C rmtr4tgalt Daily
Sixty-Eighth Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints.
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Debate on the Propriety
Of AFL-CIO Expenditure
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AMERICAN labor movement JUSTLY CONCERNED over the public opinion
Blear and decisive indication that effects of James Hoffa, the AFL-CIO Execu-
concerned with the abuses of tive Council recently decided it is worth spend-
ts leadership, revealed recently ing $1,200,000 in attempts to regain some lost
Senate inivestigating committee. public sympathy.
IO has made it plain it will not But in authorizing a boost in the budget for
of these revelations lying down. its public relations committee, the labor move-
lic relations program costing in men is merely adding to the questionable activi-
$1,200,000 is being planned to ties that have already darkened its name.
erse effects resulting from the With one segment of labor, the Teamsters,
The Executive Council of the already under fire for misusing union funds,
ld its public relations committee and the UAW on trial this week in Detroit for
budget of this size providing it 'violating the Federal Corrupt Practices Act in
a satisfactory program g the 1954 election, any further use of union
funds for ;purposes not readily justifiable to
s to win a respected position in paying members deserves a close second look.
ociety have been extensive and True, the public impression of labor gener-
The position labor now com- ally may have been unjustifiably lowered by dis-
iluable to be lost because of the closures of corruption in certain unions. And
mall section of its leadership likewise, it must be acknowledged that, as the
en to put individual welfare be- union radio commercials say, the vast majority
rank-and-file membership. of those connected with the labor movement
e emphasized that the "corrupt" are solid citizens of unquestionable honesty.
ll. The Teamsters union is the Yet, 'for these very reasons, the appropria-
on (1,400,000 members) whose tion of money derived from these honest mem-
been found undesirable to the bers is a further misuse of funds that does not
t. Considering that the leaders represent the best interests, needs or perhaps
unions direct a membership of even the expressed wishes of the rank and file.
the numerical percentage of And strangely enough, the Executive Council
es not seem excessive. approval of a huge advertising budget comes
t of the investigations through at a time when the AFL-CIO is losing the $840,-
iey have received, and the seri- 000 a year tax paid by the recently ousted
abuses, is quite another matter. Teamsters. (This represents about 10 per cent
recognizes this and wants to of the AFL-CIO's inc'ome, according to the New
York Times.)
ESTION the ethics of the AFL- WHEN THE COUNCIL decided, several weeks
g over a million dollars in union ago, not to renew two union-sponsored ra-
to toot its own horn. But it dio news programs, this was viewed by outside
ed that the rank-and-file mem- observers as a necessary reduction in expendi-
that will suffer if the labor tures. But in reversing its position and approv-
en a black eye before the public, ing a budget costing twice as much as the ra-
cularly, before Congress. dio programs, the union leaders are moving
it would hardly seem inappro- even farther away from the interests of a mem-
r to sped. haly tomprnmope-bership that refused to support a "get Taft"
r to spend heavily to promote- crusade when the author of the "despised",
th the publ when the ag- Taft-Hartley Law ran for election in 1950. This
ness lavish untold millions each is the same rank and filerthat cast votes for the
Loeentublo hs alradufered"big business" viewpoint of President Dwight
ovement has already suffered . Eisenhower
n excess of the ill deeds done Instead of, as expected, spending money to
and associated hoodlums. There renew sponsorship of radio programs heard by
bt that legislation will result in an audience already favorable to labor, instead
n of Congress that will -retard of pouring funds out of the coffers to pay for
ment as much as prevent recur- advertisements that would likely be quickly re-
uses uncovered this year. jected by those already alienated by labor's ac-
the AFL-CIO on the unequiv- tivities, the unions would better represent their
has taken on the problems of members and create a sounder impression by
stand has been reflected in the showing a little more discretion with funds.
the powerful Teamsters union, Unfortunately, buying a few more gallons
unions and now in the antici- of whitewash will not maintain a sparkling ap-
ation campaign. pearance for the public view. Only by turning
novement can continue to show within themselves and showing through sin-
d positive actions there is little cere action that their foundations are strongly
ve "publicity campaigns" will rooted in honesty and public concern can the
the future, unions earn a lastinig public support.
Union Senate Assessed
"Think It's Really One Of Those Two-Stage Jobs?"
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First Steps Taken
Toward Space Travel
Associated Press Science Reporter
HUMAN SPACE TRAVEL has already partiallybegun. Our jet pilots
are flying so high that much of the earth's 'air is beneath them. They
are already meeting and conquering some major problems involved in
trips to the Moon or Mars.
Human volunteers in special experiments are producing answers
as to, whether and how, humans can stand greater and more severe
challenges higher in the void of space.
But don't fall for the pitch of some promoter offering you bargain-
'I I
T yphoonResearch Curtailed
IT MAY seem a long way from a
closed-door meeting in the
Weather Bureau recently to the
prestige we lost over Sputnik, but
there are certain connections just
the same.
If the United States could dis-
cover a way to control hurricanes
or predict their paths more ac-
curately, it's hard to overestimate
the propaganda victory we would
win in the Far East and South
Japan, the Philippines, and the
countries of Southeast Asia suf-
fer millions of dollars of property
damage and lose thousands of
lives from these tropical storms
which in the eastern hemisphere
are called "typhoons." Should the
United States divert just one ty-
phoon away from the flimsy
wooden houses of a Japanese city,
it would win the respect and
gratitude of millions of Asians.
* * *
HOWEVER, despite this, and
despite Defense Secretary Mc-El-
roy's new concern over basic re-
search, the top brass of the Air
Force are still refusing to keep
three Air Force planes flying next
year in the National Hurricane
Research Project.
At the closed-door meeting at
the Weather Bureau, officers of
the Air Weather Service of the Air
Force reluctantly refused to dis-
cuss keeping the three research
planes flying. They agreed with
Weather Bureau meteorologists
that the project is the most hope-
ful hurricane research in history.
But they were under orders from
Defense Department economizers
not to discuss the three Air Force
research planes now being
stripped of their electronic record-
ing equipment at Palm Beach,
Prospect now is that the Weath-
er Bureau will have to get along
by installing a small amount of
electronic equipment on the 20
hurricane "Hunter" planes still
assigned to it by the Air Force
and Navy. In most cases, Weather
Bureau meteorologists will be un-
able to ride along as they now do
on the three specially equipped
research planes.
The National Hurricane Re-
search Project was planned with
the help of the world's top me-
teorologists three years ago, aft-
er a rash of hurricanes brought
havoc to United States coastal
* * *
out three years ago that the av-
erage hurricane is 350 miles wide
and eight miles deep, filling the
fantastic total of one million cu-
bic miles. The only way to dis-
cover how to, control them, they
said, was to record conditions in
each of those million cubic miles
--not once, but perhaps as often
as every hour. This can only be
done with an airplane equipped
with electronic recording devices,
since the human hand can't write
fast enough while an airplane is
flying through a storm.
The three special research
planes can take readings every 10
seconds. By contrast, the "Hunt-
er" planes, when equipped with
a small amount of electronic
equipment, will supply perhaps
one one-thousandth as much
data. They will continue. The
other planes will not.
Note - It's ironic that the Air.
Force, which has abandoned its
special role in hurricane research,
is frequently the first to brag
whenever one of the "Hunter"
planes discovers a hurricane in
time to warn a city.
When President Eisenhower at-
tended centennial church services
for' Teddy Roosevelt on Sunday,
few members of the congregation
knew that one of Ike's chief lieu-
tenants on Capitol Hill had pre-
viously scuttled a resolution call-
ing for national honors to Teddy.
Earlier this year, Sen. James
Murray (D-Mont.) introduced a
resolution designating 1958 as a
Theodore Roosevelt Memorial
Year. This was to be in honor of
the first national conference on
conservation called in 1908 by
Roosevelt and his chief forester,
Gifford Pinchot.
Murray's resolution was backed
by 63 senators and received
unanimous approval in the Sen-
ate. However, when it got to the
House Judiciary Committee, Ken-
neth Keating of New York, an
Eisenhower Republican, led an
onslaught on the bill that emascu-
lated its provisions. As a result,
it never did get a final okay from
* * .
same state that sent Teddy Roose-
velt to the White House - New
York. But, goaded by private util-
ity lobbyists, Keating fought to
water down the resolution. He
feared public power enthusiasts
might use the Teddy Roosevelt
celebration as a base for attack-
ing Eisenhower's contrary power
policy. Keating's amendments
would have limited expenditures
for the Roosevelt Centennial to a
paltry $20,000 and barred the so-
liciting of private contributions.
Ike had probably forgotten
these facts when he attended the
services at Grace Reformed
Church here. He was spared addi-
tional embarrassment when the
Rev. Dit. Daniel L. Marsh, Chan-
cellor of Boston University, in his
sermon identified the greatest
Presidents as Washington, Lin-
coln, Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow
Wilson, and Dwight D. Eisenhow-
er. The name of another Roose-
velt was diplomatically omitted.
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.)
price reserved tickets to the Moon
that easy. Indeed, there are some
scientists and experts who say
space travel is forever out of the
question-men couldn't stand it,
or be protected well enough.
There's a middle opinion that
human journeys into space are a
very long way off-perhaps no
earlier than the end of this cen-
tury. But enthusiasts say the first
space Columbus-John or Ivan-
has already been born or now is
even in school. They see initial
space journeys within five to 10
* * *
JET PILOTS are flying i such
thin air that they must carry their
own oxygen, use pressurized cab-
ins and special suits, or their
blood would boil at these heights.
Their planes are overcoming prob-
lems of heat from friction at high
speed in the air they meet. The
pilots are experiencing sensations
of no gravity-weightlessness-at
times in the flights.
There is a large number of diffi-
cult problems connected with space
Can human life withstand the
radiation men will meet in space
from cosmic rays, and from intense
ultraviolet light and X-rays from
the sun? Our blanket of atmos-
phere blocks out most of these
rays, which might quickly kill or
damage the unprotected body.
Our air also burns up most of
the meteors whizzing in at us from
space. How crowded is space with
this cosmic dust, or with big me-
teor -chunks traveling faster than
any cannon shell, and just as
lethal if they barreled through a
presurized space cruiser?
* * *
BABY MOONS - United States
and Russian-equipped with sensi-
tive instruments and radios, will
report what these hazards are, or
what unsuspected dangers may
exist. Monkeys have gone up 80
miles high inside United States
rockets. Russians report sending
dogs 130 miles high. Just in the
last few days, a Soviet scientist
said a next step could be to put
dogs or other animals in baby
moons, with instruments recording
and reporting what happens to
But the real step would be hu-
man volunteers testing the practi-
cability of space travel.
Women might be the first choice
because, say male psychologists,
they can tolerate boredom and
monotonous tasks better.
R ae
ACCORDING to records sub-
poenaed by the U.S. Senate,
the Mennen Company, of which
Gov. G. Mennen (Soapy) Wil-
liams of Michigan is a director
and stockholder, once did business
with Johnny Dio, notorious labor
Far from being discomfited by
the imminent disclosure of this
fact, Gov. Williams actually
boasted of having been "victim-
ized" by Dio.
Why the glee? Possibly because
Dio represented the United Auto-
mobile workers of the American
Federation of Labor, and any-
thing that could be said against
him would automatically boost
the stock of Walter Reuther, Wil-
liams' chief vote-getter, who hap-
pens to head the UAW-CIO.
--National Review
by 1960 or 1965. It just won't be
Associated Press Staff Writer
THE TOUGH TALK of the cold
war has been revived lately in
the United Nations General As-
An example came in debate on
Syria's Soviet-backed complaint
that Turkey has massed troops on
the frontier for an attack.
When Turkey asked for a delay
to allow time for mediation, Soviet
Foreign Minister Andrei A. Grom-
yko accused the Turks of wanting
to delude public opinion:
"They want to throw dust into
the eyes of naive and credulous
people, while at the name time
they engage in their own business
which is the preparation of ag-
gression against the independent
state of Syria ... They were caught
The Assembly president, Sir
Leslie Munro of New Zealand, en-
tered a procedural point. Grom-
yko wagged his finger and re-
"If I feel the need for advice, I
shall request it. . . I believe it
would be better, Mr. President, if
you did not waste your energy on
interrupting statements and if you
focused these energies on a correct
and organized way of conducting
these meetings."
* * *
United States "is openly inciting
Turkey to attack Syria." He con-
cluded that what was needed was
"to withdraw the Turkish forces
from the Syrian, frontier and to
stop blackmaling Syria-to stop
the sabre-rattling."
United States Delegate Henry
Cabot Lodge put in a few words of
his own. He spoke of "the insin-
cerity of the Soviet contention."
He said the Soviet Union had gob-
bled up Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia,
Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary,
Bulgaria, Romania and Albania.
He accused it of butchering Hun-
Of the Soviet Union he observed:
"Here is the chronic lawbreaker,
not only seeking to be regarded
as a good citizen, but actually try-
ing to sit in the judge's seat and
sentence the whole law-abiding
community to jail.
* * *
"HERE IS the arsonist, trying
his best to start another fire, and
demanding the right to lead the
fire brigade."
Turkish Ambassador Seyfullah
Esin declared certain' Syrian
charges were devoid of good faith.
Syria Foreign Minister Salah Bitar
spoke of "a slanderous; campaign"
against Syria
Gromyko, in his last appearance,
refrained from repeating his ear-
lier threat that Russia would "take
all the necessary steps to extend
assistance to the victim of aggres-
sion" in case of an attack on Syria.
And Communist chief Nikita
Khrushchev said Tuesday night
there would not be a war.
This led some to hope that the
tough talk and the cold war at-
mosphere were on the way out.
The Daily Official Bulletin Is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Dailyaassumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Women's Hours: Women students
have 1:30 a.m. permission on Sat., Nov.
The Women's Research Club will
meet on Mon., Nov. 4 in the West Con-
ference Room, Rackham Building. Prof.
Adelaide Adams of the Fine Arts De-
partment will speak on, "Mission
Churches of the Southwest."
Academic Notices
Admission Test for Graduate Study
in Business: Candidates taking the Ad-
ON THE SURFACE, the Union Senate seemed
to be pretty much of a travesty of its original
purpose as it held its first meeting Thursday
night. With a four-topic agenda scheduled, the
Senate didn't even get the first topic disposed of
before the meeting broke down into a series of
motions, counter-motions, and still more mo-
tions. The difficulty lay in determining exactly
how, and by whom, the meeting was to be run.
A good part of the evening was taken up in
discussion of these questions. At approximately
10 p.m. It became apparent that answers to
these questions were probably going to take
more time to work out than remained in
Thursday. The different solutions that had been
proposed by the seven discussion groups com-
prising the Senate were referred to the Senate
planning committee.
The planning committee met yesterday and
worked these ideas into definite plans which
will' be presented at the Nov. 14 meeting of
the Senate.
But amidst the confusion of Thursday's
meeting, two impressions stood out. The Senate
representatives displayed a surprising degree of
interest in the problems that confronted their
group. Together with this interest, the repre-
sentatives came up with many potentially use-
ful suggestions on the problem of football game
These two impressions stein from one source
-the Senate representatives. First indications
are that some capable people comprise the
BUT although the representatives have dem-
onstrated themselves to be individually cap-
able, the Senate as a group has not. The Sen-
ate must now show that it can hold a meeting
to discuss campus issues, not itself.
It will probably demonstrate this in the next
few meetings. But partcular care should be
taken by both the Union and the individual
interested in discussion of their problems, often
the problems of the whole University com-
munity, and ideas and proposals for tpeir
solution. If the Senate fails to discuss these
problems soon, student interest now aroused by
the Senate will be blighted, and the Senate will
cease to exist as a body of any importance.
The advice to both the Union and the Senate
representatives is twofold: Get the best possible
procedure worked out; work it out as quickly as
possible so that the interest centered in the
Senate will not vanish and with it the value
of the Senate to the Universiy.
Pipe Smoking: How
Long A Man's Domain?
ALTHOUGH women have seized men's styles
from ivy slacks and button-down shirts to
Bermuda shorts which resemble a male's un-
mentionables, men seem to be holding their
own as traditional pipe smokers.
From brush cuts to buck shoes, women's
fads are males' outfits turned inside out.
Whenever the masculine sex begins a fad or
borrows it from the 'years gone by' file, wo-
men suddenly discover that by ripping some
material apart or adding a piece to another
area they can acquire the collegiate look as
well as any man.
Last year one of the advertised fads for fe-
males was pastel-shaded pipes decorated by
three or four rhinestones along the bowl. Per-
haps Mammy Yokum lent unfavorable con-
notations to this idea, but anyhow, it failed to
become the vogue as was expected.
After taking men's styles in clothes, why
didn't women make claims to the pipe?
Pouches could be madeafromsrhinestones cre-
ating a matching outfit for the smoker with
jeweled match box to accompany the entire
'Meet Russian Threat with Determination'
To the Editor:
IT WOULD SEEM that any sober
approach to a problem as crucial
as the successful perpetuation of
our national unity should be han-
dled with great care and thought.
The editorial director of the Uni-
versity's newspaper exhibited nei-
ther of these indispensable requi-
sites in his explanation: "Realistic
Pacificism Suggested for World's
This title in itself embodies the
first contradiction, and it is suc-
ceeded by an abundance of logical
fallacies which are as flagrant as
they are pernicious. Not only has
pacifism been an historically con-
sistent symbol of sterility, but the
body of Mr. Elsman's article would
seem to be incompatible with his
It would be folly not to acknow-
ledge Russia's foreign policy suc-
cesses since the close of World War
II. A mere look at the map should
convince the most obtuse person
of Russia's aggrandizement. If we
ly reminiscent of Ghandi and the
Indian Mystics, a retreat is sug-
gested in the direction of Tahiti
or some other ostrich paradise.
What could be less realistic?
Only one thing, and that's Mr. Els-
man's next statement: namely,.
that the United States should dis-
arm, commit out defense appro-
priations to "the poor and back-
ward abroad," and trust that the
Russians would not dare defy
world opinion that so ineffectively
tried to deter Russia's historically
successful aggression and tyranny.
Indeed, the effects of Mr. Elsman's
article are more pernicious than
his hollow panacea.
Would it not be more realistic to
conclude from the given premises
that a policy of directed action
would provide more fertile grounds
for increased Western success? To
borrow Churchill's phrase, the
storm has gathered and now our
policies must make the transition
from those of reaction and reluc-
Tribute.. .
To the Editor:
IT IS INDEED unfortunate when
a touring orchestra of the sta-
ture of the Florence Festival group
must, through some misguided
concept of international relations,
attempt to ingratiate itself with
the American public by offering
such a spurious tribute as the
overblown "Sinfonia Americana,"
played here last week.
Unfortunate and downright em-
barrassing! The intention was cer-
tainly laudable, a musical greeting
from them to us-in our terms. We
should have been charmed,' I sup-
pose. And most assuredly, many
in the audience were. But others,
I'm afraid, could only grieve.
The work was inchoate, preten-
tious, trite, and vulgar, as are most
efforts to incorporate eloquently
simple and moving folk tunes into
a symphonic form. In recent years,
the long winded, rump stirring,
all-American salute,, usually a
melahnge o f folktune~s aond fuinda-
Friends Center, 1416 Hill Street.
It took many hours of painstak-
ing work by the mother of two
small children to paint the phrases
"Ann Arbor Meeting of the Reli-
gious Society of Friends (Quak-
ers)" and "Meetings for Worship
Sunday's 10 and 11:30 a.m."
Since I hesitate to ask this
mother to undertake all that work
again, I would greatly appreciate
the return of the sign to the
Friends Center.
-Robert 0. Blood, Jr.
Friends Center Committee
So Bad...
To the Editor:
I WAS QUITE disappointed to
find in the classified ads of Fri-
day's Daily a request for student
help which carried a restriction
that the person desired be of a
certain skin color.
I regret that things are so bad
that our school publication must
; .