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November 14, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-11-14

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04r Ar~i gn iUzztg
Sixty-Eighth Year

Then Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Partisan Potshotting
Blurs State's Economic Plight

more ammunition thanks to the recent
decision of an air rifle manufacturer to move to
Unfortunately, their partisan potshotting is
more likely to riddle the battered ship of state
I with more holes rather than aim it towards the
right course. Among the victims will be all
those groups depending on the state for sup-
port, including the universities.
Once again, the controversy centers around
the tax and wage situation in the state. The
loss of the 700-employee manufacturing opera-
tion is blamed by Republicans on the combina-
tioi of high wages, high taxes and the "present
uncertainty in the state government."
Democrats charge that all this is part of a
propaganda campaign to lower wages in the
LAST SATURDAY night, at a testimonial
dinner in honor of Gov. G. Mennen Williams,
someDemocrats heard Prof. Haber of the eco-
nomics department say taxes are "seldom" the
'basic reason for a firm leaving Michigan. This
may please the Democrats; but his statement
that excessive Michigan wage rates were a
factor in the loss of 700 jobs to the South should
not cause any merriment among the UAW-CIO
members who are the bulwark of Michigan's
Democratic party.
However, the University's concern for the
present political fracas goes far deeper than
after-dinner comments by a professor.
For much of the Republican and Democratic
exercise in political oratory is merely condition-
ing the next legislative session which begins in
With businessmen thinking taxes are too high,
with legislators thinking that firms may be
forced out of the state by higher taxes and with
the state's income falling short of its needs, it
appears evident that appropriations for state
supported institutionps will again be checked
under a "hold the line" policy. This in turn may
Tribute to Inte
SELDOM IN recent years has any project at
the University been carried out with the
success that last week's International Week
enjoyed. The Week was significant if for no
other reason-than that almost everything went
according to plan, but its accomplishments are
far more important than just that.
Perhaps the most important aspect of the
Week is that a great many international stu-
dents worked with a large number of American
students toward a common goal. The Week
could not have been carried off by any one
group on campus. It required extensive co-
operation between students and between organi-
zations from the planning stage to its comple-
For example, the Union, the League, SGC, the
International Student's Association, IFC, IHC,
Assembly, PanHel, the University Christian
Federation and other organizations contributed
to the success of International Week.
The two lecturers, Carl Sandburg and Mrs.
Eleanor Roosevelt were well chosen speakers.
Both were qualified to address the University-
Sandburg because of the work he has done on
the "Family of Man," the theme of Interna-
tional Week, and Mrs. Roosevelt because of
her long experience in the United Nations and
world politics.
It was unfortunate that the speaker from the
Polish Embassy was not brought to campus. He
certainly could have done much to make the
selection of speakers international, both in
view and in fact. Even though he was not

mean, as recently suggested by a key legislator,
that tuition fees could (shudder) rise again,
It's a complex situation with many factors,
but the political hot air only clouds the clear
vision needed to find an effective solution to
the state's financial problems.
By stirring up charges and counter charges,
the political potshotters, including the Demo-
cratic governor of the state and the Republican
Speaker of the House are helping create a con-
fusion of attitude in which the facts and the
state's best interests become secondary to politi-
cal expediency.
UNFORTUNATELY, what really seems to
matter is not if taxes are high enough to moni-
tarily hurt Michigan firms, but whether busi-
nessmen think they are. Nor is it important
that companies might actually find it profitable
to move out of the state if taxes are raised, but
rather whether legislators have the impression
they would.
Some hope is seen in the form of a study com-
mittee under the chairmanship of Prof. Harvey
Brazer of the economics department which is
examining the effects of taxes on state business.
The report, however, will not be ready for the
Legislature until the 1959 session and until
then, the steps of the state capitol will continue
to be soiled by political mud.
Perhaps it's even expecting too much that
when the report .is finally finished, it will be
examined not through the eyes of partisan
interests, but with concern for the entire state.
When groups as important to the nation's
strength as institutions of higher education
are affected by .the political sparring, it be-
comes a game the state and country can no
longer afford.
If the leaders of both parties are unwilling
to rise above their political blindness in exam-
ining Michigan's economic plight, they must
stand ready to accept the blame for this state's
rnational Week
invited, one and possibly two more speakers
should have been included in the Week's pro-
THE SUCCESS of the dinners, teas, coffee
hours and desserts in the residence halls,
fraternities and sororities varied from house to
house but the idea behind them was good.
Getting to meet American students on an in-
formal basis has always been a problem for
international students, whose purpose for study-
ing in the United States is as much to meet
and learn about Americans as to study. These
affairs provide many opportunities for further
meetings between students.
From an attendance and participation point
of view, the World's Fair Friday night was the
outstanding accomplishment of International
Week. World's Fairs have been hel'd at the
University before but they have all been failures
as far as reaching the campus. They were held
in small buildings with only a few people par-
ticipating. This World's Fair, however, was so
large and successful that even the two floors
of the Union reserved for it proved too small
to accommodate all those who wanted to attend.
Undeniably this year's International Week
was a success-both from the standpoint of
having had many people attend and from the
far more important aspect of the spirit of
cooperation which arose, both between campus
organizations and between international and
American students. It was a fine effort and well
worthy of repetition in the years to come.

"It's Just A Matter Of Space"
- ltI%
Adams Expected To Bow Out



To The Editor
No-Exclusion Policy .
To The Editor:
ALLOW ME a few comments concerning Barton Huthwaite's front
page news item and his editorial of Oct. 31 dealing with total rushing
opportunity here at Williams:
To begin on the positive side, Mr. Huthwaite is absolutely colrect
that such a system could never operate on a large campus such as the
University. As an Ann Arbor resident of some 10 years, I have had
more than ample opportunity to come into complete agreement with
this conclusion.
On the other hand, there seems to be abroad a rather significant


another member of the famed
"Eisenhower Team" steps out of
harness in the not too distant
future. He is "assistant president"
Sherman Adams, one of the most
powerful men in Washington.
Adams is powerful because of
FEisenhower absenteeism and dele-
gation of authority. As a result.
relations with Congress, and, con-
tacts with every agency of govern-
ment except the State Department
operate through Adams.
Every cabinet member except
John Foster Dulles is asked to stop
in Adam's office after a talk with
the President and dictate a memo
regarding the points he took up
with Ike and what was agreed to.
For, in the long run, it's Adams
who carries out any commitments
made by the President-or in some
cases reverses presidential com-
* * *
President is important, but never
in the years I have covered Wash-
ington has any man been given
such leeway in the White House as
the dry, efficient, square-dancing
ex-governor of New Hampshire.
However, Adams is now being
made the. scapegoat for missile-
satellite 'failures, has rubbed Vice-
President Nixon the wrong way,
and has pulled wires wholesale in
the independent agencies. If the
Moulder watchdog committee ever
gets the files from these commis-
sions, supposed to be quasi-judi-
cial, independent agencies, it will
be seen that, instead of answering
the will of the people, they have

been answering the will of Sher-
man Adams.
So, along with other members
of the palace guard dominating
the Washington scene for five
years, the tight-lipped Assistant
President is expected to leave
Washington quietly for the pine-
forested hills of New gIampshire.
Note-It is rumored around the
White House that Alger Chapman,
a Dewey partner, will replace
Adams. When contacted by this
column, Chapman said no one
around the White House had
talked to him.
Edward N. Gadsby, the Boston
lawyer who now heads the Securi-
ties and Exchange Commission,
doesn't like to be investigated by
Congress. His job is to investigate
Wall Street, to see whether it's on
the up-and-up. But he just doesn't
like having Congress investigate
him to see whether his commis-
sion's on the up-and-up.
WHEN THE Moulder Committee
tried to ascertain whether SEC
commissioners had received any
favors from corporations they are
supposed to regulate, Chairman
Gadsby really reared back on his
back bay dignity.
Joe Conlon, investigator for the
Moulder Committee, had previous-
ly asked SEC commissioners for
a list of 'all correspondence be-
tween the SEC and the White
House and with members of Con-
He was looking, among other
things, for the hand that rocks the
SEC cradle-Sherman Adams. For

-in Washington, it's said: "The
Adams hand that rocks the cradle
is mightier than the Eisenhower
hand that wields the sword."
"May I ask you, sir, whether you
prepared such a list?" Conlon
"No," shrugged Gadsby.
"Do you intend to prepare such
a list?" asked Conlon.
"No," said Gadsby.
Noticing a stenographer busily
taking notes, Conlon demanded:
"Is there a transcript of this
meeting being taken?"
Gadsby replied "No," and the
stenographer abruptly stopped
"If there is," continued Conlon,
"I would like a copy of the re-
marks made."
"There is no stenographer," re-
peated the SEC boss.
"Then may we have'a stenogra-
pher?" suggested Conlon. "I would
like a stenographer."
* * *
"We don't provide that sort of
thing," barked Gadsby.
"With an appropriation of $300,-
000, I think they can provide their
own stenographer," broke in SEC
counsel Dan McCauley.
"Perhaps we should adjourn un-
til I can get a steographer, and
we can meet tomorrow," offered
"I don't know whether thef Com-
mission will be willing to meet you
tomorrow," siorted Gadsby. "The
Commission is not going to submit
to an inquisition.",
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.)

misconception regarding the means
There has been in the past few
years a good deal of agitation for
liberalization of the rushing pro-
gram here. This year's Senior class
will be the first to have gone all
the way through school under a
deferred rushing setup, u n d e r
which students rush in their soph-
omore year, the week before fresh-
man orientation begins.
Last spring, the administration
announced a Trustees decision to
end hazing of pledges. Student dis-
cussion of many phases of liber-
alizing fraternities has been in-
tense, and many pamphlets have,
been printed on the subject.
* * *
IN THE LITTLE over a year
that I have been here, such events
have occurred as a very extensive
College Council committee report
on racial discrimination in rush-
ing, a proposal to buy the frater-
nity houses and make assignments
of students to the 15 social units
thus created, and reiteration by
the Trustees of their insistence
that all chapters must be free to
elect members on the basis of per-
sonal merits-and requirement of
a report from the house presidents
on this matter during second
semester of this year.
Contrary to all reports that seem
to have reached the press no arbi-
trary body entered into the matter
in any way. It was a simple matter
of the houses working the question
out within themselves until finally
the last man was picked up. At no
time was any house pressured by
any person outside its member-
ship and pledge class to pledge
any of the 15 men eligible to be
picked up.
The factors causing houses to
pick men up are too many and
varied to detail here, but the most
important seems to have been an
intense desire for total oppor-
tunity. As can be seen, the chances
of continuing this depend almost
entirely upon the hope that a
significant precedent has been
set; under the conditions which
prevail here at Williams, this is
a very well-founded hope.
* * ,*
THE ESSENTIAL point here is
that no arbitrary group and no
invasion of the houses' rights of
selecivity has existed in any way.
Perhaps, then, a word is in order
as to why a no-exclusion policy
could not work at Michigan.
To begin, there does not exist
at Michigan the situation which
exists here, whereby virtually all
social life is centered around the
fraternity. Indeed, less than 10
per cent of the student body is
generally outside of fraternities
Moreover, while the fifteen
houses here are perfedtly capable
of feeding their 40-and-up mem-
bers (though not usually able to
house over half of them), neither
housing nor feeding the some 600
non-pledged rushees would be at
all feasible at Michigan.
-John Woodruff
Sigma Phi, Williams College

by which this was achieved here.
Italian .Fun
At Its Best
rampage again. The long trail
of leers and innuendoes which be-
gan with Bread, Love, and Dreams
has been continued in Scandal in
Sorrento, now at the Campus.
The debonair Commandant is
now the chief of the Metropolitan
Guard of Sorrento. His latest
bosom friend is Miss Sophia Loren,
an actress of sufficient stature to
1111 the tradition of the rOle she is
called upon to play. Now this sort
of role is not of the sort usually
associated with the loves of the
protectors of the public morality.
So much for the scandal. So much
for the plot.
Beyond this the beautiful world
of Sorrento is full of voluptuous
women, passionate men, and
grumblingdcitizens. Put together
these produce some of the most
delightfully hypocritical, sophisti-
cated slapstick since Moliere.
DE SICA'S posturing is superb,
from his courtship of his saintly
landlady (whom he perceives as
a "neurotic sensualist") to his
demagoguery as police chief and
back to his poetical courtship of
the voluptuous Sophia. Seldom has
charming hypocrisy been more
beautifully characterized.
And Sophia herself is highly
successful as a comedienne of sex.
Her mambo is about as explicit as
comedy can be, and if the rest of
part does not even require her to
change her name, so much the
This comic ability does not stop
here. Every bit player seems to be
as good as the stars and out to
prove it. Nor does the humor ever
lag badly. If there are any faults
in the movie, they are in the mis-
leading title and the occasionally
poor sound dubbing. But double
meanings come through beauti-
fully. With these actors, even when
then cannot be heard, they can be
THIS GENERAL competence is
much more than usually fills the
Cinemascope screen. Buy beyond
this it is filled with good photog-
raphy, beautiful scenery, and in-
triguing appearing blondes, bru-
nettes, and redheads.
Too often movies of this sot
have lost their appeal before their
ending. But here again Scandal in
Sorrento succeeds, roaring through
to an ending that is a classic of
humor. And if anyone is worried,
the Commandant is left in a posi-
tion where one can hope all this
will happen again.
-Bob Tanner
A UNION MERGER between the
scandal-ridden Teamsters and
the racket-infested International
Longshorement's Association is in
the talking stage.
ILA President William Bradley
is passing word to bosses of his
locals that alliance is set for "about
six months" after the Teamsters
are expelled from the AFL-CIO for

The Daily Official Bulletin is' an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
The following student sponsored so-
cial events are approved for the com-
ing weekend.
Nov. 15: Alpha Xi Delta, Delta Theta
Phi, Phi Delta Phi, Wenley.
Nov. 16: Alpha Chi Sigma, Alpha Ep-
silon Phi Alnha Ensilon Pi, Alpha Kan-





Creation of State of Pakistan Recounted


Mobilization for War

Associated Press News Analyst
THE UNITED STATES is busily reminding
Russia there is a difference between a rocket
that can launch a satellite somewhere in space
and planes which are gassed-up and bombed-up
ready to pinpoint targets in nonstop flights
around the globe.
Ready are the huge jets which can circle the
globe nonstop, with the aid of tanker-planes
which can meet them 8,000 miles from their
own home bases. Those are for massive retalia-
Ready are the so-called light bombers, able
to enter "brush wars" 8,000 nonstop miles away
in 17 hours.
Ready are the atomic stockpiles.
E AMERICAN Secretary of Commerce tells
the business community it must support a
"less butter and more guns" federal budget.
"The Soviet Union's sensational exploits in
satellites have posed the most serious challenge
of this tension-wracked age," he says.

NATO is worried about Russia's big sub-
marine fleet, and her extensive effort to develop
an ocean-going surface fleet at a time when
the rest of the world pays little attention to
surface fleets. The Soviet fleet is already re-
ported to be larger than Britain's and second
only to the United States.
President Eisenhower and Prime Minister
Macmillan of Britain hope to arrange, through
NATO, a great centralized military science
THE PHYSICAL MEANS of the world are
' being mobilized for war.'
In a tiny enclave on Manhattan Island, owned
by. 82 nations, delegates to the United Nations
are still talking about disarmament.
The great powers which came to stalemate
on the subject in London last summer are being
urged to try again. Russia said she wouldn't talk
any more in a meeting where she was outnum-
bered 4-1. She asked the 82 nations to form a
disarmament committee-of-the-whole.
The Western powers carried their point that

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
is the second in a series of three
articles dealing with the Kashmir
-problem from the Pakistani point
of view.
The Author was president of cam-
pus chapter of the Pakistani Stu-
dents of America last year, when he
attended the University. He is pres-
ently editor of the Association's
magazine and director of publicity.)
By Mohammed Azhar Ali Khan
DESPITE the persistent efforts
of men of good will of both
the communities, the Hindu-Mus-
lim tension in India continued to
grow. Outnumbered three to one,
the Muslims were discriminated
against in education, service, jobs,
and business and were invariably
the victims when religious riots
flared up - a phenomenon which
became very common as inde-
pendence neared.
As long ago as 1900, a Muslim
leader, Nawab Viqar - ul - mulk
wrote:-"The manner in which
Muslim rights are being trampled
upon, and attack3d from all sides,
it is becoming impossible for the
Muslims to be mere passive ob-
* * *
against the Muslims continued;
in 1906, the Muslim League was
formed to try to safeguard their
rights. In 1916, it came into an

Dr. Suhrawardy said in a note
to the Simon Commission in 1930:
"No Muslim ever got into the
Imperial or Provincial Councils by
election except in the rarest of
The Government of India Act
of 1935 brought autonomy to In-
dian provinces and the Congress
Party came in power in most of
them. Discrimination against the
Muslims continued and their fears
were aroused that, in-independent
India, their rights, culture, their
very existence would be in jeo-
In 1940, the Muslim League
demanded the creation of a separ-
ate state formed of territories in
India where the Muslims were in
a majority. This demand was
made as a last resort; previously
the Muslims had gone along with
the Hindus.
In fact, the man who conceived
of Pakistan, a Kashmiri Muslim-
Iqbal, had written: "Religion does
not preach religious hatred and
intolerance. We are all Indians
and India is our motherland." And
the man who led the Muslims to
Pakistan, Mohammed Ali Jinnah,
belonged formerly to the Congress
Party and left it only when he was
* * *
INITIALLY, .the Hindus and
T~nifc7 vti~rnonrt fhnrlmm .,,_717 _"

had 40 million Muslims - seven
per cent of the population. Pakis-
tan, population 83 million, had
10 million Hindus-12 per cent.
Mr. Jinnah, founder of Pakistan,
told the Parliament: "You may be-
long to any religion or caste or
creed-that has nothing to do with
the fundamental principle that we
all are equal citizens of one State.
... With that as our ideal, you will
find that Hindus would cease to
be Hindus and Muslims would
cease to be Muslims, not in the
religious sense, but in the political
sense as citizens of the State."
Hostility toward Muslims then
took the form of Indian hostility
toward Pakistan. It had been de-
cided that Pakistan would get one-
fifth of the assets of British India.
Yet Pakistan's share of military
supplies hasn't been given even
Pakistan's share of money was
also at first denied; it was finally
given only when Mr. Gandhi un-
dertook a fast-unto-death to pro-
test India's injustice. Shortly after,
he was shot dead by a Hindu.
* * C
AFTER THE :zair-raising blood-
bath of 1947, when five million
Hindus fled Pakistan and eight
million Muslims fled India, calm
has prevailed in Pakistan. Since
1950 there has not been a single
_, _,___ _,2 c+ ,_ n+ 7 ._birfn Tv% Tn -

states ruled by maharajahs were
given the option to remain in-
dependent or join India or Pakis-
tan, depending on the religion of
the peo'ple, the-geography and the
In this way, all 600 states joined
India or Pakistan. Disputes arose
over Hyderabad, Junagadh, Ma-
navadar, and Kashmir.
Hyderabad had a Muslim ruler
but Hindu majority. The ruler
w i s h e d independence, but on
friendly terms with India and
Pakistan. He offered a plebiscite
to determine the people's wishes.
But the Indian army attacked
it from three sides and, after five
days of fighting, Hyderabad sur-
rendefed. Hyderabad's appeal to
the UN is still on General As-
sembly agenda.
* * *
JUNAGADH and Manavadar
had Muslim rulers and Hindu
populations. They joined' Pakis-
tan. India protested and Pakistan
entered into negotiations with In-
dia to solve the issues. But India
suddenly attacked and took both
Kashmir had a Hindu ruler but
77 per cent of its people were Mus-
lims. All of Kashmir's rivers flow-
ed into Pakistan. But the ruler
imported Hindu gangs to terrorize
#.ha W1ierli4m wla hanrmann.A ar t



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