THE MICHIGAN DAILY didate s Discuss Issues, Defend Stanc Cis t at- Ir- ce- Vice Ju- chairman. ttee; nent -"Om unest tional y Col- ize and dents and to present new ideas to the council. Although I do not consider this an irrevocable stand, I do not see any need, at the pres- ent time, for a change in either the size or composition. 2) The primary interest of SGC should be the academic well being of the University community. The initiation of an honor ;system, academic counseling, scheduling of final exams at registration time, and other ideas have been dis- cussed in the past by the council. SGC should be concerned with keeping the University a place of free inquiry, debates, and discus- sion. Towards this goal the coun- cil. has set up a Forum Committee to bring speakers to the University to debate on various controversial issues. Such a program should be started and enlarged. The council cannot stop working on those projects. However, we should be concerned with both tl aims and the methods of education here at the University. I firmly be- lieve ttat students are qualified to havea voice on faculty curriculum committees, and that they could be very helpful in forming new courses: and evaluating old ones. SGC must also be concerned, in this age of expansion and increas- ing enrollment, about the place of idividual needs in our University and, in connection with this prob- lem , possible futu e proposals to install' television and other organs of mass media to supplement the present classroom situation. Stu- .ents should be vitally concerned over these and similar areas, which may one day revolutionize Ameri- can public education. 3) I do not feel that SOC should require any one specific thing of sigma Kappa. The sororitynow stands in vilation, of University regulations according to the SGC motion of Des. 5, 1956, and should be allowed to choose its own meth- od of alleviating the present situa- tion. Reinstating the two suspend- ed chapters, if the Negro girls are still members should be an obvious solution to the problem. However, it is difficult to anticipate all the actions the National Convention might take. I sincerely hone that the nhational ,takes some action significat to all concerned, so that the local chapter will be able to continue its, present etcellent record at Michigan. dent representatives on this com- mittee can become recognized' for their own valuable contributions. I feel that here is an excellent place for SOC. to help students in their quest for intellectual de- velopment. 3) At this time it would be un- fair to state what Sigma Iappa must do in their 1958 National Convention. SOC should allow them to act freely and to decide alone what policy they wish to make or revise. Upon this policy SOC can then decide whether or not Sigma, Kappa remains in vio-. lation of University regulations. To list the activities and serv- ices SOC has inaugurated for stu- dents since Its birth on campus three . years ago would take too much time and space. I really feel, that in this comparatively short time, SOC has proved itself worthy of student trust and ideals. sGC To Use STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL SAMPLE BALLOT Any Student Enrolled in the University May Vote INSTRUCTIONS: Put the figure "1" in the square C] opposite the' name of your first/choice, the figure "2" in the square [] opposite the name of your second choice, the figure "3" in the square [1 opposite the name of your third choice, and so on. You may vote for as many can- didates as you wish. The more choices which you express in this manner, the greater is the possibility that your vote will help to elect one of them. EXAMPLE w CANDIDATE "A" CANDIDATE "B" CANDIDATE "C" Fs-1 CANDIDATE "E" CANDIDATE "F" CANDIDATE "FW ----------------- ---------- LI LI / LI LI LI EIJ DAN BELIN DAVID BRAY JOE COLLINS I l Li r JO HARDEE DON KOSTER LINDA RAINWATER; MORT WISE LOIS WURSTER 1) At present, there is need for greater 'communication between the student body and SGC, due in part, to the size of the Council and manner of its election. An increase in the number of elected members. would improve the ratio between elected and ex - officio members (now 11 to seven) and would pro- vide wider representation./ h In increasing' the size of the Council, a districting system is' necessary to achieve meaningful - communication and representation, or goals. One answer to this-prob- Although much consideration ;lem is a seminar program con- necessarily must precede such a ducted by undergraduates, the step, one neans of changing the aims of which would be to deter- present procedures is to increase mine individual goals, relate class- the Council from 11 to 18 elected room work to these, develop sound members, nine to be elected each study attitudes and practices, and semester from three, three-mem- encourage a sense of common in- bered districts. This would im- terest and purpose among stu- prove contact, encourage a better dents. informed electorate, and create Through faculty participation, a more incentive for competent can- greater feeling of mutual concern didates. with mutual problems would be 2) Rising enrollments and their created. Carefully planed, such effects upon the individual student a program should prove valuable and upon physical facilities of the in relating the individual to an University must be a concern of ever-growing academic communi- student government. Every Coun- ty.. cil member should consider means Re-evaluation of the grading of expanding facilities and serv- system with the aim of lessening ices without losing sight of indi- pressures created by superficial vidual needs. Such educational standards .and plans for special aids as instructional television and sections in basic courses suited to utilization of selected undergradu- different interest levels are fur- ates as discussion-group leaders ther areas of Council interest. are possible solutionsto the prob- 3)Reinstatement at the 1958 lem of limited faculty. Convention of the Tufts chapter Another program applicable in including the Negro girl pledged some areas is more individual in 1958 would be positive proof of learning outside the classroom un- Sigma Kappa's adherence to Uni- der the guidance of a faculty versity regulations. However, it member. would be prejudging the case to With increasing enrollments, the consider this action the only un-. student may believe the Univer- quesitonable act of good faith ac- sity to be a "factory for learning" ceptable before knowing the pro- unconcerned with, and therefore ceedings of the National Conven- not fulfilling, his personal needs tion.x Lots r- Wurs ter I Jo Hardee SGC, former elections director, chairman, speakers' b u r e a u; Daily reviewing staff; secretary,- Michigan region of National Student Association; Interna- national Affairs Vice-President. BERT A. GETZ MAYNARD GOLDMAN VIRGIL GRUMBLING LI LI I Council Plans SG Evaluation - Shoi By TORY CHAPMAN "An evaluation of SGC by SGC is one of the main project calendar for the coming year," accordiig to Administrativ President Ron Shorr. A new evaluation committee plans to begin work imm looking into various internal programs of the council, faculty ministration organizations. Many problems arise within the University which inclu three groups because they are so closely connected. Since they constantly overlap in their functions, a ser vestigation in this area is necessary to distinguish what a' each part of the University has inf' different cases and what rights belong to each of these units, + Shorr said.. Fallowing the dompletionf of the Campus Chest drive, a study will ->5 be made by SGC concerning the' total donations and operation of the entire campaign. Unified Drive - "It seems to be'the opinion of some that a single unified drive may not be as successful or desir- able as the previous separate cam- paigns," Shorr added. Problems major and minor will be included in the SGC evalua- tion which may take a year or , continue for an indefinite period of time depending on the issues that require study. Members of SGC have previous- ly attended City Council meet- ings. Future' plans include the continued promotion of better re- lations, expressed student opinion and strong cooperation for the student body with the city. Work Together "Since Ann Arbor's Chamber of Commerce represents about 50,- 000 people and SGC represents Acacia fraternity SG( more directly over 23,000 of this dent activities committei population through the Univer- stitutions; counseling stu sity, it is important that both or- mittee-academic counseli ganizations work together on mu-' committee; Jun or Inter tual problems,"-Shorr commented. nity Council. One of the previous problems of concern between these two 1) In order for the co groups was the parking restric- operate effectively the size tions of the City Council -in Ann group must of necessity Arbor which included necessary snmall. The seven ex-offici parking areas of the University. berk provide experienced In the past students have had ship and the eleven tem the opportunity to tour Europe large should effectively re in the summer. The rates have the entire stuient body. ' been lower on planes sponsored ministration Wing of SGC ] by the University. excellent opportunity for a Promotion of more available, dent or group of students' efficient and inexpensive summer material to the attention excursions for students is a fu-Council. ture project of the council. Therefore, I do not fe Increasing Enrollments either the size or compos Within a few weeks the council the Council should be cha plans to organize a committee on the present time. Of cour increasing "enrolments which is may alter the situation. Du hoped to be on a high advisory changsatsoe lterate level. necessary in order to ha' The dropping of student book quate representation. exchange by the Union placed it 2) It is to be assumed I in an SGC category. Since the e-y change is a valuable student serv- primary reason for every'y ice, the council plans to extend attending the Uniersity academi pupse.Frth and improve this asset for student to be assumed that acaden use, Shorr said. should be the biggest "acti Cinemascope movies are very the students. Therefore popular, but their use is, limited at SGC is to express student the University. and work toward the inte The small architectural audi- the students, there is no a torium cannot accommodate cine- area with which students a mascope movies and it is almost cerned, with which SGC impossible to obligate another ap- not concern itself. propriate location for the four Presently SGC is concer night weekend elsewhere for a self with the counciling se showing of these pictures. the University, "honors pr SGC is looking into the possi- in various curriculums, . bility of obtaining a better audi- honor system for taking e torium with.a large cinemascope LSA. The solutions to pro screen and "comfortable" seats, any of these areas are a r me. The ed for a e present ve. Many ms have i Dan ie tin Stu- cted not inda Ater dpha Xi Delta sorority; Chair- nan, League dance classes; eague Council; .Circle; Co-, airman of Homecoming dis- lay for Alice Lloyd-1957. The rationale behind SGC, Zen the student body approved in December of 1954, -was ex- lent, and it still is. By having ly 18 members, the Council ould be able to work together ectively and complete worth- ile projects. The Council's com- sition, with seven ex-officio and werr elected members, is suffi- unt. In seven ex-officios the uncil is provided with experi- ced leadership. With eleven cted representatives campus mnpetition is keen, increasing ndidates caliber. and quality. ly three years have elapsed ce SOC was formed and the ionale for its size and compo ion are still effective. 2) Student Government plays important role in the educa- rial process, both in the train- it gives the students involved, d in the contribution- it makes the institution's educational obi tives. The development of in- lectual faculties is the student's in goal, and to help him hieve this goal, student govern- 'nts are organized. With this al in mind it becomes quite dent thai student government )uld be concerned with all aca- nic areas. At present SGC is ive in some academic areas. e to their efforts an earlier Hare Method In Vote Tally Voting for Student Government Council candidates is simple, ac- cording to retiring SOC member Janet Neary, '58, although count- ing the votes under the Hare sys- tem is admittedly complex. All that need concern the voter as he casts his ballot is number- ing the candidates from one to eleven in order of preference. Al- though it is not necessary to list all eleven, it will be seen that ach position on the list becomes a vote, and may elect or defeat a candidate. The basic idea behindthe Hare system ; is that of, proportional popularity of the candidates. First, of course, the votes are sorted to eliminate, void ballots. The good ballots are next sorted into piles according to the candi- date they list as first choice. The number of good ballots in all the piles determines the quota for election on the first count. The total number of valid ballots at this point is divided by the num- ber of positions to be filled plus one. One is added to this quotient to produce the first quota. For example, in this election, if there are 7000 valid ballots, this number will be divided by seven, the num- ber of spaces open plus one. One Meniber of SGC; SGC campus affairs committee; adviser, SGC Student Activities Committee; Strauss House President; IHC campus affairs committee chair- man; IHC s iolarship commit- tee chairman/ ' ' 1) I do not think that the size of the Council should be changed at the present time. Council members have the 'esponsibility to keep in touch with different groups and different persons, and to hear their opinions concerning the council's projects. In this way, the Council can effectively repre- sent. student opinion. An 18 member body does not have the disadvantages of larger groups, such as difficulty in 'co- ,ordinating projects, and control- ling meetings. The Council could be more ef- fective if there were a fuller utili- zation of the existing committee structure. If committees, when reporting to the Council, would present their reports with alter- native plans clearly defined, the Council could spend less time try- ing to determine various alterna- ,tives and more time determining which alternative was best. This would. not only save the Council time, but also would insure sounder decisions. 2) The academic area is proba- bly the most important of all SGC areas. Work is being done in aca- demics right now. The counseling study committee is functioning, as is the honors council' commit- tee. Work is being done to pre- sent the exam schedule before registration. However, these are not the only academic projects which should concern SGC. The Council should establish a committee which would be in close contact;witi the students. It would be the function of this committee to evaluate the curriculum from the student's point of view - suggesting im- provements for existing courses, and suggesting different courses which would be of interest. SGC must continue to work with the administration in plan- ning for the expected enrollment increase. Plans must be made to expand cultural facilities as well as classroom - facilities, so that added students can take advan-' tage of concerts, lectures, etc. 3) The basis for the SGC de- cision that Sigma Kappa was in violation of the University regula-, tion against discriminatory mem- bership policies was the with- drawal and suspension by nation- al Sigma Kappa, of two chapters which had pledged Negro girls. The sorority could prove itself no longer in violation of University regulations in several ways. If, at this summer's national conven- tion, Sigma Kappa reinstates either chapter while a Negro stu- dent is still a member, or if a lo- cal chapter pledges a Negro girl this year, before the National convention, and is not suspended or withdrawn at that convention, I believe SGC would have the necessary proof. It is difficult to anticipate other action which would prove !that Sigma Kappa is' not in violation. Sigma Kappa sorority; chair- man, Soph. Show costumes. 1) Experience shows that a council of compact size operates more efficiently than a large body. This view is demonstrated in the history of Student Legisla- ture, a body of about 40 members which proved to be clumsy and inefficient. The seven ex-officio members of the present council provide. ex- perienced leadership and the elev- en elected members adequately re- present student opinion. The deficiency of campus ideas being brought to SGC cannot be attributed to composition or size,. but to lack of interest within the student body itself. 2) The academic area which I believe needs a detailed study and evaluation is the counseling serv- ices. One weakness that I. found in the service is that many coun- selors' knowledge is limited to re- quirements within his particular school. Counselors who are well versed in requirements and courses of all colleges could better serve, the undecided student. 3) Last winter SGC ruled Sigma Kappa in violation of University regulation on the grounds that its constitution held an unwritten bias clause. Since it is impossible to re- write such a clause, correction in policy must be made elsewhere in the organization of the sorority. It is my belief that the constitu- tion of Sigma Kappa could be amended to allow representative active and alumni members to dis- cuss and vote upon the suspension or revoking of the Charter of a particular chapter. This would pre- vent reoccurrance of a situation where charges for suspension were vague and unjustified as in the cases of Tufts and Cornell. I believe, also, that a provision: should be made in the constitution whereby the Dean of Women at the university of such a chapter would be questioned and informed in detail of any charges against the Sigma Kappa Chapter in- volved. If Sigma Kappa passed these amendments and a situation simi- lar to that at Tufts and Cornell, re - occurred, the Sigma Kappa' chapter at the University should have its recognition immediately' withdrawn. Personal Suggestion: My personal suggestion for SGC improvement is a more intense candidate training program to in- form candidates of current issues and projects. I also feel that SGC files should be open to candidates who desire complete information about committee work. Although candidates with coun- cil experience would' benefit little from such study, candidates whose sole connection with SGC is through The Daily would receive added information for necessary understanding of the councils views, actions, and aspirations. DEFINITE ADVANCES: Neary Lists SGC Accomplishments Since Last Spring Shorr concluded. NISA 'Provides 'U' Students With, Training Janet Neary, '58, Student Gov- ernment Council executive vice- president, says that the major ad- vantages of belonging to the Na- tional Student Association lie in the opportunity for leadership training and the opportunity for increasing awareness cf student problems. The NSA represents almost one million students in approximately 380 schools NSA Benefits Miss Neary said that much of the direct benefit to be gained from the NSA goes to the students who take part in the regional' meetings and the annual Con- gress. She emphasized tht much could be gained in discussing issues such as segregation with students from all parts of the nation. SGC sends from 14 to 21 Uni- versity students to each Congress, depending on the funds available. Usually included in this number are representatives from every major campus organization. the joint cooperation of stu< faculty, and administration.' Many 'times the exact prob are not apparent until ade polling of student opinion i corded-E and the results tabul So far as the opinion of any n ber of SGC concerning solutic problems in this area, no op should be formed until the t lated data is in his hands. 3) Under the democratic sy a person or group -is innocent proven guilty. Therefore, in opinion, SGC needs to re-exa the evidence and to prove une ocally that Sigma Kappa sor is in violationof University re tions. However,' since the charge been made that Sigma Kappa violation of University regulat the sorority and the local chi owe: it to SOC and to the e: s t u d &n t body to disprove charges that have been ma they can do so. The burden this falls to Sigma Kappa and should not stipulate the mea. which the sorority chooses t to disprove the charges. Student Government Council has accomplished several things since its election last March, ac- cording to Executive Vice-Presi- dent Janet Neary, '58. To name a few of the important completed projects there is the es- tablishment of the Student Health Insurance and ,the accomplish- ments on the University Calendar, Forum and University Lecture committees. It has also made definite ad- vances on current area studies such as the South East Asia Dele- gation, increased enrollments, es- tablishment of an honor system committee was established, and re- sulted in removing two days from the calendar, January 3 and 4, which extended the previously scheduled return frorr Christmas vacation by three days. This was done as a result of strong student opinion on the mat- ter, which SGC brought to the at- tention of the committee. An SGC recommendation to the Regents that two students be ac- cepted as voting members of the University Lecture Committee was approved. Two weeks ago, the Council anroved a motion of the Forum ministration and students to study the effects and the desirability of further enrollment expansion and the policies necessary to cope with it. The Honor System Study Com- mittee has been continuing work on the feasibility of establishing. an Honor System, non-proctored exams, in the literary college. Its recommendations will be brought to SGC. International Center Another SGC committee is di- rected to compile information and make recommendations on the role of the International Center+ on activate Phi Lambda Kappa, na- tional medical fraternity, on the campus. Students had submitted a reactivation petition to the Coun- cil. SGC initiates many projects, which are then delegated to vari -ous campus organizations. Student Book Exchange, air flight to Eu- rope, sale of NSA tours were all delegated to the Union; the Home- coming Dance was put under the sponsorship of the Union and League. The Council reflected student concern in a statement relating to a suggested substantial increase DON'T