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November 10, 1957 - Image 10

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1957-11-10

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Tin[ 10icr



Science Education
;ram Needs Boost


tinued from Page 4)
seems to be true. There
very large rocket en-'
ter development In the
ates, but most unfortu-
is work has been sup-
a shoestring, because it
sidered part of our high-
nissile programs.
e also have been reports.
ian breakthrough in the
ent of propellants, al-
em to achieve greater
mn present engines. Could
ent on this?
lave several rather pow-
pellant combinations in
try also, but we prefer
.e them in our ballistic
because of their poor-
the Russians turning out
d satellite scientists su-
the products--generally
-of American universi-
not think so. I believe
professional quality of a
erican physicist or engi-
sh from the university,
t as high as that of his
do you account for the
apathy toward missile
mnt in this country be-
7 and 1953?
It after the war, public
urned away from weap-
toward the resumption
ction of badly needed
er goods.
was no ballistic missile
ent program in the Unit-
between 1945 and 1951
here was no obvious need
r interest for It, and no
r it.

Q. Under IGY (International
Geophysical Y e a r agreement)
knowledge learned by space satel-
lites is to be shared fully. How
useful would knowledge learned
by Russia's Sputnik's be in de-
veloping or accelerating our sat-
ellite programs? And in what par-
ticular ways?
A. We expect to learn from the
Sputniks, with and without Soviet
collaboration, quite a few things
with regard to the shape of the
earth, transoceanic mapping and
survey, mass distribution within
the earth, and density of the up-
permost layers of the atmosphere.
If and when the Soviets will
present the results of their tele-
metered readings from the satel-
lites themselves, we are likely to
learn many new things on cosmic
radiation, solar X-rays, effects of
extended weightlessness on ani-
mals, density of micrometeors and
meteoric dust, and the like.
Q. What does Russia's success
mean in terms of science educa-
tion in this country, and public
attitudes toward scientists and
basic research?
A. I am convinced that the
Sputniks will give Russia's science
education program an additional
most powerful boost. I can only
hope that it will give the U.S. sci-
ence education program an even
greater boost, because we need
such a boost badly.
And I also hope. it will enhance
the recognition of science and sci-
entists in the eyes of the U.S.
public. Unless we manage to make
careers in the sciences more at-
tractive to the young generation,
we cannot hope to win the long-
range struggle with the Soviets
for scientific and technological

-(Useof this column for announce-
ments of meetings is available to of-
ficially recognized and registered stu-
dent organizations only.)
Hillel-student Zionist Organization,
study group meeting, Nov. 10, 7:30 p.m.,
Hillel. Israeli dancing to follow meet-
* * *
Hillel Foundation, mass meeting, Nov.
10, 4:30 p.m., Hillel. Casting for "Eter-
nal Life."
Lutheran Student Assn., supper fol-
lowed by movie on Christian Steward-
ship, Nov. 10, 6:00 p.m., Lutheran Stu-
dent Center.
Graduate Outing Club, hiking, Nov.
10, 1:30 p.m., meet in back of Rackham.
Contempoary Literature Club, discus-
sion of Dylan Thomas' poetry, Nov. 12,
7:30 p.m., 3529 SAB. Mimeographed text
University Christian Federation, lec-
ture, Nov. 10, 7:00 p.m., First Metho-
dist Church. Speaker: Dr.'Howard Thur-
man, "The Religion of Jesus and Com-
* s
Unitarian Student Group, Eastern
Midwest College Conference, Nov. 8, 9,
10, First Unitarian -Church. Topic: "Au-
tonomy vs. Conformity."
Gamma Delta Lutheran Students'
Group, weekly Sunday supper and pro-
gram, Nov. 10. 6:00 p.m University Lu-
theran Chapel, 1511 Washtenaw' Ave.
Movie: "Into All the World". Interna-
tional Students are special guests at
this week's program.
Congregational and Dibciples Guild,
meet with other groups at Methodist
Church to hear Dr. Howard Thurmian,
Nov. 10. 6:50 p.m. Guild House.
Phi Lambda Upsilon, monthly meet-
ing, Nov. 12, 7:15 p.m., Room 3-B, Un-
ion. Speaker: Dr. Arthur L. Lohwater,
"Soviet Technical Education"
Undergraduate Mathematics Club,
meeting, Nov. 11, 7:00 p.m., 3201 Angell
Hall.j Speaker: Prof. Kazarinoff.
Hillel, Advanced Hebrew Classes, Nov.
11, 8:00 p.m., Hillel.
*. * *
Hillel, Intermediate Hebrew Classes,
Nov. 10, 4:00 p.m., Hillel.
Michigan Christian Fellowship, lec-
ture, Nov. 10. 4:00 p.m., Lane Hall.
Speaker: Dr. Donald -Brown, DDS, De-
troit, "The Implications of Becoming a
* * *
Hillel, Advanced Yiddish Classes, Nov.
10, 9:00 a.m., -Hillel.
Young Democratic Club, Executive
Board meeting, Nov. 12, 4:00 p.m., SAB.
Sigma Alpha Iota, pledging ceremony,
Nov. 12, 7:30 p.m., -at the home of Mrs.
Lewis Simes, 1000 Snyder.

Dean Rates#
Quality First
In Grade Aid
Need should no longer be the
decisive criterion in giving scholar-
ship-fellowship aid at the graduate
school level, Jacques Barzun, dean
of Graduate Faculties at Columbia
University said recently.
"Unless two students competing
for an award are equally deserving
in all other respects, the element
of need, always hard to estimate,k
should be made secondary to in-
tellectual quality," the dean said.
"Even families with an osten-
sibly sufficient income have diffi-
culty in giving full financial sup-
port to their children through
graduate school .Moreover, these3
families are often those in which
intellectual interests are well-es-
tablished, so that the denial of
help to them on the ground that
poorer, and sometimes less gifted,
applicants are in greater need, may
In fact bring about a .social and
cultural loss," he went on to say.
Dean Barzun declared that fi-
nancial independence is desirable
for all students undertaking grad-
uate work, if the work is to be done
as it should be.
(Continued from Page 4)
Process of Economic Development in
Under-Developed Countries" Mon., Nov.
11 at 8 p.m. in Aud. B, Angell Hall. All
staff members and graduate students
in economics and business adminis-
tration urged to attend. All others in-
Doctoral Examination for Llewellya
Williams Hillis, Botany; thesis: "A
Revision of the Genus Halimeda," Mon.,
Nov. ,11, Rm. 1139, Natural Science
Bldg., at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, W. R..
Students, College of Engineering: The
final day for dropping courses without
record will be Wed., Nov. 13. A course
may be dropped only with the permis-
sion of the classifier after conference
wih the instructor.
Students, College of Engineering: The
final day for removal of incompletes
will be Wed. Nov. 13. Petitions for ex-
tension of time must be on file in the
Secretary's office on or before wed.,
Nov. 13,

Slippery Rock Legend Continue
Slippery Rock has no idea where
or when it became a legend.
It is not sure, either, what par-
tcular fascination it holds; why
some of the largest colleges in
the country faithfully follow the
activities of its football team.
It doesn't know any of these
things, but it is perfectly delighted
with the whole idea.
'Officially, State Teachers College,
Slippery Rock, is an accredited in-
stitution of the state of Pennsyl-
vania one of 14 such education
schools in the state, and placing
3 ~its emphasis on physical education.
But there is something special
about it that can only become evi
dent by being there.

Students Very Close
There is about Slippery Rock
an air of exuberance that is almost
tangible. It is a feeling so strong
that it is evident in the day-to-day
life on campus, so infectious that
even breakfast at 6:45 a.m. is a
gay affair.
This is due, in large part, to the
close-knit character of the student
body. This is inevitable in a school
whose entire population of 1,027 is
housed in two dormitories, with
one cafeteria between them.
Furthermore, the campus itself
Js completely intrinsic. There is so
little need for the tiny town which
surrounds it that girls must sign
out if they leave campus during
the day.
Everything Right There
For everything they need is at
their fingertips. There is a book-
store in the administration build-
ing; there is a small movie theatre
below the library for entertain-
ment, and there is "The Hut," a
student-built snack bar and rec-
reation budilding, for relaxation.
But the enthusiasm comes, most-
ly, from the curriculum. They are
physical education majors, and
they delight in their, skills. Prac-
tice, working out, and criticism of
each other's performances 'play a
large part in their lives.
They get athletic training, of
course, in their classes, but they
do not stop there. Individuals and
teams hold practice sessions dur-
ing spare hours, strictly on their
This, perhaps, is. what creates
the magic in their football team.
They play to win, yds. But they
play also just for the sheer joy
of playing.

has friendly greeting for visitors. "Hi! Tradi-
tion" dictates a greeting for everyone, is ob-
served scrupulously. Porch of East Gym is to
right, tower of Old Main (administration build-
ing) is silhouetted against sky. Tower clock is
currently out of order

"SCASH 'EM"-Slippery Rock cheerleader yel
favorite cheer as the "Rockets" scramble for th
football. Cheerleader squad is divided int,
Varsity and Junior Varsity, always have mor
candidates than they can use. Students ar
enthusiastic about football team, cheer eve
when they fall behind.

Analysis Seminar. Prof. N. D. Kazar-
inoff will speak on elementary prob-
lems in geometry, 3017 A.H., Mon., Nov.
11 at 4:10 p.m.
Placement Notices
Herbert E. Humbert, Superintendent
of Fraser Public Schools, Fraser, Michi-
gan, will be at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments on Tues., Nov. 12 from 10 a.m. to
2:30 p.m. He will be interviewing to fill
an immediate vacancy in kindergartens
as well as for spring semester positions
in the first grade, upper elementary,
speech correction, and mentally re-
tarded (type A and type C).
For any additional information con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Administration Building, NO 3-1511,
Ext. 489.
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds

Pictures 'by
Story by

314 State Street
NO 3-2482

(on are invited to come and see






SLIPPERY ROCKS-Creek for which school was christened shows obvious reason for name. Legend
says it was so called by an Indian who went fishing and slipped into the water. Students use it now
for occasional wading, study stretched out on some of the large, flat rocks that dot the water.

Monday Thru Wednesday


November 11 -12--13

"Jazz for Moderns'

)ue to the great interest shown in. our SPRING exhibit we
re happy to announce this "REPEAT-PERFORMANCE!"
For this Hand Weaving Exhibit we were,fortunate to
ecure the services of two lovely young German women,
win sisters, Margaret and Christel Mangelsen, represent-
ng Clements of Freeport, N.Y., foremost importers of
andwoven fabrics.
In one of our show-windows they will demonstrate
ith a spinning wheel how raw wool is spun into thread
nd they'll show with a small hard-loom how the colorful
kirt lengths are woven.
ruatemalan Skirt lengths.."...."..... . $ 8.98
iuatemalan Skirt lengths ...... .3 yds. $16.98
wuate alan Skirt lengths with Lurex .. .$10.98
werman Wool Skirt lengths. .......... $14.98
Oerman Wool Skirt lengths with Lurex . $16.98
Werman Wool Dress lengths ..... .... $20.98
erman Wool Skirt and Stole lengths .. . $20.98






RINGS THE BELL-Slippery Rock signals a
football victory. Bell used to sit atop South
Hal (men's dorm), but authorities, decided it
was dangerous. It now rests near front porch,
and must be rung with clapper manually.

LEARNING THE FUNDAMENTALS'- Combination of seriousness and gali
characterize students' attitude toward athletics. Soccer class divides into tear
"rehearses" games. Building in background is North Hall, women's residence ha

Hill Auditorium

November 18, 1957
8:00 P.M.


TICKE T PRICES $2.00-$1.50-$1.25
Send Mail orders to: Social Directors Office
Julrl~r~i 1_n-.. n Bl .




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