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October 31, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-10-31

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom



See page 4


, No. 38



To Attend
TO Paris


.SHINGTON (M) - President
D. Eisenhower announced
day that in the interests of
ring "free world security" he
to attend a NATO Council
ng in Paris in mid-Decem-
t, President Eisenhower told
vs conference. he will hold
nnual session with congres-
leaders of ooth parties.
he said, will be "in the tra-1
of bipartisan responsibility
:eeping the country on a
track in foreign relations."
President Puzzled
the President prepared for
conferences, he is still puz-
at the significance of Rus-
dropping his postwar asso-
and acquaintance, Marshal.
i Zhukov, as minister of de-
news conference also mafle'
tuit of domestic issues:
President said he'd hav'e to
ff advising housewives how
at higher living costs. He re-
the idea that a depression.
the offing but conceded the
my is "taking a breather
a long surge of rising effort
chief executive voiced a
it hope that federal troops
can be pulled out of Little
Ark., where he said the
integration situation
s to improve daily."
Wants Best Members
'reason it is taking time to
ia Civil Rights Commission,
Lent Eisenhower said, is that
trying to get the very best
ers possible, because "this
ission can have a very ame
ng effect onthese aroused
gs, prejudices and passions."
id he wants "men of nation-
)utation so that their opin-
convictions, their findings of
ill be respected by America."
en for City,
.owe'en sneaked into Ann Ar-
day, and that staid and solid
.oesn't quite know what to
h it.
and town, the police depart-
is expecting very little real
, aside fror some doorbell-

On Forum Plan
SGC Will Invite Communist Speaker
To Address University Students
Student Government Council decided last nightx to invite seven
speakers to the University to participate in its forum program.
They are: Daily Worker Editor John Gates and Detroit News
Columnist Russel Barnes, who will debate on the "Future Role of
Communism in America;" -NAACP Executive Secretary Roy Wilkens
who will speak on "Integration Obstacles;" Assistant Editor of the
New Republic magazine Frank S. Meyer and Sen. Clifford Case
(R-.J.) who will debate on "New Republicanism" and its relation-

Drp Plans
For" Inviting

ship to socialism; and conserva-
tive writer Russell Kirk and
Wayne University President Clar-
ence Hillberry who will debate on
"Higher Education for Whom."'
Subject to Approval

Attempts to bring a Communist
to speak on campus next week
were dropped during preliminary
stages of. arrangement because of
"practical Treasons," planners of
International Week said yester-
Barbara Black, '59, and Robert
Arnove, '59, co-chairmen of In-
ernational Co-ordinating Com-
mittee revealed the Polish Perma-
nent Mission to the United Na-
tions had offered to send a speak-
er for the Nov. 4 opening of the
World's Fair. But after informal
talks with a member of the Uni-
versity's Lecture Committee, and
University Vice President William
Stirton, "we decided that rather
than -take the time and trouble, to
get approval, we would drop it,"
Miss Black said,
Respond to Letter
Arnove said the Polish Mission
had responded to a letter sent to
al lthe United Nations delegations
requesting speakers' and'display
material and that on Friday Oct.
18, he phoned Jacek Machowski,
First Secretary Af the Mission to
inquire about expenses and other
William West, a counselor at
International Center and advisor
to the International Students As-
sociation then phoned Prof. Karl
Brandt of the Lecture Committee.
As a result of the conversations,
Arnove said he then sent a tele-
gram to Machowski, a former lec-
turer at the Polish Main School of
Foreign Service, at Warsaw tell-
mg him "due to circumstances,"
they couldn't arrange for another
Union Requests Change
Carl Sandburg had already been
contracted for Monday night but
the Union, sponsors of the speech,
had requested ICC to try to re-
schedule a speaker for Tuesday.
Arnove said Machowski was con-
tacted during the uncertainty of
whether Sandburg would be avail-
able for Tuesday.
West said Prof. Brandt told him
that although attempts had been
made in the past to arrange for
such questionable speakers he felt
the Lecture Committee would
grant approval but it would need
the approval of President Harlan
Htcher or Vice-President Stirton.
"I called to get some off the
cuff advice and Vice-President
S t i r t o n said he wished we
wouldn't schedule the Polish of-
ficial. There seemed to be no point
in making arrangements and
then being turned down by the
Lecture Conmittee."
Prof. Brandt . could not be
reached for comment. Vice-Presi-
dent Stirton said he couldn't re-
call too many of the details of
the phone conversation with West
"but my personal judgment was
that Sandburg would be better."
Both Arnove and Miss Black
emphasized that lack of time
made it seem more practical to
recontact Sandburg than try to
gain ILecture Committee approval
of a possibly unacceptable speak-
er. "If the time element was in
our favor, we may have gone
through with it," Miss Black

All speakers ar subject to Uni-
versity Lecture Committee ap-
SGC set up the forum commit-
tee last year to plan a speakers
program to stimulate discussion
in controversial areas of religion,
education ind politics.
SGC also decided last night to
publish a paid column in The
Daily on a trial basis. The public
relations committee will evaluate
its effectiveness by a special stu-
dy, which will also'involve SGC
Review, the Council's newsletter
to students.
The Council felt The Daily did
not provide adequate coverage of
all the Council's activities. This
was especially true, many mem-
bers felt, for committee areas.
Six Open Positions
There are now six Council po-
sitions open for the eleven can-
didates in the coming SGC elec-
tions. Judy Martin, '59, resigned
from the Council because of "ad-
ditional obligations."
She was married last night to
Dick Hartig, '58E.'
Leonard Wilcox, 60L, reported
to the Council on the University
Calendar Committee, of which he
is a representative.
He outlined the committee's ac-
tion to date, which included com-
pilation of necessary information
and the recommendation that the
class schedule for Friday and Sat-
urday after Christmas vacation be
dropped from the school schedule
this year.
He was disappointed that the
group had not met yet this se-
By The Associated Press
LONDON - The Communist
Daily Worker said yesterday the
Soviet Union plans to launch a
second and bigger earth satellite
next week on the 40th anniversary
of the Bolshevik Revolution in
* * *
WASHINGTON -The Assn. of
the United States Army adopted
a resolution yesterday calling for
holding of Army manpower at not
less than one million men.
The cutback program of the
Defense Department calls for the
Army to drop to 900,000.
*' * *
NEW YORK - A new "Man-
hattan Project" is being organ-
ized as the United States answer
to Russian satellite and missiles
progress, the New York World-
Telegram and Sun said yesterday.

Ask Gaillard
To Establish
Ex-French Minister
To Assemble Cabinet
PARIS P) - Felix Gaillard yes-
terday accepted an invitation to
try to form a new government.
He said he would go to work
immediately to put together his
The 37 year old putgoing fi-
nance minister, sixth man to be
called in the political crisis now
in its 30th day, stopped by the
Elysee Palace and gave his an-
swer to President Rene Coty.
Meets with Leaders
The Radical Socialist met with
a small group of party leaders
from the National Assembly and
was given tentative promises of
support. Al of the promises, how-
ever, were made contingent on the
program Gaillard draws up.
Gaillard's chances of success
seem to be a little better than
50-50. He advocates austerity to
pull France from its financial
His troubles are likely to inten-
sify as he starts drawig up his
Include All Parties
Gaillard wants to piece togeth-
er a government to include all
parties from the Socialists to the
right-wing Independents but ex-
cepting the Communists and the
Poujadists. He plans to go before
the National Assembly Nov. 5, his
38th birthday.
Most observers felt it would be
nearly impossiole for him to pro-
pose any vigorous plan satisfying
both Socialists and Independents.
But he may be able to fix some
zmi ted objectives, especially to
get the natio l out of its present
fVr~ncial hole.
To Comlain
'Of ,Professor
The Atomic Energy Commission
issued a statement yesterday
which tells of financing research
to determine the feasibility of a
new kind of atom smasher which
conceivably could shoot nuclear
particles at energies up to a tril-
lion volts.
The statement was made in re-
ply to a complaint Tuesday by the
newly elected president of the
Midwestern Universities Research-
Association, Prof. H. R. Crane of
the University physics depart-
ment. Prof. Crane said this coun-
try was sitting on plans for a par-
icle accelerator which could put
this country ahead of Russia in
high energy physics research.
He said MURA scientists have
not been able to get support for
the machine's construction and
added it would not surprise him
if the Russianswere working on
the new device "right now." Rus-
sia now has the world's most pow-
erful atom smasher.
In financing the construction
of models by MURA, tle com-
mission wants to "establish the
feasibility of a full-scale ma-
chine" before ,deciding whether
and where to build the large ma-
The commission has supported
MURA in the construction of two
advaiced type accelerator models
in the last two #ears


'U' Senate
To Convene

Ideas Rasi
In Assen


In Union

f or UN

Split Shown


First meeting of the Union Sen-
ate will be held at 7:30 p.m. today
in the Union Ballroom.
Representation to the Senate
has been set at 63, 42 fraternity
"Senators" and 21 residence hall
representatives. E a c h residence
hall representative will have two
votes which will balance the affili-
ate-independent representation.,
According to Fred Wilten, Union.
Administrative Vice President,
'58E, men living in cooperative
housing and apartments will be
given representation later, after
problems connected with the first
meeting have been ironed out.
The agenda for tonight's meet-
ing will include discussion of
Homecoming, early publication of
exam schedules, the improving of
spirit at football games and com-
plaints about the Union.
Familiar Topics Needed,
Wilten said that these topics
were chosen for the first meeting
instead of more controversial ones
because "the Union felt that topics
wereneeded that everyone was
familiar with and could !discuss.
For example, the lecture commit-
tee is a little more removed from
everyday student interest."
He said he hoped. the planning
committee. for the Senate would
include more controversial issues
for succeeding Senate meetings.
After a short opening speech to-
night by Don Young, '58, Union
president, Wilten will explain the.
details of Senate operation to
the representatives.
Form Discussion Groups
After each topic is introduced,
and preliminary information is
given, the body will break down
into groups of nine members each
for approximately 20 minutes of
discussion. Then, according to Wil-
ten, the smaller groups will come
back into the larger group. Each
group's discussion leader will re-
port the feelings of his group. Wil-
ten said if the groups are in gen-
eral agreement, a motion may be
made from the floor. This motion,
which will formally express Sen-
ate intent, will then be voted on.
I Place on Agenda
Both Student Government
Council and the Union Board of
Directors have agreed to place on
their agendas topics which the
Senate specifically refers to them.
Wilten gave the purposes of the
Senate as "broadening the base of
student opinion and formalizing
procedures for discussing student
He added the Union hoped the
Senate will help to alleviate stu-
dent apathy, although it was not
specifically formed to do so. Wil-
ten said he has received reports
that the Senate has already helped
to stimulate discussion of campus
issues in several housing units.

-Daily-Eric Arnold
DRIVE SOLICITOR .. . A representAtive of a South Quadrangle
house collects Campus Chest donations at the entrance to the
dining room.
" o
Camus Drivule Continues;
No Results Announced
N Campus Chest ended the third day of its week-long drive yester-
day still with no record of the sum collected so far and with no ex-
pected quota.
Residence hall solicitations are continuing today in West, and
East Quadrangles. Personal solicitations for funds in South Quad-
rangle began Tuesday.
Fraternities and sororities have been solicited through each iaouse
as a whole. House officers are delegated with the responsibility of.
Posters for the Campus Chest drive appear on the diagonal, in
quadrangles and in the women's residences. Other posters have

A prov

Rival Mid-East P1a

been distributed to fraternities
and sororities..Residence hall stu-
dents have heard talks explaining.
Campus Chest.
The campus bucket drive begins
today and will end tomorrow. The
bucket drive has been planned to
collect funds from students not
living in University residence
halls, fraternities or sororities.
Buckets will be placed on and
near the central campus, but not
in the business areas of State
Street and South University. The
Ann Arbor United Fund solicited
these areas in.: their drive 'last
week, and denied the request of
.Campus Chest to enter these busi-
ness districts.
Students Seek
To _ Savea Dery
From Death.
A group of University students
will continue their efforts today
to obtain signers for the petition
to free Hungarian writer Tibor
Dery from almost certain death
by the Russians.
According to- the leaders of the
movement, John Dwyer, '59 and
Torre Bissell, '60, approximately
801 signatures were obtained yes-

--Day-Spook Arnold
ing. "We've got it all in hand,"
officer said.
he fire department had a few
e complaints, but once again,
all fell into one or. two cate-
Ve're expecting a lot of calls
open fire hydrants and piles of
ring leaves," a fireman said.
e said that most of the prob-
came from University stu-
s. "You cdn expect anything
n them," he grinned.
e related two incidents of bikes
teriously disappearing, to be
id later whipping in the breeze
op of a flagpole. Singular in-
uity was shown, as the perpe-
ors tied one end of the rope to
top of the pole, then cut the
r end off, making the 'bike all
impossible to remove.
n, campus, things are just as
t. Out on the hill, the women's
fence halls are planning small,
Lively calm celebrations.
uzens Hall wi'l announce the
ner of its witch contest tonight,
lidates having been "elected"
rridor meetings two weeks ago.
1Mosher, a Hallowe'en dinner

City To Extend
All-Night Ban,
On Parking
The city's all-night parking reg-
ulations will probably be extended
to the area south and east of the.
University before the end of the
year, City Administrator Guy C.
Larcom, Jr., said yesterday.
At the sane time, parking be-
tween 2 and 5 a.m. in the main
campus area will be completely
eliminated, Larcom said.
The proposals will be' brought
before City Council within the
next two months.
The area affected by these pro-
posed changes would be bounded
by Geddes Street, the main cam-
pus, Division Street, and the south
and east city limiVs. Parking with-
in this section wduld be limited to
use of the odd - numbered and
even-numbered sides of streets on'
alternate nights, between 2 and
5 a.m.
Regulations Now in Effect
These regulations are now in
effect around the main campus,
in the area bounded by Catherine,
Observatory, Hill and Division
streets, where all-night parking
Would be prohibited on both sides
nightly, under the new plans.
This plan is the second stage in
a three-stage campaign to improve
traffic conditions in the city, ac-
cording to Police Lt. H. G. Schlupe
of the Traffic Bureau. In the final
stage, night parking throughout
the city would be restricted to the
alternate-night basis.
These changes were recommend-,
ed by a Detroit traffic engineering
firm after a study of the campus
area last fall.
SGC Members Approve
Maynard Goldman, '59, Student
Government Council member and
Lew Engman, '57, formerly on
SGC, met last January with city
and University officials to consider
the report. They accepted the pro-
Originally the engineers had
recommended a six-month inter-
val between the first and second
_L .__ .L-L L L

Rival plans for settling the '8
an-Turkish border crisis were
mitted to the United Nations 1
eral Assembly yesterday.
They reflected a split In the
-nation body and it appea
doubtful if either wulcd get
required two-thirds approval,
Syria, which has been conte
ing Tformore than three w
that Turkey is about to launc
attack, formally proposed that
Assembly appoint a seven-nati
f act - finding commission' to
vestigate the situation on I
sides of thd border.
Go to Trouble Area
The commission 'would go to
trouble area immediately and
port back to' the Assembly
Security Council within tWp we
Syria and. Turkey would pik
nations each, and three other
cormon agreement within .±3
days of Assembly action appro,
the commission.
Syria's move was countered
mediately by a seven-nation ri
lution which merely, expres
confidence that Secretary Gen
Dag Hammarskjold is availab
undertake tension - easing t
with Syria and' Turkey, anc
necessary make a trip to fh
countries "in connection with
performance of his task."
The resolution, which. has
support of the United States, n
that efforts are being made
resolve the crisis.
Reference to Mediation
This is a reference to the mei
tion offer of King Saud of Si
Arabia, which has been spur
thus far by Syria.
Syrian Ambassador Farid Zi
eddine told the Assembly his co
try's resolution is "better t
fair," since Syria, as the accu
was proposing an investigatio'
both sides of the border. "
has nothing to hide," he decla
Wallace Nesbitt of Canada,
-of the sponsors of th seven-na
resolution putting. Hammarsk
into the picture, called, on':
"to weigh carefully theN ad
tages of accepting" Saud's me
tion offer.
Other sponsors of the res
tion are Japan, Denmark, Nort
Paraguay, Peru and Spain.
Panel Differs
On Freedom"
For Algeria
Agreeing the present stalen
in Algeria is beneficial to no
panel members in the Arab C
debate held last night at the
dent Activities Building dff4
widely on. the means of fre
the Algerians.
-Harry - Bieling, '60OL, of
United a States, questioned
ability of the Algerians to -
thegiselves without chaos
corruption. This view was w
ly questioned, even by Henri
S u r e m ai n, '60L, represen
France, but not, he emphast
her government. De Surem
main concern was with the ri
of French colonists under an
gerian government.-
Beverly Pooly, '60L, from P
land, explained that in Brit
and by extension in France ti
is a strong faction educated n
the Empire and more conserva
than the government. He and
Suremain agreed that the pi
lem for the European count
is largely psychological.
French interests, George*
a h.iCa. . of F vif staa A ,

AA The atre's 'A Hatful of Rain' Oens Tonight
"Okay, cut! We'll do that same scene over again and now concen-
trate on the play!"
"The scenery needs another brace over here" Hammering and
the scrap of props being moved drones in the background as rehearsal
:' for the second production of the Ann Arbor Civic Theatre's season
SDirectorTed Heusal demonstrates the correct interpretation of a
speech in a scene from "A Hatful of Rain" by Michael V. Gazzo. The
play will be produced at 8 p.m. tonight through Saturday in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.

Lecture Group
Appoints Head

Students Participate
Three University students will play lead roles in this production.
Don Catalina, '59, will be seen as Johnny Pope, Beverly Ogg, '59, will
nlav nl ,,.f uif .ilia an ,,rnmTyih ,R wim nl. fh nvf


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