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October 31, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-10-31

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Sixty-Eighth Year
s printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
'No-Exclusion' Fraternity
icy Would Be Impractical Here

Big Squeeze
- - '--,

To The Editor
A Rejoinder . .
To the Editor:
MOHAMMED AZHAR Ali Khans letter of Ot. 24, "American a
Aid Helps, Maintain Peace," was surprising and amusing. In
enthusiasm of accusing Thomas David of being a "victim of misir
mation," Mr. Khan himself became a "willing and happy victim" c
own misinformation and ignorance of the tragic and disastrous cc
toward which our world is drifting.
It is surprising to find Mr. Khan denying even some of the stror
arguments in Mr. David's plea that the "American Arms Aid
t'uched off an arms race in many areas, forcing some countries to

'ERNITIES AT Williams College recently
;ituted a "no-exclusion" policy in their
g program. Under the new system, any
t wishing to become a member of a
itiy will be given the opportunity to do
individual will not necessarily be allowed
ige the fraternity of his choice. Rather,
ident will be assigned to a chapter by
arbitrary body.
Cross, assistant dean of men in charge
ernities, has called this policy "a Viola-
membership selection.", He also '"doubts
such" if such a system would be feasible,
tie to the problem of limited fraternity
g. There isn't a chapter on campus that
virtually filled to capacity," according to
sing the men who failed to receive bids
admittedly be a problem on this campus.
nter-Fraternity Council had approxi-
600 men who failed to pledge for various
s as compared to the Williams College
ity system's 14, who sought bids but
receive them. At least 50 per cent of
shees failed to pledge on this campus. At
ns College only 6 per cent of the rushees
VILLIAMS COLLEGE, the new "no-ex-,
ion' policymwould necessitate the post-
1g of one man to each of the 15 houses.
lany as,14 men would have to be accepted
h chapter on this campus after the initial
ig. This is considerably more students
rniversity fraternities could accommodate
heir present facilities.
philosophy of allowing every student the

opportunity of joining' a fraternity is a good
one. Such a philosophy, however, is not very
practical. The new Williams College policy
permits the student to become a member of a
fraternity. It does not leave the choice of what
fraternity in the hands of either individual
or the fraternity. An arbitrary body would be
given the: authority of assigning rushees who
failed to receive bids to the various fraternities.
Membership selection has always been one of
the underlying principles of fraternity living.
Allowing an arbitrary body the power of assign-'
ing the rejected rushee to a fraternity would be,
in direct violation of this principle. In effect,
the "no-exclusion" policy -would deprive the
fraternity of its most valuable asset.
co-operative group living. A situation could
conceivably occur where the assigned student
was not compatible with the fraternity. The
fraternity, if it adhered to the policy set down,
by the entire system, would not be able to
exclude the individual from its membership.
If, on the other hand, the fraternity was not
compatible with the individual, he need only
de-pledge and rush again. He would not be
obligated to remain in the fraternity to which
he has been assigned. The fraternity would
not have this course of action. The chapter
would have to accept the individual without
For such a program to be successful on this
campus, it 'would require the whole-hearted
tolerance of. every fraternity member. Also, it is
highly doubtful that fraternity men here would
turn over their most prided possession-mem-
bership selection-to an arbitrary group.


.. itsr,&4-wksEaf'vv i Z!

Satellite Transfer Aids GE

The Big Events

THIS IS WRITTEN, there has been no
news out of Moscow which explains the
kov affair. The action, which must have
lved much planning and arranging, was
-ied out in perfect secrecy. Nobody got wind
t, not the foreign intelligence services, the
omats, the newspapers, the Communist
ies abroad. It is not probable that any of
satellite governments had any advance
ince we do not know what has happened, or
it has happened, we can only guess, and
very confidently at that, about what it may
n. In the old days, a change in the top
ces of the state usually meant a change in
policy of the Soviet government. Thus
otov replaced Litvinov at the Foreign Office
long before World War II began with the
ature of the Hitler-Stalin pact. After Sta-
death and the execution of Beria, there
e a decided relaxation of the internal terror
ie Soviet state. It is natural to wonder then
ther this affair-which deprives Zhukov of
administrative control of -the army-means
; Khrushchev intends to follow a policy
:h Zhukov opposes.
is conceivable and even probable that this
ue. But to say this does not take us very
For we do not really know what are Zhu-
s, policies in Eastern Europe and in the
dle East, and what are Khrushchev's. If we
k of Zhukov as the traditional Russian
ier and Khrushchev as the successful politi-
. on his way up, it is probable that the old
ier is more interested in holding on to the
sian strategic position in Eastern Europe,
that he is not willing to risk much to ex-
[the Russian position in the' Middle East.
ushchev, conceivably, has the politician's
ition which tells him that Eastern Europe
be kept within the Russian military system
r by accepting the national Communism of
. like Tito and Gomulka. Moreover, Khrush-
r may think that in the Middle East he may
ible to win a great political victory - one
,med of but never achieved by the Czars
by Stalin-of opening the Mediterranean
Z, THIS, I HASTEN TO SAY, is mere guess-
work, with no hard fact to support it. It is
her example, it may be, of our human
density to insist on having an opinion when
hat we are entitled to have is an open mind.
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director- City Editor
NA HANSON..............,. Personnel Director
MY MORRISON .....:......... Magazine Editor
ARD GER'ULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director
LIAM R ANEY.1....... . ....Features Editor
L PERLBERG................Activitie ditor
OL PRINS.f....... Associate Personnel. Director
ES BAAD ............ ......... Sports Editor
CE BENNETT .. . ....... Associate Sports Editor
N HILLYER ........... Associate Sports Editor
RLES CURTISS......... Chief Photographer

The Zhukov affair has distracted from the
Eisenhower-Macmillan meeting in Washington.
I am afraid that this was not difficult to do
in view of the fact that the only acknowledged
news on the conference was a long communique,
composed of all the old tired generalities strung
together with a little bit more than the normal
rhetorical elegance. These generalities, it seems,
mean much to those- who, being in the know,
utter them but not very much to those, who
being on the outside, read them.'
However, on Sunday, Mr. Reston of the New
York Times had a dispatch which really does
throw light on what lies beneath the generali-
ties. It is that if the NATO alliance is to keep
up with the race of armaments, there will have
to be "a major review of United States military
expenditures and overseas commitments." Mr.
Reston's report indicated, if I read it correctly,
that what we have to decide at home and with
our allies is this: if we are to keep ahead with,
the new weapons, we cannot also subsidize at
their present level the military, establishments
of all our allies in the whole network of pacts
- with which we are involved.
ing and cooperation, and it is hardly argu-
able that in the field of basic science and
technology, the more pooling and cooperation
there is the better for all concerned. But this
general idea, when it is applied to the race of
armaments, contains within it certain political
and military implications which may be very
far reaching. For when the scientists and en-
gineers pool their knowledge and cooperate in
the designing of the new weapons, like the big
missiles with nuclear warheads, the crucial fact
is that all, or almost all, of the hideously expen-
sive devices are going to have to be financed
and produced in the United States.
This means that we cannot also be expected
to maintain conventional forces, or forces with
tactical nuclear weapons, of decisive impor-
tance, and at the same time to subsidize bal-
anced military establishments from Korea and
Japan and Taiwan to Pakistan and Turkey and
Western Europe. The inescapable corrolary of
cooperation is a division of labor-an under-
standing, in short, as to what we are to attend
to and what the other allies are to attend to.
It is impossible for the United States to
recover the lead in the race of armaments with-
out a very considerable increase of expendi-
tures. This will necessitate not only more ap-
propriations for the Defense Department but
also a re-allocation of the military objectives
of the Defense Department.
As Mr. Reston, whose sources aie no doubt
unimpeachable, indicates, we shall be moving"
towards a division of responsibilities within the
alliance in which .we specialize even more than
we do now in strategic deterrents, calling upon
our allies to assume the main responsibility for
what are, by global standards, tactical defenses.
There will be much to talk about at the
NATO meeting in December, apd in the budget
conferences here which are already under way.
All this has been precipitated, one may say, by
Sputnik, by the demonstration that, with our

THE DECISION to switch our
satellite from "Operation Or-
biter" under the Army, Navy, and
Air Force to "Operation Van-
guard" under the Navy alone was
made on the recommendation of
the Stewart Committee of the Re-
search and Development Board, of
which Dr. Homer Stewart of Cal-
ifornia Institute of Technologd is
Also helping to influence the
transfer, as a member of the
Stewart Committee, was Richard
Porter of General Electric, who
now heads the earth satellite pan-
el of the international geophysi-
cal group.
These men, more than any oth-
er, transferred the satellite in
1955, at a time when it appeared
to, be ;making excellent progress.
The transfer permitted Russia to
score one of the most important
scientific and psychological vic-
tories in history.
** *
IT ALSO contributed in part to
the fact that the Army, which
was transferred out of the pic-
ture, now has six satellites in a
Huntsville, Ala., warehouse, but is
not permitted to launch them.
Because of rigid Administration
censorship, it is extremely diffi-
cult to ascertain the reasons for
the transfer and the subsequent
snafu. When Dr. Stewart was
queried on the long distance tele-
phone at Cal Tech, he was un-
"I can't talk," he said.
"My instructions don't permit
me to comment at all," he replied
when pressed further regarding

the reasons for ,the disastrous
"You can't even comment as to
whether you are chairman of the
Stewart Committee?"
"No, I can't comment on
whether I am chairman of the
committee," was the reply. "All
I can say is that I've served on
several committees."
This was leaning over back-
ward a bit, because Dr. Stewart
lists in his self-penned biography
in Who's Who that he is a mem-
ber of the Technical Evaluation
Group of Guided Missiles Com-
mittee, Research and Develop-
ment Board 1948-50; chairman
since 1951."

* * *


DR. STEWART has been pri-
vately criticized for selling the
Pentagon on the satellite transfer
because he was allegedly antagon-
istic to Dr. Fred Singer of the
University of Maryland and Dr.
Wernher von Braun, the ex-Hit-
ler scientist, now attached to the
Army. They had been given the
main job of designing Operation
Orbiter and propelling it off the
All Dr. Stewart would say, how-
ever was: "My instructions don't
permit me to comment."
It happens that one private
.company benefited from the
transfer - General Electric. It
also happens that Richard Porter,
an official of General Electric, si-
multaneously advising the gov-
ernment, advised the transfer
which benefited his company.
GE has the contract for the
first-stage engine for the Van-

guard satellite. This is the engine
which has delayed the program
and in earlier tests couldn't get
off the ground. Last week, how-
ever, it was su'ccessful.
When queried by this column,
Porter admitted that he was a
member of the Stewart Commit-
tee whichr recommended the
transfer, and also of the Earth
Satellite Panel, which likewise
recommended the transfer.
When asked about the fact that
his company, GE, benefited from
the transfer, Porter replied:
"I don't know anything about
the contract."
* * *
CHECKING with Porter's col-
leagues convinces me that he was
telling the truth. He is a man of
great integrity, and his associates
state that when he discovered
that General Electric was getting
the new contract - as a result of
the transfer he recommended -
he was horrified,. and offered to
As far as I can ascertain, no
pecuniary interest or conflict of
interest was involved.
Perhaps the mistake wasjust
bad judgment. In view of the rigid
wall of secrecy thiown up by the
Eisenhower Administration, how-
ever, it's impossible to probe
further. But the mistake was so
important to the prestige of this
country that a Congressional
committee wih the power of sub-
poena should pursue the matter
further. The above is about as far
as a mere newsman can go.
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.)

to Russia for purchase of military
resources to military use, as beingG
done by India! ,
The reason for his denial of
even some hard facts, which are
always stronger than any logic,
maykbe that he'never tried tto te-
think what he was trying to say.
One may even doubt if he thought
over the logical conclusion he was
attempting to arrive at.
* * *
HE DID SAY very emphatically
that Indians should be grateful to
the Americans whose taxes, con-
verted into millions of dollars in
economic aid without strings, have
saved them from disaster; but it is
ridiculous to find him attempting
to conclude that American arms
) aid helps maintain peace.
Some of our American brothers,
out of an unconscious spirit of na
tional prejudices, may find them-
selves supporting the foreign policy
of the United States. Our Paki-
stanee brothers too, unconsciously
led by their outdated religious
prejudices and a propagated ha
tred against Hindus, and by the
virtue of their partial involvement
in the Kashmir problem, may find
themselves unwittingly appreciat-
ing the policy of the arms race
sponsored by the hostile blocks,
the United States, being one of
* * *
NEVERTHELESS, the fact re-
mains that if we review the crucial
question, not as a Pakistanee, not
as an American, but as an impar-
tial man, we shall soon realize that
the American arms aid policy, far
from helping main.tain peace, is
drifting the destiny of mankind
towards a precipIce from where
there may never be a return.
The arms aid may eventually
help in creating peace, but it will
not be a peace of life; rather, an
;eternal peace of the graveyards. It
will not spring from the smiles of
a happy mankind but from the
sullen silence of endless ruins.
The devils will burst into guf-
faws, the heavens will shed streams
of endless tears, and the ashes of
long history of mankind shall be
peacefully washed away, to give
birth to a new, primitive Creation.
Let us realize that this simple
realization is the only way by
which we can hope to solve the
futile problems of our people, who
are unfortunately still too ignorant
to shake off the complex fanati-
cism of religion and petty nation-
5 ;s * *
ONLY IN the context of these
human complexes can we hope to
find a key to the solutions of our
problems, Kashmir being one of
The people today are crying that
the world is passing through a
grave crisis. They say that the
world is bumping merrily along
from crisis to crisis, always inches
away from war.
It is not shameful for mankind
to deny still the great question of.
our times, why this crisis? Because
the policies pursued by our govern-
ments are right?
Let the answer to the question
come from the echoes of our
hearts. Let the truth .be realized

T HE BACK-ROOM operators
the Democratic Party machi
are not at .ll displeased wi
As they see it, the Democra
1960 chances were just about
go down for the third time in t
black ocean of Civil Rights.
They now figure that the p
of the Red Moon, broadcasting
message of Republican failure
national defense, will be stro
enough to save their party frc
--National Review

equipment, or diverting their o'v
,before it is too late; for in ti
realization lies the future of ma
In regard to the struggle agair
Communism, it is true thatN
must wage a relentless war agair
this system which has become
great menace to the freedom,
man. But let us realize that t
struggle is as much against a
own people as against the Ru
sians. And this war is not to
fought by weapons, but by su
human efforts as may help
killing the seeds of the contagil
THE BATTLE against Commu
ism can never be won by exposi
the innocent masses to the hazar
of horrible weapons and the shu
dering miseries of war. Wars ha
only helped in spreading Commu
ism. Word War I gave birth to
and the Second World War spre
it over half the globe.
To fight Communism, let us fig
poverty, hunger, illiteracy and i
norance. That is what India, Pal
stan, and other countries are stri
ing to do.
-Virendra Pathik, Spec.



Charles Van Doren- Quiz Show Deity'


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univdr-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Dailyaassumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ig, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2100 p.m. Friday.
Gene/ral Notices
International Center Tea, sponsorei
by International Student Associatic
and International Center, Thurs., Oc
31, from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. at the Inter
national Center.
The following studlent sponsored so
cial events are approved for the con
ing, weekend.
Nov. 1: Adams, Chicago, Delta Thet
Phi, Frederick, Friends Center Coop
Kappa Alpha Psi, 'Kappa Alpha Theta
Martha Cook, Paimer-Alice Lloyd, Ph
Delta Phi, Sigma Alpha Mu, Stockwel
Tappan International, wekley, Ze-
Beta Tau.
Nov. 2: Acacia, Alpha Chi'Sigma' A
pha Kappa Kappa, Alpha Sigma Ph'
Beta Theta Pi, Chi Phi, Delta Chi, Del
ta Kappa Epsilon, Delta Sigma Delt
Delta Sigma Phi, Delta Sigma Pi, Del'
Theta Phi, Fletcher, Gamma Phi Bet
Gomberg, Henderson, Hinsdale, Jordan
Kelsey, Lambda Chi'Alpha, Nu Sig
Nu, Osterwell, Phi Alpha Kappa, P:
Chi, Phi Epsilon P1-Delta Phi ;Epsilor
Phi Delta Epsilon-Alpha Omega, P
Delta Phi, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Kapp
Sigma, Phi Rho Sigma, Phi Sigma Kap
pa, Sigma Alpha Mu, Sigma Chi, Si
ma Phi, Tau Delta Phi, Taylor, The'
Delta Chi, Theta Xi, Triangle, Tyle
Zeta Beta Tau, Zeta Psi, P1 Lambd
Nov. 3: Jordan, Phi Delta Phi.
First Annual John Alexander Le
ture - Thurs., Oct. 31, 1:30 p.m., se
end floor amphitheater, Universi
Hospital, Main Building. Sir Clemen
Price Thomas, British thoracic surgeo
president of the Royal Society of Medi
cine: "The Surgical Treatment of Pul
monary Tuberculosis, a Present Pe
sonal Assessment." Junior Medical Stu
dents will be excused from classes fron
1:30 to 3:00 p.m. to attend the lectur
tWerner E. Bachmann Memorial Le
ture. Prof. Paul D. Bartlett of Harvar
University will give the werner
Bachmann Memorial Lecture on Oc
31, in Room 1400, Chemistry Buildin
at 4:15 p.m. He will discuss "The In
tiation of Organic Chain Reactions."
Astronomy Department Visitors Nigh
Fri., Nov. 1l, 8:00 p.m., Rm. 2003, Angel
Hall. Prof. Fred T. Haddock will spea
on "Radio waves from the Sun."-Af
er the lecture the Student Observator
on the fifth floor of Angell Hall wit
be open for inspection and for tel
scopic observations of the moon ax
double star. Children welcomed, bi
must be accompanied by adults.
Academic Notices
L.. .... .-t-.. w0, T:& A

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Bert R. Sugar
appeared on "Tic-Tac-Dough" quiz
show during the summer, and set a
record for winnings on the program
($8500). He has had occasion to work
with Jack Barry, and to meet many
people competing on other TV quiz
TIME MAGAZINE heralded a
new era on February 11, 1957,
when it featured Charles Van
Doren as its cover personality. For
the era thus initiated was one of a
new genus of idol, the quiz show
deity, the intellectual jack-of-all-
Charles Van Doren eventually
emerged far richer and more pop-
ular than any other quiz show
contestant up to that time,
amassing $129,000, on the Barry-
Enright program "Twenty-One."
New shows have since come and
vanished just as quickly, attempt-
ing to capitalize upon the phe-
nomenon created of giving large
amounts of cash for the ready an-
swers of contestants.
* * A
INCLUDED in the long list of
quiz shows introduced - some
palatable, some not-are "Twen-
ty - One," "Tic-Tac-D o wg h,"
"High-Low," "The $64,0000 Ques-
tion," "The Big Surprise," and
"T, ,,4 Calna anr

first "egghead" idol for many
Americans and the second such,
for those who had made an icon
of Stevenson. But for those few
isolated instances where some in-
dividual is momentarily wor-
shipped for his intellect and wit
in addition to the prowess he pos-
sesses in another field, the plight
of the genius in the United States
is one which is not fully compre-
Consider the case of Robert Op-
penheimer, the nuclear physicist
who was denied security clear-
ance because of certain of his
friends and relatives. This dis-
regard- of genius might well lay
at the base of the trouble the
U.S. has shown in its scientific
lag behind the Soviet Union. Just
last weekend, a Hanover, Mary-
land boy of 14, a near-genius, shot
two acquaintances who continual-
ly mocked him for his superior
ability and desire to learn.
* * *
THE ADVENT of quiz shows
has done little to dispel this .all-
encompassing distaste for the in-
tellectual. One reason is that
those who are usually the kinners
are far from brilliant people, wise
in their ways and omniscient in
intelligence. The contestants are
usualy te "mn n thactrf I

His basic contention that
"junk" is the necessary factor for
winners of quiz shows to exhibit
has some merit, but merit of a
qualified nature. Unconnected in-
formation and ' factual bits of
flotsam picked up from the entire
scope of learning are of no use
to anyone, except those people
priming for nothing but the slim
chance they might appear on a
quiz show one day and be asked,
"What is the capital of Nepal?",
and being able to supply the all-
important answer, "Katmandu."
This is hardly the type of train-
ing one can utilize throughout a
lifetime, but it is all-important for
the anonymous average nian on
the street who covets the chance
to gain national fame and net-
work money.
S* * *
.THERE is a difference between
knowledge and intelligence, ac-
cording to Noah We b s t e r.
Knowledge constitutes more than
just having information, "it is
familiarity with an entire scope
or range of' information. Where-
as, intelligence is the application
of knowledge, and ,the ability to
deal with a new and trying situ-
ation, Verne Snider, in his book,
"Teahouse of the August Moon",
stated this basics riferr,.

sess certainty of the main facets
of life. I
Were this point accepted, men
like Van Doren would never have
undertaken either teaching or
conveying his .thoughts to the
general public on the inadequacies.
of the shows and their by-prod-
ucts, the contestants. Men like
Dr. Bergen Evans and Walter
Kiernan would remain total mis-
fits, but ever so popular amongs$t
fawning admirers.
No, there are some contestants
like Mr. Van Doren, who are con-
cerned with the important unre-
solved issues that comprise the
great. core of learning, as opposed
to coAcentrating their entire
thought process to just memoriz-
ing books and incongruous facts.
* . * *
BUT THES men can still be
reasonably certain of a small
scope of thought through deduc-
tive reasoning - reasoning which
implies an application of knowl-
edge' and knowledge which rests
upon given facts.
Van Doren feels that a wise
man could not possibly be a bore,
But what of the knowledgeable
man, the man who grasps the
range of a subject rather than
just isolated facts and instances?
Cann this man hea n intne+ing

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