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November 13, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-11-13

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"Dear Boy, Where Have You Been Keeping Yourself?"

Sixty-Eighth Year

When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

'Generation' Features
Fiction, Poetry, Art
SINCE THE DEMISE of Hemingway's lost young man with the bitter
mouth (one suggested cause of death: Gregory Peck's version of
him in "The Snows of Kilimanjaro"), young writers have been searching
for a posture and a personality suitable to this half of the 20th century.
They may have found him in The New Yorker child standing wide-
eyed with hands clasped behind his back, while evil swirls about him.
To say of Generation that it resembles The New Yorker will be
the kiss of death for some segments of the public; not, however', for
those who read The New Yorker for J. D. Salinger, Nancy Hale, Jean

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


AY, NOVEMBER 13, 1957


IFC Executive Committee
Lenient with Beta Theta Pi

tive Committee recently found Beta Theta
?i fraternity guilty of violating IFC regula-
ions governing pledgeship. The Committee's
ction came as the result of a chapter "sweat
ession" held on the night of November 4.
['hree of the eight pledges participating re-
aorted to Health Service after their supposed-
y constructive pledge training. Approximately
0 fraternity'actives looked on while the eight
>ledges performed calisthenics for the first 25
ninutes of the "sweat session."
Another chain in the fraternity's fellowship
vas forged, with the approval of both Beta
'heta Pi's president and its pledge trainer,
when the men were required to hold a pledge
fire drill." This involved extinguishing a fire
n the chapter fireplace by crawling up to the
econd floor and returning with mouthfuls of
water. 'The actives, perhaps smarting from a
)ledge raid the'1previous night, again expressed
to objection.
The University took a dim view of the Beta
t'heta Pi "sweat 'session." A report was com-
>iled by the Dean of Men's Office and for-
warded to the IFC Executive Committee stat-
ng that "The University does not condone or
ermit activity of this sort." Beta Theta Pi,
he Committee ruled, had broken the IFC by-
aw which states, "No man under any cir-
humstaices shall be given physical maltreat-
nent during his pledge period." The Commit-
ee could have, under the power delegated
o them by the IFC, subjected the fraternity
o a fine of $100 and/or denial of their pledg-
ng privileges for one rushing period. Instead,
hey decided only to send a letter of "stiff
eprimand" to the fraternity and its affiliated
roups, including the national office.
F E COMMITTEE gave two reasons for their
disciplinary action. The Committee con-
ended a letter would prove very effective,
specially since it would be forwarded to the
raternity's national office. The national office,
he Committee believes, exerts a great amount
f influence over the actions of its chapters.
Secondly, this was Beta Theta Pi's first infrac-
ion of the rule and, further, the first time such
case has been presented to the IFC's Execu-
lve Committee for a sentence.
The infraction, it seems, was not considered
do extreme one as evidenced by the Commit-
ee's weak disciplinary action. A "stiff repri-
nand" does not, it seems approach the sever-
ty of a $100 fine and/or the possible loss of
ushing privileges. If the x-rays, arm-slings
bd physical therapy did not result from ex-
reme "physical maltreatment" in the eyes of
he Committee, the casual observer is led to
ronder just what physical maltreatment would

be considered serious enough to warrant the
IFC's maximum penalty.
a precedent with their Beta Theta Pi rul-
ing. It is a precedent to which the IFC will
likely adhere for the sake of consistency, in
judging future pledging infractions. Fraterni-
ties, in effect, can regulate their "sweat ses-
sions," "happy hours" and other pledge ac-
tivities in accordance with the Committee's
lenient decision.
One wonders if the IFC Executive Commit-
tee, in acting as the delegated judicial body of
the University, imposed a severe enough pen-
alty on Beta Theta Pi so as to discourage any
further infractions of a rule University. spokes-
men say they want rigidly enforced.
The Faculty Motto:
'Percolate or Perish'
THE CAMPUS proletariat is seething. As if
it wasn't enough for the surplus value of
faculty labor to be expropriated by low-tuition-
paying students, now the faculty is being sub-
jected to further exploitation by the powers
that be.
It's the coffee situation. Ramifications of it
are more serious than Queeg's strawberries.
You see, last year when our erudite professors,
but obsequious husbands, left home in the
morning - their wives still in bed and nothing
in their stomachs - they could count on home-
made coffee in various, but hidden, faculty
coffee shops to give meaning to life.
But this year they must drink vending ma-
chine coffee. The "New Class" of the Uni-e
versity machinery, in a stroke some describe
as more ruthless than that inflicted on Rus-
sia's Kulacks, abolished the private enterprise
of the efficient woman coffee vender. Explan-
ations range from claims that she made more
money than Benny Oosterbaan to speculation
the League couldn't meet her competition.
The reaction of the faculty has been a true
White Collar one - lots of grumbling and pent
up steam, but nothing approaching outspoken-
ness. The implications portend major changes
in the faculty hierarchy. Coffee pot cells are
forming throughout Haven Hall. (Students
can't get away with it in the quads.) Faculty
members are judged as "ins" or "outs" accord-
ingly. While gamesmanship used to dictate
"publish or perish," it is now "percolate or
Instead of bringing apples, students might
just as well sponsor their profs on a trip to
campus-town with a dime for a cup of coffee.
J. E. Jr.

Army Satellites Dusted Of f

THERE were some interesting
backstage factors behind the
Defense Department's decision to
launch one of the six Army satel-
lites which have been- gathering
dust in a Huntsville, Ala., ware-
house for about six months.
Factor No. 1 was new Defense
Secretary Neil McElroy, who is
faster, more venturesome than
good old Charlie Wilson. McElroy
is also on the spot and wants to
get off. He made the decision to
let the Army fire, despite the
earlier decision in favor of the
Factor No. 2 was this column of
Oct. 25, revealing for the first
time that "the Army nas six sat-
ellites in a warehouse in Hunts-
ville, Ala., all ready to launch.
They could have been launched
before the Sputnik, thus keeping
the United States ahead of the
USSR and preventing one of the
greatest psychological defeats the
United States ever suffered."
FACTOR NO. 3 was Dr. Wern-
her Von Braun, the Army missile
expert, formerly operating for Hit-
ler, now an American citizen, who
has been conferring quietly with
Navy expert John P. Hagen, in
charge of satellite "Project Van-
guard." Their quiet cooperation
led to Navy acquiescence in giv-
ing the Army first crack at catch-
ing up with Russia.
One point readers have ques-
tioned me about is a paragraph in
the Oct. 25 column which read:
"About three -months ago, the
Budget Bureau, which operates
directly under the White House,
actually sent auditors to Hunts-
ville to make sure the Army did

not spend a nickel on the satel-
lite program."
This sounds incredible. It's not
surprising some readers wonder
how this could have happened.
The answer is that the Budget
Bureau learned that the Army
had these satellites, and figured
it was trying to pull a "stunt" in
order to prove that it had the
best missile team in the armed
Probably the Budget Bureau's
suspicions were justified, because
this was about the time of the
Col. Ni c k e r s o n court-martial.
Nickerson had written a secret
memo, a copy of which reached
this writer's hands, claiming that
the Army was ahead of the Air
Force in missile production and
that Secretary of Defense Wilson
was in serious error in stopping
further Army work on an IRBM,
or Intermediate Range Ballistic
* * *
would have gone ahead and fired
its earth sateilite, thus beating
Russia, in order to defend Ccl.
Nickerson and prove the effi-ien-
cy of Army missile experts. How-
ever, when the Budget Bureau,
learning of this, sent auditors to
Huntsville, they gave flat orders
that not a nickel was to be spent
on launching a satellite.
It would have taken several
thousand dollars to transport the
satellite to Cape Canaveral, Fla.,
and launch it. Furthermore, an
order is an order, especially when
it comes from an arm of the
White House.
So the Army missiles remained
in their Alabama warehouse while
Sputnik beat us into outer space.

President Eisenhower's solemn
but confident television speech the
other night gave no hint.of the
frantic search his special writers
conducted for some rocket-missile
achievement which would make
this speech more reassuring.
Harried aides scurried between
the Pentagon and the White
House with secret papers describ-
ing what the three services are
doing in the missile field. These
were dumped on the desk of
propaganda specialist Arthur Lar-
son, architect of "Modern Repub-
licanism," recently pulled into the
White House from the U. S. In-
formation Agency.
* * *
INSIDE the Pentagon, Assistant
Defense Secretary Murray Snyder,
formerly No. 2 man for White
House public relations, directed
the search. He called in represen-
tatives of the Army, Navy and Air
Force and ordered them to pro-
duce "scientific accomplishments"
for the President's speech.
The three services submitted
papers that told about achieve-
ments already publicized. Snyder
showed most interest in the Air
Force's "O p e r a t i on Farside,"
which shot a research rocket into
outer space, and tried to goad the
Air Force into exaggerating its
Snyder, also pounced upon the.
Jupiter nose cone which the Army
had recovered after a 3300-mile
trip that went 680 miles into outer
space. The Army had intended to
exhibit the nose cone at the Army
Association convention in Wash-
ington earlier this month, but
Snyder ordered the nose cone held
for Ike to unveil on television.
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.)

Stafford, and John Cheever. Of the
The New Yorker, at least one-
fourth were about children, usually
immersed in an adult world of
cruelty or despair.
* * *
TWO of the five stories in this
autumn issue of Generation pre-
sent children in moments of dis-
covery. Each is a delight in its own
way. Victor Perera's "David and
the Philistines" is worth reading
if only to come upon these lines:
"I did not kill Christ," David
said. He was very mixed up, and
he began to wonder if he hadn't
killed Christ when he wasn't look-
ing. After all, he was always step-
ping on ants without knowing it."
Padma Hejmadi's "A Child Said,
'What is Grass?'" moves from the
Whitman in the title to the Indian
world of Santha Rama Rau and a
child's discovery of God, in a se-
quence of highly jeweled images.
OF THE OTHER three stories, I
thought David Lowe's "Mamma"
very readable in the competent
manner of James Gould Cozzens.
Poetry is well diversified in the
issue. The acrid imagery of Sylvia
Camu is balanced by various lyric
talents, and especially by the rich
intricacy of Nancy Willard's Hop-
wood Award poems.
As always when perusing the art
work in Generation. I regret that
no patron appears prepared to
finance color reproduction in this
deserving campus publication.
Black and white is better than
none, of course. I found Dorothy
Suino's cover and lithograph eye-
stopping in a gaunt, strong style.
A constant reader of Generation
may be dismayed by some of the
foregoing remarks. Let me hasten
to assure Constant Reader that
one of the short stories does drift
toward homosexuality. So, Genera-
tion is in orbit, and all's right with
the world.
-Prof. Robert F. Haugh
Department of English
In Politics
NE IS INCLINED to overlook
the importance of the weather
in politics.
In China, everything hangs or
falls on the harvest: the people's
food, exports the national revenue,
taxes, and the means $o repay
Soviet aid.
The Chinese Communists have
been unlucky with their weather,
and the 1956 harvest was the worst
in living memory. Floods and ty-
phoons ravaged 40 million acres
north of the Yellow River; 70 mil-
lion peasants were close to starva-
Another bad harvest this year
would shake the Communist re-
gime far more than the rightists,
Chiang Kai-shek and the combined
strength of the anti-Communist
--David Hotham
In "The Reporter"

55 stories in the last collection of
to the
To the Editor:
THfIS LETTER is written to pub-
licly thank Mrs. Ele anor
Roosevelt for having played the
key role in the liberation from a
Siberian labor camp of Mrs. Mon-
ika Gaucus, her daughter Rutha,
16, and her son, Romualda, 13.
According to front page of The
Detroit News of Nov. 11, Mrs.
Roosevelt's personal appeal with
Mr. Khrushchev has been crowned
with success: Mr. Gaucus of Chi-
cago, after 11 years of separation,
has been reunited with his family,
which in 1949 has been deported
from Lithuania to Siberia.
At thesame time, we wish to
voice our amazement at Mrs.
Roosevelt's contention, quoted in
The Daily of Nov. 9, that "In the
40 years since the Bolshevik Revo-
lution, Russia has given her citi-
zens more security and material
wealth than they have ever
Onlythe factory workers have
seen their living conditions im-
prove somewhat in this period;
yet in the free countries, the con-
current betterment has been ten-
Her statement regarding "se-
curity" of the citizens of the
USSR is even more flagrantly in-
* * *
IN VIEW of Mrs. Roosevelt's
own role in freeing Mr. Gaucus'
family from a Siberian labor
camp, this statement stands out
as a most characteristic inconsis-
tency to which so many well-
intentioned do-gooders are prone.
One intelligent explanation for
Mrs. Roosevelt's praise of Soviet
"security" we do find, however.
She might be preparing the
ground for asking Mr. Khrush-
chev's mercy for a few more out of
over 10 million unfortunates who,
according to the congressional re-
port on slave labor camps in the
USSR, and according to an AFL
investigation, inhabit the Siberian
concentration camps.
In this case, but in this case
only, we apologize for above re-
-Emil Lebedovych
Pres., Ukrainian Student Club
Robbery . .
To the Editor
DURING the two months that
I have attended this school,
I have had ample opportunity to
experience its excellent facilities
and academic standards.
However, equally fast I have be-
come aware of the appalling con-
ditions which exist here for grad-
uate students who are not obliged
to live in a dormitory. By now, I
picture the "regular" Ann Arbor
population as a "regular" collec-
tion of crooks and thieves.
Not only do they rob the stu-
dents with regard to prices of all
commodities, the racket in apart-
ment houses going on here has
proportions for a Senate Investi-
gations Committee! Most of these
establishment are no more than
dumps, for which the most fan-
tastic prices are asked.
I believe the University is
missing the boat here, for a big
and modern apartment building
on campus for unmarried gradu-
ate students, leased at reasonable
price, could bring in a fortune
-Robert O. Kan, Grad.





The Turtle and the Bear

had a long introductory section (over two
columns of newspaper print) which was ad-
dressed to the irrational fears of the least in-
formed part of our people. This is the notion
that the Sputniks the Russians have achieved
a decisive military superiority. To knock over
this straw man the President marshalled a long
array of facts which show that as of today we
have a powerful military establishment.
Then at last, but with the utmost under-
statement, he came to the outer edge of the real
problem: "I must say to you in all gravity that
in spite of the present over-all strength and the
forward momentum of our defense, that it is
entirely possible that in the years ahead we
could fall behind. I repeat: We could fall be-
hind--unless we face up to certain pressing re-
quirements and set out to meet them promptly."
To call this an understatement is itself an
understatement. For the indubitable fact is
that in the field of the longer range missiles
and in the penetration of space, we have fallen
behind. The question is not now whether "we
could fall behind." It is when and how we can
catch up, and the President will never restore
the confidence of the people until he gives
them the confidence that he is telling them the
full truth.
'j k SPEECH SHOWS that the President has
_ 'ently been listening to scientists and
educators. But the main concern of the authors
of the speech was to dampen down and to
soothe, rather than to awaken and to arouse,
our people. That is why they emphasized the
false issue of our present strength and mini-
mized, if not worse, the far-reaching signifi-
cance of the growing strength of the Soviet
What the Russians are demqnstrating is that
in the science and the technology which deter-
mines the balance of power they have achieved
a greater forward momentum than our own.
In the race of armaments they have come from
behind and are now out in front. This does not
mean that they now have a decisive superiority.

But it does mean that we are threatened with
a growing inferiority, which will be registered
and discounted in advance in all the Foreign
Offices of the world.
Estimates differ as to how great is their lead
in missiles and devices for outer space. But
their lead is, it would appear, a matter of years
-perhaps as much as four to six years. This
would mean that even with the utmost acceler-
ation that it may be some years before we
arrive where they are now. In the meantime
most probably they will have moved on.
Something similar, though in reverse, has
happened here to what happened to nuclear
weapons. There we had a lead of several years,
and although the Russians began to catch up
with us by 1949, there is a good probability
that we are still well ahead of them in quality
and in quantity. In these technological matters,
it is like running to catch up with and to pass
someone who is in the lead and running faster
than you are.
THIS CAN BE DONE. But it cannot be done
by government as usual, by business as
usual, and by playing all the usual records
about how rich and how free and how invincible
and how efficient and how lovable we are. We
are in a situation which, for us, is entirely
unusual, that we may become, as compared
with our rival, the weaker power.
As long as this is the prospect, we shall have
to learn how to.defend ourselves in the world
by a wise diplomacy. We must prepare our
minds not so much for what is conceivable
but improbable, such as a sudden attack on the
Pearl Harbor model. We must prepare for what
is most probably coming-that the Soviets will
have operational missiles capable of neutral-
izing the Allied bases in Western Europe and
the Middle East. If this comes to pass, there
will have been underminded the concept of
our foreign policy as conceived under Truman
and Acheson and developed by Eisenhower and
Dulles. This is the concept of the containment
of the Communist states by military encircle-
ment in the hope that this will in the end
compel them to accept as the terms of a settle-
ment the equivalent of an unconditional sur-



Indian Kas hmir Policy Called Double-Faced'

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
in a series of three articles discussing
the Kashmir problem from the Pakis-
tani point of viwe. The current series
is a follow-up on a similar treatment
of the same problem from the Indian
side, which appeared last week.
Mohammed Azhar Ali Khan is a
University of Michigan-University
Press Club Fellow. He was formerly
assistant to the New York Times' cor-
respondent for Pakistan and Afghan-
istan. He resigned as Acting Chief of
Press Section, U.S. Information Agen-
cy, Karachi, Pakistan, to attend the
University. President last year of the
Pakistan Students' Association at the
University, he now edits the magazine
of the Pakistan Students' Association
of America and directs the Associa-
tion's publicity.)
By Mohammed Azhar Ali Khan
NOTHING has revealed more
glaringly the double-faced for-
eign policy of India than her
stand on Kashmir.
Here is a nation that never tires
of preaching to others, poses as a
champion of liberty and justice,
and masquerades as a paragon of
virtue and peace.
But when it comes to her own
ambitions, forgotten are lofty
principles and ripped to shreds
are all codes of ethics and fair
Stripped of the facade of mor-
a' ty, naked hypocrisy parades it-


Kashmir, has gone back on her
own international committments,
and has brazenly kept an army of
occupation in Kashmr - defying
world opinion and suppressing
the will of the Kashmiris them-
"Before Mr. Nehru's advice to
other peoples on how to run their
countries could be very effective,"
protested the Sunday Times of
Perth, Australia, "it is necessary
for him to demonsrate that he
knows how to run his own. He is
handing the mailed fist to Pak-
.* * *
IN AN editorial entitled "You
Too, Brutus," De Gelderlander
Pers of Holland wrote: "The vio-
lent grab at Kashmir proves Mr.
Nehru snaps his fingers at all
moral standards preached by him-
self if it comes to his own politi-
cal aims . . . In the light of this
attitude, one can only look upon
the great Nehru as a hypocrite."
Wrote the New York Times:
"Mr. Nehru has been giving us
all advice about the solution of
conflicts. Evidently he finds it
easier to solve problems of the
world than one in his own back-

penser of advice, 1s on the Kash-
mir issue deaf to all arguments."
"The annexation of Kashmir,"
asserted Abadi of Indonesia,
"places India on the same level
with Soviet Russia."
"That hissing sound heard
around the world last week,"
noted Time magazine, "was Jawa-
harlal Nehru's reputation deflat-
"It is shameful to remember
that India is still a member of the
Commonwealth," said the weekly
Time and Tide.
Le Soir of Beirut emphasized:
"India stands exposed before the
bar, of world opinion. India's
Nehru has repeatedly said his
country stands for peace, coopera-
tion and understanding. This is
quite different from what he is
doing in Kashmir.'
*4 * *
the German paper Wiesbadener
Tageblatt, "act as mediator in in-
ternational affairs if she herself
disregards the moral and demo-
crataic principles which she re-
peatedly preaches to the world?"
Said the New York Times: "The
Indian statements in the United
Nations . . . were more than pro-
vocative. They were defiant, not

"We feel impelled to urge the
Pakistanis to be patient once
more.. Their case is so strong that
it should not be weakened by any
thoughtless show of violence. The
Security Council has once more
indicated the proper course of ac-
ion. The United Nations cannot
afford to let one member, India,
flout that collective will."
Why do the Indians shudder
and perspire at the very thought
of a free vote in Kashmir? Why
do the Indians get an acute at-
tack of hysteria whenever the
Kashmir plebiscite is mentioned?
The answer takes us into the
realms of history.
* * *
PRIOR TO the British conquest
of India, the subcontinent was
ruled by Muslims. When the Mus-
lim power began disintegrating,
the British, who had obtained a
trading charter in 1600, became
masters. The Muslims were bru-
tally suppressed.
Almost immediately, Hindu-
Muslim tension developed. The
Hindus disliked the Muslims be-
cause many of them looked upon
Muslims as aliens who conquered
India centuries ago and made it
their home.
Also behind the tension was the


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