AFL-CIODEXPENDITURE DEBATE See page 4 Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom 4I aii4 r ' i iri roni rrw w w SLXVIIl, No. 40 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1957 FIVE CENTS I Syrian Move Closes UN Crisis Talks Arabs Elect To Drop Charges Against U.S. UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (A') - The United Nations abruptly ended its debate on the Turkish-Syrian, crisis yesterday after Syria an-/ nounced it was ready to leave the problem for the present without any action. Syria's decision was part of a' formula, worked out behind the scenes, to avoid a showdown in the bitter two-week discussion. It was generally hailed by delegates as a satisfactory way out of' a controversy which had sharply di- vided the world organization. The problem was left on the agenda of the 82-nation Assembly, but Syria said it would not press its demands for an inquiry into its complaint that the United States was prodding Turkey to- ward an attack on Syria. Ask Mediation A seven-nation group acted sim- ilarly on its own counterprol3osal to put Secretary General Dag. Hammarskjold into the situation, if needed, as a mediator. At a news conference later, Syrian Foreign Minister Salah Bitar declared his mind was not placed at rest by the statement of Nikita Khrushchev, Soviet com-' munist party boss, that there would be no war. Bitar said Syria was endangered as long as Turkish troops concen- trate near the Syrian - Turkish frontier. 'Not Cold War' Bitar said the United States mistakenly considered the Syrian- Turkish dispute as. part of the cold war. Asked about Soviet sup- port of the S~yrian position, Bitar said Syria dould not prevent any state, "great or small," from voic- ing its position on any issue.. He charged that the mediation offer of King Saud had been ex- ploited and that Saud has already relayed to Turkey the demand of Syria that Turkish troops be re- -Daily-Leonard Cyr GOING, GOING--Clair Birrd auctions merchandise, house services and an old car at the Campus Chest sale. Joe Sherman, Campus Board chairman, watches as students bid for the articles and donate their bids to .the Campus Chest drive. B yCampusChest Car, Tickets Sold in Drive Auction; Bucket Proceeds Still Incomplete By JAMES BOW A total of $1,955 was counted yesterday as the proceeds of this week's Campus Chest drive were turned in. Thursday's bucket drive showed collections of $750 and $250 was collected in the bucket drive Friday morning. The remaining bucket drive proceeds have yet to be counted. Thirteen residence houses turned in $695 by yesterday. Joe Shernan, '58, Campus Chest Board chairman announced that houses may turn in funds from 8 a.m. to 12 noon today at the basement window of the Student Activities Building. Auction Nets $260 The remaiiing funds counted were $260 which came from the Campus Chest auction yesterday on the diagonal. Clair Bird, '58, was auctioneer, selling items which varied from a silk scarf to an auto- mobile. Two tickets for dinner at Uni- }: ;versity President Harlan Hatcher's home, two tickets for the May Fes- tival, and blue Michigan sweat- shirts were other items which :, brought bids. A Park Permits Sought Red Rumor: Ex-Minister Faces Exile LONDON (A) - Reports from Moscow last -night said Soviet armed forces, are being purged of powerful friends of ex-Defense Minister Georgi K. Zhukov and the marshal himself is likely to be exiled to a remote military job. Already, according to reports reaching-Belgrade, he has been expelled from all his positions of power-from the top-level party Presidium,- the party Central Com- mittee and the Defense Ministry job. When the Kremlin hierarchy gets around to revealing Zhukov's future and the reasons for his humiliation, other uncensored re- ports said, it will make him the scapegoat for the Syrian-Turkish brink-of-war scare, a crisis which Soviet party boss Nikita Khrush- chev himself stirred up. Censorship Halts News Tight Mosic ow censorship stopped all but the vaguest hints about developments in the Soviet capital and the charges that are likely to be used to explain the hatchet job on Zhukov. Reports about an army and navy purge and about the probability Zhukov would be sent to some re- mote spot ranking with Outer Mongolia came from Irving R. Le- vine, NBC correspondent, who ar- rived in Helsinki, the Finnish capi-" tal, from Moscow yesterday. He said the reports were circu- lating. among Russians as well as foreign diplomats when he left Moscow a few hours before. Sought To Aid Syria "Khrushchev had warned of im- pending war in the Middle East. 'His object was to fortify the in- fant pro-Communist regime in Sy- ria," Levine reported. But the crisis went beyond what was safe for Russia, he said, and now by blaming Zhukov for it the Soviet leadership can draw back from its "brink-of-war policy in the Middle East." Soviet Premier Nikolai Bulganin, who had been'reported slated for the skids, the correspondent said, "now seems to have saved his own political ,hide by helping to skin Zhukov." Meany Vows IF T Union Action WASHINGTON (P) - AFL-CIO President George Meany said yes- terday labor corruption is more extensive than he had realized but; he pledged that the federation will succeed in cleaning it up. Meany said labor is willing to accept reasonable corrective leg- islation from Congress but will rally as one man to fight off any move "to fasten antiunion legisla-1 tion on us in the guise of elimin- ating corruption." Organized labor, Meany said in a speech to the AFL-CIO's Indus- trial Union Department, doesn't have too many friends in Con- gress and very few real friends on the Senate Rackets Investiga- ing Committee headed by Sen. John L. McClellan (D-Ark.) The committee has developed a series of labor scandal disclosures in public hearings during the past year. Sen. McClellan-only Thurs- day praised Meany for courage ini acting against corruption-tainted unions. Meany said in forming the AFL-CIO over two years ago la- bor's leaders realized a growing corruption trend and knew it would hurt organized labor as anj instrument for getting more bene- fits for workers. Michigan To Iowa Eleven in Crucial Contes Before Nationwide TV Gallery Companies Contemplate Rail Merger NEW YORK (R) - The New York Ceitral and the Pennsyl- vania railroads announced yes- terday they are studying a merger of the two roads into one system. The two roads are the largest in the country, based on annual revenues, and have combined a sets of five and one-half billion dollars. Both the Pennsylvania and the Central traverse heavily populated and industrialized sections of the East and Midwest, Both have ex- perienced sharp declines in earn- ings this year. Joint Announcement Jacob Symes, president of the Pennsylvania, and Alfred Perl- man, president of the New York Central jointly announced the merger studies. A merger, if effected, would ap- ply both to the physical properties and the financial structure. It would enable the roads to consoli- date terminal facilities and elir inate duplicate rail and yard fa- cilities in some areas. a "Economic and competitive con- ditions confronting railroads, par- ticularly in the East, have so changed that a thorough inquiry should be made into the wisdom of consolidating, as against con- tinuing competitive operations," the joint announcement said. Preliminary Studies Held Symes and Perlman said pre- liminary studies on the merger proposal have been held and they have indicated that "substantial benefits to all concerned may re- sult from such a merger." The proposal, which was not announced until after 5 p.m. ap- parently was a well-kept secret in Wall Street, for neither stock showed any appreciable move- ment yesterday on the New York Stock Exchange - which closes at 3:30 p.m. New York Central finished at $18.87, off 12 cents, and Pennsylvania closed at $15, off 12 cents. In Washington both the Justice Department and the Interstate Commerce Commission declined comment on the merger possibili- ty. In proposed railroad mergers the ICC investigates to determine if, among other things, the propo- sal would be in the public interest. The Justice Department usual- ly intervenes in order to follow the testimony presented. Malinovsky Greets Amer MOSCOW (MP-Marshal Rodion Malinovsky yesterday made his first public appearance in his new job as Soviet defense minister, welcoming to Moscow Maj.-Gen. Abdel Hakim Amer, Egyptian army commander-in-chief. Malinovsky, who succeeded Mar- shal Georgi Zhukov as defense minister last weekend, greeted Amer at Moscow airport and last night was host at a dinner for him. UNION SENATE : Committee Proposes Procedural Remedies Some UN diplomats felt that Syria and the Soviet Union had squeezed all the propaganda value possible out of their charges, and were content to let the matter drop for now. Segregat1on Leader Denies House Option ATL ANTA (P)-The founder of an organization to move Sputhern Negroes into Northern and West- ern all-white neighborhoods de- nied yesterday that an option had been taken on a Washington home in Vice President Richard M. Nix- ° on's neighborhood. Alpha. A. Fowler, a Georgia leg- islator, said he did not believe Nixon or his neighbors would sell to his agency because of a restric- tive covenant barring Negroes and Jews. Fowler said the American Re- -settlement Foundation Inc., does have an option on a $75,000 house. -However, he would not reveal where the property is located, say- ing that to do so might embarrass "many fine Americans in the North" who are assisting the foun- dation. As to the report that a privately chartered subscription agency had an option on a house in the Wes- ley Heights area , of northwest Washington where the Nixons live, Fowler said: "Of course we would be interested in considering prop- erty in Nixon's neighborhood for relocating Negroes and I am sure Nixon would not object, for his stand against segregation is too well known." 2,010 Petition For Novelist Petitions bearing the signatures of 2,010 persons have been sent to the Council of Ministers of the Hungarian government in an at-. teempt to gain the release of novel- ist Tibor Dery, now in prison. Each of the signatures on the petitions has been stamped "Peti- tion-Freedom for Derv" to pre-. By LANE VANDERSLICE The Union Senate's planning committee yesterday outlined a plan for solving the procedural difficulties of the Union Senate. Unanimously approved by the committee members, the plan provides for a method of voting on ideas brought up in the Sen- ate and sets other procedures that the committee felt necessary. Commpittee members said that approval will be sought at the Nov. 14 meeting of the Senate. Compromise Plan The plan is a compromise worked out by the committee from ideas submitted at Thursday's meeting of the Senate. The group consists of the three senior offi- cers of the Union and seven group leaders elected ,at Thursday's meeting. Meeting in the Union student offices, the committee also de- cided to continue with the agenda of Thursday's meeting if the pro- cedural question is settled in time REPORT: Know land To Bypass Primaries WASHINGTON (A) - Sen. Wil- liam F. Knowland (R-Calif.) will step out of the way of Vice Presi- dent Richard M. Nixon in the 1960 Republican presidential pri- maries outside of California, it was reported authoritatively yes- terday. That does not necessarily mean Sen. Knowland won't try for the presidential nomination. Presi- dential primaries do not deter-' mine the choice of the national convention, although they can in- fluence that choice. Friends say Sen. Knowland hasn't made up his mind about trying for the big prize. t But Sen. Knowland's decision not to enter primaries, if he win's the governorship of California next year, has been communicated to close associates in !Washington. It represents a reversal of the tactics of the senator in 1956 when his name was entered in several state contests before Pres- ident Dwight D. Eisenhower an- nounced he would run again. .While associates emphasized Sen. Knowland had charted his course independently, without any consultation with Nixon, the de- cision gave the vice president a fresh break in his obvious cam- paign to win .the 1960 Republican presidential nomination. This break came on top of cheering political news for Nixon from California, where there were undenied reports that GOP Gov. Goodwin J. Knight would with- draw from the race for re-election as governor. Meet Undefeated United Fund .Drive Totals 78.4 Per Cent The Ann Arbor United Fund ended this week having collected $250,945 according to unofficial Daily figures towards their goal of $332,446. This is 78.4 per cent of' their goal. The University Division of the drive, headed by Prof. N. Edd Mil- ler of the speech department, has collected $55,681 or 73 per cent of their $76,400 goal. Funds from the drive go to 44 national and local agencies. 11 Ann Arbor charities receive their sole support from this drive. The drive, which finished its second official year last Monday, is under the direction of Avery Downer, volunteer chairman. The drive is broken down into the city drive and the University drive. The University Division is composed of the general Univer- sity drive, also under Prof. Miller, -and the University Hospital drive under Charles M. Allmand, hos- pital personmel director. The drive's goal is based on budgets submitted by the local agencies and on estimates of what the comnunity can give to the national charities.. The local agencies include such organizations as the - YMCA and YWCA, the Boy Scouts and the Visiting Nurse Association. W 7iLa J. ..AWnf Highest bids for single items were for a year-long parking per- mit which went for $50 and an old car, which sold for $35. Fraternities, sororities, and resi- dence halls bid for the services of other houses. The services included raking leaves, cleaning houses, and giving parties. Frederick House's offer to rake leaves, build a bonfire, and give a marshmallow roast was bought by Chicago House for $40. Extra $20 Given Chicago House contributed an additional $20 because University President and Mrs. Hatcher were coming to the house for dinner. Delta Delta Delta sorority bought Zeta Beta Tau's services for main- tenance work. In turn, the sorority had offered its services to clean a fraternity house. Tau Kappa Epsilon sold its serv- ices in giving a party and Beta Theta Pi offered to do "general maintenance work." The remaining funds to be counted in the drive are from residence houses which have not yet turned in their money. The funds could not be totalled during the week because residence houses were still soliciting and holding their funds until the drive was over. at the Nov. 14 meeting. Most discussion in the meeting arose over the method 'to be used in voting on ideas and recommen- dations made in the seven discus- sion groups. The committee even- tually agreed on a proposal that would enable each idea brought up by a committee to be consid- ered separately. Immediate Passage Possible The proposal would enable any idea or recommendation to be passed immediately that received the votes of at least 75 per cent of the members present. Under - the committee's plan, other recommendations could be brought up later if desired. The plan also provided for the following: 1) Union Senate meetings to be held every two weeks unless changed by a majority vote of .the Senate. Agenda Discussion 2) Agenda to be prepared in enough time for discussion of it in men's housesbefore the Senate meeting. 3) A modified version of Rob- ert's Rules of Order to be used when the senate is sitting as a single body, 4) Additions to the agenda may be made on the floor of the Sen- ate by a simple majority of the Senate. A copy of the complete commit- tee recommendations will be sent to the Senate representatives sometime next week, according to Fred Wilten, '58E, Union execu- tive vice-president. Eisenhower To Discuss U.S. Security WASHINGTON () -President Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday chose Nov. 13 and Oklahoma City as the time and place for the first of a series of confidence-boosting speeches to the people. The speech, beginning at 10:30 p.m. EST that Wednesday night and running for half an hour, is to be on "science and security." The general nature of the whole series was laid down by President Eisenhower in a New York speech Oct. 22. He took note then of public concern over America's sci- entific position, national defense, economic strength and foreign policy. To Speak Several Times "These," he said, "are some of the subjects about which, during the ensuing weeks, I shall seek opportunities to talk with the American people." The choice of the first topic in- dicated that President Eisenhower intends to try from the start to allay anxieties and criticisms that have arisen over Russia's scientific strides. The Eisenhower administration has come under sharp fire because the Soviets were the first to launch an earth satellite, with the ac- companying implication of im- portant gains in missile weapons. --Ike 'No Race' President Eisenhower has con- tended there never was any race to be first with a satellite, and has expressed no great worry about America's place in the missile de- velopment field. President Eisenhower plans to fly to Oklahoma City around mid- day Nov. 13 and return to Wash- ington that night or the next day. Predict Red Cn an ta U m a DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL DINNER: President Hatcher Stresses 'U' Financial Support Wolves Injured Michigan is plagued with in- juries. In addition to end Dave Bowers, out for the season with a shoulder injury, ends Gary Prahst and Chuck Teuscher have leg in- juries, fullback John Herrnstein and halfback Bob Ptacek have foot injuries and halfback Mike Shatusky's back is still bothering- him. Prahst, Aerrnstein and Sha- tusky are ordinarily starters, .al- though Prahst should be able to open at left end. Michigan's attack is expected to depend largely on its passing- tops in Big Ten play so far with a .592 completion percentage-since the Hawkeyes' line has proven tough to break through. Iowa likes to run-especially off the tackles -and quarterback Randy Duncan has completed 22 passes in Confer- ence competition thus far. See VAN PELT, Page 3 Negroes Enter Texas School (PLEASANTON, Tex. (W)-The first integration under a new Tex- as law requiring a .local option election got off to a peaceful start yesterday when nine Negroes were admitted to Pleasanton High School. Cnnf A n Wlio-pm z te h By RICHARD SALO . University President Harlan Hatcher and Ernest T. Stewart, executive director of the American Alumni Council last night urged continued support for the Univer- sity above and beyond that given by the Legislature. At the fourth annual Develop- ment Conference dinner, President Hatcher pointed out that it was research which these accomplish- ments 'represent. The University must, according to Pres. Hatcher, do its part in "the critically important mission of advancing rapidly for the sake of education and national safety. "The role of the Council now and in the next ten years is the understanding of this problem and constant support in addition to what the Legislature gives." "there is no evidence of a limit on the amount of philanthropic funds which our colleges and uni- versities will receive if they do an effective job of stating their case, if they work together in support of the efforts of xll and if they take advantage of today's favor- able climate for philanthropic support." Looking to the future he stated that "within the next ten years nhilanthronic sunort to all of