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September 16, 1957 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1957-09-16

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A broad program has
scheduled this year by the

'U' Museums Offer Variec


-Daly-Richard Moss
s and Little Fishes" is .the name given to the fountain at the
at the University. In the background is Burton Tower.





ary College Steering Committee.
Established in 1947, the com-;
mittee serves as a sounding board
for student and faculty iopinion on
existing campus problems.
Its 15 student members do not
have power to rule on problems
but can bring out campus prob-
lems and make suggestions to such
organizations as Student Govern-
ment Council.;
Whenever matters of particular
concern to the campus arise, the
committee holds a confgrence for
the entire campus. It discusses
such. matters as counselling, in-
tellectual apathy, integration of
curricula, and the honors system.
Meets With Faculty
The committee also gets togeth-
er with faculty committees, such
as the preparatory honors com-
mittee on making the curriculum.
more flexible, and with various
professors. Itsintends to meet with
Prof. Robert Angell of tho ociol-
ogy department this year to dis-
cuss the honors curriculum.
"We are going to revise our
scedule to include more campus
conferences, include a faculty
member at our meetings in order
to meet in a more disciplined fash-'
ion, devise schedules, and send in-
vitations to freshmen," Leslie
Dietz, '58, committee chairman,
"The committee should no
longer be jUst an elite seeming
group known, to a select few," she
Final examinations, academic
questions, investigation of how to
get more money for scholarships
and make them known to slu-
dents, effectiveness of teaching
fellows, and how to decrease the
discrepancy between students and
faculty are some of the topics the.
"committee plas for discussion
this year.
The board is predominantly
comprised of upperclassmen and
advised by Prof. James Robertson;
Assistant Dean of the Literary
College. No freshmen can serve
on the committee. All students are.
admitted by petition and inter-
The committee may adopt a pol-
icy of accepting petitions twice a'
year inorder to give the commit-
tee more continuity and mIore
turnover of ideas and projects,
Miss Dietz said.

Whether you are a nature lover
or a rock collector, whether you
want to study fossils or lose your-
self in Egyptian artifacts, one of
the University's museums should
interest you.
Largest although least known,
is that impressive structure on the
corner of Washtenaw and North
University known as the Museum
of Natural.Sciences.
There are actually five separate
and independent museums in this
building, four of which are de-
voted to research and the fifth
having charge of the various dis-
plays open to the public.
The Research Museum of Zool-.
ogy, headed by Prof. Theodore
Hubbell of the zoology department,
is one of the largest and most com-
prehensive in the nation. It con-
tains more than 6,000,000 speci-
mens, of which Michigan fauna
are particularly plentiful.
Americas Displayed
There are several collections
covering the United States as a
whole and, in some cases, Mexico
and Central' America. "Our, view
of the rest of the world is synop -
tic," explained Prof. Hubbell, "and
used mainly for comparison pur-
In the three divisions, verte-
brates, mollusks and insects, varied
research }s continually going on.
Fvolutional and natural history of
animals are primary topics of in-
terest in these studies, a'lthough
each of the nine staff members is
engaged in a different phase of
Two types of publications, tech
nical in nature, are put out by this
The Occasional Papers, of which
600 have been published to date,

PALEONTOLOGY MUSEUM - Showcase upon showcase show
realistic views of life during the various periods of the earth's
history. -

museum outn
to one.
collection in
the Kelsey M1
located at 43
This collect
ed, as have m;
seum pieces,
tions which
due to low fu
world situatio
The researc
Roman towns
ed this museu
plete picture
in a Romar

for all


unique achi
On the se
seum varic
such as tom
household s
Also, ther
ed "Egyptie
is found th
little Egypti
well as statu
of various c
Chief an
"Book of t
up one side

equal the
>or. Of the

Books This EASY Way-
Rush and Confusion at the Book-
the First Day of Classes -by Fill-
ie Blank 'Below and Mailing to,


3ooks will be ready for you to pick
ig Orientation Week. (Please cancel
er if you are unable to attend school

...in the anthropology museum



MagazineTells of Alumni


ALL BOOKS to be REQUIRED texts and -
to supply the RIGHT book for each course
-- FULLY RETURNABLE if a course is



ULRICH'S has the lrgest stock of USED
and New textbooks for ALL courses on cam-.
pus. I f used books are available, Ulrich's
will have them.
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I Prefer 0" Good Used Q New Books
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Alumni keep in touch with, the
University through The Michigan
Alumnus, published by the Alum-"
ni Association.
The Alumnus .is published in
three editions a total of 21 times
a year.:
Perhaps best known of the edi-
tions is the slick magazine issued
monthly from October to July. It
contains news about the Univer-
sity, interviews withi nationally
prominent alumni, news of alum-
ni clubs throughout the.sworld and'
achievements of individuals who
have attended the University.
Publishes Quarterly
Four times a year, in March,
May, August and December, the
100-page Quarterly Review is pub-
Included are stories, articles,
book reviews and poetry written
by faculty members, alumni and,
occasionally, students. Texts of
important speeches given at the
University are frequently printed
in the Review.

Each fall there are seven weekly
football editions. These four page
papers give special features on.
Michigan football as well as de-,
tailed accounts of the games.
Harold M. Wilson, '42, Alumnus'
managing editor, who is in charge
of the football edition, explained
that many alumni get only brief
reports about Michigan games.
and like to read more detailed ac-
He said many who doRlive close
enough to Ann Arbor to get de-
tailed stories of the games in their'
local papers enjoy the special in-
sight into Michigan football as a
whole that the football, edition
Established in 1894, the Alum-
nus has won many awards dur-
ing the 63 years of publication.
In 1956, it was named the best
alumni magazine in the Great
Lakes region and ,one of the 10;
best in the country by the-Ameri-
can Alumni Council, an associa-
tion of alumni workers from
schools all over the country.

are informative pamphlets which
appear at the rate of about 20 peri
year. The Miscellaneous Publica-
tions are larger, appear from four
to six times per year, and have
already'printed nearly 100 reports.-
Anthropology Shown
The Anthropology Museum, al-
though limited by small bidget, is
active in four fields of research.
The Great Lakes Section studies
are preistoric and early historic
Indian ultures around the Great
Lakes, with special attention paid
to Michigan.
In the Orient Section studies are
made of materials from China,1
Japan and, especially, the Philip-
pines. American Indians from the1
United States, Mexico and Peru
are the topic of study for Arche-
ology; while Ethnology studies ma-
terials from living peoples.
According to Prof. James B.i
Griffin of ,,the anthropology, de-"
partment, dirctor f the Anthro-
pology Museumn, the study of the
New World (American Indians,1
etc.) is the field in which this
department most excels.
The Herbarium, :under direction
of Prof. Edwin Mains of the botany
departmenit, is concerned chiefly
with study of the classification ahd
distribution of various plants.
522,ooo Displayea
With 522,000:specim6s ondis
play and another 200,000 stored,
the museum constitutes one of the
largest college museums of its type
in the country.
Research is done in the divisions
of vascular plants (Flowering
plants or fern), briophytes (Moss,
liverworts) ..lichens, fungi and
algae. Special study is now being
done. on thevascular plant and
fungi of .Michigan.
Peerhaps the best known of the
five museums is the Exhibit Mu-'
seum open to the public seven days
a week. With Irving Reimann over-
seeing matters, the :exhibit staff is
responsible for all the public dis-
Evolution Shown
The second floor Hall of Evolu-
tion gives a picture of life through
fossils starting from the Mid Cam-
bian period. With various under-
sea dioramas, it illustrates water
life .in the different periods.
Especially interesting on this
floor are the fossil skeleton of a
dinosaur laid beneath a back-
ground mural illustrating the en-
vironment in which he lived, the
reconstructed skeleton of a masta-
don, and a special alcove showing
fossil plants.
As one mounts to the third floor
which concentrates on Michigan
flora and fauna, one is rather sur-
prised at the guardian of these
portals-in the form of a live gila
monster gazing calmly from his
cage between the second and third
The third floor while it cannot
boast of real live animals to fill
its cases possesses some extremely
life-like stuffed animals in their
native settings.
Flora Displayed
Among the displays of Michigan
flora was a unique display of fungi.
"Pond Micro-Life" a diorama by
Edwin Reiber formed a fascinating
display of the micro-organisms
which inhabit ponds.
The Hall of Life on the fourth
floor combines anthropology and
biology in a series of displays rang-
ing from Polynesian Artifacts to'
human'reproduction and physiol-
ogy. It also contains exhibits con-
cerning heredity and genetics and
various Indian and Eskimo cul-
The Rotunda display, changed
about four times a year, now con-
tains a colorful . exehibit _,of~ sea-
In, the center of the Rotunda
two new show cases form a cir-

cular display.
In one case are to be placed
objects of seasonal interest (such
as the lily-like flower now resid-

special interest in the Museum,
and spot news items.
One Sunday, for example, a
specimen of the now-extinct Lab-
rador Duck was displayed for one
afternoon only..Due to the extreme
rarity and perishability of this
bird, the case was placed under
The Exhibit Museum, Reimann
says, is engaged at the moment in
several projects. One of the, most
important of these is the rear-
ranging and modernizing of var-
ious biological, and paleontological
exhibits to make them interesting
to the. average student.
New cases on the third floor of
the museum will be used for new
conservation exehipits, as well as
those of wild life and fish.
. Moreover, a new displ y. will be
placed in the rotunda-A series of
dioramas. which will. act 'as a key
to the museum exhibits.
Publicity Small
"Although we receive little pub-
licity," Reimann explains, "we
have during a year enough visitors

most inter
ogical and
the collect
and the co
Also nc
minerals a

Accorcung to
director, the exh
one-50th of the
The museum
research purpo
books have, bi
mempers of its s
tic Studies seri
search is being
lamps and coins
be published for
In the hall
Science Buildir

ARCHAEOLOGY MUSEUM -- Kelsey mnseum h
exhibits -dating, to the Book of the Dead's time

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