THE T~lE WIGEAN fDAILY ('M' Drills Take All Week' Senate Hears Exam Plan,1 Charity Fund Wednesday afternoon the League heard reports presented by Ron- ald Gregg, '60, on the proposed Honor Code for Examinations in the Literary College and Joe Sher- man, '59BAd, on Campus Chest. Gregg, chairman of the faculty- student committee set up to look] into the feasibility of the honor] code said they 1) tried to find out whether the code would work and 2) determine the best method to carry out an adequate system. N Objectives He listed the five objectives of an Honor System: i) To encourage and promote the strong sense of responsibility in the individual student 2) To give realistic train- ing to students ,through self-disci- pline. 3) To strengthen self gov- ernment of students, as the stu- dents would decide the infractions themselves. 4)To promote better scholarships by each student doing his own work. 5) To insure an at- mosphere less likely to have ten- 'sion connected with proctoring. Campus Chest Sherman reported that the in- terest and awareness of Campus Chest was gratifying, but that "we fell down in several areas."° He specified weak areas: admin- istration of the drive, shortage of manpower, education, lack of soli- citation of unorganized housing and the fraternity collections. Attitudes were partially respon- sible he felt. It is hard to have a successful drive and not put the students under undue 'stress, he added. n t eJowdet By ANN EICHLER Grab your partner and promenade all..,.. Tomorrow night Scott House, South Quad, will have a square dance with Grey Austin calling. Tonight Gilbert and Sullivan will have square dances and tomorrow Psi Omega will take their turn. Costumed figures will "find" their ways to the Chi Phi and Delta Theta Phi houses tomorrow night dressed in an array of nightclothes for pajama parties, and those in attire imitating that of the comic strip characters from Dogpatch will go to the Alpha Tau Omega house. Chi Omega girls and their dates will cress tonight as hunters making their ways through the jungle. Allen Rumsey and Chicago houses will sponsor record dances to- night, and residents of Gomberg house and their dates will dance to "songs on the discs" tomorrow. Ray Euker's Band will play music for Kappa Alpha Psi pledge class dance. Ping pong, dancing, and refreshments will be found tomorrow night at the Huber house party at the Fresh Air Camp, while Sunday the Phi Delta Phi will have a dinner-party. Nu Sigma Nu will have an open house tomorrow. Other houses on campus having parties will be Trigon, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Delta Tau' Delta and'Strauss house. SJeweled coca Collars Add that touch of tasteful glamour to your Dresses and Sweaters. at $2.00 and $3.00 Jeweled Bibs of pearls, gold and silver from $2.00 0i Main Shop on Forest CAMPUS off South U. TOGS O.P. South University o Campus Theaterj ust off Fast U. oc1c Friday Evening Service Hillel Foundation Friday, Nov. 8, 7:30 P.M., Chapel Dedicated to INTERNATIONAL WEEK 1429 Hill Street Miss Amber Van, Protestant Counselor for Internat Students, will speak on "The World at Our Doorst Subscribe to ThMihgnDaily 3 A ew Classic Sweater ribbed front and ba( up to its beautiful baeuncln -Daily-Eric Arnold ON PAPER ... plans for the stunts are set up. BLOCK 'M'-In action the cowboy stunt looks like this. I ady . . . up . . . one, two, .. down. lowing these instructions each , 1,305 students in Block "M" tain football audiences at time with ingenious flash- stunts. ck "M," sponsored by Wolver- Dlub is matched in perform- .only by a number of West t schools. e preparations for this half- exhibition entail many hours from students. Work begins Tuesday night. At the Block Central Committee meeting', s used the previous week are wed., Use Rolling Tricks novations proposed are dis- d. Rolling tricks -- grod4ing rut trees and script writing - ew this-year. the same meeting, new stunts International 4 ilversity international stu- s accompanied by Allan s, instructor in the English artment, recently toured nfield Village and the Ford urn in Dearborn. e bus tour, first of the Inter- nal Center Series, acquainted gri students with points of est in this area. for' the coming week are intro- ducei. If the stunt receives the committee's approval, a copy of it is given- to the productions com- mittee so that they can prepare the instruction cards for students to follow. Another copy of the stunt is given to the poster committee.' They draw up a print of the stuntI so- that the Block members can see their formation. Distribute Copies A third copy of the stunt is given to the public relations chair- man, who prints it in the Block "M" News. The paper stunts and innovations to be used.! During the remainder of the week, various committees prepare for Saturday's program. On Friday afternoon, the facilities committee sorts the instructions cards and capes. Ten minutes before their half- time performance, members of the coordinating committee distribute the cards and capes to members of the Block. As the final products of many hours of work are seen by football audiences, two photographers take color movies and slides of the Block "M" in action. These pic- tures can be shown to the public later in the year. Block "M" Co-chairmen are Carolyn Fisher, '58, and Michael Rolfe, '59. Other members of the Central Committee are: Judy Meyers, '60, assistant chairman; Helen Horwitz, '60, membership chairman; Sue Sargoy, '59, design chairman; Virginia Carlton, '60,; public relations chairman; Gail Sloan, '60, posters chairman; Carol Rice, '60, productions chairman; James Shapiro, '60, co-ordinations chairman; and Dick Freedman, '60, facilities chairman.', knite e soft of Virgin wool a League To Sponsor Talks f !y .. On European Travel Tours ALL from INDIA " HANDBAGS and BELTS TO MATCH - * FILIGREE JEWELRY * TURQUOISE NECKLACE and EARRINGS at INDIA ART 'SHOP 330 MAYNARD STREET A ==o< '() A } # " >{G : U4 }.e fit}-(X==>0< BABY.. 't C ld Outside! Sno-Moc Gaytees give the go-by to Jack Frost. Fleece linings, fur cuffs, feel mighty warm at football games-or trudging about in bad weather. Flat soics and heels accommodate any shoes. Black, Bro wn, Beige, White 95, " r' CAMPUS BOOT ERY 304 South State Street .. r n ( 21 ve a Pipe forChristmas the LASTING gift Christmas Stock of Q Pipes has arrived . from London SHOP EARLYS Your Selection is assured. USE OUR CONVENIENT LAY-A-WAY $1.00 Holds Your Gift Monday thru Friday 'til 9, Saturday 'til 5 PIPE b CENTER 118 East Huron - Opposite County Bldg. - Ph. NO 3-6236 GAY SPAIN-Scenes similar to this bullfight will be seen and "talked about" Tuesday and Wednesday at travel conferences in the League. Travel conferences, sponsored by the League Orientation Committee, will be held at. 7:15 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday in the Hussey Room of the League. National Student Association tours will be explained by Linda Green, '59, chairman of the com- mittee. Janet Neary, '58, will speak on the organization of NSA and a past participant of one of the tours will tell of her experiences. The main purpose of the NSA is to strengthen relations between European and American students. Emphasis is placed on relations with students in the countries visited. Promote Good Will Miss Green explains, "Another goal is the promotion of good will and understa'nding with other countries." Included in the program will be a general European film which will "orient" those attending to the continent. "All the tours," Miss Green ex- plains, "are guided by university students. Students may leave the tour whenever they wish, because we feel that the college student is mature enough to take the respon- sibility." Special tours are arranged for BROWN, GREY, YELLOW, BEIGE, LIGHT BLUE : 895 those interested in major Euro- pean music festivals and art museums. Other tours see five or six countries, "We 'feel that its better to see a smaller group and get to know them better," explains Miss Green. "Transportation on the tours is "by ship," Miss Green adds. Classes giving the student special orienta- tion to the countries he will visit and an introduction to the langu- age will be held on board. "We hope to have an orientation' program for those who go here on campus in the spring-with the help of International students," Miss Green said. r ,; ' ,. ' 4 ~ w,. - ; 1212 SOUTH UNIVERSI CAMPUS"THEATRE BUIL 0 I ,_ I..t I 4 A_ Ooh Ooh!! Newl NewI Your Campus favorites with warm f.. .., ., . N... ,. .'. > {{ i.ti % : { v ,.; .n: ;:. h,:i t.t f j ; i; ,.,.. v, :. :1 'y Y: :v "4) . > 1 j, r9 .+ r # Cf fleece lining @0* While ,They 0 Last The price of the Daily has fallen!, s * 0 " 0 I[ 1' I I VNIP y.