'U' SPIRIT EBBING See page 4 , Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom 471aAp i CLOUDY, COOL _. Qt 42 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1957 ,FIVE CENTS ik's Firing. S ueions' 'ns Claim It Uses New Fuel; in Scientists, Statesmen Silent ssia's successful launching of a second cling the globe every 103.7 minutes with se big questions in many countries yes-. ,moon the next Soviet objective? will the United States do to recapture some of the stige Russia has hoisted on its powerful rockets? he dog, a female-called Laika - Little Barker - get bacd New Fuel Used in Rocket? is the new fuel the. Russians claim to have used in are. no positive answers to these and many other ques- by the newest conquest of space, but speculation filled the minds of scientists and states- * * men everywhere. Ient1 sts Moscow had announced yester- day improved new sources of pow- er were used to fire aloft Sputnik [r a. II, the half-ton satellite rocket- ing a dog through the empty miles of space. Eff ®*Dog's Chances Disputed At the samse time there ap- appeared to be differences over VRD RABBIDEAU thelife expectancy of the dog, a versity scientists yes- fluffy little female named Laika. tfor immediate and Soviet planetarium officials s on the part of this ,suggested she may be parachuted tch up with the Rus- back to earth for study. But Prof. missile-satellite race, Kiril P. Stanyukovich, a rocket that basic research expert, implied she would die in sacrificed in the pro- her harness within the satellite. Prof. Stanyukovich told a Mos- as, research engineer cow radio interviewer rotation of ering Research Insti- the missile around its axis would I of an upper atmos- not affect the dog "while she is research group, said still.alive," but that the speed of, want to stay in the the rotation will mount steadily with the Russians, we day by day. et moving, not just in Spinning May Cause Death d, but in the training The listene.s were left with the f scientists as well." impression 'the whirling would an all-out effort in hasten her end. eld, ,and the govern- The cryptic announcement on lift the unreasonable the new power sources came from ulations that have V. Dikushin, quotedr in a Moscow4 irk in this area," he radio broadcast. "A multistage carrier rocket of 'oldb n ,y Public a new design with foolproof preci- ioldberg, chairman of sion controls had to be used for y department, called putting :the satellite into its com- public recognition /of puted orbit," he said. ence one of the major "The increase in the satellite's the failure of the size to provide for a large num- s to keep pace with ber of measuring and telemeter- ing instruments, and even fqr an ar III has already animal passenger, necessitated said. "It is a long- the development/of improved new d result it Is diicult instruments and sources. of pow- p eultic"sdifcuter," he said. public." aoThe White House, in a terse erg said a program of statement, said President Dwight' ust be c at D. Eisenhower and his ience and to and the national security' advisers' are carefully" ge the' public's atti analyzing the significance of Rus- cience. "I don't think sia's new accomplishment. Chest Total EstimWated A t $3,700 By JAMES BOW The final 'total in this year's Campus Chest drive was esti- mated at $3,700 by Ralph Freder- ick, '59, Campus Chest solicita- tions chairman. This amount includes funds from residence house solicitations, the two-day bucket drive, and the Campus Chest auction. The drive ended Friday, and .funds were turned in and counted during the weekend. and yesterday. The $3,700 will be distributed among the member charities ac- cording to the percentages set up by the Allocations Board before the drive. Half to Camp Approximate amounts' which each charity would receive are $1,850 for'. the University Fresh Air Camp, $740 for the Free Uni- versity of, Berlin Exchange Stu- dent Program, $614, 20 for World University Service, $307,10 for the Ann Arbor United Fund, and $185 for the National Scholarship Service and Fund for Negro Students. Fresh Air Camp's estimated need for the coming year is $1,- 000. Part of this amount, however, is expected to come from contri- butions outside the Campus Chest drive, Prof. William C. Morse, di- rector of the camp, said. FVB Needs $1,000 The Free University of Berlin exchange program's e x p e c t e d, needs are "over $1,000" according to Katherine Johnson, '60, direc- tor of the program. Last year the "total proceeds from the Campus Chest drive were between $2,800 and $3,000. The exact amount which was col- lected in this year's drive will be announced tomorrow. k . . .... .. .. .. . Reds. Decide.To Drop Of UN Dis armamentTa Court Orders Sp+eedy Trial For Hoffa WASHINGTON () - The United States Court of Appeals yesterday refused to lift a two- week-old i nj u n ct i o n against James R. Hoffa takin gover presi- dency of the Teamsters Union. The appeals -court ordered a speedy trial of charges that Hoffa and other Teamsters bosses rigged the union's convention to insure. his election. Hoffa and his associates are ac- cused of conspiring to put Hoffa in office to succeed retiring union president Dave Beck. 'Farther Than Necessary' The injunction was granted Oct. 23 by United States District Judge F. Dickinson Letts. The ap- peals court said Judge Letts may have gone "farther than' neces- sary" in some of his conclusions at this stage of the case. The appeals court, made up of Judges Wilbur K. Miller, Charles F. Fahy and George T. Washing- ton, said however the injunction order was a "proper exercise of judicial authority." In one respect the appeals court stiffened the Letts injunction. Banned Spending Letts had banned the Teamsters from acting or spending money except in line with the union's 1952 constitution. The appeals court, affirming this, said also that none of the constitutional changes voted at the contested convention should go into effect pending trial of the convention's legality. Letts has not yet set a trial date, but probably will do so soon. The appeals ..ourt invited the Teamsters to seek again to ,hav.e the injunction dissolved if there is any undue trial delay. EAST GER1MIANS FACE DIFFICULTIES: U. Ec o Oulok Bleak 'in '58 The Soviet Union is using bar- ter deals with the uncommitted nations of the world to convert economic weaknesses into politi- cal strengths, Prof. Wolfgang Stolper of the economics depart- ment said yesterday. . "The countries of the Soviet bloc have one secret weapon in their agricultural inefficiency. They are the one area which can absorb othe rcountries agricultur- al and raw material surplusses with the greatest of ease," he ex- plained., Speaking before the fifth an- nual Conference on Economic Outlook, sponsored by the econ- omics department, Prof. Stolper said, "Already Egyptian cotton is traded in East Germany against the reconstruction of the port of Alexandria. Whole machine and cement factories are shipped to, China against soy beans and tung oil. German-Asian Trade "We must increasingly expect East Germans to appear in -1ndia or Burma, etc., to say pothing of, the troubled Middle East, to ex- change needed machinery against, rice or oil, coffee and tea or cotton." He indicated the United States and the free world generally could reverse this trend and intensify the. economic difficulties of the Soviets partly by trading more with Red satellites. "Foreign aid to 'India and other underdeveloped countries would keep them outside the Soviet or- bit. It would increase their econ- cmic development and integrate them 'with our kind of world." Cites Difference The economist cited West Ger- many's integration/ into an in-' ternational economy as a major cause of the difference in econom- ic development between it and East Germany. / While West Germany enjoyed relatively few trade restrictions and is now well advanced eeonom- ically, Prof. Stolper noted, the East Germany attempt to achieve as great self-sufficiency as pos- sible has led to' a greater depend-, ence on imports." Prof. Stolper cited other reason for the failure of East Germany to match the West in economic development. Among them: Reds 'Think Big' 1) Gigantomania in industry -- the tendency for Communist planners to "think big" as Amer- ican businessmen might put it. 2) Failure to develop realistic pricing mechanisms. "Prices play no part in determining what shall be imported or exported and how. much," he said. 3) Exploitation by Russia. -Daily-David Arnold PROF. WOLFGANG STOLPER ...talks on Germany Missile Center{ Faces Strike BROWNSVILLE, Text (-) - A clerical union board yesterday authorized its executive commit- tee to setra date for a strike which could cripple Pan American World Airways and possibly halt the guided missile testing program at Cape Canaveral, Fla. The Pan American division board of the Brotherhood of Rail- way and S t.e a m ship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employes authorized the executive committee to set any date after Nov. 23 for the strike. In Nev York, Pan Am said in a, statement that the dispute now is under the jurisdiction of the Na- tional Mediation Board, which in- tervened last Friday. Students Hurt In Accident i Douglas. Swanston, '60, was struck by a car driven by Robert" F. Whelan, '58, at 10 p.m. last night on Washtenaw Street. Swanston suffered injuries of the right hand, left knee and right hip. Whelan was treated for a head injury with a possible skull fracture. The . investigating officers is- sued no tickets to either student. Police reported that Swanston was walking aivoss Washtenaw when Whelan hit him.. I We he r an as the xoldb n" m stat chan and sc Ike To Meet Cabinet Today To Discuss 1958 Program A gloomy picture of the Ameri- can economy was painted yester- day by the director of the Univer- sity of Illinois Bureau of Economic Research. V. Lewis Bassie opened the first session of the fifth annual Confer- ence on Economic Outlook warned that continuous decline will mark the economic year. n "Beyond that there is no stop- ping point in sight for another year at least," he said. The trend will be toward dwindling business and rising unemployment, the eco- nomists and businessmen from around the country were told. Major Letdown Ahead "We are now facing the major letdown of a great post war busi- ness cycle," Bassie said. "Every postwar boom has been followed by a major depression and there is no reason to think that this one will have a different ending." He said declining capital out- lays, government expenditures and net foreign investment will prob- ably set the inventory and con sumer credit cycles into their sim- ilar liquidating (declining) phases. The reaction in housing may be slower, but it seems more likely that the decline will again ac- celerate by mid-year."' -Evident inStock Market The patterns of a postwar de- cline are most evident, Bassie said, in the stock market and in busi- ness investment." "To a lesser extent, the developmen'ts in re-' sidential construction, in business inventories, and in consumer cred- it also fit well into a cyclical inter- pretation of the current situation." He said there is "just ,a mar- ginal possibility of something like See*other Conference story, page 8 stability continuing in 1958. This involves a combination of develop- ments whose probability is lo se to the vanishing point."' Bassie added that the govern- ment could' be expected to com- pensate for the decline and gov- ernment 'expenditures may turn upby late next year. Programs Helpless "But any programs that can be put into action in that period will be Impotent to offset the defla- tionary forces in private economy," Bassie predicted. A survey of 100 of the nation's. top economists attending the con- ference is not expected to fully support the bleak conclusiones drawn by Bassie. The results of 'the survey will be released today. Two Captured 'For .Beating Of eU' Student f ^ Michigan State Police are hold- ing John H. Outzs, a Jackson State Prison parolee, and William D. George of Lansingfor atheir brutal beating of ,Allen Robinette '59, early yesterday morning. The two men offered Robinette a ride while he ,was hitch-hiking here from East Lansing. When they had left the outskirts of that city, Outzs struck Robinette in the 'face with his fist. Outzs then forced him to the floor of the car while George drove over the country roads north of East Lansing. Calling Rbinette a "college punk, Outzs slashed him with the student's pocket knife. 'j "He asked me how much good my education- would be when he had killed me," Robinette said. After threatening' him for. ap- proximately a half hour, the two men, robbed Robinette of hisI watch and 46 cents. They finally knocked the student into a ditch and kicked him. Robinette tried three farm houses before he could find a farmer who would permit him to use his phone. Deelarati(c Delegatio Announcement As Three.Wee Debate Nears I UNITD NATh)NS, x The Soviet Union anno terday its withdrawal fr armament negotiations ried out under present.t tions machinery. Soviet Deputy Foreigi Vasily V. Kuznetsov mac nouncement to the UN's political committee towa of three' weeks of disarnm bate. Many delegates were a the sudden Soviet mo' appea'red to bring an e more disarmament negol the immediate future. Termed 'Most DiscoUr Cmdr. Allan noble, Br ister of state for foreig speaking immedatel a netsov, called it a "mos aging development. I WI reflect on it and i1 ma speak again." Canada's' Wallace N the committee his goverr "shocked and disappoint ultimatum from the Sovi' Kuznetsov said he ha structed 'by his gover" mak the announcement Efforts Exhaust "The Soviet govery.' siders that alfl attempts use of the Disarmaneni mitten or productive, i been en irely exhausted, sov declared. "Under, these condi Soviet governmentd~ any sense in further pai in the work of the lis Commission and its sub "Proceeding from this, government declares th not "particpate 'In the U ament;Comrisson and committee "in their pres~I Future' Talk PLa The Soviet Unin has that future.UN disam&a take place in an 82-nat: Assembly."' Kuznetsov dpclared th up a permanent Dim Commission made up of ber states of the UN wo duce a new and fresh ' the disarmament negota 'The W stern nations ing a 24-nation resoluti calls for resumption, of the UN Disarmament mittee based hinprincipl posals rejected by the S ion in London last Aut Council M Bay Airpla Over Stadi' AIrplapes carrying messages near Michigan may be ruled "out of bou City Council last night motion to investigate cit over airplanes flying: stadium during footballg In introducing the Councilman Frank A. C.1I it would el iminate the safety hazard of the a banner breaking loose towing plane' and falling stadium. Dayis said Civil Aerona ministration regulations planes from flying over dieIm and lower than 1 above populated areas cause of the distorted vi spective it's hard for. within the stadium to te where the plane is." I In tithrirnci1 aon_t e een towUan oz the lac, :pe President Dwight D. rer will. take the lead in ess of education," he add- Another Manhattan Project Prof. David Dennison, chairman of the physics department, called for a "crash" program similar to the Manhattan Project which de- veloped the atomic bomb in 1944. "We have two important things to do," Prof. Dennison said. "The first is to continue . our general, scientific research, basic and ap- plied. In order to do this, we must increase the supply of trained scientists. "The second is catch up on the missile and satellite program. For this, a type of crash program is necessary." Prof. 'Dennison warned however that "we must make every effort to do both of these and not 'short-change' basic research by putting all scientists to work in missile and satellite areas." Prof. Dennison said that the lackg of funds has not been the only reason for the failure of the United States to move fast enough in scientific research. Agreeing with Prof. Goldberg, he said that the lack of public support of science is as much to blame. University President Harlan Hatcher said yesterday the United States may profit from the Rus-: sian's satellite advances if this country realizes its demonstrated educational inadequacies and acts accordingly. Clinic Offers Flu Vaccine Inoculations against Asian Flu will begin today at Health Service. Moscow .May Tell Secrets Of SputnikIt WASHINGTON (A. - President l Dwight D. Eisenhower will hold a special cabinet meeting today but the White House said this is not because of any emergency. Mrs. Anne Wheaton, associate presidential press secretary, an- nounced the meeting at a news conference yesterday. She said specifically in reply to a question that Russia's launching of. a huge new earth satellite had nothing to do with it, that the meeting was planned before Sput- nik II was put into its orbit. However, it appeared inevitable that any meeting of President Eisenhower and his advisers would at leastitouch on the ramifications of Russia's new scientific strides and their re'lation to world peace. The cabineb will also meet on Friday, its usual day. Mrs. Whea- ton said both sessions this week will deal with plans for the ad-I ministration's legislative and -spending programs next year. NEW YORK 'M) - There are hopeful signs Russia will tell an eager, curious wtrld what her Sputnik II and dog learn about mysteries of outer space. She. has -agreed to do so under opmmitments of the International Geophysical.-Year: So far Russia hasn't yet told what she has learned from Sput- nik the first. But when it was launched a month ago, a Soviet scientist said it was a test shot and therefore "outside' the IGY." This could meanno obligation to tell its find- ings. But Russia appears to regard Sputnik the second as an official IGY undertaking. The first official announcement said it was launched "in conform- ity with the IGY program" to study the upper air and space. No such phrase was used regard- ing Sputnik the first., A second sign of Russian co- operation on Sputniks is that its: first announcement gave more de- tails about this second satellite. It said, for example, that-it car- ried instruments for study of cos- mic rays, X-rays and ultraviolet rays from the sun, temperatures and pressures in space. t With Sputnik the first, there were initially conflicting reports about whether it carried scientific instruments, and what kinds. On each launching, Russia an-,t nounced the orbit ranges, weights and distances the Sputniks were TO SPEAK ON HUMAN RELATIONS: Carl Sandburg To Keynote First International Week By LANE VANDERSLICE The first International Week will open officially today as Carl Sandburg, gives the keynote speech at 8 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. The noted poet, biographer and commentator on the American. scene will speak on "Human Aspects Involved in the Relations of Men of All Nations and Races." Sandburg will also read some of his poetry and sing American folk songs, providing his own guitar accompaniment, according to Barbara Black, '59, International Coordinatigng Committee co-, chairman.t To Read from 'Family of Man' He plans to read parts of his introduction to the "Family' of Man," a collection of photographs from all nations, which has been taken as the theme of International Week. Tickets for the Union sponsored speech will be on sale today at the main desk of the Michigan Union. Remaining tickets will be on sale at Hill Auditorium before the lecture, according to Richard Schwartz, '59, Union international committee chairman. International Week will "highlight the work of the University in, the field of international affairs" according to William West, as- sistant counsel6r at the International Center. The University has over 1500 foreign students, more than any other single campus in the United States. U.S., Foreign Students Can Work Together West pointed out that International Week projects have given PIRM I1 xa