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November 12, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-11-12

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom


.FAIL., WAx,,x R

See page 4




ison Questio ns
d Missile Lead
Secretary Claims Recent Tests
}w U.S. Can Match Red Progress
)IT A) - Only a few months separate the United States
, in missile development, former Secretary of Defense
Wilson said last night .
ier the Russians or we are ahead in missile development,
eve anyone can say with certainty," he said.
said last summer it is capable of producing intercontin-
es that could be fired to any place on earth.
Doesn't Doubt .Reds' Ability
is no, reason to doubt their ultimate ability to do this,"

"Our scientists


and engineers; are convinced- that we
Tcan do the ,same, and we could
claim that the missiles we have
tested to date have proven to our
satisfaction also that this can be
Wilson, who quit last month
after serving five years as Secre-
tary of Defense, addressed a din-
ner held in his honor. A former
president of General Motors, Wil-
son lives in Birmingham, Mich., a
.,. suburb of Detroit.


T I.tpl- v '__r

NUrTON( V) - IM. Jon
head of Project Van-
d yesterday the United
>uld develop a well-co-
program aimed at send-
nto space:
niguard project, devoted
ng a fully instrumented
llite, is a step in that
Hagen told a news con-
hated it would be "years"
an could be sent up with
ce of getting back to
ilIe, the fate of Laika,
.,ussian dog inside Sput-
naned uncertain.
remier Nikolai Bulganin
ters at a Swedifh Em-
eption in Moscow that
als from the Russian
unday indicated she was
g Soviet physicist at the
>tion said, however, the
t be dead." Another<
ntist said earlier in the

ity Group
's Quality

'Americans Edgy'
He said he got the idea from
newspapers, radio and television
that "my fellow Americans are
getting a bit jittery and unrealis-
tic about the satellites and their
implication inithelstruggle be-
tween the East and West."
This edgy feeling, he said,
comes from the realization that
"we can now be attacked through
the air by bombers and missiles
from foreign' shores."
Russia's Sputniks are a dramat-
ic reminder to the United States
that the oceans no.longer provide
a protective barrier, he said.
Sputniks Not Weapons
But, he added, "neither Sput-
nik I nor Sputnik II is. in any
sense a military weapon"'
Russia. beat: the Uiiited States
into outer space because the "Rus-
sians obviously decided to com-
bine their satellite and missile
projects and use the large -rocket'
engines they werehdeveloping for
missiles to launch their satellites,"
Wilson said.
At the same time, he said, the
United States separated its satel-
lite project from its' ballistic mis-
sile ; development and gave top
priority to the ballistic missiles
Criticism Partly Valid
Wilson said there was ."some
validity" to criticism of so-called
inter-service rivalry - but only
the "senseless rivalry and not the
honest competition.
"What may seem like certain
duplications in the ballistic mis-
sile field is really an effort to
make more rapid progress and
have some insurance on alternate
ways 'of doing things," he said.
Russia's leap into outer space
may turn into a blessing of sorts,
Wilson said, by making the United,
Sates more aware of the need for
defense appropriations.
American Airlines began an in-
vestigation yesterday to ascertain
if there was "any evidence of a
crime" involved In the baffling
disappearance in the Pacific of a
Stratocruiser carrying 44 persons.
A spokesman emphasized there
is "nothing to indicate there has
been a crime."

Fren ch Ask
Nuclear Aid
PARIS (A-Arming of all mem-
bers of the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization with atomic wea-
pons was urged yesterday by a
French senator.
The proposal for "a common
program, not only in research, but
in the use of atomic weapons,"
was 'put before a closed session of
the military committee f NATO's
Parliamentary Assem~bly by Gen.
Marie-Emil Bethouart.
Explaining his suggestion in an
interview, .Bethouart said he in-
tended for the plan to cover all
NATO countries, including West
Asks Stockpile
"My proposal is not for indi-
vidual- nations. lout for a stock-
piling by all the NATO allies," he
Britain and the United States
presently are the only atomic-
equipped NATO-powers.
Bethouart's proposal was~ seen
as an indication of widespread
continental uneasiness over Brit-
ish-American nuclear strategy ex-
cluding other NATO members.,
International Force Sougst!
NATO's civilian boss, Seretary-
General Paul-Henri Spaak, last
week came out for creating a
trained international 'force able
to draw on a NATO stockpile of
nuclear weapons.
Yesterday's session of the Par-
liamentary Assembly also heard
another Frendh proposal for crea-
tion of a centralized European ad-
ministration for development of
ballistic missiles.
The Assembly has only an ad-
visory capacity 'in the'NATO set-
up. NATO's ruling body is the
Council, which is to meet next
month with President Dwight D.
Eisenhower, British Prime Minis-
ter Harold Macmillan and other
chiefs of government.
Arthur Gilson of Belgium and
Lt. Gen. Michael R. H. Calmeyer
of the Netherlands presented a
report containing sharp words for
NATO's Supreme Headquarters,,
under the command of United
States Gen.. Lauris Norstad.
Worthy Plans
Talk on Asia,
* William Worthy, correspondent
for the Baltimore Afro-American
Newspapers, will lecture on"Ris-
ing Afro-Asia: What it Expects
of Us," at 3 p.m. tomorrow in
Rackham Amphitheater.
Worthy spent six weeks in Red
China this year despite the dis-
approval of the State Department.
During that time he sent out un-
censored cables, tape recordings,,
TV films and shortwave broad-
In 1955, Worthy made the first
broadcast by an American reporter
over Radio Moscow since 1947.
Later the same year he broadcast
from the satellite nations of Po-
land and Czechoslovakia.
Worthy has been well-known in
the field ofsracenrelations both
abroad and in the United States.
He is the only Negro reporter to
have entered the Union of South
Africa. He made one broadcast be-
fore being deported. Worthy also
covered the Montgomery bus boy-
cott and the Bandung Asian-Afri-
can conference.'



Six Vac


Council Election Expecte
To Draw Record Bai lotin

} Dafy-Wesley Kar
VIEWS PRESENTED-Student Government Council candidates had an opportunity to present their views yesterday in an open forum in
Auditorium B, Angell Hall. The candidates are (left to right), front row: Joe Collins, Jo Hardee, Linda Rainwater, Mort Wise, Lois Wur-
ster, and Don Koster; back row: Maynard Goldman, Dan Belin, Dave Bray, Bert Getz, and Virgil Grumbling. Approximately twenty-five
students attended the forum. -

icational standards at the
rsity should not be sacrificed
der to handle more students,
>ers of the Faculty Senate
d yesterday.
ording to the group's secre-
Prof. George M. McEwen
engineering English depart-
discussion at the closed
ng included the problem of
aining quality at the Univer-
uring times of expansion.
th faculty members and ad-
tration representatives were
reement that the University's
-th is in its quality and this
I be kept foremost when ad-
g to future needs," Prof.
ren said..
act'ion was taken at the spe-
neeting which was, called by
enate Advisory Committee in
that admission policies could
>lained and the faculty could
uestions or raise issues, Prof."
en said.
versity Director of Admis-
Clyde Vroman described in
the University's admission
es and procedures to the 130
y members present at the
ag. Prof. McEewen said the
page outline will be mailed
er Senate members.
faculty retains ultimate
A over admissions through a
that sets policy for the
sions office, Vroman ex-;
owing presentation of the,
, questions were answered by
an and University Vice-Presi-
nd Dean of Faculties Marvin
huss, who presided over the

$3 ,867.89
Co llected
In Drivre
A total of $3867.89 was collected
in this year's Campus Chest drive,
Joe Sherman, '58, Campus Chest
Board chaixxan announced yes-
The drive ended Friday, Oct. 25.
Funds solicited in r e s i d e n ce
houses were turned in during the
following 10 days. Announcement
of the drive total was delayed un-'
til all residence house funds were
received and counted.
Women's dormitories contri-
buted $974.35 and men's residence
halls turned in $431.53 to the
Sororities contributed $570; fra-
ternities, $220.
Other funds collected include
$1300 from the two-day bucket
drive and $300 from the auction
on the diagonal.
Charities which will receive
funds from the drive are World
University Service, the Free Uni-
versity of Berlin exchange student
program, Ann Arbor United Fund,
and National Scholarship Service
and Fund for Negro Students.
",.n, 3 .:? 'i k:' v.: .t " i '"k t a aSe . 't ,..r s .., ,a

Syra Reports Turk Troops
1S yr kr 100S
Concentrated Along Border
DAMASCUS, Syria WA) - Syria put on a new show of war jitters
yesterday after the army reported unusually large Turkish troop
movements at night along the northern frontier.
High excitement was generated also by mass street demonstra-
tions and new editorial attacks against Hussein of Jordan, King of
the brother A'rab state to the south.
Speakers and editorials accused him of betraying Arab nation-
alism and threatened him with liquidation.
Agreement Reported
Developments which otherwise could presage a new crest of the
Middle East crisis were somewhat balanced, however, by uncon-
firmed reports from Arab sources "
at the United Nations in Newe
York that Syria and the United
States had agreed on steps to Im- In ie
prove their relations.

Is lands

The agreement was reported to
include a new exchange of am-
bassadors to fill vacancies created;
by a near rupture last *August
when Damascus army chiefs ac-
cused the United States of plot-
ting overthrow of the Syrian gov-
The agreement was said to have
been reached in a meetings last
week between Syrian Foreign
Minister Salah Bitar and United
States Ambassador Henry Cabot
Lodge and Asst. Secretary of State
William M. Rountree.
Syrian Troops Alerted
As a result of the army reports
of Turkish military movements,
all Syrian troop units in the north
were put on alert, and the Syrian
Cabinet held a two-hour meeting
in the middle of the night.
For several weeks Syrians -have
been waging a word campaign
against Turkey, charging her with
concentrating troops along the
border and violating her border
and air space.
Backed up by Soviet party boss
Nikita Khrushchev Syria has been
accusing the United States of try-
ing to get Turkey to launch an



Dwight D. Eisenhower has asked
Adlai.Stevenson to accompany him
to the North Atlantic Treaty Or-
ganization meeting in - Paris as
number one man in charge of
America's effort to revitalize allied
opposition to Soviet expansion.
Stevenson so far hasn't said yes
and he hasn't said no. .
But his response, according to
informed sources, has been to ask
questions and keep the door open
to further discussion.
'The request went to Stevenson,
these sources 'said, through Sec-
retary of State John Foster Dulles
about Oct. 25. That 1was after the,
three-day visit to Washington of
British Prime Minister Harold
President Eisenhower and Prime
Minister Macmillan agreed the
NATO allies face a long, war-
time-like pull, to overcome the
Russian threat.
They agreed to try to launch at
the. Dec. 16' NATO meeting in
Paris a new NATO concept of
greater cooperation aild sharing
of retponsibility among the west-
ern allies.
Highly informed .sources said
Dulles asked Stevenson to become
what Dulles had been during the
Truman administration: the for-
eign policy adviser from the op-,
position party.
Three To Tell
Of ,Soviet .Life
Three University professors,
who have recently traveled to the
Soviet Union, will be featured, in
a program of movies and slides,
at 8 p.m. today in Aud. B, Angell.
Sponsored by the University
Committee for the Program in
Russian Studies, this meeting is
the first in a series of three, en-
itled "Soviet Union and Eastern

Winds Hit

MANILA (MP)-A raging typhoon
with 140 mile - an'- hour center
winds moved on the Philippines
early this morning,- only hours
before the scheduled start of bal-
loting in the nation's presidential
At last reports, the storn was
85 miles northeast of Manila and
moving westward at 14 m.p.h. to-
ward the rich rice-growing regions
in central Luzon..
The winds were expected to
diminish when the typhoon --
named Kit - hit land.
The storm grounded all aircraft
in Manila while planes en. route
here were diverted to Hong Kong.
Political quarters saw in the
storm a boost* for the already'
strong chances for President Car-
los Garcia and his Nacionalista
They said the storm may cut
down the voting in rural strong-
holds of Garcia's major opponents,
Liberal Jose Yulo and Progressive
Manuel P. Manahan.
Garcia, who ,has never lost an
election in 31 yearsn of public life,
stepped into the presidential post
last March when President Ramon
Magsaysay was killed in an air-
plane crash.
Two minor candidates -Sen.
Carlo M. Recto, Nationalist-Citi-
zen candidate, and Independent
Liberal Antonio Quirino '- are
given no chance of winning.
Doctors Say
In Good Health
WASHINGTON (A) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's physi-
cians said yesterday after anoth-
er hospital check-up that "the
President continues to maintain
an excellent state of health."
A new medical report oh the 67-
year-old President, which went
into particular detail as to his
heart and abdomen, reported
nothing wrong.
"His general physical condition
is excellent," the doctors said aft-
er a physical examination with
laboratory tests at Walter Reed
Army Hospital Sunday and yes-
President Eisenhower had given,
his own report a few'hours earlier
on leaving the hospital, where he
had spent the night. A reporter
asked him then how he was feel-
ing, and President Eisenhower re-
"Fine, fine."

SGC Post
Zook Says Fewer
Workers Cause Di
In Number of Pol
With a weather forecast ol
and warmer through Wedne
Student Government Council
tions Director Phil Zook, '60,
mates that 8,000 students will
for SGC candidates today an
The 18 polts, placed tr
-cally about cdmpus, will be
between 8 a.m. and 5 prm
will be manned by approin
750 students from sororities
ternities, and other Univ$
housing units.
Zook maintained that at
1,080 students could be used
kfor that reason cut the iu
of polls from the usual 20 to
Usually Too Many
"Always in the past we have
more workers than. we aculd
'he said.
Polls Director Bob Gunn,
will ride in a car with Haro
Swoverland, University enf
met officer, to insure suff
ballots and poll workers.
Sharing the same task WI
assistants on bicycles and
who will walk from- poll to
with an Army ROTC walkie-ti
HIe will'report the situation
polls to the SGC office.
Count Begins at 6:0V p.m
SGC members will begin cc
ing votes at 6:30 p.m. tomorr
the League Ballroom. Ron B
'58, will be director of the c(
Previously ballots were, tabu
at the Union.
Zook estimates the results
be known at 12:30 a.m. He
there will be only one electio
stead of the several whish
place at the March election.
The 11 candidates, an all-
low number, are: Dan Belin,
David Bray, '60; Joe Collins,
Bert Getz. '59BAd; Virgil Or
ling, '59; Maynard Goldman,
Jo Hardee, '60; -Don Koster,
Linda Rainwater, '60; Mort '
'60; Lois Wurster, '60.
Six Posts Open
Of the 11, six will be electe
the estinted 8,000. The hi
total of 7,120 votes was acci
lated in the November, 1950
tions. Last March's estimate
less than 7,000 with a low r
of 5,556.
To insure against the lo
sults of voter participation ir
March election, attributed p
ally to rainy weather. Zook
taken precautions by provi
adequate facilities in case of
If it rains, there will be no
ing between 11:30 a.m. and:
p.m. This has been panie
response to claims of affiliates
unaffiliated students had anu:.
advantage in voting during
lunch hour in the dormitories
"No hoop-la will be, used
year," Zook said, referring t
year's diag publicity stunts
the decorated '39 Plymouth,
chased at $30 and used as a.
for conveying students to the
Students must -have ID pard
order to vote, Zook said.
T' To Offer...
More Vaccin<
Both Asian Flu and polio
ventive vaccine will be aval
to University students toda;
Health Service.
Dr. Morley, Beckett, H4
Service Director, said plans
distribution of inoculations ir

immediate future will be base
the response of students to tot
He said an estimated 750

Candidate Forum Brings SGC Campaign to Close

d May Ask

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last
of a series on the opinions of Stu-
dent Government Council candidates
as voiced during the campaign.)
Sessions of Student Government
Council candidates discussing is-
sues were brought to a close with
a candidates forum yesterday.
Approximately 25 students came
to hear the candidates.
Nine of the 11 candidates dis-
cussed apathy and complacency,
and offered ways of remedying
the situation, all of which em-
phasized the communications
Other Reason Suggested? *
One member of the audience,
suggested the communicationse

tion he cited a suggestion of David.
Bray, '60, that the final exam
schedule be published in the time
schedule and a suggestion of Lois
Wurster, '60, that SGC look into
There is a counsellingstudy
committee at work now, which was
set up at the request of SGC.
Joe Collins, '60, SGC President,
pointed to the new Forum pro-
gram as a worthwhile accomplish-
ment of the Council. He also noted
that students get interested when
a Council -decision affects them.
He poainted to the Sigma Kappa
decision and the deferred rushing
decision as examples of sudden
student interest.

ruling pertains only to those
groups recognized after 1949.
Miss Rainwater told students
that she thought it would be un-
fair to set up any specific require-
ments for Sigma Kappa to prove
it is not in violation of the regula-
She said that Sigma Kappa
should decide what policy to re-
vise and then, at that time, the
Council could consider it.
Mort Wise, '59, said that Sigma
Kappa should reinstate its expelled
chapter, with the Negro girl still
a member. In 1956 Sigma Kappa
expelled Tufts College chapter
after it had pledged a Negro.
If the Tufts chapter is not re-
instated, or the suspension is not

SGC will accept any action it
Dan Belin, '59, told Van Tyne
House he thought that the charter
of national Sigma Kappa should
be revoked, if it cannot prove that
it did not violate discriminatory
policy at the University.
Two ways in which it might
prove it no longer violates the
regulation would be to: rein~tate
one of the barred chapters while
it still had a Negro member; per-
mit another local to pledge a
Negro without being expelled.
He said, however, that no spe-
cific thing could be required of
the sorority, because it might have
another alternative.
SGC Behaved Well
Rrav hnirh e Z' art a av i


motion to propose re-evalua-
of the Inter-House Council:
be discussed in the South
rangle Council meeting at
p.m. today.
ien asked to explain the mo-
Bill .Tones, '60. Scott House

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