CAMPUS CHEST NOT NEEDED See page 4 Y 1MwF Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom CLUDY VARIER No. 43 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1957 E mocrats New YoIr Win Positions 'k, New Jersey y The Associated Press crats continued their win- ays in off-year elections ty as Democratic Gov. B. Meyner of New Jersey election against his Eisen- upported challenger, Mal- Forbes. er, who thus boosted his for consideration for a n his party's 1960 presi- ticket, swept to victory e help of some Republican lependent votes. s, a 38-year-old state sen- d wealthy magazine pub- ho ran as an Eisenhower Republican, conceded defeat at 11:12 p.m. EST. At the time, Gov. Meyner had a lead of 167,000 votes with a bit more than half the votes tabu- lated., Won in '53 He won by 150,000 in 1953. Democrat J. Lindsay .Almond, running for governor under the Byrd organization banner of mas- sive resistance to racial integra- tion in Virginia's public schools. defeated Eisenhower-backed Re- publican Ted Dalton, who favored a pupil assignment plan he said would permit token integration.'- 'ERT SAYS: Jnited States Can Hit 4oon Within Six Months he United States has the components necessary to hit the moon a rocket and could do so "probably within six months" on a basis, the president of the International Astronautical Federa- aid yesterday. ndrew G. Haley, co-founder of the world's largest rocket com- warned "whoever loses this race, loses legal rights everywhere, s the hearts and minds of the people of the world." Rocket ompany Founder :aley was co-founder, president, and director of the Aerojet eering Corporation during World War II. His . nomination as Spresident of the International Fed- Almond's margin was about 2 to 1 with more than half the state's precincts counted. 4 He led Dalton 162,419 to 82,682 In 1,102 of 1,911 precincts. In New York City, Democratic inayor Robert F. Wagner estab- lished a healthy margin for a sec- ond term over Republican Robert K. Christenberry, a hotel execu- tive, and at 9:20 p.m. Wagner claimed victory. Wagner had 586,309 to his op- ponent's 229,219 in 1,750 of 4,613 districts. First results in a mayor's con- test gave the Democrats an up- set victory in Bridgeport, Conn. There, Judge Samuel J. Tedes- co (D) won by less than 200 votes from veteran Socialist Mayor Jas- per McLevy, seeking his 13th term. Generally fair weather was re- ported for the elections, with crisp temperatures and a bright autumn sun making the privilege of voting a pleasure in most places. Labor Quiz Nets Little Knight Says He'll Run For Senate WASHINGTON () - GOP Gov. Goodwin J. Knight of California abandoned his campaign for re- election to bid for a Senate seat yesterday. Vice President Richard M. Nix- on promptly wheeled out a glow- ing endorsement of a Knowland- Knight ticket for governor and senator. After conferences with Presi- dent. Dwight D. Eisenhower and Vice-President Nixon4 Knight said he is yielding the field to Sen. William Knowland (R-Calif.) in the race for the 1958 Republican nomination for governor. Gov. Knight said he will bid for the seat wrhich Sen. Knowland will vacate in January 1959 In what is regarded as a possible pre- liminary move for Knowland to seek the GOP presidential nomi- nation in 1960 or later. Gov. Knight said President Eisenhower was "pleased to -know we w o u l d n't have a bitter struggle" in the governorship pri- mary which might split the Re- publican party in California and possibly pave the way to election of a Democrat as governor next year. Gov. Knight also told a news conference he' had the' "unquali- fied endorsement and approval" of Nixon. Vice-President Nixon backed this up with a statement pledging "my full support" to the nomina- tion of Sen. Knowland as governor and Gov. Knight as senator. Gov. Knight's decision appar- ently cleared the way for . Sen. Knowland to get the nomination for governor without a fight. Vice-President Nixon, an ob- vious candidate for the 1960 presi- dential nomination, said Sen. Knowland has "superb, qualifica- tions" for the office of governor. He said he is confident Gov. Knight "will prove to be one of the most articulate anc effectivp supporters of the Eisenhower ad- ministration in the Senate." Along with Vice-President Nix- on, President Eisenhower, was quoted as expressing Measure that California Republicans had out- wardly patched up their differ- ences. Sp ti ISlm-ltNew U.S. Speculatio: Evidence Gaillard Gets 24th Postwar, Premiership PARIS (IP)-Felix Gaillard last night won approval as France's 24th postwar premier. . The victory came on Gaillard's 38th birthday and gives him the distinction of being the youngest premier in French Republican his- tory. The official result of the vote in the National Assembly was an- nounced as 337 for Gaillard, 173 against. Assembly acceptance of Gaillard has been virtually certain since Sunday when the Socialists , and right-wing independent Republi- cans decided to give him their .votes and join his government. All parties of the Assembly had become weary of the Cabinetcrisis. It had dragged on for 36 days because of bitter political squab- bling among the deputies. The 36-day life of the crisis equalled the post-war record for intervals between governments. Wayne State Seeks Funds For Expansion' Wayne State University an- nounced yesterday that legislative, funds will be sought to expand its medical school and the labor-man- agement relations program ad- ministered jointly with the Uni-' versity. The Legislature will be asked for $585,000,,of which $285,000 will be earmarked to increase the capacity of the medical school, ;Clarence B. Hilberry, President of Wayne State University said. Wayne's medical school, the only one in Michigan besides the Uni- versity's, would increase the fresh- man class from 75 to 125. The amount of supporting funds need- ed would eventually rise to nearly a million dollars a year as the upper classes increase in size. The University's medical school in Ann Arbor has a freshman class of 200 and tentative plans to es- tablish a third state medical school in Grand Rapids were revealed at a Regents meeting last May. University President Harlan Hatcher has gone an record in support of expanding Wayne's facilities before any other schools are built.: Chest F unds Tneomnblel eration early last mofith was made by Britain and seconded by Russia and Yugoslavia. If Russia succeeds in hitting the moon first, she would establish symbolic right to its possession under existing internal law, Haley said. "Anyone who, controls the moon, controls the earth and becomes capable of destroying anything on it." He said he would not be sur- prised if a Russian rocket was al- ready heading to the moon.:, Speaking under the auspices of the Law School Student Bar Asso- ciation and the Engineering Re- search Institute, Haley 'suggested the United States take the lead in calling a world-wide conference to internationalize out space in- cluding the moon. j "No single nation has a para- mount claim to outer space nor a monopoly on the scientific genius which will soo make its explora- tion and exploitation a reality. The field of astronautics (space travel) will progress only as Inter-, national cooperation in this field is achieved." Haley said Russia would par- tiqipate in such a conference, even in view of its apparent lead in satellite and rocket development. "I've always found their scien- tists in this particular field quite cooperative'." He noted that a "valid and bind- ing world pact emerged from the acts of agreement and coopera- tion" which preceded the first satellite. launching for scientific purposes during the International Geophysical Year. U.S. Economyv Less Stable The director of the National Planning Association yesterday said the United States economy, because of excess productive ca- pacity, is in a more precarious:po- sition than it was in either 1949 or 1953. Speaking before the closing session of the Conference' on Economic Outlook, Gerhard Colm criticized both those who view the present economic picture with complacency and those who fatal- istically predict a major depres- sion. WASHINGTON (A')'-- A labor consultant and a Teamsters Union official invoked the Fifth Amend- ment more than 100 times and re- fused to tell Senate rackets probes whether they made under - the - table_ deals to ease the labor troubles of Michigan businessmen. The consultant, George Kame- now of Farmington, Mich.,, wouldn't say whether he lavished $61,000 on union bosses in 1954 and 1955 and charged it to firms that hired his services. Reading from a slip of paper, the sweating witness invoked the Fifth Amendment 76 times, Frank Kierdorf, business agent of Teamster Local 332 in Flint,' Mich., rolled up more than 40 Fifth Amendment pleas against possible self-incrimination. CARL SANDBURG faculty member corrects bluebooksolus o th0Ie crowd ryinAg . , gives opinions to catch a glimpse of Carl Sandburg in the Union. Sandburg Speaks of 'Family of Man' By LANE VANDERSLIGE fore a crowd estimated at over Sandburg said that all people have Carl Sandburg spoke about the 3000, Sandburg called James a the same needs and strive for the "Family of Man" last night dis- "glorified snob," with "no lessons same things. i n h e r i t i n-g many from the for America." Sandburg said Hof- Sandburg called man a knower "Family" as he did. fa "has the malicious sagacity of who wants to know more and who His official topic was an im- a Huey Long," and disposed of will never 'stop trying to learn posing "Human Aspects Involved Hoffa with a "to hell with him." more. in the Relations Between Men of The Union-sponsored speech Aside from Sandburg's reading all Races," bilt he managed to in- keynoted International Week. of selections from his works, much terject his own disapproval of Read Preface of his comment was in a lighter people ranging from Henry James Reading from his preface to the vein that had an undertone of to Jimmy Hoffa. "Family of Man," a book of photo- jeriousness. Speaking in Hill Auditorium be- graphs of people- of all nations, Modern poets bore the brunt of ECONOMIST SURVEY: Drop in Production Predicted But No Major Depression' A survey of 68 of the nation's top economists indicates there will be a moderate. increase in consumer prices and a slight decline in industrial production-but no major depression-in the United States during 1958. The survey was made among economists attending the fifth an- nual Conference on Economic butlook sponsored by the Department -of Econkomics. The survey indi- cated: SG ,' C onsiders 1) Consumer prices will rise about one per cent above current levels, on the average, during 1958; DOrr Report 2) The nation's gross national product-the dollar value of all Student Government Council goods and services produced-will' will consider a report by the Resi- remain close to the 1957 level of dence Hall Finance Committee 439 billion dollars during 1958; at 7:30,tonight innthe Student Ac- 3) The Federal Reserve Board iti 7: Bu onighd inhaccording to-index of industrial production will tivities Building, according, to decline about two and one-half Janet Neary, "58, executive vice- per cent, compared with a six to president. seven per cent slump during the The report lists the reasons for 1954 recession; the University system of self- 4) Gross private investment will liquidating residence halls and also decline, probably about five presents possibje alternatives, per cent, largely because of de- It's major concern is that stu- creased capital outlays by busi- dents are forced to pay about 200 ness and less importantly because dollars each for liquidation, and of inventory reductions; as costs go up, they may be priced 5) Unemployment will increase out of an education. by about 400,000 to 3.2 million; The Council will also hear a re- 6) Corporation profits will de- port on a new Council program of cline about three per cent to $41 meeting with the Deans of Men billion. and Women. The survey's results departed The committee will also hear an sharply from pessimistic opinions educational and social welfare re- expressed Mondgy, the confer- nnpt ence's first day. I yva v. k HEALTH SERVICE DIRECTOR: First Day Flu Inoculations 'Disappointing' By THOMAS BLUES Approximately 250 students came to Health Service yesterday for preventive Asian Flu inoculations. Dr. Morley Beckett, Health Service Director, said he was ex- tremely disappointed over the results of the first day of the inocu- lation program. He has strongly advised all students to take advan- age of the vaccine. mesmosmms.w