Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
UN Ignores Soviet Boycott Threat,
Proposes New Disarmament Talks
Satellite Appea
any support outside its own bloc
in opposing the proposal. Among
the 15 nations abstaining were
Syria, Yugoslavia, India, Egypt
and other Arab nations. South Af-
rica was absent.
The vote in the Political Com-
mittee assured the resolution of
formal adoptionby the required
two-thirds approval when it goes
to the General Assembl. Absten-
tions are not counted in determin-
ing the majority.
Many delegates were surprised
at the vote in the view of the So-
viet Union's announcement on
Monday that it would not attend
any more talks in the 12-nation
Disarmament Commission or its
subcommittee as they are now
Intimidation Charged
The- announcement was taken
as presaging a complete break-
down in disarmament talks that
have been going on for more than
10 years under U. N. auspices. The
United States and other Western
Powers charged the Soviet Union
with trying to intimidate the Unit-
ed Nations, but there were no sug-
gestions Moscow was bluffing.
The United States believes the
Soviet Union may change its mind
when the disarmament negotia-
tions actually reconvene if the
Kremlin finds it advantageous to
do so.
West Sponsors
The approved resolution was
sponsored by the United States,
Britain, France and Canada, who
are the four Western members of
the U. N. subcommittee, and 20
other nations.
It would have the subcommittee
give first attention to the princi-
ples behind the Western proposals
turned down by the Soviet Union
in London last August after
months of negotiations.
The West ties suspension. of nu-
clear tests to other disarmament
proposals, including an end to
production of fissionable materials
for war purposes, reduction of
existing nuclear weapons stock-
piles, and a reduction of the num-
bers of men under arms.
G C Advises
Group Study
Of JobiBureau
Student Government Council
recommended last night that the
campus affairs committee study
the Summer Placement Bureau of
the Bureau of Appointments.
The committee is to work "close-
ly" with the administration mem-
bers concerned.
Drake Duane, '58, IHC president,
explained that with increasing
costs of education, the summer
employment bureau takes on added
importance. He said the committee
could make suggestions where it
sees fit.
A move to terminate the Free
University of Berlin program at
the close of the school year was
tabled. The motion called for ex-
amination of other Universities
which might possibly take part in
an alternative program.
Action on the establishment of
some kind of housing committee
was postponed for the second
straight week. The Council de-
feated a move to place three stu-
dents, two of whom would b
Council members, on the existing
University housing committee.
This came after a motion to
recommend termination of the
University housing committee and
the creation of two Council mem-
bers to serve as liaison to the
administration had been with-
Locally, Across
Helper See
Sputnik II
Sputnik II was sighted with the
naked eye over Ann Arbor just
before dawn yesterday by two
members of the Astronomy de-
partment and a member of the
ground observer corps.
Prof. William Liller of the As-
tronomy Department along with
Research Associate Edith Muller
were watching for the satellite
from the Observatory Roof of An-
gell Hall when they spotted the
"moon" 20 degrees above the
horizon in the west at about 6:46
Observer Reports
At approximately the same time
Eugene Williams, '6Med, reported
that he saw the Russian satellite
from the ground observer post on
top of the Union.
Prof. Liller noted that at the
time of observation, "the satellite
was second in brightness only to
Jupiter, had a full white face vis-
ible for more than a minute and
slipped across the sky in a north-
erly direction at about the same
speed as a 'plane."
Photos Taken
During the observation, wlclh
was one of many made across the
nation to attempt to establish a
'definite orbit for the satellite, four
photographs were taken, but the
brightness of the sky made them
difficult to reproduce, according
to Prof. Liller.
He expressed surprise at the
steadiness of the light of this sat-
ellite in comparison with that of
Sputnik I, which he described as'
much more irregular.
Prof. Liller added that the
"Russian moon" may again be
risible over Ann Arbor in about
three weeks, if it remains in thei
sky that long.
Moves West
The astronomer explained that
this is because the dogcarrying
satellite will arrive at this latitude
later each daywhile slipping a
number of degrees to the west.
Scientists, he noted, expect that
it will die at just about the time
when it would again be visible in
Ann Arbor, so that chances of
seeing it again from here are
Cities farther west, however, will <
still be able to see it for several
days, he added. '
UA W Innocent
In TV T rial
DETROIT () - The Unitedl
Auto Workers Union was found
innocent by a Federal Court jury1
today of violating the Corrupt
Practices Act by sponsoring a
series of television programs before
the 1954 election.
The government charged that
the giant union used the duesf
money of members to sponsor po-
litical television programs designed
to influence the elections. Demo-1
cratic candidates for state office
were featured on the telecasts.
The UAW contended the pro-t
grams were intended to keep mem-E
bers of the union informed on cur-r
rent events. '
Citizens Must Change
Attitude on Education
Reorientation of thinking on education was urged by a University
faculty member yesterday.
Prof. H. R. Crane, of the physics department, said that "the situ-
ation of education in international competition, which has been
brought into painful focus by Sputnik, is so urgent that everyone
must re-orient his ideas on the support of education."
"Citizens and alumni, as. well as persons within the Unihrsity,
can be of great help in bringing about this re-orientation," Cranes
Crane stressed that "although we will probably catch up to
the Russians in missiles, unless we change our basic attitudes toward
education we will be in the same
Sight Moon
Track Orbi
Fate of Dog Ur
As Object Tum
embarrassing position when the
next Russian advance is an-
"The alumni can help in two big
ways: first, by instilling in their
children the desire for and ap-
preciation of a good college edu-
cation and, second, by speaking
out for aid to education on the
elementary, secondary and college
level at every opportunity."
More Facilities Needed
If the University is to do its
part in our national attempt to
match and surpass the Russians,
Crane said that "we will need
more laboratory facilities and
faculty and also more scholarship
and fellowship support for the
Prof. Robert W. Pidd, ilso of
the physics department, remarked
that most of the students going
for scientific degrees work their
way through school, go to school
longer than many other fields re-
quire and also take harder courses,
but may learn less than a skilled
Pidd believes that "more gener-
bus fellowship support would en-
courage more students to go into
graduate work in the sciences, but
we must not forget that the en-
tire educational system will need
some revamping."
Dulles, Seeks
New Advice
WASHINGTON (W) - Secretary,
of State Dulles . called in some
Truman administration people
yesterday in his search for new
ideas on how to draw the free
world closer together to meet Rus-
sia's military-scientific " challenge.
In an unexpected move, he met
for two hours and 10 minutes at
the State Department with seven
former officials who served under
President Truman. The men in-.
cluded ex-Army Secretary Frank
Pace and Paul H. Nitze, the State
Department's chief policy planner
when Dean Acheson was secretary
of state.
Conspicuously absent, however,
were Acheson and George Kennav,
former ambassador to Moscow as
well as policy planner. Both have
been highly critical of Eisenhower
administration foreign policy.
Yesterday's gathering reflected
the urgency Dulles is said to feel
about the need for quick new
moves to tie the 15 North Atlantic
Pact nations closer together.
Raise Tuition
To $400
Tuition fees of $400 a year for
Michigan college and university
students were proposed yesterday
by a state legislator.
Sen. Clyde H. Geerlings (R-
Holland) declared in Lansing that
"nobody is paying anything near
their share of the cost of\ their
education." He suggested that ad-
ditional scholarships be offered
to needy students.
Chairman of the Senate tax
study committee, Sen. Geerlings
said a study on the effect of taxes
on Michigan industry would prob-
ably dampen any attempts to pass
new levies in the 1958 session.
As a result, greater economy is
expected in appropriations for
both higher education and mental
health. He said that the state Is
now paying between $1,200 and
$1,400 a year for educating each
of the 90,000 students in tax sup-
ported schools.
"I don't think the public is get-
ing its dollar's worth in either
higher e d u c a t i o n or mental
health," he said.
A "hold the line policy" in the
last legislative session resulted in
no new major taxes and tuition
increases throughout the state
supported schools.
Views Vary
On Meaning
Of Returns'
Two members of the Political
Science Department disagree
somewhat, on the significance of
yesterday's widely scattered local
and state elections.
Ann Arbor's Mayor Samuel J.
Eldersveld of the Political Science
Department said yesterday that
he and his fellow Democrats were
very pleased with the results of
many of the elections and he
called them "A clear and signifi-
cant indication that in the North,
the voters are again voting for a
new kind of liberal Democratic
Meanwhile, Prof. George .'
Peek also of the Political Science
Dept. said that "It is hard to gen-
eralise on the trends of these of f-
year elections because so many 1o-
ca issues and occurences enter
into them."
Referring to the elections in
New York City and in New Jersey
where Democratic Mayor Wag-
ner and Governor Meyner both
won decisively, Mayor Eldersveld
went on to say that "these point
out a growing restiveness of many
voters with the failures of the
Eisenhower administration."
He referred in particular to "the
economic problems and a lag in
seientific advancements at home
and Soviet gains abroad." .
was sighted all across the countr
yesterday, giving scientists the in
formation needed for an accura'
fix of its orbit around the earth.
The Soviet satellite appeared t
be tumbling end over end in i
furious flight at nearly 18,000 mile
an hour. This caused renewe
speculation about the fate
Laika, the little Russian dog ar
nessed inside.
A late report from Moscow, base
on radio signals received from th
satellite, said Laika was still aliv
and in "satisfactory" condition. A
that time Sputnik 17 had been a
for about four days. Soviet scier
tists indicated several days ag
that eccentric movements of tk
'satellite might in time cost tk
dog's life.
Dr. Fred L. Whipple, director o
the Smithsonian Astrophysical Ob
servatory at Cambridge, Mass
said the tumbling is indicated b;
the many reports on the changinr
brightness of the satellite. Observ
ers said sometimes it was as brigl-
as the planet Jupiter and at othe
times looked like a relatively' fair
These changes, Whipple ex.
plain'ed, would be caused by seein
the satellite broadside and the
endwise as it tumbles throug
Red Leaders
Deride U.S.
MOSCOW (M)-Nikita Khrush
chev and Mao Tze-tung, the tw
top men in world commuiism,
madera double-barreled attack
yesterday ion the United States
pointing to its lag on launching
Sputniks and accusing it 'of plot
ting trouble all over the world.
Khrushchev,- the Soviet party
boss, and Mao, the master of Red
China, spoke from the same plat
form before 17,000 delegates in
Moscow from 60 nations to mark
the 40th anniversary of the Bol
shevik Revolution.
Bothpredicted an inevitabl
victory of communism over cap
italism. Both proclaimed a. desir
for world peace.
Khrushchev proposed a world
summit conference to rule out th
possibility of another big war. H
said the enormous devastation o
such a war would be the death o
capitalism and he made a plea fo
an understanding especially with
the United States on disarma
Today and tomorrow will be
the last days for Asian Flu preven-
tive inoculations at Health Serv-
Health Service Director, Dr.
Morley Beckett, yesterday said,
"this (the influenza inoculation
program) is an organization which
detracts from other departments
and cannot be maintained indef-
Health Service estimated 150
students received inoculations yes-
terday, bringing the total, since
the beginning of the program
Tuesday to approximately 350.
-Dr. Beckett said, extra nurses
had to be hired to administer the
shots and a basement room was
converted for this purpose.
Polio vaccine, Dr. Beckett #aid,
will be available to students on
Monday, Nov. 11. '"Most students
have already received two of the
necessary three inoculations
against polio," Dr. Beckett said,
"and we would like to take care
of them Monday."
Price for a polio inoculation, as
for, an Influenza shot, is $1.00.
Time schedule for both types of
inoculation is eight to 11:45 a.m.
and from one to 4:30 p.m.
Dr. Beckett said the price rise
over the previous price of 65 cents
for a Polio shot is necessitated by
"material and personnel costs."
Predicts New
Flu Epidemic
WASHINGTON (P-An author-
Speaking immediately before
Prof. Boulding, Prof. Bretton said
that Soviet ideology should be re-
jected because after 40 years it
has demonstrated its total uncon-
cern with the well-being of hu-
manity under its control.
Shiv Dayal from India, speak-
mg in favor of the motion, said
that disarmament could be shown
to be inpracticable for- technical
reasons alone. Thomas David, also
from India, attempted to show
that there was really no disarma-
ment question after all.
Sell Directory
The 1957 Student Directory will
go on sale at 8 a.m. tomorrow,
according to Mal Walker, '58E,
directory editor.
Sandburg Leaves A nn Arbor After Tour of Phoenix Project
College Funds
Request Set
By Sallade
LANSING (W--Rep. GeorgeI
Sallade (R-Ann Arbor) said toc
he will ask the next legislature :
a million dollars in special edue
tion funds.
"New avenues of approach a
going to be needed if we ever a
to regain the scientific leadersh
apparently lost to the Sov
Union," Sallade said. "State go
ernment has a greater respom
bility for providing adequate fun
for Michigan's education syster
Sallade said Rep. D. J. Massog
(R-Laurium) would join him
introducing three bills to prov
the money for special scholarshi
graduate research funds and
student loan fund.
He proposed a $250,000 scholi
ship fund to provide 250 schol1
Poet-author-singer Carl Sand-
burg left Ann Arbor yesterday.
His exit took him through the
University's Phoenix Project and
along United States Highway 23,
and he gave an almost equal
amount of attention to each.
Sandburg was highly impressed
with the Phoenix Project and its
workers. As the tiny entourage
wandered through the huge com-
plex,'he murmured, "Every square
yard brings another mystery."
asked, "when the first cyclotron
smashed the first atom?" The
guide admitted that no one knew,
to which Sandburg responded,
'what a pity.'
He also asked with a wink, "does
the drinking water contain any
radioactive material?"
But Sandburg was most im-
pressed with "the cave," the glass-
enclosed cases used to transfer
radioactive material by means of
mechanical "hands" both inside
and outside.
when the party returned to the
lobby. "I feel like I've been for a
long swim," he said slowly, "in
dark, winding waters."
In the guest book, he made the
notation that he was calling on
"Mr. Nuclear Era."
During the ride to the airport,
Sandburg kept up a running line
of comment on any thoughts that
happened to come to him from the
passing landscape.
Discussions Vary
UP 4'.'. in -.'ar.n, . - - L. - -n -