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November 01, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-11-01

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom


See page 4






arty Supreme'
Bd Forces Told
greement Reported on Zhukov
ase; Expect Announcement Soon
SCOW (IP)-Soviet Russia's army and navy newspapers pound-
o soldiers and sailors yesterday that they must acknowledge
eme power of the Communist party and its Central Committee.
,ngly worded editorials appeared in the military organs for the
raight day as usually informed sources reported that Soviet
h'ad reached a full decision on the case of Marshal Georgi K.
and that a public announcement could be expceted almost any
Let Fleet, the navy paper, took as an ekample a Communist
.ember named Shepotkovsky, commander of an unipentified
warship, who it said had been lax in "developing the party
" spirit and strengthening party in-
fluence" aboard his ship.
R eceives The writer, Col. E..Titov, direg-
eor of political administration of
the Black Sea Fleet, accused She-
t c ein potkovsky of "displaying a swag-
ger and haughtiness foreign to
Sovetiers,"said he was rudee
I.E to his subordinates and did not
SStudent participate in their educational

San Francisco Examiner said
yesterday that , California's
Gov. Goodwin J. Knight has
decided to run for the United
States Senate instead of seek-
ing re-election, thus leaving
the Republican gubernatorial
nomination to Sen. William F.
The paper's political special-
ist, Clint Mosher, wrote:
Knight reached his decision
y e s t e r d a y afternoon. The
White House and Vice Presi-
dent Richard M. Nixon in
Washington were notified that
the decision was "official." All
information came from Wash-
Knight's executive secretary,
Newton Stearns, said the gov-
ernor' hadno comment: he
"doesn't deny or affirm."
Knight is recuperating, in
seclusion, from influenza. Nix-
on was unavailable in Wash-
ington for comment. Aides
said he was ill with a virus.
First Day
IOf .Driv
Nets $429
A total of $429 was collected by
noon yesterday in the first day of
Campus Chest's two-day bucket
Joe Sherman, '58, Campus
Chest Board chairman, estimated



Agree on







Senate Hears a . t

ieventive Asian Flu vaccine
be available at Health Serv-
for students beginning Tues-
r. Morley Beckett, Health,
vice Director, announced ar-
i of a long-awaited shipment
vaccine yesterday. He said in-
ulations will be sold on a first
ne, first served basis. Charge
a shot will be one dollar.
Students Need Shots
[e advised all students, not
viou~ily innoculated against the
is, to take advantage of the
cine. "We are still seeing in-
nza cases, although not in the
demic proportions of two weeks
," he commented, "and we
e no guarantee another wave
the virus will not strike the
opus again."
dthough vaccine arrived yes-
lay the innoculation program
not get under'way until next
k. He explained the emergen-
cold clinic, utilized during the
lemic, must be reconverted for
dent innoculations and extra
ses obtained.
Monday Too Ausy
We cannot begin Monday be-
se that is always the busiest
of the week," Dr. Beckett said,
:out the added burden of
ple coming for shots..
[e said shots will be given as
g as the supply lasts. Another,
tine shipment is expected next
k. Combined with the supply
ived yesterday the estimated
0 of shots for student distri-
ion is 5,000.
ce's Attitude
imits Work,
euther Says

Wording Repeated
There were indications that the
language used in denouncing.
Shepotkovsky might be repeated
in the case of Zhukov.
Thus far the Russian people
have been told only-in a 32-word
communique issued last Saturday
-that Marshal Zhukov, popular
World War II hero and member of
the party presidium, has been re-
lieved as defense minister. No rea-
son was given and the only hint
as to his future came Tuesday
night from party chieftain Nikita
Khrushchev, who said Zhukov
would be given another job.
Shortcominks Assailed
Both Red Star, the army news-
paper, - and Soviet. Fleet assailed
serious shortcomings in party in-
doctrination of the armed forces
and laid full responsibility for
ideological training on military.
commanders and their political
Both papers are organs of the
Defense Ministry, which was taken
over from Zhukov by Marshal
Rodion Y. Malinkovsky.
two Chinese
Scientists Win,
Nobel Prize
STOCKHOLM (R') - Two Chi-
nese-born nuclear scientists won
the $42,000 Nobel Prize in Physics
yesterday for disproving a theory
that had been accepted as a basic
law of the universe for more than
30 years..
Dr. Chen Ning Yang, 34 years
old, and Dr. Tsung Dao Lee, 30
years old, both now w-Srking at the
Institute for Advanced Study at
Princeton, N.J. started on the re-
search that led to their brilliant
discovery as a result of "bull ses-
sions" in Chinese restaurants near'
Columbia University in New York
Dr. Yang taught at the Uni-
versity of Michigan during the
summer session of 1954, On leave
from the Institute For Advanced
Study, he lectured here on high
energy nuclear physics.
As a result of experiments pro-
posed by physicists Yang and Lee,
tiny particles of the atom may
now be described as being right-
handed or left-handed. They are
so described because some have a
characteristic spin to the right,
others to the left.

WASHINGTON (P)-Contradict-
ing testimony of two Menneg Co.
executives, a former personnel
manager testified yesterday the
firm kept track of union sentiment
among its employes and advocated
getting rid of some who favored
a union.
The Senate Rackets Committee
drew the information from David
Nagle, who left the toilet goods
firm in 1955 and is now personnel
manager for the General Aniline
& Film Co. in New York.
Had Card Index
Nagle said he maintained a card
index showing the union leanings
of Mennen workers and haddis-
cussed the system with Henry
Oldenburg, manager of the plant
at Morristown, N. J.
Oldenburg had testified earlier
that he had never seen any of the
cards, and George Mennen, vice-'
president in charge of production,
had told the committee he did not
believe there were any cards-and
that if there were, "I certainly did
not see them."
Talked When Relaxing
Nagle swore that one method of
getting information about union
sentiment was through the com-
pany's safety committees. "When
you get people sitting down around
a table and get 'hem relaxed they
will talk about anything.' he said.
Mennen's testimony was that the
sole purpose of the safety com-
mittee was consideration of plant
safety and that no effort was made
there to determine how employes
stood regarding unions.
Nagle, asked whether the com-
pany was neutral in an election in
which the employes voted against
representation by either the chem-
ical workers or the old AFL United
Auto Workers Union, said, "From
what I know, I would say they
much preferred" no union.

-Daily-Eric Arnold,
UNION SENATE-The first meeting of the Union Senate was held last night 'as members struggled
to iron out procedural difficulties. Shown is one of the seven discussion groups as it tackles the prob-
lems of how the meeting should be run.
Procedure Snags New Union Senate

The new Union Senate never
got past the first topic on its
agenda last night as it got en-
tangled in procedural difficulties.
The problem of improving spir-
it at football games was put to


that $700 was collected in the 17
buckets by the -..nd of the day.
Two hundred ten students made
contributions of one dollar, Sher-
man said. "The most unusual con-
tribution came from a man who
drove up to the Union, asked what
the Campus Chest bucket was for,
then contributed $20.
The final event of the Campus
Chest drive is an auction on the
Diagonal scheduled for 3 p.m.
In addition to individual'bids,
housing groups will be able to
bid for fraternity and sorority
services - including cleaning
fraternity houses, shining shoes,
and washing sweaters.
Frederick House in South Quad
has offered to rake leaves, build
a bonfire, and stage a marshmal-
low roast for the highest bidder.
Elizabeth Anderson, '59, direc-
tor of the auction, announced
that a "usable" car will also be
sold, along with goods donated by
local merchants.
Sherman added that funds col-
lected from residence halls are
due from 1 to 5 p.m. today and
from 8 a.m. to 12 nbon tomorrow
at the basement window in the
Student Activities Building.

Is Indicted

ther, the labor leader, accused
President Dwighlt D, Eisenhower
yesterday of advocating an atti-
tude which would throw people out
of work.
Reuther, president of the Auto.
Workers Union and vice-president
r of the AFL-CIO, said that Presi-
dent Eisenhower- suggested Wed-
nesday that the public 'buy less as
'a way to combat rises in the cost
of living.
The union leader scoffeq at such
-an idea, declaring that a, don't-
buy campaign could only create
more unemployment.
Reuther made his remarks at
the opening session of the annual
Y convention of the AFL-CIO Indus-
trial Union Department, another
organization he heads. Reuther,
said that what is wrong these days
is a shortage of customers.
He said that if industry won't
discuss prices then labor will have
to do something about boosting

Davis & Co. and two of its officials
went on trial today on an indict-
ment accusing them of conspiracy
to fix prices in violation of the
Sherman antitrust law.
The individual defendants are
G. L. Walker of Detroit, a Parke-
Davis vice-president, and S. M.
Dripps, manager of the company's
Baltimore branch office.
The indictment alleges the com-
pany, the two officials, and certain
wholesalers and retailers in the
District of Columbia and in Vir-
ginia conspired to deny pharma-
ceutical supplies to retailers who
cut prices below minimums sug-
gested by the company
Alleged co-conspirators, but not
defendants, include Towers-Taylor
Drug Co. of Richmond, Va., and
Murray Wholesale Drug Co. of
Norfolk, Va.,

ill Not Act
WASHINGTON (P)-The exec-
utive board of the Teamsters Un-
ion decided unanimously yester-
day against doing anything about
corruption charges against itsI
leaders - a course practically
guaranteeing AFL-CIO expulsion.
Retiring Teamsters President
Dave Beck, himself enmeshed in
the charges, said the board voted
'to appeal a recent AFL-CIO sus-
pension order and seek to fight
off outright expulsion at the fed-
eration's convention Dec. 5 at
Atlantic City, N.J.
Beck said the Teamsters bosses
have no thought of kicking out
President-elect James R. Hoffa or
otherwise ridding their ranks of
alleged corrupt influences as or-
dered by the AFL-CIO Executive
Moreover, Beck said he really
expects the appeal to the AFL-
CIO convention to fail. He said
he'd certainly have to be an opti-
mist to think otherwise.
Beck said the Teamsters are
ready to go it alone, if that's
what the AFL-CIO wants. He said
the Teamsters might be better off
outside the AFL-CIO.
"We're not looking for trouble,
but we can dish it out if we have
to," Beck told newsmen.
"We take the position that any-
one looking for trouble is most
likely to find it."

one side as the Senate struggled
with the problem of how to run
its own meeting.
"We had planned to handle
procedure as we went along," said
Donald Young, '58, Union Presi-
dent, "We didn't think that the
question of procedure would come
up so soon. Since it has, we're go-
ing to take care of it now."
Acting under a motion passed
by the Senate, its planning com-
mittee will meet at 4 p.m. today
in the Union Student Offices. The,
10-man group will organize into
motions., ideas on procedure pro-
posed by the Senate. They may
be voted upon at the next Senate
Moved Meeting Date
The Senate also voted to move
the date of the next meeting to
Nov. 14 instead of Dec. 5 as ori-
ginally planned.
The 54 members present went
into seven groups to discuss the
first topic of spirit at football
Discussion within the groups
brought out suggestions for hav-
ing Block M' act as a cheering
section; providing additional pep
rallies; including cheers and
school songs on the football line-
up sheets distributed at the game;
and having more highly organized
Could Not Agree
But the Senate could not agree.
on what was to be done with these
suggestions. It was proposed to
send them to the Wolverine Club
as suggestions; it was proposed to
vote on each idea individually and
send those that the Senate ap-
proved to the Wolverine Club; it
was proposed to send all the ideas
to the planning committee which
I would present a formalized motion
next week.
The Senate did approve the
idea of girl cheerleaders by a vote
of 36 to 29.
Groups Returned
It was proposed by the chair-
man Fred Wilten, '58E, executive

vice-president of the Union, that
the Senate return to the groups
and discuss procedures.
When the seven groups were
called back to the main meeting,
each gave its own ideas of what
Senate procedure for the Senate
should be.
A motion by Ellis Roth, '59, was
withdrawn, and Rodger Season-
wein, '61, made the motion to re-
fer all ideas on' the proper oper-
ating precedure of the Senate to
the planning committee.
Stocks Called
Safest Buy
Prof. W, J. Eiteman of the busi-
ness administration school deems
"long term stock purchases as the
safest type of investment program
for the average investor."
Speaking to a meeting last night
sponsored by the Union Academic
Services Committee, Prof. Eite-
man, who teaches in the finance
department of the business, ad-
ministration school, called bank,
accounts, bonds, and insurance
policies poor long term invest-
ments because of today's infla-
tionary dollar.
Dollar Dropped
"Over the last 80 years," he
said, the dollar has dropped to
one third of its original valueand
only twice, for relatively short
periods of time, did it show any
gain in purchasing power."
"Because of this," he continued,
"people who have accumulated
their shvings by investments call-
ing for specific returns have ac-
tually lost money during any pe-
riod of 15 or 20 years."
This happens because these in-
vestments pay at best only ttkree
per cent interest, while during the
time the money is invested its
purchasing power decreases by a
much larger per cent, he explained
with the help of several graphs.
Stock Values Kept Pace
"On the other hand," Prof. Eite-
man noted, "the trend 'of stock
values has, on a whole, more than
kept pace with price increases,
especially over long periods of
He added that this had been
varified by the study of certain
stocks taken at random and fol-
lowed over a fourteen year period.
These stocks, all of which were
well known and were listed on the
New York Stock Exchange, were
supposedly purchased each year
and dividends from each were also
reinvested in their sources an-
16 Per Cent Yield
_ The stocks were found to have

Oslo, Tokyc
UAN Delegt
Initiate Mo,,',
' Personal Inflhene
Of Hammarskjold
Is Essential Factor
Syria and Turkey were unders
to have agreed yesterday to a
whereby United Nations Secre
General Dag Hammarskjold w
use his Powers under the;
Charter to ease tension bet
the two countries in; the Mi
Hammarskjold also was saF
have agreed to the plan. The
rangement was, worked out
Norwegian Delegate Hans li
and Japanese Delegate Koto 19
suraira in talks with all part
U.S. PlayedPart .
The United States was repo
to have played, a part IrM the ni
Under the arrangement, nel
of the two resolutions now pen
will be pressed to a vote when
Assembly meets today. The
sembly has scheduled debate
Syria's Soviet-supported compl
that Turkey has massed troop
her border for' imminent &t6
and they are threatening. w
Hammarskjold Ready
Hammarskjold is expected to
the Assembly today that' his s
ices are availablp. His statem
it is understood, will end the o
bitter debate.
Ambassador Farid Seineddin
.Syria indicated earlier that
nation is willing to accept a C
promise but he did not say
kin4 it would have to be.
Syria has proposed that a sei
nation fact-inding inuiry C
mission be sent to the border
and report back to the UN wi'
two weeks.
Turkey Opposed
Turkey is opposed to sendng
inquiry commission to the lbor
,The United States takes a sim
position, saying there is no r
for such a step.
Another resolution, introd
by seven nations and supported
the United States, would have
retary General Dag Hammnarsk
work out a solution if other m
ation efforts fail.
There were expressions of I
from Damascus that the bo:
crisis was fading. These came
the heels of a statement in 1\
cow by Coimunity party c
Nikita Khrushchev that a i
peaceful atmosphere appeare
be developinig.
IHC To Stud
Dorm Mentok
A motion to, investigate
academic mentor program in
University men's residence h
was passed yesterday by the
ter-Hopse Council Presidium.
The motion calls for a com
tee of three residence hall a
members, three members sele
by the engineering college,
one engineering student in e
Bike Insurance Study
The IHC also passed a mo
in last night's meeting to esi
lish a committee to study pose
property and bicycle 'insures

programs. which could be offi
at lower rates to students in
residence halls.
Bob Ashton, '59, IHC execu
vice-president, announced 1
Larry Curtiss, '58, was appoin
chairman of theIHC integra
study committee. The commi
is to begin studying the quest
as to roommate preferences fo
in the residence hall applica

Huge Mackinac Bridge Formally.O ensToday
h. $ | $ ..| . By DIANE FRASER

The auto industry could make
ee million more cars this year
in it is going to'make," he said.
ud e Denies,
[AW Motion
)ETROIT (/)-A defense mo-

With the cutting of the ribbons by Gov. G. Mennen Williams
at 11 a.m. today, the 100-million-dollar Mackinac Straits suspension
bridge will be opened to the public, climaxing four years of construc-
tion and 73 years of skepticism.
Gov. Williams. will officially open .the bridge by paying the first
$3.25 toll and driving across the spari. The dedication ceremony will
take place in June, 1958.
Stretching across the five miles separating the two peninsulas,
the Mackinac Bridge is the second largest suspension bridge in the
world. On the four-lane expansion, vehicles can travel across from
Mackinaw City to St. Ignace in 10 minutes.
To Accomodate 6,000 Vehicles
This massive structure will accomodate 6,000 vehicles an hour.
Before the bridge, the trip across the Straits by ferry took 30-55
minutes and could handle less than 500 vehicles at once.

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