" who is the
"realized product of many years
of educational effort."
Students Can Contribute
Farrabee said students can con-
tribute to the increased effective-
ness of American education by
assuming greater responsibility in
the eaucational community.
Delegates to the 10th National
Student Congress in Ann Arbor
last August formulated a national
program designed "to increase
their contribution to the solution
of basic problems," he said.
These basic problems include:
student economic problems, over-
crowded classrooms, the shortage
of teachers and federal aid to edu-
cation, Farrabee added.
Students are willing and pre-
pared to make the contribution1
necessary for the survival of the
American educational system and
its improvement, he said. "We1
don't want to be coddled, but even
less do "ve want our education
dictated by fear of the Kremlin."
wentiic-military drive is to raise
"You have a situation to meet
and there is only one way to do
it," Truman raid. "There has to
be a tax increase.
"The bill is going to have to be
paid, and there is only one place
the money can come from."
Truman offered his opinion in a
chat with newsmen in New York.
It was immediately called prema- '
ture by twoesenators in Washing-
ton, Democrat John L. McClellan
of Arkansas and Republican 1. E.
Flanders of Vermont.
Sen. McClellan said, "Before we
start talking about higher taxes
we ought to have some concrete
definite plan and program which
we don't now have Let's get that
first and talk about taxes later."
,Organize Project
Sen. Flanders said, "The first
thing to do is to organize the
project and if this shows that ad-
ditional money is needed the Con-
gress will provide it and the peo-
ple, I am sure, will gladly submit
to any tax increase that isdemon-
strated to be really essential."
Sen. Flanders added that too
often the immediate political an-
swer to a problem is "let's give 'em
another billion dollars."
Two Billion a Year
Sen. Bridges (R-N.H) said last
Friday after a visit to President
Eisenhower that it might. require
another one or two billion dollars
a year to finance the push to over-
take Russia. Defense spending
now is at the rate of about 38 bil-
lion dollars a year.
Hagerty said conferences are
constantly going on to determine.
the size and nature of the budget
which President Eisenhower will
submit in January for the fiscal
year beginning next July1.
UN Seeks
New Arms
Assembly Approves
Five-Nation Talks
The United Nations called yester-
day for new talks to break th
disarmament deadlock despite th
Soviet Union's announcement i
will refuse to take part in them.
By a vote of 56-9 the 82-natior
General Assembly approved a
Western resolution asking for nev
negotiations in the five-nation U
disarmament subcommittee wit
priority given Western proposals
Only the Soviet bloc opposed th
resolution. Fifteen nations ab-
stained and two were absent.
To Meet Today
But the Assembly will meet to-
day to consider a proposal for en.
larging the UN Disarmament Com-
mission, submitted in, the hope
that the Soviet Union will change
its mind on walking out on future
Canada and Japan introduced a
resolution supported by the West-
ern powers calling for addition of
10 new nations to the commission
Reds Won't Attend
The Soviet Union made clear it
has no intention of attending any
more meetings of the subcommit-
tee, made up of Britain, France,
the United States, Canada and
the Soviet Union.
It has indicated a willingiess to
accept an enlarged commission,
provided the countries added give
the commission a more satisfac-
tory makeup in the Soviet point
of view.
The Russians say an enlarged
commission could set up subcom-
mittees where additional negotia-
tions are possible.
Outside the Assembly a move
developed to add more countries
to the 10 already'proposed. In-
formed sources said the Russians
might be satisfied if Egypt, Po-
land and Mexico were added to
the list.
Union Senate
Adopts Method
Of Procedure
Members of Union Senate unan-
imously approved last night the
procedure submitted by the plan-
ning committee.
By a 70 to nothing vote, the
Senate quickly disposed of the
procedural question and resumed
the agenda of last meeting, which
had been suspended while proced-
ure was ironed out.
Exam Schedule
A motion proposing that the
University publish examination
schedules before registration was
approved by a vote of 59 to 11. The
Senate recommended that this
method be given a one semester
trial basis. Nat Freidman, '60E
said the idea was recommended
"for those students who have final
examinations bunched together."
Using the adopted procedure,
the Senate then took up a discus-
sion of Homecoming. Only minor
difficulties arose as the Senate
recommended various changes in
Homecoming Revision
By a show of hands it approved
the following recommendations for
the next Homecoming: less tickets
sold to the Homecoming dance,
improved decorations, a coat-
checking system and ventilation at
the dance, more publiclyfor events
on Saturday morning of Home-
coming and leaving displays up for
a longer period.
Discussion on a Homecoming
queen was postponed until the Dec.
4 meeting, because members said
they wished to discuss the matter
with their houses.
Small Arms
Ignore Freu
IHC Passes Evaluation Move
Move Cou
Canse sit
In et 11
Automatic W
Rifles in Shii
-Daily-Eric Arnold
STR4W VOTE - A complete attendance at yesterday's Inter-House Council Presidium favored
Campus Chest continuation. Later in the meeting, the Presidium passed a motion calling for IHC
Obj ectki
Pianist Serkin
Gives Concert
At. Hill Today
In Ann Arbor to deliver his
Journalism lecture Wednesday, the
foreign correspondent described
China as "the most complete dic-
tatorship the world has ever
known," but expressed the belief
that Western-educated adminis-
trators may "leaven" the policies
of the huge totalitarian state.
During his six weeks inside Red
China, Worthy was more or less
free to do as he pleased, he said,
with ,the exception of visiting
Fukien province, across the straits
from Formosa, where a heavy mili-
tary buildup apparently has taken
place. Worthy's broadcasts, tapes
and movies were uncensored, in
marked contrast to Chinese papers
which enjoy no freedom.
Contrasts China to Russia.
In contrast to Russia, Worthy
said, China is much more accomo-
dating, a characteristic which he
t attributes to Chinese cosmopoli-
tanism as oposed to Russian xeno-
phobia, rather than any difference
in degree of communism.
When asked to contrast China
with India, Worthy replied that
the difference was that between a
slave nation and a free one. There
are no civil liberties in Red China,
he emphasized.
On the positive side, Worthy
praised the efficiency of the pres-
ent Chinese regime in eliminating
contagious disease and establish-
ing a program of birth control.
Much malnutrition has also been
eliminated, though the govern-
ment, he points out, admits the
existence of famine areas.
No Illusions
Worthy, however, says he has no
illusions about the attitude of the
Internationally-known "'p ianist
Rudolf Serkin will present the
third concert of the Extra Concert
Series at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill
He will play "Chromatic Fantasy
and Fugue" by Bach, "Sonata tin
D major, K. 311" by Mozart, "Son-
ata in F major, Opus 57" by Beet-
hoven, and "Variations and Fugue
on a Theme of Handel Opus 24" by
A native of Eger, Bohemia, Ser-
kin was broughtrup in Vienna
where he studied piano with Prof.
Richard Robert and composition
with Arnold Schoenberg.
He made his debut at the age
of twelve With the Vienna Sym-
Serkin's first visit to the United
States was to play for a specially
invited audience at the Coolidge
Festival in Washington. He made
his public debut in America with
Toscanini and the New York Phi-
lharmonic Symphony.
In the summers Serkin teaches
at the Marlboro School of Music
in Vermont. In the fall of 1956 he
flew to India for special concerts
at the request of the State De-
.A motion to "initiate 'a critical
evaluation of the Inter-House
Council" was passed yesterday by
the ITC Presidium.
"The IHC executive cabinet may
'implement this evaluation in any
way he sees fit," and a progress
report will be submitted by the
cabinet to the Presidium meeting.
Dec. 5, the motion states.
Fred Channon, '59E, Gomberg
House president, submitted the
motion which was based on the
South Quadrangle motion to de-
mand an IHC" evaluation under
threat of withdrawal if no action
is taken.
Channon Claims Ineffectiveness
"The IHC has not been an effec-
tive organization on campus,"
Channon added. "But the very
discussion of the South Quadrangle
action has affected a change in
the organization."
He emphasized that it must be
provided that the IHC continue its
programs which have been dis-
cussed in the past two weeks.
Criticism of the motion came
from members who said that the
Bakery Union
Head Ignores
AFL Council
Gross, accused of corruption as
president of the Bakery Workers
Union, announced yesterday he
will run for re-election.
He made the announcement in
the face of an edict from the AFL-
CIO executive council, which has
threatened to throw the bakers
out unless they hold a new election
with Cross disqualified to run.
Leaders of the bakery workers
did vote to hold a new election,
within 90 days if possible. The vote
was taken by the union's executive
But Cross said no bar was im-
posed against his running, again
and he intends to. He also said the
bakery union leaders voted against
a motion to reinstate Curtis R.
Sims as secretary-treasurer by
Friday, as stipulated by the AFL->
CIO council.
objections to the IHC on the
1 South Quadrangle motion were not
r Bill Jones, '60, Scott House Pres-
ident, explained that there were
r too many specific objections to
r list on the motion. He added that
one objection was the lack of work
-done on an orientation program to
tre carried out in individual houses.
No mention of the South Quad-
World News
By The Associated Press
HAVANA - Rebel leader Fidel
Castro claimed. "complete success"
yesterday in the opening of his
campaign to destroy Cuba's sugar
crop and topple President Bastista.
A communique smuggled into
circulation in Havana said 6,000
acres of sugar cane have been put
to the torch at the approaches of
Castro's mountain hideout in east-
ern Cuba's Sierra Maestra.
* *a * ~
MANILA- President, Carlos P.
Garcia will have Diosdado Maca-
pagal, candidate of the opposition
Liberals, as his vice-president for
the next four years.
The nationwide Philippine News
Service said yesterday its tabula-
tions from Tuesday's voting ruled
out any possibility of defeat for
Nacionalista Garcia and Macapa-
gal. ' .
ROVIGO, Italy - Po River delta
floods covered thousands of acres
of rich farmland yesterday night.
Dozens of small villages were
flooded and thousands were home-1
* * *
informed state civil defense direc-
tors yesterday it is putting the1
entire Ground Observer Corps ont
a ready reserve basis Jan. 1. I
Technological advances in radar
warning systems were cited as one
reason for the change in status.-
This will mean the closing of 29
filter centers and numerous GOC
observation posts where thousands
of civilians serve around the clock
on a voluntary basis.1
tangle threat of withdrawal was
brought up at the Presidium, but
a part of the Presidium motion
stipulated that the f4l Soth
Quadrangle motion.be inicluded in
the Presidium minutes.
One member supporting the mo-
tion said that yesterday's Presid-
ium agenda was the most complete
he had seen. Drake Duane, '58, IHC
president, said many items on the
agenda were considered before dis-
cussion of evaluation began.
*Duane, speaking for IHC0 execu-
tive cabinet, said this type of eval-
uation "may be necessary to make
the IHC Presidium what it should
be. Suggestions will be gone over
very carefully and a thorough pro-
gress report will be given Dec. 5."
Lewis Cites IHC Potential
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis described the
work of the student affairs office
before the meeting, saying that he
"didn't know of any campus group
that had more potential than the
IHC'" ,\
Lewis explained that he in no
way wanted to be involved before
any "purely internal" issues being
discussed at the Presidium and
that his main puri.ose was ex-
plaining communication among
student and administrative organi-
Quad Officers
Urge Cainpus
Chest Changes
A straw vote by the Inter-House
Council Presidium yesterday fa-
vored continuation of the Cam-
pus Chest drive with certain
Objections to this year's Cam-
pus Chest drive included incom-
plete publicity, and residence
hall's being asked to provide their
own men for solicitations.
Recommendations to the drive
included men provided by Cam-
pus Chest to solicit in the dormi-
tories and further consideration
of the charities which will parti-
cipate in the drive.
Further items discussed by the
Presidium included a report by
Drake Duane, '58, IHC president,
that a symposium was being con-
sidered "s o m e t im e between
Thanksgiving and Christmas" to
feature state and federal repre-
sentatives discussing room and
board raises.
Duane also announced that
representatives from the Univer-
sity would be attending the Big 10
Presidents' Conference beginning
at Michigan State University to-
day. One item being discussed in
States and Britain brushed ai
strong Fi'ench protests yesterd
and ordered a token shipment
small arms sent to Tunisia.
The action, after hectic dip
matic. activity in the Big Thn
capitals, threatened a major m:
in the Atlantic Alliance at a tix
of critical new efforts to draw
closer together.
The United States announced
was sending 500 semiautomatic)
rifles and 50,000 rounds of ain
nition. Britain said its shii
includes 350 Sterlin' submachia
guns and 70 Bren guns, togeth
with ammunition for botl typei
Climaxes Efforts
The decision climaxed month
long efforts to get France '
Tunisia, France's former prote
torate, to agree on an arms de
It apparently was taken to preve:
Tunisia's President Habib Bod
guiba from turning impatiently
Soviet army suppliers. / .
Egypt, which has accepted Sovi
arms, was reported t have V,01
rifles loaded aboard a ship real
to sail to Tunisia'from Alexamfri
The new French government
Premier Felix Gaillard was threa
ened with possible overthrow
the French Assembly. Itwas Gal
lard's first venture into foreig
affairs and he appeared to ha
blunted his lance on United Sei
British determination to sell Bou
guiba the arms he said he mu
have for his young army of abo
Pineau To Fly to U.S.
French Foreign Minister .Chrii
tian Pineau is scheduled to fly "
Washington for conferences on t
touchy issue next Tuesday. Pinea
is ekpected to see Secretary q
State John Foster Dulles and po
sibly President Dwight D. Eiser
Pineau told the French Nationi
Assembly's Foreign Affairs Con
mittee yesterday that any Unite
States-British arms delivery I
Tunisia would be "contrary to 1t
conception of Atlantic solidarity
Shortly after this announcemen
issued by the State-Department;;
was announced that ambassador
from 14 other NATO countrie
were called to a State Departm&
No Advance Word $
No advance word was given ot
on the nature of the conferenc
But it was understood that th
main purpose was to consider th
effect of tae Tunisian arms cri
on the t^,lantic Alliance.
State Department press chie
Lincoln White said the. Unite
States weapons are being take
from "stocks in the area." He sal
they were being delivered li
The United States Embassy a
Paris called the arms affair "a
family squabble."
Find Bodies
Of Airliner
Crash Victims.
HONOLULU (A) - Fftee
bodies, all shoeless and most wit]
lifejackets from the lost airline
Romance of the Skies, were picke
up yesterday from an 11,by thre
mile debris-scattered area of th
Pacific 995 miles northeastol:
Official Sees
TV Education
"If TV is good enough to moti-
vate a, desire to purchase con-
sumer goods, it's good enough tq
stimulate the desire to learn,"
Uniyersity Prof. Garnet R. Garri-
son, director of television, said
He proposed that the govern-
ment buy commercial television
time for educational programs.
He noted Ihe usual timing of
educational television programs
did not reach masses of either
children or adults,although chil-
dren spend more time in front of
television sets than they do in
If the government purchased
television time at peakaviewing
times, Prof. Garrison said,thi
na, 1 nriva .n mvPnrf. ili-inn.f n +1.a
Professor Announces Second Appearance of Sputnik
By RICHARD RABBIDEAU area fifty minutes earlier each suc- Although Sputnik I has ceased morning of October 14, by M
Sputnik I will make its second ceeding evening making observa- transmitting data to the Russian Edith Muller, research associate
appearance in the skies above Ann tion with the naked eye almost im- scientists, valuable information the astronomy department.
Arbor at approximately 7:45 p.m. possible. about the amount of air in the Miss Muller, Prof. Liller a
Sunday, Nov. 17, Professor William upper atmosphere is obtained by Prof. Leo Goldberg chairman