INTERNATIONAL WEEK: IT'S UP TO 'U See page 4 Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom PU3 Iti RAIN, COLDER GMt'V *t: nc . LXVIII, No. 41 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1957 FIVE CENTS SIX r 1 ,t Reds Launch New Moon LONDON (R -Moscow radio announced today that Russia's second earth satellite has been launched into outer space with a dog aboard. A brief Tass announcement gave no details. In Tokyo, the Japan Broadcasting Co. quoted Mos- cow radio as saying the satellite was of the same type but eight times as heavy as that launched on Oct. 4 and * broadcasts signals on the same frequency. Groiyko Claims Syria In Danger' Concentrations of Turkish Troops Cited by Soviet Delegation in UN UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. OP)-Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko said yesterday Syria is still in danger from Turkish troop concentrations on her border. He also declared, in a statement issued by his UN delegation, that "Syria would pot be alone in her struggle if she were attacked." Breaks Silence The statement broke the silence Gromyko had kept since Soviet Communist leader Nikita S. Khrushchev Tuesday night went to a Moscow Turkish Embassy party as a "gesture toward peace" and said, "There will be no war." Syrian Foreign Minister Salah Bitar told a news conference Friday Khrushchev's remark did not put his mind at ease. He said Turkish ~ii citigan, Iowa Figh t to 21-21 Tie *. * * 7* * * * , 4 Rivalry Seen' Over Work On Missile WASHINGTON () - The De- fense Department is trying to head' off new rivalry among the armed forces; .this time in development. of a missile to combat ballistic missiles. The necessity of creating a de- fense weapon which can counter the ballistic missile is even more critical than the perfection of the offensive weapons themselves. And it is vastly more difficult, To gain control of a race be- tween the Army and the Air Force in the antimissile missile (AMM) field before it gets out of hand, Defense Department officials are reported mulling over the possi- bility of appointing a "czar" to coordinate the projects. The Army is launched on its Zeus project, the Air Force on the Wizard. Actually, the two services are working together, through a com- -.mon contractor, on at least one phase of the AMM program, al- though each is pushing ahead with its own general concept of an antimissile weapon system. There have been demands in some quarters, including critics in Congress, that the administration name a czar for the diverse efforts to create long' and intermediate range ballistic missiles (IRBM). )7Merger Plan Considered ByRailroads NEW YORK ()-The two larg- est railroads in the United States, buffeted by economic storms, are huddling on a possible merger. The Pennsylvania and the New York Central electrified the rail- road industry Friday by announc- ing they had initiated studies pointing toward consolidating into one system. ) Behind that blunt announce- ment were several economic facts which have plagued the two giant rails with increasing intensity since the end of World War II. Air, barge and auto competition is increasing. Tight money has made it diffi- cult for the roads to borrow to ac- quire needed new equipment. Further, 'the future is hazard- ous. The nation is embarking on a vast national highway program. These developments affect East- ern railroads more severely than lines in other sections of the coun- ktry. Jail Southern NAACP Head 4troops on Syria's border.still en- dangered her. Bitar spoke a few hours after the UN General Assembly laid aside Syria's complaint that Tur- kish forces were massed on the frontier for imminent attack. Gromyko Echoes Gromyko, echoing Bitar's thoughts, said, "The danger which Syria faces has not yet been re- Moved. "The Turkish troops concen- trated near the border are not withdrawn... The United Nations should be on the alert." He said the Soviet Union had "stood up resolutely in the defense of Syria" and support of her com- plaint. He claimed the Assembly debate had exposed United States instiga- tion of Turkish "aggressive acts against Syria," discredited the "Dulles-Eisenhower doctrine" and rallied the Arab countries behind Syria. Fulbright( Fears. Senate Obstruction WASHINGTON (R)-Sen. Wil- liam Fulbright (D-Ark.) said yes- terday he fears the next session of Congress may be "practically im- mobilized" on pressing domestic and foreign problems by renewed controversy over civil rights. Sen. Fulbright, a member of the Foreign Relations Committee and chairman of the Banking Com- mittee, said in an interview he looks for intrqduction of a series of bills aimed at enforcing racial integration in the schools and pub- lic places throughout the South. "I am afraid that if this course is followed Congress is going to be practicaly immobilized while we have another battle over civil rights," he said. "We have some vastly more im- portant things to do than to spend our time wrangling over civil rights, including catching up with the Russians' Sputnik and their missile developments. "I would hate to think that such importantchairmen as Sen. Rich- ard Russel (D-Ga.) and Rep. Carl Vinson (D-Ga.) would be forced to divide their attention between the nation's military needs and the civil rights controversy. ~Pace Stars On 65-Yard Punt Return Hawkeyes' Huge Line Halts 'M' in Last Half By JIM BARD Sports Editor For two and one half hours yes- terday Michigan and Iowa fought it out on the gridiron but neither could prove one the master of the other as the game ended in a tie, 21-21. At least 30 million television viewers and 90,000 cheering fans saw Michigan smash Iowa for one half and Iowa smash Michigan for the other. At half time the game seemed to be in the control of the ap-. parently superior Wolverines. They had riddled the visitors with passes after suffering a momen- tary setback and were well ahead, 21-7. Iowa Controls Second Half The whole scene reversed, how- ever, after the bands gala be- tween-halves extravaganza. Iowa came roaring out of the locker- room to run all over Michigan with two touchdowns and a de- fense that stopped the seemingly staggered Wolverines cold. Since neither team could put two good halves together, it was a standoff - nothing was really decided. For the Iowa players though, the game was no doubt somewhat of a moral victory. They were the ones who came from behind, and finally, after four long years they can walk away from the game knowing that they didn't lose to Michigan. Hawkeye Line Harasses 'M' Back Early in the game, Iowa had Michigan stymied with its eight man line. It not only halted the first two Michigan drives before they got going, but it contributed largely to the Hawkeyes' first score. Iowa was rushing so effectively that Jim Van Pelt had little time to throw. On a third down situa- tion Hawkeye tackle Alex Karras hit Van Pelt while his arm was cocked. As the quarterback was falling, end Jim Gibbons knocked the ball out of Van Pelt's hands and fell on it on the Michigan nine yard line. With only nine yards to go, Iowa marched to the games opening score in four plays and a penalty with fullback John Nocera taking it in. Pace Scores on Runback In the second quarter, Michigan was touched off on a three touch- down scoring spree by a brilliant See "IOWA" Page 2 Warren Sees~ Institutional Modernization BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (P-Chief Justice Earl Warren said yesterday the greatest problem today is that of adapting our democratic insti- tutions to precedent-shattering changes of this age. . Warren spoke at the dedication of Indiana University's new law school building., "To a very large extent," he said, "this adaptation falls upon the legal institutions of our na- tion, for it is there that the frame- work of business and society should be evaluated with the con- stitutional safeguards of our gov- ernment" Zhuk ov Communist Fro -Daily-Fred Shippey REDEEMS HIMSELF-After dropping an. easy interception on the previous play, Michigan's fleet left-halfback, Jim Pace (43), took in an Iowa punt on the Michigan 35 and sped down the sidelines, dodging and swerving around potential tacklers to even the score at 7-7. Michigan, Iowa Contest Has Thrills, Frustration By RICHARD TAUB The Wolverines were beaten by Iowa yesterday. Well . . . the scoreboard read 21-21, but for most of the 90 thousand fans, the Wolverines had lost. "It's all so frustrating," a co-ed commented to her slightly inebriated date. "It would have been better if we had lost." The moods of the crowd in the second and third quarters were a study in contrast. The second quarter wis a time of real excitement for the home team rooters. Wild screams of excitement, back pounding, as well as looks of sheer rhapsody could be seen and heard as Jim Pace ran back a punt for a touch-i down. Many a bewildered "Dad" visit- ing To Open ing the campus for a sororityt fathers' day, found himself bat- tered by his daughter and her "sisters." Internionl * * Leaders Ou mi Presidiu m Somebody grabbed an old hat and it floated frisbee-like over the end zone seats of the stadium. Somebody with a trumpet alter- nated bugle calls-"attack" and "taps." A couple of opportunistic stu- dents held a sign to the television cameras which read "Hi Mom, send money." Then came the second half, and Iowa started to roll. A kind of im- patient, nervous silence hung over the stadium. The cheerleaders urged, cajoled, but the crowd had stopped shouting. People suddenly noticed some of Iowa's monster linemen. Mac Lewis, No. 55, weighed 290 pounds and Dick Klein, No. 70, weighed 255. It roused itself once more about half-way through the fourth quarter as Michigan drove deep into Hawkeye territory. Then Nos- kin fumbled, and some of the crowd actually began to leave. Iowa stayed on the ground. Forest Evashevski was not going to risk trying to win this one, and the crowd was indignant, as the clock inevitably ran out. It was not a very festive group that went home after this contest. 4t Week Events Carl Sandburg, noted poet, will keynote International Week at 8 p.m. Tuesday when he speaks in Hill Auditorium on "The Family of Man." International Week will continue through Saturday. Sandburg's program will consist of readings and songs based on the theme of "The Family of Man," the book of photographic essays for which he wrote the introduc- tion and commentary. At 4:30 p.m. Friday, Eleanor Roosevelt will speak in Hill Audi- torium on "Problems Facing the United Nations" as part of the week's special events, Arnove added. Friday evening a World's Fair will be presented in the Union. Students in the nationality clubs will decorate rooms on the second and third floors with articles from their native countries. The week will be climaxed by the Monte Carlo Ball to be held *from 9 p.m. to 12 p.m. Saturday In the Union ballroom. SENATOR SAYS: U.S. Needs Protection For Unions WASHINGTON ()-Sen. John L. McClellan (D-Ark.) said yes- terday the Senate -rackets investi- gation has shown a need for tougher laws to punish union bust- ing tactics by employers and their agents. Sen. McClellan heads the spe- cial Senate committee now deep in an investigation of alleged anti- union deals between Nathan W. Shefferman of Chicago and a variety of employers. Practices "Condemned" The senator told newsmen the testimony has shown up antiunion practices that "certainly are to be condemned" but which, under the Taft-Hartley labor law as it now stands, involve no criminal penalties. Mostly, the Taft-Hartley .law al- lows the National Labor Relations Board to order employers and their agents to stop unfair labor prac- tices, but provides no fines or jail terms for the acts themselves. Favors Ban McClellan said he would favor, among other things, a ban on la- bor contracts negotiated between national or international officials and companies without consulting the employees. "A contract should not be ne- gotiated for a union local without the consent of the members of the local," he said. "If it is not pro- hibited, it should be." Sen. McClellan said he will ask the committee, after winding up next week its hearings on alleged management misdeeds, to consider asking the Justice Department to determine whether any witnesses have committed purjury./ He said this is the committee's general practice where there are conflicts in testimony. Explores Operation' The committee plans to devote tomorrow, when it resumes hear- ings, to ,exploring operations by Shefferman and his network of agents in plants of some Flint, Mich., -employers who Sen. Mc- Clellan refused to name in ad- vance. Robert F. Kennedy, the commit- tee counsel, told newsmen in Sen. McClellan's presence that he has subpoenaed eight or nine witnesses and "I expect some of themiwill tell the truth." ..+1 T T U.S. Calls Ouster Sign Of 'Stress' WASHINGTON ()-The United States said Friday night that the Soviet ouster of Marshal Georgi Zhukov, coming on top of the shakeup last June, gives evidence of "stresses' and strains that must be present within the Soviet bloc." The comment was made in a State Department statement which r ferred to Zhukov as "a distin- guished military leader." It also challenged the Soviet Communist party line that it was Zhukov who was responsible for "adventurism" in Soviet foreign policy. Difficult to Reconcile The statement said it was "diffi- cult to reconcile" the accusation of adventurism against Zhukov with the fact that Soviet Com- munist boss Nikita Khrushchev recently wanted to send Zhukov to Washington "with a mission of high trust and confidence." Khrushchev, in the view of Washington officials, is riding the crest of Soviet power after his victory over Zhukov. But it may be a costly triumph for him in the long run. United. States officials said pri- vately it is impossible to see how a man of Zhukov's prestige and in- fluence could be thrown out of authority, as announced officially in a Moscow statement yesterday, without arousing resentment and hostility. Prolong Instability Such a result would probably mean a prolonged period of politi- cal instability in the Soviet ruling clique, and indeed that is what some of the best informed officials here foresee. Khrushchev is formally in the saddle now, as these experts un- derstand it. But he is there because in the space of five months he has de- posed several powerful men whom he considered dangerous rivals for his position. They were dangerous because they had friends and influence either in the Communist party or the militai'y forces and this fact indicates the probable existence of dissident elements which could make trouble for Khrushchev and those who support him in some future political crisis. State Department officials found little in Saturday's formal Moscow announcement of Zhukov's dis- missal'to shed any real light on what the actual issues' between him and Khrushchev were. Nor was there much indication of what the effects of the senational shake- up may be on Soviet domestic and foreign policy. Campus Chest Shows $3,300 Partial Total A total of $3,300 has been count- ed in the Campus Chest drive so far, The total amount collected from last year's Campus Chest drive was $2500. Solicitations for the drive ended Friday, although the funds from many residence houses have not been counted. The $3,300 includes funds count- ed Fridya, about $350 from Friday afternoon's bucket drive, and about $1,000 from residence houses turn- ed in yesterday morning. Pnan]ni.,mn+,.ri i un 57 Accused of Insufficient Party Spirit Central Committee Post Also Vacated By Ex-Hero's Exit MOSCOW ()-The Communist party has ejected Marshal Georgi K. Zhukov from its Central Com- mittee and ruling Presidium be- cause, it charged last night, he tried to eliminate party control over the armed forces. This demonstrated "insufficient party spirit" and "rudely violated the Leninist party principle for di- rection of the armed forces. "The Central Committee has es- tablished that the cult of comrade Zhukov's personality was culti- vated in the Soviet army- with his personal participation,"' a party resolution made public last fight said Sycophants Help "With the help of sycophants and flatterers, he was praised to the sky in lectures and reports, in articles, films and pamphlets, and his person and role in the great patriotic war were over- glorified." Thus was the popular World War II thoroughly downgraded. There was no hint as to what his future would be. He was dismissed as defense minister a week ago yesterday and last night's announcement said only that the party secretariat had been instructed to find him other work. New Job The party chieftain, Nikita Khrushchev, said last Tuesday that-job would fit the 60-year-old marshal's training and experience. The formal announcement said the resolution condemning Zhukov had been "adopted unanimously" by members and candidate mem- bers of the Central Committee. The resolution said Zhukov's conceit caused him to consider himself "a single hero of all vic- tories achieved by our people and their armed forces under the lead- ership. of the Communist party" Violated Principle It followed up the charge that he violated the Leninist principle for party control of the armed forces by saying: "Because of this Zhukov did not fulfill the trust placed in him by the party. He turned out to be a politically bankrupt representative with a tendency to adventurism in his. understanding and evaluation of the most important problems of foreign policy in the Soviet Union as well as his direction of the Ministry of Defense." The communique said the party Central Committee met late in October and discussed the "im- provement of party and political work in the Soviet army and navy. Then it aided: "The plenary meeting has excluded eorgi K. Zhukov from membership of the Presidium of the Central Commit- tee and from the Central Commit- tee of the CPSU-Communist party of the Soviet Union." Zhukov Casts Vote for His Own Expulsion MOSCOW (M-Pravda said yes- terday ousted Defense Minister Marshal Georgi Zhukov had ad- mitted all the errors of his ways and voted for his own expulsiorr from his Communist party posts. PERFORMS AT HALFTIME: Gene Krupa Finds Marching Band 'Really Gone' By PAUL BORMAN Drummer Gene Krupa's surprise visit to Michigan Stadium yester- day was as exciting for him as it was for the fans. Krupa thrilled the 90,478 fans as he accompanied the Michigan Marching Band in "Sing, Sing, Sing." This was the song which brought the Chicago born drum- mer fame and fortune in 1936 Krupa said, and it was evident that he was enjoying it as much as anyone in the stadium. He stood up for the Michigan kickoffs and cheered and smiled on every Wolverine advance. When asked his opinion of the Michigan band, the jazz great, who chews his gum as fast as he moves his sticks, said, "Crazy man, they're the best, they're rea11v gone ." mesmm ma asamaamaamaaam m o s- msan