Heavy osses lace Gridders in Dark Hor
se Role
£7 omme t
SINCE THIS ISSUE is dedicated to the incoming freshmen, this
"' column takes the opportunity to extend the welcoming hand and
to try and present in as adept a fashion as possible a condensed hand-
book of Michigan sports-traditions, facilities and problems.
The sports scene at Michigan is a mammoth and many-splendored
thing, clothed in a garb of glorious tradition. The immensity of the
thing strikes home at the first .football game when tens of thousands
of people come pouring into the stadium to watch our team play
smebody elses for a couple of hours. Another view of this size can
be gatheed by going to the top of the stadium, where, by tearing'
Sone's a away from the spectacle of 101,000 fans and a good football
gaeni e can see laid out below the expanse of ground and buildings
that makes up the actual physical plant.
Easily picked put by familiar eyes are the Intramural Sports
Building, the swimming pool, the administration building, Yost Field
House,- the baseball diamond, the tennis courts, both varsity and
intramural, the track with its huge concrete seating structure and
the football practice fields. Add to this view the unseen Hockey
Coliseum and the University golf course and the size concept has
taken hold.
This view also is a good introduction to the variety that is present
to those who are sports minded. Not only does Michigan participate
actively on the varsity level in eleven different sports, but for the
regular enthusiast without the
superior ability, there is the op-
t..........portunity to play a far greater
number of sports in the well-
organized intramural program.
Competition here is largely in
x leagues formed as to residence
unit (quad, fraternity, etc.) and
the sports range from touch foot-
t ball, basketball and softball to
bowling, handball and paddleball.
The facilities to both, watch and
play are well provided for, if the
time can only be found to use
As for tradition, it surrounds
the sports world at the University
with a thick, invisible cloak. There
BENNIE OOSTERBAAN is no actual vision of the thing
a tradition itself, but its presence can be felt
almost at once by any newcomer, and to those that know it, it in-
fluences most of their behavior as Michigan fans. At football games its
outward action makes the throng rise for the kickoff, it makes the
band play the familiar "Hail to the. Victors" after every Michigan
score, it puts warmth into the flattest of alumni and student voices as
the "Yellowand the Blue" is thundered across the silent field at half
time and during this rendition it dictates the moment of silence after
the lusty "Hail" preceding the refrain.
Within the Michigan sports enthusiast, however, tradition plays
its strongest role. Here it has imbedded the confidence of victory. The
players on the field have a history of winning teams to spur them on,
the fans in the stands have a past of watching champions. Therefore
there is always a general expectancy among the Michigan rooters
before every game. Victory is in the air. If it doesn't come,. there is
disappointment. If it does come, it is usually accepted calmly. Conse-
quently, it is difficult to find wild, riotous behavior in Ann Arbor after .
a victory in an athletic contest. Winning is merely tradition.
Tradition from The Men . t1
WHAT IS THIS TRADITION? Where does it come from? It comes
from age, from events, but principally from the men who have
added more than the usual performance to Michigan history. It is
a long, steady list that has made this school so proud of the athletic t
standing it now maintains.
To mention a few, there was the immortal Willie Heston, unstop-
able at halfback on Michigan's gridiron for four-seasons, 1901-4. There
was Fielding Yost, who began all this business of great athletic tradi-.
tion. and who piloted Michigan's fabulous point-a-minute football
teams of the early century. Continuing in the Yost tradition were
Bennie Oosterbaan, one of Michigan's finest athletes and now head
football coach, H. O. "Fritz" Crisler, master-mind of the 1947 gridiron
wizards and now director of Michigan athletics, Tom Harmon, All-
American sensation of the early 40's and just lately, Ron Kramer,
put on a par with Oosterbaan as one of Michigan's greatest athletes.
An important issue that has been discussed all over the nation
and which has been tackled by the Big Ten to the point of getting a
definite policy down on paper is the question of aid to athletes. The
Conference has eliminated to an extent a major sin which has become
common practice of late in the offering of aid to boys with above-
average athletic ability-that being the actual bidding among schools
for an athlete's talents. With the new standardized aid plan now in
effect, whereby each Western Conference school can offffer only a
certain maximum amount financially, the "bidders" must now do
their selling on other grounds. The competition still will go on, but at
least now hopes are that it will be conducted on a higher level.
Other Problems Numerous...
JTHER PROBLEMS to be faced are numerous. One is expansion of
the physical plant, big as it now is. With enrollment skyrocketing,
buildings like the hockey coliseum and Yost Field House are, proving
inadequate in their seating capacity. Also, many more intramural
facilities will be needed. Finally, there is the ever-present problem of
continually trying to field a winning team to satisfy the fan in each of
us, and yet try and do it in such a -way that the moral side and the
academic side of each of us is not insulted. This is the toughest of
all, but I can truthfully say after three years here and only a little f
prejudice that Michigan handles the problem with probably as few
deviations as possible from the straight and narrow.
With this last opinion thrown out for thought, the handbook is
finished. The thing to keep in mind, however, is not that this school
has a gigantic athletic department, or that it's loaded with tradition,
and has a lot of hazy problems to solve, but that the class of 1961.
is now a part of this institution (with its athletic department) and
that its problems are now yours, for four years at least. The student <:
is important, has to be important for the institution to have meaning,
Oosterbaan Faces Task
Of Finding New Men
To Replace Key Losses
STEAMROLLER-Fullback John Herrnstein explodes through the Northwestern line for a touchdown
in the game last fall which Michigan won, 34-20. The massive Herrnstein will be the key to the Wol-
verines' attack this year, and on his shoulders rest the hopes of the Maize and Blue for a successful
football season.
Fall of '56OFull of'Happy Moments
Associate Sports Editor
Nearly everyone expected big
things from Michigan's football!
squad last season-bigger things
than were eventually realized.
Not as much will be anticipated
for this fall--and a lot more could
Michigan will probably play the
"dark gorse" ro n 1957, and
Coach Bennie Oosteraan, return-
ing for his tenth 4eason as chief
of the gridiron brain trust, is just
as happy.
Graduates Aplenty
There is good reason to expect
less this year. The lineup of miss-
ing faces is a potent one. At end,
for instance,acaptain Tom Maentz
and Ron Kramer, perhaps the fin-
est pair of flankers any college
team has ever known, are gone.
Gone, too, is their capable substi-
tute, Charlie Brooks.
Halfback Terry Barr, a great
all-around performer, has gradu-
ated. Dick Hill, guard, who was
Most Valuable for the 1956 season,
has departed, as have tackle Al
Sigman; center Mike Rotunno,
and quarterback Jim Maddock.
Seven of these eight men were
starters part or all of the time last
Backs Ed Shannon and John
Greenwood, guard Clem Corona
and end Dave Rentschler will also
be missing.
Replacements Needed
Replacements are necessary,
therefore, and Michigan's eleven
will have to depend, at least to
some extent, on relatively untried
talent. Of the 36 men who received
letters last year, 24 will be back,
but the 12 departees are, for the
most part, extremely key men.
Oosterbaan himself sums it up
appropriately: "We have a real
job ahead of us in most 'positions
if we hope to be in the running'
this fall.
"We must find strong replace-
ments at the ends and at right
halfback, especially, and at sev-
eral line spots. We have some
freshmen coming up, but not
enough to come anywhere near
solving our problems."
Oosterbaan Pessimistic
Oosterbaan, as is the habit with
most coaches, is pessimistic, but
for the most part he is probably
justified in this case.
At right half, only one proven
performer will be on hand to fill
the shoes of Barr and Shannon--
Mike Shatusky. A 175-lb. runner
from Menominee, Shatusky proved
himself in the Iowa game last year
as he scored two touchdowns, the
Wolve'ines winning, 17-14.
Other returnees are pretty un-
tried at right half, although John
Batsakes and Ernie McCoy could
come through. If they don't, there
are the sophomores.
Brad Myers, a versatile Evans-
ton, Ill., product; Fred Julian from
Detroit, and Al Groce from Clair-
ton, Pa., all looked fairly promis-
ing in the spring and could lend
depth to the right halfback spot.
Pace, Ptacek Return
Things look better at left half.
Associate Sports Editor
Michigan's 1956 football team
was generally conceded as the best
to represent the University on the
gridiron since the 1951 Rose :Howl
chsmpionship team and some
even likened it to the powerful
national champions of 1948.
'Tirs is ja spite of the fact that
the Wowverines 1) didn't win the
Big Ten championship, finishing
second vyith P five won, two lost
mark, and 2) didn't get the Rose
Bowl bid.
Bright Moments
But there were many bright mo-
ments to offset these important
failures. Number one was that
Michigan thwarted Ohio State's
bid for an unprecedented third
straight Conference champion-
ship with a stinging 19-0 triumph
before the Buckeye's home fans
in Columbus, O.
Anothei highlign in Coach
Bennie Oosterbaan',; ninth season
of guiding the Wolverines foot-
ball fortunes was the come-from-
behind tri-mph over Conference
and Rose Bowl champion Iowa.
It was c .e 4imy defeat suffered by
the Hawkn;es all year and the
Wolverines fashio ed it before a
capacity Iowa City homecoming
crowd, 17.14.
An early season highlight was
the administering of a 48-14 wal-
oping of Army - the worst de-
'eat the #7adets have ever suf-
fe'ed on the gridiron. The list
grows on and on, including bril-
liant individual nerformances by
such as Ron Kramer, Terry Barr,.
Mike Shatusky, Jimmy Pace and
John Herrnstein.
It was in the Ohio State game
that the l\aichigan grid machine
reached its peal: With Barr pac-
ing the offn3ive and Michigan s
stalwart line standing out on de-
fense, the Wolverines simply had
too many ganis for the Buckeyes.
Ground Attack Insufficient
Coach Woody Hayes relied
mainly on a running attack, as he
had all year, but it wasn't enough
to turn back the Big Blue, victory
starved after only one win in their
last four meetings with the Bucks.
They couldn't get around Kra-
mer and Tom Maentz at ends and
when they tried for short yard-
age up the middle, the stubborn
Mith-:aft iue pushed them back.
Their ground game stymied and
owning an inept passing attack,
the Buckeyes could only hope for
breaks And Michigan just wasn't
handing )..em out that particular
Saturday. The Wolverine ball car-
riers ploned for that extra yard
and eve, the heretofore sputter-
ing parsng attack sparkieu.
So impressive was the victory'
that it left many observrt won-
dering if this team waan't the
best in the Conference. After all,
it was the only team to ;olish off
Iowa. It was more impressive than
Iowa in beating Ohio 'tate. The
Bawkeyes had turned ,be trick
he wF- before. 6-0.
Iowa Game Typical
The Iowa game started out true
to form - at least like all Iowa
games of recent years. The Hawk-
eyes forged two quick touchdowns
andI the Wolverines had an uphill
battle on their hands. Unlike the
wide open game of the year be-
fore, won by Michigan 33-21, with
a freescoring last period come-
back, this game had to be decided
on long sustained drives and vic-
tory wasn't Michigan's until the
final minute of play.
Michigan put together two long
drives in the second half to se-
cure the victory. Trailing, 14-3, at
halftime, the Wolverines received
the opening kickoff of the second-
half and ground out 68 yards to
Then the grim Hawkeyes held
out and it wasn't until late in the
game that the Wolverines could
nount a successful drive. Sprink-
See BRIGHT, page 12
-m' ..a rn..
Jim Pace. the speedy Arkansas
crowd-pleaser who jumps over the°
line like a hurdler, returns, along
with junior Bob Ptacek, a power-
ful runner at 208 lbs., who could
also be the best passer on the
squad. Jack Lousma backs up this
Among newcomers, Darrel Har-
per (6', 190 lbs.) and Jim Vollmar
(5'11", 170 lbs.) are the most
promising. Harper is a shifty run-
ner from Royal Oak who likes the
outside route to paydirt. Vollmar
hails from Wyandotte.
Fullbacg presents no worries to
Oosterbaan. wits the pile-driving
powerhouse from Chillicothe, O.-
John Herrnstein -- returning' for
only his junior year. Herrnstein, a
212-pounder, could prove to be the
best in the country at his position.
Byers, Dickey Replacements
Herrnstein has topflight replace-
ments, too, in veterans Jim Byers
and Jim Dickey, both powerful
runners, and another in Gene
Sisinyak, who didn't see as much
action last season.
Among the sophomor s, 185-lb.
Gerald Smith, from Detoit, looks
to be the best of the crop.
At quarterback, the capable vet-
eran Jim Van Pelt, the starter
most of last season, will be first in
line for the job, although he could
be pushed by an aggressive junior,
John Spidel, who blocks and
tackles well and has improved
steadily. Another returnee who
could help is John Sytek, a reserve
last year who saw little service,
Two New Men
A pair of new nen might also-
very easily fit into the quarter.
back picture -- Stan Noskin, a
capable passer who can run, too,
and Dave Brown, who possesse
an accurate arm.
Losing a trio like Kramer,
Maentz and Brooks at end could
be staggering - but some very
hopeful prospects will-be on hand.
One, Gary Prahst, was Kramer's
understudy and, could come Into
his own this year as an outstand-
ing flanker.
Prahst, a rangy 6'4" 200-pound-
er from Berea, 0., has a fine pair
of hands and Is rugged enough to
stand out both on offense and de-
fense. He will be augmented,
among the letter-winners, by Dave'
Bowers and Walt Johnson, both
solid performers, and Gordie Mor-
,row, a hefty 220-pound Ann Ar-
Fine prospects also appear
among the neophites, especially
Chuck Teuscher, who was selected
See HERRNSTEIN, page 6
HERE COMES THE TEAM!-Michigan cheerleaders, always a part of the colorful tradition of foot-
ball Saturdays at the Stadium, flip across the fieldto herald the arrival of the blue-clad warriors. With
their yellow sweaters with blue lettering, the cheerleaders, many of them members of the gymnastics
team, provide enthusiasm in truly acrobatic fashion.
.. . veteran quarterback
... human bulldozer ... right-half hope ...'most improved' ... to fill Ron's shoes?
...line pillar
.. J:?ai$3tiii::; _:;$::".: tJ:: ::4 :J:c::i: i i;:i i:..