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November 01, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-11-01

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Sixty-Eighth Year
printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

"Now,, Panel, What's My Line?"
1 A
& ~

'Hat ful of

Ft I


Too Real, Too 1


1, 1957

A HATFUL OF RAIN," second production of the season for bol
Ann Arbor Civic Theatre and Ann Arbor, is a morbid yet occ,
ally impressive drama concerned with family relationships seen or
surface and illuminated only by the spotlight of melodrama.
The story of a war hero turned dope addict, "Hatful" is clu
in its attempts at realism with over-worked language, sinister gani
women with "nothing" on, endless guns and, in the second ac
dance of the "junkie" who hasn't the money to buy more dope-a
that becomes terrifying and, unlike much of the rest of the
Where "Hatful" does succeed, the credit must be given the
construction of the family-the addict, his knowing wife, his helpir
misunderstood brother and the one outsider, his father.
Within this quartet lies everything the play has, to say; c
it lies the mean world of the gangsters. Yet this quartet is a s

'Mrs.' Degree Should
Rate Lower Priority

ARCH CENTER's disclosure
it of high school girls planning
oing so primarily because of
ages is disappointing, though
surprising. Many coeds will
t least to their female friends
re to get their "Mrs." degree.
enormous scope, if not depth,.
ation, this is not particularly
gh colleges are overcrowded,
ly because of the democratic
ion in this country, as opposed
d litism of European educa-
rican institutions are ,going to
wide their gates every Septem-
,son why those gates shouldn't
ally qualified and husband-
as well as mentally qualified
males. They are, in. essence,
le senses, the coeds who come
with pencils poised and third
available are perhaps more
eir sparse sisters who arrive
nd vocational motives. They
portunity to meet men with
res, and they themselves will,
panions to those men because
is. Indeed, if we are to believe
ics demonstrating the superi-
grade point average to men's,
.ucated, although the statistics
q account the' fact that the

"harder" fields-medicine, law, engineering-
are occupied predominantly by men.
What's more, the career-minded women face
an uphill fight after college. It's still a man's
world and,' althdugh women have made inroads
im most fields, it's likely to remain so for quite
a while to come. Most women bent on a career
wish eventually to marry, and the balance and
good sense required to handle 'both Is rarely
achieved, resulting in frustration and unhappi-
ness for both sexes.
OWEVER, even the democratic American
university is primarily a place to get an
education, and it's demoralizing to realize that
only 13 out of every hundred women who come .
here arrive with that foremost in mind. A
degree won't qualify anyone to cook, or keep
house; its primary function is to attest to the
recipient's ability to respond to thoughtful'
stimulation by thought of his or her own. It is
a waste of the time and money of both the-
university and the coed if she doesn't stop long,
enough in her hot pursuit to realize that a wife,
too, is a human being, and that human beings
are distinguished from other mammals by their
ability to think. And it is a perversion. of that
ability to reject, except on a. superficial level,
what can be garnered from her stay here. It
consists of a great deal more than a wedding
Magazine Editor

*~rt9%; ' t I4.A5.&lAL6-rwAI ?OS-r .

Cal endar Committee Reports

to the Development Council

MINI AND FRIENDS of the University
ending today's Development Council
rence should be vitally.concerned with two
it problems facing education and the
i.. One is the 'ever increasing costs of
tion and the other is the United States
oming in basic scientific research..
ereux C. Josephs, chairman of President:
ower's Committee on Education Beyond
.igh School, and other businessmen and
tors have advocated a plan whereby the
it pays for a greater share of his educa-
[f this plan were adopted a serious and
able financial burden and restriction
be placed on the student (at present over
0 of the most able high school graduates
l1y renounce higher education, often for
ial reasons). A partial remedy for this
on would be to make more funds avail-
o the student. Our fund raising body,
evelopment Council, could expand their
im to a position where it eould offer more
students in the forms of scholarships,
ships, loan funds or grants-in-aid.
ALLY, many students are at present being
pt from achieving their educational goals.
ituation was brought on in part both by
cent increase in tuition and also the poor
yment situation last summer. If the Uni-
y is -to retain the high calibre of its stu-
and graduates it cannot impose a price
r on education. It is unfortunate that
ave to be raised at times but this action
i reason, does become a financial necessity.
uction of the financial barrier can only
iieved with more money from somewhere.
e present time 12 cents of the Michigan
Alar goes to the support of stat~e institu-
of higher learning as compared with 8.5
in 1954. It is not foreseeable that we will
e to burden the Legislature with too much
of higher education's financial problem.
fore the money must come from other
s, namely individuals and groups. The
3pent Council, in its capacity as the
ing organ for the University, must inten-
g efforts immediately to secure this money.
money can be used in various ways to
the financial burden of the University.
examples could consist of direct giving of
;o students and faculty, or providing the
rsity with fundsr to defray part of the
se of maintenance and growth.
ause of the rising concern with the costs

of education many plans have been advanced
to help the nation's colleges, universities and
students. Though the plans differ in method
they all have one common feature-the need,
for money. Whatever plan the University may
adopt, if they do, the Development Council
should lay the groundwork today to insure the
success of the plan from a financial point of
FURTHER, because of Russia's recent display
of superiority over the United States in
sciertific accomplishments, the nation has be-
come very concerned over its research programs.
The University and the Development Council
have done an admirable job in doing their part
for research in supporting the'Memorial-Phoe-
nix Project and other activities. At a time like
this we cannot let up on this important work.
The Development Council must plan for the
increased support for all worthy research pro-
jects being carried on at our, campus.
Many scientists have recently decried the lack
of original basic research in this country.
Though this type of study may not be as
spectacular as an "H" bomb or "Sputnik," it
is the groundwork for all such discoveries. If
the U.S. is to maintain itself in the. world it
must encourage such research. The University
has the atmosphere and the knowledge to aid
in this project; now we need the money to
sponsor it.
Prof. Crane of the physics department, win-
ner of a Distinguished Faculty Award, recently
expressed his concern over the lack of financial
backing to build an atom smasher which could
dwarf any the Russians now have. This en-
deavor is proposed by leading educational insti-
tutions throughout the Midwest. Perhaps the
University and, its Development Council can
take an initial step towards providing funds
for this milestone in research.
Money enters into all of the enterprises of the
Development Council. Some of the money comes
from alumni giving. Since most of the students
are prospective alumni and therefore prospec-
tive donors, we feel they should be better in-
formed of the Development Council's needs
and objectives while they are on campus and
can appreciate them. Most students are piti-
fully ignorant of the Council's work and,
likely, will not be as willing to support it when
they are in a position to do so. It seems greater
Council-student contact is necessary.

Daily Staff Writer
THE CONTENT of Leonard Wil-
cox's report on the Calendar
Committee was probably the best
Student Government Council has
heard all year.
It's unfortunate that it had to
be read by Wilcox, rather than
printed up, but that was its only
It was not only complete, but
amazingly frank. Wilcox outlined
all the committee's activities to
date and its plans for the 'future
as well as a proposal of his own.t
He then went into an honest dis-
cussion of committee problems.
* * *
IT SEEMS that the conimittee
never actually decided to drop
those important two days after
Christmas vacation from the cal-
endar. A subcommittee report had
recommended it, but the com-
mittee couldn't approve it because
too many members were absent.
This took place last April and
the committee has not met since.
Those days were dropped, accord-
ing to Wilcox, largely through the
efforts of Prof. Kohl, the com-
mittee chairman.
However, he warned, such a pro-
cedure could be dangerous. "We
were fortunate, he said, "That
this worked out the way we want-
ed." This .might not occur at a
later date.
He hoped that proper procedures
would be followed in the future, "if

only we can get started" soon this
Wilcox also spoke to the Council
as a former president of the old
Student Legislature. He reminded
the group that it had a position of
prestige and respect with the ad-
ministration that SL had never
He also warned that SGC might
be getting too far away from the
various student segments of the
campus, and he hoped that effort
to improve communications would
never cease.
* * *
THE PROBLEM of communica-
tions was discussed at the meeting,
and finally the Council decided to
run a paid column in The Daily on
a trial basis. 1
Far East
TAKEN in juxtaposition, two
news items from the Far East
seem- to supply their own com-
The first, from Formosa, tells
a story of increasing agricultural
plenty (rice crop, hogs, soybeans,
sweet potatoes, sugar and peanuts
all up).
The second, from Red China,
informs us that more than a mil-
lion pupils in the elementary and
high schools have been "per-
suaded" to go back to farming, in
an attempt to forestall general
-National Review

Discussion in this area shed a
great deal of light on SOC's con-
cept of a student newspaper. Ap-
parently a, great many members
feel The Daily should be a public
relations organ for the Council.
Joe Collins went so far as to sug-
gest that the Daily devotes too
much .space to criticizing SGC and
not enough to coverage of all its
SGC has lost a valuable person
in Judy Martin. She was one of the
Council's hardest working mem-
bers. In fact, she was the only
Council member who also held a
standing committee chairmanship,
that of the Student Activities Com-
Sue. Rockne, public relations
chairman, was a little unhappy
with the Council's action Wednes-
day night. She felt that the pub-
lic relations problems should be
left to her committee.
group was "too subject to Council
approval. How much authority can
we assert within our own com-
mittees?" she asked.
There was some question about
Campus Chest allocations at the,
meeting. Both Pete Eckstein, and
Rob Trost wanted to know why the
funds over $6,000 had not been
allocated by the board. They felt
people should know where their
dollars were going.
Collins thought this was "un-
realistic" because the Campus
Chest Board had asked them for.
allocation of only the first $6,000,

human one. Three of its members
are just part of a big city, alike in
thought and outlook; the father is
the country boy from Palm Beach,
having nothing in common with
the others and not understanding
Don Catalina, as the addict
Johnny, wallows and quakes in his
state as a "junkie," ashamed of
what he is, afraid to ask for help
and unable to support himself.
Catalina has littleto offer in the
part, but this, combined with the
heaviness of his role, nicely avoids
possible melodrama for Johnny,
who is cast entirely in one mood.
* * *
J. HENRY OWENS, the father,
is the only non-student in the
cast. His role, fortunately, is as
'equally a stand-out part, and he
can do no wrong.
He is at home as the man from,
a different age and place who un-
derstands his sons as little as they
understand him; he helps to pose
the problem( of understanding in
the modern family, a problem that
seldom can expect a solution.'
Equally important in this mod-
ern quadrangle are the wife and
brother, played by Beverly Ogg
and Tom Leith. The former, for
the importance of her part in
shaping her husband's life, is un-
believably weak.t
*y * * 1,
THE LATTER is uninspiring but
adequate as the real victim of the
family troubles; he also plays a
quick-reactioned drunk who only
adds to the melodramatic trite-
ness of the whole experience.
The trio of gangsters, with the
names of "Mother" (he .supplies
the dope), "Apples" and "Chuch"
are just what every young Ameri-
can boy has come to picture as
gangsters. Their fate goes unre-
solved in the end, as do the evils,
of the world perpetuate them-'
selves. This perpetuation, in fact,
is the final impression which the
play leaves.
p yev.* (* *
ALTHOUGH the curtain comes
down on salvation for the "junkie,"
there is no doubt but that this.
simplecall to the police will never
really solve anyone's problems. It
is too easy; it is too real. '
-Indeed, here this production oft
"Hatful" has its trouble-in being
too realistic. Only for a few mom-
ents is there interest; for the rest
of the time, as in life, there is
Gene Conover, as set designer,
has given the production no help.
The "remodeled apartment" in
New York combines warmth in the
furniture with odd-colored walls
and incompatible hangings. Yet, in
this respect, the apartment typifies
the play.
-Vernon Nahrgang

I SUPPOSE I should be sub
about this, but let's face
these two films at the State a
Idiotic. And not particularly ami
ing either.
"The Giant Claw" is part of
en'ormous bird from outer spa
which flies about nipping'"
pieces of architectural monstro
ties like the Empire State Buildir
One begins to suspect Frank Llc
Wright behind it all.
Unfortunately for the army, t)
bird has an "anti-matter shiel
which deflects bulletts, atc
bombs, darts, poison arrows,, a'
spitballs. But hero-scientist tot
rescue, A character who looks
most like Edward R.. Murrc
heaven help us, devises a r
which penetrates this bird's shie
and it is shot down to the delig
of everyone but the architects.
It is all very curious, but r
very good.
The cartoon is a real horr
about a little bird trapped by
large cat in a pipe, between
water line and a gas line. Possil
this cartoon was thrown in to
us seea bird getting ,the worst
FINALLY, there comes I
"Night The World Exploded." Nc
this is another thing. An ove
clean young scientist has desigr
a new machine which looks like
carnival bingo number selector.
can tell when an earthquake
coming. And so there is. T
earthquake is so big it tilts t
earth off ,its axis.
Why does this earthquake con
And why do many more con
Because of element 112 which e
plodes when it gets dry. For yea
men have been drilling oil-we
and letting air get deep inside I
earth' to dry out element 112. So
explodes, with a loud metal
After problems too ridiculous
nention, everything is flooded, a
element 112 gets wet again, 1
earthquakes stop, the scient
marries his femalehcompani
people go back to living dece
lives again, the theatre audier
jostles, fumbles, and pushes
way into the lobby, resolved ne
to attend one of these, doul
nightmare features again. But tl
will. Some people never learn.
-David Kesse

Atomic Fallout Research Data Listed

SGC Elections Pitfalls Recalled

TWO WEEKS, the Student Government
)uncil will hold an all-campus election.
en candidates will compete for the six open
tions-on th9 Council.
will be reibembered by those few who did
some interest in the SGC elections last
ng, that all did not run smoothly during the
days of balloting. There were wrong names
wrong instructions printed on the ballots.
few students who wanted -to cast their
s often were frustrated by lack of personnel
ack of sufficient ballots at the individual
e to. rainy weather which necessitated

moving booths indoors, some of the booths
could not even be found by potential voters.
And then there was also the controversial situ-
ations which occurred at the South Quad
lunch line, where students allegedly cast hurried
ballots while grabbing the milk and sandwiches.
The entire election was deemed a "bungled
affair," some SGC members labeling the elec-
tion procedures the worst they had ever wit-
The blame was sometimes pushed on the
weather, but more often it was the elections
committee that bore the brunt of the criticisms.
THIS YEAR there is a new elections com-
mittee. It can only be hoped that their
attempt to conduct the SGC election will be
free of the confusion and chaos which so
noticably prevailed last semester.
According to Elections Director Phil Zook,

LOS ALAMOS, N. M. (P)-Dr.-
Thomas H. Shipman, chief of the
health division of the Los Alamos
Scientific Laboratory - which is
working to clarify the atomic fall-
out picture--sums up his findings
to date in a simple sentencer:
"If atomic tests continue for 30
years at their present rate the
worldwide increase in radiation
from fallout for a man's lifetime
will be much less than from wear-
ing a luminous wristwatch."
Expressed another way, a person
who undergoes ordinary X-ray
studies of his stomach and gall-
bladder will receive almost three
times more radiation in one dose
than he would in a lifetime from
Normal "background radiation"
received by a human is calculated
at about 10 roentgens in a life-
time, varying considerably in dif-
ferent parts of the world. It comes
from the food he eats and radia-
tion naturally present in some de-
gree in dust and rock.
* * 4 .
WITH 30 YEARS of testing at
the current rate adding fallout, Los
Alamos scientists have calculated
that background radiation would
climb from 10 to an estimated 11.7
roentgens for a lifetime.
How significant is that esti-
mated 1.7 roentgen increase?
Shipman noted that in many
parts of the world, generations of
people have lived with background

Some scientists disagree- that
present rates of fallout are not,
causing human damage. They hold
t'here really is no safe limit or
threshold below which there is no
biological damage from radiation,
hence any additional amount does
some damage, even though small.
Dr. Bentley Glass, Johns Hop-
kins geneticist, says scientists may
have seriously underestimated the
dangers to future generations from
He, Dr. Hermann Muller of In-
diana University, and Dr. James
F. Crow of Wisconsin hold that
since fallout is distributed around
the world, "we can be sure that
several thousands or perhaps more
persons will be diseased or de-
formed or will die prematurely or
be otherwise impaired as a con-
sequence of fallout if the present
rates of testing continue."
A STATEMENT issued by Amer-
ican, Russian, British and other
scientists at an international meet-
ing in Pugwash, N. S., in July
estimated about 100,000 living per-
sons and another 100,000 yet to be
born have been injured by six
years of atomic bomb tests.
Dr. Linus Pauling, Nobel Prize
winning biochemist of the Cali-
fornia Institute of 'Technology,
estimates fallout will cause 200,000
children in each of the next 20
generations to be mentally or
physically defective.

Dr. Walter Selove of the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania estimates
the current levels of Strontium 90
might increase deaths from leu-
kemia and bone cancers from these
causes in the United States.
A study by Wright H. Langham
and Ernest C. Anderson of Los,
Alamos estimated that 30 more
years of testing could mean adding
250 more Americans; each year to
the 13,000 who' now develop leu-
kenia or bone tumors. This esti-
mate, which they said could well
be too high, is based on expected'
accumulation of Strontium 90 in
the air and soil.
Facts being accumulated by, sci-
entists at Los Alamos and else-
where form another story.
Shipman, veteran chief of the
laboratory's health division, re-
marks that "the alarm has been,
-spread primarily by persons who
aren't aware of the facts."
* * * '
HERE, IN BRIEF, is how Ship-
man outlines the facts-facts based
on almost 30 years of study by the
International Commission on
Radiological Protection, the Na-
tional Committee on Radiation
Protection, and other scientific
They conclude that strontium 90.
is the most important fallout pro-
duct of nuclear testing for several
It has a "half-life" of 28 years,
which means it is still emitting its

er bone tissue restricts their pass-
age even more. Shipman said iit
has never been known to cause
genetic damage.
2) Strontium 90 probably does
not cause leukemia, since its rays
are generally blocked by bone tis-
sue from reaching the marrow
where blood cells are formed. In-
tensive experiments with animals
support this conclusion.
3) There have been no known
cases of Strontium 90 causing bone
tumors. However, through experi-
ments with animals and due to
experience with similar radiation,
scientists are sure It could cause
bone tumors if exposure were very
4)n Based on cases of exposure to
similar radiation from radium, it-
would take a minimum of 3,000
units of radiation from Strontium
90 to cause bone tumors.
5) The smallest dose of radium
radiation known to produce even,
non-malignant changes in bone
structure is 300 units.
* *. *
6) PERSONS exposed to 85 units
of radium radiation have never
been known to show any ill effects.
. ' 7) Therefore, the International.
Commission on Radiological Pro-
tection set the permissive dose for
the general public at 8.5 units, in
addition to about 10 units received
in a lifetime from background
8) Bomb tests to date-have add-
ed about 0.24 of a unit, although

The Daily Official Bulletin is
official publication of thes Univ
sity of Michigan for which t
Michigan Daily assumes no e
t on al responsibility. Notices shoo
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form
Room 3519 Administration Bull
ing, before 2 p.m. the day precedi
publication. Notices for Sund
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday,
vOL. LXVIII, No. 39
General Notice
Late Permission: Wo nen students
attended the concert at Hill Aui
ium Tues., Oct. 29, had late permit
until 11:30 p.m.


Physical Education-Women Studen
Registration for the first indoor $1
son will be held Fri., Nov. 1 in B
bour Gym from 7:30 a.m. to 5:$0 p
This applies to students who have
completed the physical education
quirement. Women students who hi
completed the physical education
quirement and who wish to elect a
tional courses may do so Mon., 'Ti
orWed., Nov. 4-6, from ,8 a.m. to
ndon on the first floor of Barbour G
Summary of Action taken at the
Meeting of Student Government
Council held October 30, 1957
Approved minutes as amended.
Scheduled officer elections Frid
Nov. 22, 4:30 p-m., conclzve Nov. 24
On motion, accepted the report
the MGG Housing Committee, inch
ing recommendation that two mem1
of the.Student Government Council
appointed. permanent representati
who will maintain continuous cont
with the administration and hous
groups in order to keep the council

4.' f

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