t -lalloween League Plans Council Study Committee League Council yesterday ap- proved a motion by Linda Green, '59, to "form a study committee to investigate the structure of League Council and its committees. The council members felt that the council could be .streamlined, that the cpmmittees overlap and that some of the committees oper- ate only, a small part of the year. Jeanette Cameron, '58, first vice - president of League was named chairman of the commit- tee. Karen Levey, '60, reported on the conclusions of the League- Union Coed Show Study Commit- tee. A need for the expression of student talent was expressed, par- ticularly in class projects. Gulan- tics, annual talent show sponsored by the Glee Club, Union and the League, was discussed and the possibilities for changing this show into a "New Faces" type of show were mentioned. Members felt that there would be few real conflicts as far as other campus shows are, concerned. Miss Levey said that the show should be a money making project but that quality rather than quan- tity should be stressed. She felt that it should be a student written show rather than professional. The power of the League Senate was discussed. Dianne Duncan, '58, said that Senate has been given power to refer topics to Stu- dent Government Council but that they haven't taken advantage of it. Excuses from Health Service were brough up by Marylen Segel, '58, president of the League. She felt- that this could be channeled through Senate. (SAN DAILY By MARJORIE BLUESTEIN Hallowe'en will be celebrated by Les Voyageurs, The Friend's Center Cooperative, Tappan International, Wenley, Chicago, Frederick, Henderson and Palmer Houses when they give parties in honor of the invasion of witches, spooks, ghosts and goblins. Tonight an open house will be featured at Sigma Alpha Mu and a mixer will be held at Stockwell. Those who have sufficiently recovered from the Hallowe'en fes- tivities will find more varied entertainment tomorrow night. Delta Sigma Pi and Taylor will both "go Italian," the former featuring a Toga party and the latter, a more modern pizza party followed by a dance. Phi Rho Sigma will also borrow a foreign theme with an intriguing atmospheric cabaret party. Tomorrow morning will find the residents of Jordan, Tyler and Gamma Phi Beta frantically tidying their rooms as they prepare for open houses in tpe afternoon. Henderson will feature a party and weiner roast at Island Park, Kelsey and Zeta Psi refuse to let the increasing winter winds discourage them and will hold fall formals with "Autumn'Teases" and "Leaves" as their themes. Theta Delta Chi, Triangle.and Pi Lambda Phi offer opportunities to display ingenuity at costume parties. Theta Xi and Phi Sigma, Kappa will supplement their sources of revenue as they hold Monte Carlo and Las Vegas parties. Financially insecure students-beware! Dances will also be held at Acacia, Alpha Chi Sigma, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Alpha Sigma Phi, Beta Theta Pi, ChiPi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Delta Sigma Delta, Phi Alpha Kappa, Phi Chi, Phi Delta Epsilon, and Delta Sigma Phi. Parties are also in store for Delta Chi, Delta 'Theta Phi, Delta Sigma Phi, Fletcher, Gomberg, Hinsdale, Lambda Chi Alpha, Nu Sigma Nu, Osterweil, Phi Epsilon Pi, Phi Delta Phi, Sigma Chi, Sigma Phi, Tau Delta Phi, and Zeta Beta Tau. -- -- -- -- PIZZA at its ..,. ... .,.. ,; ., ; ..J . TASTE T DIFFER ENC Specially prepared by cl with the flavor, tendern and zest of native Italy. * Plenty of Parking Space Open 'till 12:00 P.M. * PIZZA TO GO * Phone NO 3-168 1015 EA -r me sDtaupar t 5 1 East Ann -- Near Women's Dormoitoi -Daily-Eric Arnold ational Students with their American 'brothers and sisters" enjoy a typical Hallowe'en party as they carve the traditional pumpkin. ICITY GROUP TO PLAN BOOKLET:' >mmittee Announces J-Hop Chairmen lop Central Committee an- ced the appointments of sub- nittee chairmanships uinder Jaffe, '59, publicity chair- and Mike Adell, '59, special ;s chairman yesterday. e first meeting of the publi- committee will be Thursday noon in the Student Activi- Building. ur sub-chairmen weregse- d for publicity. Irwin Gage, PERSONAL CHRISTMAS CARDS ur excellent Sample )oks of personalized rds are now on display. We suggest that you ake your selection '60, will head the J-Hop booklet. The booklet will have Duffy Engle, '58E,.as editor, Joel Koenig, '59, business manager, and William Fay, '59 A&D, art editor. The stunt and campus com mit- tee, which is in charge of diag and house stunts and general campus activities, Will be headed by Diane Wilkie, '59, Judy Casperson,. '59, posters committee chairman, wills design and distribute posters with her committee. Ted Cohn, '60, will be in charge of the display ,commit- tee. Radio and newspaper publi- city will be done by Murray Fei- well, '60. The J-Hop fashion show, which will be held before Christmas va- cation, will be under the direction of Ann Shenefield, '59. It will car- ry out the J-Hop theme. C . 41 - Panhel To Give All Sorority Donations to Campus Chest "9 Fall Styled COSTUME JEWELRY Spark your wardrobe the Opera tapered till }~ r / az Rn f it's :; EX Panhellenic Board of Delegates yesterday approved unanimously a motion that "individual sorority houses turn in their Campus Chest donations to Panhellenic which will in turn give the entire amount to Campus Chest." For that EXOTIC LOOK on' your tsWEEK-END DATE ts orientaljewelry from INDIA ART SHOP For that EXOTIC LOOK in your ROOM It's oriental Prints fron INDIA ART SHO v ~ 3 3 MAYNARD STREET t)' 'l {". <-:) > C> S OVERBERCK BOOKSTORE 1216 8. UnIversity The motion resulted from dis- cussion among Campus Chest of- ficials who suggested that the do- nations given by each house be' announced publicly. Marilyn Houck, '59Ph, Panhel president, said that since Campus Chest will, not tell us definitely whether or not they are going to print house totals, we will take action to see they have nothing to base figures on. LastC year in an unpublished re- port, Campus Chest listed the do-: nations of individual fraternities and sororities, but gave a block amount for the ddrmitories. The delegates also decided that no record will be. kept of the amount . each. house donates. Barbara Sutliff, '59, public re- lations chairman, asked for finan- cial aid for the Affiliate, Panhel-, lenic newspaper. The public relations committee had 200 extra copies of the Af- filiate printed to distribute in dor- mitories to help "educate" fresh- men. The doubled production caused the plea for aid. House presidents suggested that the new study committee on the composition of Student Govern- ment Council be composed of fac- ulty, administration' and student members and that it discuss whether or not SGC has fulfilled what it was set up to do. The date for the Holiday Cake sale sponsored by the Ann Arbor Junior Chamber of Commerce has been set for Nov. 25, says Dianne Duncan, '58, first vice-president of Panhellenic Association. with the glow of gold - silver-red sapphire - bronze - grey YOU NAME IT -WE HAVE IT in our new collection (Fake, of course) ! Necklace with .matching earrings and bracelets. Priced from $1.00 Plus Richelieu designers' collection ofotibre nuggets and pearls. as seen in MADEMOISELLE And it fits like your shadow! The toe: semi- pointed rather than extreme . . . the topline: gently folded to seamlessness, non-slip fit. High or mid heels: gracefully thin. Conpletely soft black suede, black, or brown. /an JaTL 306 SOUTH'STATE STREET _ #< <: '{ PFD A 3 Seeing smoke signals? ON FOREST 'round the corner of South U.. opposite CampusTheatre and at 1111 South U. HEAP BIG SIGNALS SAY: nlet um heap 619. tZ~atd y ?oQaq! "K. - '1 ' 4: 4 % Vo LET'S TAKE A LOOK WE RE RICH i / EEEK ! THERE'S A THING ON THAT SHIP WITH 26 ARMS, AND IT OQESN'T LIKE'ME ! WHO'S WAITING - - ~ .:: CUFT AR Read and Use The Michigan Daily ClaMsiei MEY, ear D° ax°,'rs t ;f pIGTELAT CRAZY' CflFXA TV 5 plI A LO M Pw (8 b 4 P> ' F T aled) s-" rI < NN( ~WS le Only $6.00 to have it delivered to teepee until June.' K" m. THANKS-WINSTON HEREAVEA TASTES GOOD! CIGARET-E .LICE A CIGARETTE SNOt1t 11t ;. , WINSTON- AMERIC BEST-SELLING, BEST-TA FILTE ' " CIGAR Ir l '' W ._, A