Sixty-Eighth Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
bT 1
Campus Chest Drive
Absolutely Not Needed
"Comrades, A Toast -"
h ,
1 ,"
To The Editor
Financing Education . .
To the Editor:
THE POLEMICS- of Mr. Elsman's column recently gives a simple-
minded response to a very complex problem. The Josephs Report
urged that college tuition be raised to perhaps twice its present level.
Why? For the simple reason that the faculty is currently underpaid.
As the plan stated, it is the faculty which subsidizes the educa-
tion of all students today, whether they need help financially or, not.
Is it fair that the faculty, by taking less pay than they deserve
or less than they could get in in -______________
dustry, should subsidize the edu-
cation of all students? DAILY
Given a doubling of qualified
applicants for higher education in OFFICIAL
1970, will there be enough faculty
to teach them? Certainly not if BULLETIN
salaries are so unattractive. The
result is likely to be inferior
teaching or classes via TV. The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
But if the colleges are to pay sity of Michigan for which the
their faculties more, where will Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
the money come from? Already torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
the rivae clleg pas 50per Room 3519 Administration Build-
cent of the cost of educating each ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
student from non-student fees: publication. Notices for Sunday
while the public college pays 80 Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday,
per cent of the cost from non-stu-
dent fees. WEDNESDAY, NOVElBER 6, 1957
By raising faculty salary this
gap will be expanded and by tak-
ing twice as many students, the General Nonces
'HERE IS ABSOLUTELY no need for a
Campus Chest-type unified drive on this
mnpus, as the failure of the most recent drive
clearly points up.
Certainly, one could invent reasons for the
k of success of the drive. "Student apathy"
ild be made the whipping boy. Or the Chest's
blicity, or even the number of buckets out
ght be open to criticism. It's even possible
at these criticisms could be justified. But this
aIly is not the answer.
Campus Chest was created to spare students
e "agony," or even inconvenience, of having
give money to three or four bucket drives
ich were spaced throughout the year.
But this is little more than a joke. We suspect
at if student had been polled on this issue,
w would have been aware they were contrib-
ing to four drives a year, and even less would
ye found such contributions any more irk-
me than the one campus drive. In other words,
ident solicitations for charity by student
nips was not and is not a problem on this
ITY UNIFIED DRIVES have a definite value.
Many residents complain of being pestered
year long for money for this cause or that
use, and a unified drive becomes almost a
cessity if the local property holder is to keep
; sanity. The Ann Arbor United Fund dis-
butes its collections to 44 different agencies.
Contrast this to the Campus Chest Board
which distributes its funds to only four different
agencies (one being the United Fund).
In fact Campus Chest not only tried to fulfill
a need that did not really exist, but it was actu-
ally detrimental.
Some of the individual charities in their own
drives have made more money in the past than
they will get from Campus Chest. (This does
not include the use of Michigras funds, which,
if they are used at all, will have to be diverted
from something else.)
When a group solicits funds for a specific
charity in which it is interested, it naturally
works harder. It seems to be difficult 'to find
people to collect money for charity "'s
sake" without having some extra-special inter-
est in the charity.
THERE WAS ONE VALUE in the Campus-
Chest. It provided administrative training
for some of its leaders. But it seems that these
are too few people for all the time and efforts
of so many.
Thus, Campus Chest was set up to alleviate a
"straw-man" problem. It managed to consume
a great many people's time and antagonized
several student organizations. If there was a
real need, we suspect the drive would have
been successful. The buckets were there.
We hope Student Government Council will
consider this the next time Campus Chest comes
up for evaluation.
Nixon Scores Coup
'Limited War' Policy
Requires Unlimited Vision
THE PAIR OF Sputnik satellites has bred a
great-deal of discussion about future meth-
ods of warfare. Reporters and news analysts
have told the public that present means are
obsolete, and that the next war will be fought
by dropping bombs from whirring satellites,
and much other such nonsense to the detriment
of sound thinking on the question.
The fact that the Russians have satellites
capable of revolving around the earth does not
change their warfare techniques any more than
their previous construction of atomic and
hydrogen bombs did. Since 1945, in the twelve
years of the "atomic era," the Soviet Union has
acquired nine or ten satellite nations, all of
them through "limited wars"-either of the
guerilla nature or through national revolution
by careful trained natives, as in China. In
.none of these conquests have any .nuclear
weapons been used.
Even in the present Syrian affair, the Krem-
lin's aims are being realized by citizens of that
country, with no more than a "helping hand"
from the Soviet Union.
This is the easiest way of operating in a
world which is able to ann.ihilate itself-a
limited war for a specific end as part of an
overall strategy. Two generations of Russian
rulers have realized this, and their successes
speak well for 'them. Only once have they pro-
yoked the United States into defending itself,
and in that case (Korea), only to a point.
By contrast, the United States has limited its
own thinking to the "massive retaliation" con-
cept-all out war, or nothing. This is unrealistic.
The Kremlin is far too clever to provoke all-out
war, the United States far too afraid of such a
war to defend itself in "little" actions. As a
result, United States policy-makers remain
timid and afraid to act, with the exception of
Secretary of State Dulles, who has advocated
preparation for limited wars.
THE FUTURE POSITION of nuclear and mis-
sile weapons seems to be that of a restraining
threat-that if one side starts something, the
other can, if not finish it, at least wreak havoc
on the offenders. In this kind of situation any
war which may overstep the thin line between
limited and all-out is sure to be avoided if at all
possible. This gives the Russians the advan-
tage. They know how far to go; the United
States does not.
A complete revision of American strategy is
imperative if the United States is to retain a
chance of survival in the world. It is impossible
to concede the advantage in both massive weap-
ons and short-run tactics to the other side,
and still come out on top. In this light, Secre-
tary Dulles should take the lead in developing
"limited war" policies, and do so quickly.
Otherwise, the United States will be completely
on the short end of any future war-whether
limited or all-out.
Senator Bill Knowland may not
realize it, but his fellow Californ-
ian,, Dick Nixon, has executed the
most brilliant political coup d'etat
of this generation The final touch-
es of that coup are being signed
and sealed at the White House this
Even the politicoes who don't
like Nixon are nodding their heads
in admiration.
With one stroke, he has won the
preliminary support of the leader
of the Taft forces, Knowland, for
his (Nixon's) nomination for Presi-
dent. With the same stroke, he has
probably eliminated Knowland as
a candidate altogether,
For if Knowland doesn't win over
pop'ular Democrat Pat Brown in
the race for governor of California
-and he probably won't-he has
eliminated himself as a competent
vote-getter and a serious contender
for the presidency.
* * *
WHEN YOU realize that Know-
land is resigning from the Senate
and from the Republican Senate
leadership, one of the most coveted
posts in Washington, for the ex-
press purpose of boosting his am-
bition to be President, you can
'understand the brilliance of Nix-
on's strategy.
When you also recall that the
old Taft conservative wing of the
GOP was getting more and more
fed up with Nixon's stand for
foreign aid, for the use of troops
at Little Rock, and his difference
with the White House over Sput-
nik, you get a double realization
of Nixon's political brilliance.
Nixon scored this double victory
by euchering Gov. Goodwin Knight
into running for the Senate instead
of opposing Knowland for governor
of California and getting a com-
mittment from Knowland in re-
turn that he wouldn't campaign
for President in the Republican
This may sound like a minor
concession. Actually, it's a majQr
one. Last year, before Eisenhower
announced as a candidate, Know-
'land had already entered several
primaries, for his strength was and
still is with grass roots leaders.
The Taft forces are potent in the
grass roots. They dominate the
primaries and, the party conven-
In 1960, Knowland would have
had their 100 per cent support had
he put his name in the primaries.
Now he won't. With no name but
Nixon's entered, he goes to the
1960 convention with practically
all of the delegates, the sure win-
ner of the GOP nomination.
,, * *
GOODY KNIGHT was not an
easy man to push out of running
for governor again. He had his
heart set on it, had said over and
over again that he would run. He
had been a good governor and a
popular governor. California pre-
cedent said that he should run for
However,, he had come out
against any "right to work" law
and had been a strong friend of
labor. Several top California busi-
nessment were unhappy. Others,
however, were still strong for
At this point, Nixon and friends
began putting on the squeeze. They
applied it in three ways:
1) Governor Knight was brain-
washed. Political polls were taken,
showing that he would lose. In
some of the polls, Knight trailed
Knowland by two to one. He was
told that he should not spoil his
political career by a crushing, in-
gnominious defeat.
2) Financial support was with-
drawn. In California politics, big
money talks. It talks loud and it
talks long. Governor Knight, an
experienced politician, knew he
was out of luck without campaign
funds. He knew also that his labor
backers could never raise enough
to counter-balance that from big
* * *
3. KNIGHT lost newspaper sup-
port. Almost overnight, Knight
found that some of the biggest
moulders of California opinion
wanted him to run for the Senate,
not for governor.
Even so, Knight wavered. Dis-
appointed, embittered, and so sick
at heart that he hid out in a
friend's home in Phoenix, Ariz., he
demanded concessions in return
for his retreat.
He waited until the last niunute,
and then handed Dick Nixon, the
man he hated and whom he had
denounced at the San Francisco
Convention in 1956, a political
coup d'etat which practically as-
sures Nixon the Presidential nomi-
nation in 1960.
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.)
debt incurred on each student will
double in the aggregate for the
WHERE will the money come
from? In the ease of private col-
leges which depend on interest
from trust funds and donations
from alumni, expansion of in-
come seems dubious.
Regarding public colleges, we
note an unwillingness of state
legislatures, in the light of other
financial needs, to increase the
funds supplied to colleges.
Therefore, except for higher
tuition, we have exhausted the
possibility of additional funds.
It is important, perhaps crucial
to the whole report to realize that
a necessary condition of higher
tuition would be an expansion and
liberalization of long term loan
funds. Banks agreeing even to this
would be philanthropists of sorts,
since they would be investing in
students and earning a lower rate
of interest than they could get in
other segments of our economy.
The report specifically recom-
mends loans above scholarships,
since a dollar expended in a schol-
arship can help only one student,
while a dollar in a loan fund. can
can help 10, 20; an indefinite
number of students.
--Gerald Blackstone, '60
A ' Favor . .
To the Editor:
It's 7:20 p.m., November 4, and
I am sitting on the second floor
of the general library trying to
learn an easy way to grasp
Jim Pace and Willie Smith just
walked in pushing a crippled lad
in a wheel chair. Jim excused
himself to a studying student and
asked him if the adjacent place
was taken.
"No," replied Joe Student, so
Jim pulled out the neighboring
chair and Willie fixed the young
man in the wheel chair at the
Call it a favor, call it another
job complete; few would have un-
dertaken this feat. On the field, I
consider Jim and Willie the colos-
sal and the dynamic; in this at-
mosphere, the humble and the
--Bob Steller ,'59
College of Architecture and Design,
Main Floor Corridor: "Contemporary
Color Lithography," exhibition circu-
lated by The American Federation of
Arts, shown under the auspices of the
Museum of Art; Nov. 5 through 20.
Hours: Mon. through Fri., 8 a.m. to;
10 p.m.; Sat., 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; closed
Sundays. The public is invited.
The residents of the Martha Cook
Building invite the International Stu-.
dents on campus to tea on Wed., Nov. 6
from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. The Martha Cook
Building is located on the corner of S.
University and Tappan Streets.
International Center Te, sponsored
by International Student Association
and International Center, Thurs., Nov.
7, from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. at the Inter-
national Center.
University Lecture in Anthropology.
Dr. Margaret Read, University of Lon-
don, wiU speak on "Social Change I
Modern est Africa," 4:15 p.m., Nov.
6, Aud. B, Angell Hall. Open to the
Readings by members of the English
department. Prof. Donald A. Hall will
read selections from contemporary
young English poets on Wed., Nov. 6,
at 4:10 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall. Stu-
dents and public are invited.
University Lecture, auspices of the
L.S.&A. Committee for the Alexander
Hamilton Bicentennial Celebration on
Thurs., Nov. 7. at 4:15 the Wil
1iam L. Clements Library. The lectur-
er is Harold C. Syrett, professor of his-
tory at Columbia University and execu-
tive editor of the Papers of Alexander
Hamilton. The topic of the lecture is
"The Papers of Alexander Hamilton."
Organ Recital Cancelled: The recital
by Robert Baker, guest organist, pre-
viously announced for Wed., Nov. 6,
8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium, has been
StudentaRecital: Linda Rek, pianist,
will be heard at 8:30 p.m. Wed, Nov. 6,
in the Rackham Assembly Hall, per-
forming a recital in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Music. Miss Reek is a pupil
of John Kolen, and her program will
include compositions by Bach, Schubert
and Ravel. Open to the general public.
Student Recital: Charles Clauser,
trombonist, 8:30 p.m. Thurs., Nov. 7,
in the Rackham Assembly Hall, in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements for
the Master of Music degree in Wind
Instruments. Clauser. studies with
Glenn Smith, andhas planned a pro-
gram to include works by Gaillard;
Brahms, Mozart, McKay, Bigot and
Mueller. Open to the general public.
Academic Notices
Freshmen and Junior College Trans-
fer Students who have been notified by
the Admissions Office of an appoint-
ment with their former high school
principal or college dean are reminded
to be punctual for their appointment
Thurs., Nov. 7.
Seminar, Dept. of Anatomy. Coffee
will be served one-half hour before in
Room 3502, East Medical Building, Wed.,
Nov. 6, 11:00 a.m. Dr. Neal A. Goldsmith
Department of Surgery: "The Surgical
Anatomy Pertaining to Liver Resec-
Operations Research Seminar: Charles
D. Flagle, -professor, The Johns Hop-
kins University, will lecture on "Organ-
ization of an Operations Research Pro-
gram in a Hospital" on Wed., Nov. 6,
Coffee hour in Room 243. West Engi-
neering at 3:30 p.m. and seminar at
4:00 in Room 229, West Engineering. All
faculty members are welcome.
Applied Mathematics Seminar, Thurs.,
Nov. 7 at 4 p.m. in Room 246, West En-
gineering Bldg. Prof. Franklin Essen-
burg, Jr. of the Department of Engi-
neering Mechanics will talk on "Plates
of Variable Thickness." Refreshments
in Room 274, W. E. at 3:30 p.m.
401 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the
- Application of Mathematics to Social
Science, Room 3217, Angell Hall, Thurs.,
3:30-5:00 p.n., Nov. 7. John Carr, De-
partment of Mathematics, "Automatie
The following foreign visitor will be
on the campus this week on the date
indicated. Program arrangements are
being made by the International Cen-
ter: Miss Ray.
Mr. Semih Ustun, Turkish Desk, Voice
of America, Turkey, Nov. 6-8.
Placement Notices
Donald R. Gill, Principal of Hastings
High School in Hastings, Michigan, will
be at the Bureau of Appointments
Thurs., Nov. 7 at 2:30 p.m. to interview
candidates for positions open next se-
mester in English, Homemaking, and
Girls' Physical Education.
Development Couneil and Students
LAST WEEKEND'S Development Council con-
ference did many things which are to be
applauded, but the conferees seemed to have
neglected a potentially important contributor to
their program-the student.
It was enjoyable to hear of the increased
support being given to the various aspects of
the fund raising program. The intense interest
and enthusiasm shown by the people attending
the conference indeed does credit to the Coun- -
cil. It was also obvious these people enjoyed
working for the University and enjoyed attend-
ing this conference.
Though the Council is trying to aid the
student financially with all of the means at its
disposal, it has neglected to determine student
opinion and thoughts on problems germane to
both groups.
"One mitht say that the Student Relations
Committee of the Council satisfies this need but,
in reality, the Committee is nothing more than
a publicity organ carrying out the wishes of the
Council with very little opportunity to express
or sample student opinion.
Council's board of directors also function as
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
DONNA HANSON................Personnel Director
TAMMY MORRISON...............Magazine Editor
EDWARD GERULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director
chairmen of the Student Relations Committee,
however it is too much to expect of any student
to ask him to represent the entire student body
on all of the various activities of the Develop-
ment Council.
Since the Council is very concerned with
alumni giving, and since the present students
on campus are tomorrow's alumni, does it not
seem reasonable that the best way to stimulate
these prospective alumni is to allow them to
work with the Council on other committees that
concern both students and the council, thereby
increasing the understanding, appreciation and
support each can give to the other?
Dog Lovers That
Cried 'Woof-Woof'
NOW THAT RUSSIA has replaced the "Beep-
Beep" with "Woof-Woof" most of the world
is wondering how long it will be before the
Russians will have men in their space machines,
building bases on the moon and taking over as
undisputed favorites for world domination.
Fortunately, a few of the panicked world pop-
ulation can keep cool heads and be concerned
with first things first. They don't worry about
the newest threat to all freedom loving peoples.
They worry about cruelty to dogs in satellites.
The American Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals is going to send a protest
to the Soviet Union, claiming the doggie is
faced with "unnecessary sacrifice" or with
"great pain and suffering should it survive."
The National Canine Defense League in London
is asking dog lovers everywhere to "observe a
Indian Student Discusses Kashmir Problem
Daily Staff Writer
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Virendra Paihik
is an Indian student, at the Univer-
sity under the Foreign Student Lead-
ershrip Exchange program. This is the
first installment of a close examina-
tion of the Kashmirproblem from
the Indian point of view.)
NOBODY can say what frantic
efforts are resorted to when a
person feels a direct danger to his
During my three m9nths stay
in this country, I have come to
realize that the Kashmir problem
has been so much misrepresented
and mispropagited that now it
positively involves the question of
good relations - not only between
India and Pakistan, but more im-
portant, between India and the
United States as the chief demo-
cratic countries in the East and
the West.
It may be suicidal, as much for
the free world as for India, to un-
derestimate the importance of
good relations between India and
the free Western countries.
FOR THE survival of human
freedom over Communism, a good
understanding of the problems in-
volving free nations is indispen-
sablehand hence my attempt to
put this case of Kashmir before
the independent-thinking citizens
ing hatred against capitalistic
countries) has always been an
Iron Curain for Pakistanis, separ-
ating them completely from un-
derstanding of how deep-rooted is
the fate of 400 million people of
India involved in the Kashmir
For them, even an -attempt to
understand may find it inconceiv-
able that the Kashmir problem
involves the question of life and
death of the Indians. Hence the
significance of my opening sen-
It is impossible to understand
the complete Kashmir problem
withouthreviewing the history of
1947, when Pakistan made its first
blood-smeared appearance in the
pages of the history of mankind.
In order to understand Kashmir,
we must understand Pakistan and
For centuries before 1947, Hin-
dus, Moslems, Christians and
Buddhists had been living togeth-
er trying to evolve a. new mixed
culture and even new languages,
the two important ones being the
present official national languages
of India and Pakistan.
* * *
WE FOUGHT together for three
centuries against British domina-
tion. We have common martyrs
who died for the independence of
our subcontinent. We still adore
mental slavery of religious fanati-
Some selfish individuals who
wanted leadership in the name of
such slogans as "religion is in
danger" started arousing fanati-
cism and religious hatred between
Hindus and Moslems. The ignor-
ant masses could not stand the
test and gave way.
Some Moslems, thinking that
it may be easier to attain leader-
ship in a smaller country like
Pakistan, rather than in a vast
nation like India, began crying for
a pure Moslem nation. The Brit-
ish policy of "divide and rule"
proved a- divine support for these
leaders, and they started a bloody
campaign of massacring innocent
men, women and children who
happened to believe in Hinduism,
They wanted to have a pure re-
ligious nation so they proceeded
to get rid of Hindus either by
cold-blooded murder, or by forc-
ing them to leave the heavily
Moslem-populated areas and run
away, homeless and penniless, if
they were lucky enough to escape
, * * *
CONSEQUENTLY, thousands of
Hindus were killed and many
thousands who succeeded in sav-
ing themselves grouped in big
caravans a flood of homeless
efforts of Ghandi and Nehru, the
government succeeded very soon
in establishing order,
In spite of so mich provocation,
reactionary fanaticism and de-
mands from the Indian masses for
transfer of all Muslims within the
Indian borders to Pakistani ter-
ritory, Nehru stood fast on his
human principles and declared
the Indian nation a secular state,
giving full protection and freedom
of religion to all.
The Indian government believed'
that the great moral cause of the
national government is above pet-
ty differences of religion. Unlike
Pakistan, it outrightly rejected re-
ligious interference in the cause
of national welfare.
The government's adherence to
these principles is demonstrated
by the simple fact that in spite
of the existence of Muslim Pakis-
tan, here is a huge population of
50 million Muslims in India.
x * *
HAD THEY thought, as some
Muslims who created the two na-
tions did, that the Pakistan na-
tion was 'created to ensure better
economic, cultural and religious
rights for Muslims, why should
they have chosen to remain in
India? .
This simple fact that apart
from various religious groups,