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October 30, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-10-30

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"Sure You Got Everything Under Control, Jimmy?"

Sixty-Eighth Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints.
Joephs Tuitn uPlan A Backward
Step from Jeffersomanism



Menuhin Displays
True Musicianship
YEHUDI MENUHIN, ore of the world's most famous and popular
violinists, appeared in Hill Auditorium last night before a more-
than capacity audience. His performance was such as to uphold his
excellent reputation.
Beginning with the Grieg Sonata in G major. Menuhin imme-
diately displayed his command over his instrument in the rich and
full tone which he produced.
The second movement was in a tranquil mood and was fol-
lowed by an animated finale. Menuhin played very well throughout.
The piano part in this sonata, as in the Schubert Fantasie played
later, is not a subordinate part and should not be regarded as mere

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EDUCATIONAL Testing Service published,
last week, some startling facts about the
shortcomings of American higher education.
New York Timesman, Benjamin Fine, sum-
marized the ETS report saying:
"A paradox brought out strongly last week
is that although the colleges are jammed to
the sills, large numbers of the nation's best
brains are lost to the country's pool of trained
professional men and women, to the harm of
our own national welfare and economy."
ETS explained that insufficient money to
finance a college education keeps 150,000 "high
ability students" from the campuses each year.
Also made public last week was a survey
done by the United States Office of Education
which revealed that college costs have doubled
since 1940, that an undergraduate education
costs $2,000 on the average at a private col-
lege and $1,500 at a public institution, and fi-
nally that scholarship funds have not kept
pace with rising living and tuition costs.
After contemplating the implications of
these facts - that education higher costs are
rising and out-pricing qualified and desirous
students - it was indeed disquieting and dis-
appointing to read the remarks made by Dever-
eux C. Josephs, head of President Eisenhower's
Committee on Education Beyond the High
School. Mr. Joseph's believes that colleges
should get needed monies by burdening the
students with further tuition costs. Very
probably the sons and daughters of Mr. Jo-
sephs' banker friends can afford to pay a rec-
ommended $1,500 tuition, ("Ninety per cent
of the Harvard students remain to complete

their program. When you pay for an educa-
tion you appreciate it.") but there are so
many more marginal students who cannot.
Here at the University a large number of the
students are self-supporting, depending upon
summer jobs to "put themselves through." A
$1,500 tuition rate on top of already outlandish
living costs would, in all likelihood, force more
than a majority to leave the University.
BUT MR. JOSEPHS minimizes this problem,
saying students and their parents can bor-
row the money, thinking of education as a
capital investment paying itself off through
years of higher paychecks for the educated
person. But Mr. Josephs seems to be overlook-
ing the fact that 150,000 high school seniors
thought it was not worth the gain to borrow
their way through college last year, and if
tuition is hiked so markedly as he suggests,
considerably more students will be denied a
college education because they can't afford
It is pitiful President Eisenhower didn't se-
lect more enlightened educators like University
President Harlan Hatcher, who assessed Mr.
Josephs' tuition plan as "a complete reversal
of traditional American educational concepts,"
to guide this country's educational program.
We moist beware of this Wall Street mentality
influencing American educational policy lest
we depart from, and fail to make more progress
toward, the Jeffersonian concept of competi-
tive education at public expense.
Editorial Director

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Russia Policy Toughens


Union Senate Debut

T HE UNION SENATE will hold its first meet-
Ing tomorrow. Designed to provide a channel
for opinion and ideas from University men, it
will start Its first meeting under handicaps.
The flu that caused last week's postponement
of the Senate has diminished, but other prob-
lems of the Senate remain. The greatest of
these problems is student apathy. Although it
may be possible to overcome, it is going to take
both interesting topics and a great deal of hard
work by the Union before the apathy noted in
the campus as a whole is eliminated from the
Not only student apathy as such will have to
be combated, but also a rather surprising lack
of knowledge on the part of a great'proportion
of the students will have to be remedied. Some
of these students are bound to show up on the
Senate, and a means of providing more than
just "surface" information will have to be
provided. J
The Union will have to be very careful in its
guidance of the Senate. Too much guidance,
and the Senate will become nothing more than
a sounding board for the opinions and ideas of
the Union officers. Too little, and the Senate
could become just a purposeless collection of

University men. The mechanical problems of
holding a meeting with all residence hall
housing units and fraternities represented
seemed to have been solved by the Union, but
the first meeting should point up other faults
that should be corrected.
AS IF THESE PROBLEMS weren't enough,
the Union must contend also with a Student
Government Council that wasn't very enthusi-
astic about the idea of a Union Senate in the
first place. The Senate will have to live up to
more than normal expectations if it wishes its
proposals on campus affairs to be taken seri-
ously by SGC.
But in spite of all these problems, the Union
Senate is a very good idea and potentially one
of the focus points of campus opinion. The
Union is to be commended, and commended
very highly, for its efforts to provide the Uni-
versity community with a needed service. The
fact that this idea has many obstacles in its
path is a credit to the enterprise of the Union.
We think, however, that the Union can make
the Senate a success, and we will be watching
closely tomorrow at the first meeting of the
Union Senate.

WHATEVER the connotations
of Zhukov- Khrushchev ma-
neuverings inside the Kremlin,
there is no dispute regarding the
growls of Andre Gromyko at the
United Nations. They have grown
grimmer and more menacing.
Diplomats who have been at-
tending the UN since its inception
say that never before have the
Russians been so tough, so un-
compromising, or played their
cards with such precise, diplo-
matic skill.
They also say that the three-
hour private conference Foreign
Minister Gromyko had at the
home of John Foster Dulles, cal-
culated to be.a showdown between
the United States and USSR, has
only made Gromyko more belli-
Gromyko is playing his hand
from strength. His trump cards
are the ICBM, Sputnik, the new
Soviet jet transport plane, and he
is waving these cards with brazen
audacity. With their help, here
are some of the plays he has
pulled :
PLAY NO. 1 - On Sunday,
October 20, Gromyko invited Sy-
ria, Egypt, plus the satellite coun-
tries, plus such neutrals as Indo-
nesia, India, and Yugoslavia, to
his home to head off mediation
of the Turkish-Syrian disPute by
King Saud.
He wanted the dispute handled
not in the distant desert kingdom
of Saudi Arabia, which lacks
newsreels and television, but un-
der the kleig lights of the United
Nations, where the entire world
could watch the fireworks. He
was not interested in mediation,
but in psychological warfare.
During the course of this secret
meeting, Gromyko used the words
"We will use force if necessary."
He did not elaborate further.
Play No. 2 - In other back-
stage UN talks, Gromyko, always
a grim man, has been grimmer
than ever. He has even let it be

known that Russia would use
armed force to keep the present
pro-Russian government of Syria
in power. In other words, should
there be a revolt inside Syria,
the Red Army would invade to
protect its puppet government
Just as it invaded Hungary.
Play No. 3 - Russian delegates
are whispering that they obtained
the diplomatic pouch containing
the reports by Loy Henderson on
his Near Eastern trip to bolster-
the Eisenhower Doctrine. These,
they claim, reveal war plans be-
tween Turkey and the United
States. Photostats have even been
circulated among the Syrians and
Egyptians giving alleged United
States plans for a Turkish attack.
uments do exist, though United
States Intelligence agents are
convinced they are forgeries, eith-
er sold to the Russians by Arab
agents or manufactured in Mos-
Conclusions - These plays add
up to one thing. Russia is whip-
ping up a psychological fear in
the Near East to cover an early
move. The move will be either to
strengthen her hold on Syria, or
put the final squeeze on Turkey,
or penetrate through Jordan to
the Red Sea, using Syrian agents.
Eventually, Russia will do all
American diplomacy has to rec-
ognize the fact that for ten years
Russia has bitterly r e s e n t e d
American bases in Turkey. Now,
with the power of the ICBM and
the prestige of Sputnik support-
ing her, she is determined to get
rid of these bases - either by
leap-frogging aver Turkey or tak-
ing Turkey. Since we are pledged
to go to war - all-out war - to
defend Turkey, this could mean
world war.
Most likely development is that
Syrian exiles in Turkey may move
intQ Syria to set up a new govern-
ment. This would give Russia the

excuse to come ih. Judging from
the present temper at the UN, it
won't take much of an excuse.
What the United States really
has to decide is whether it wants
to go to war over Turkey. Ameri-
can bases are like a cocked re-
volver aimed at Russia's head.
They are like Russian bases would
be if located across our border in
Mexico. We would circumvent
them by putting troops in Guate-
mala and Panama, just as Rus-
sia is building a base in Syria.
* * *
A FEW MONTHS ago, she
wouldn't have dared to do this.
But with the prestige of Sputnik
and the ICBM, she not only dares
to do it, but is doing it. That's
why Andre Gromyko at the
United Nations' is talking so
tough. And that's the great de-
cision we may have to make -
whether to face a military show-
down over the Austria and Czech-
oslovakia of the Near East.
Note-Since we dave the inter-
mediate range missile and not the
inter-continental missile, Turkish
bases are all the more important
than before. From them we could
hit Moscow with an IRBM. This
fact also makes it more important
to Moscow to -get rid of those
Prime Minister Macmillan of
England found John Foster Dulles
weary and somewhat discouraged.
Other diplomats who have con-
ferred with Dulles recently say
that he has lost his old bounce,
doesn't have hi former hopeful
attitude about the world.
Dulles is bitterly disappointed
that he didn't win the Nobel Peace
Prize instead of Lester Pearson,
ex-foreign minister of Canada.
Pearson won it for getting British,
French and Israeli troops out of
Suez, Dulles believes he had as
much or more to do with this
than Pearson.
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.)

accompaniment. However, I often
felt that Adolph Baller, the pian-
ist in this performance, regarded
his part as even more prominent
than it is. He played much too
loudly in the Grieg, and often
over-balanced the soloist.
Following this work, Menuhin
returned alone to play the Bach
Partita in D minor for unaccom-
panied violin.
* * *
BACH challenged violinists for
all time in his magnificent works
for solo violin. No performer of
this instrument can justify his
stature as an artist without being
able to overcome the obstacles in
these works.
But it must be remembered that
these works are not just to be re-
garded as technical gymnastics
for the performer. They are mas-
terpieces of the highest order and
require thorough musicianship
and mature artistry. Menuhin
supplied all the necessary require-
ments for this work.
The opening Allemande did not
start off too well. Either Menuhin
did not get into it fully, or per-
haps it is the least good of the'.
Beginning in the Courante and
showing very definitely in the
Sarabande, Menuhin and Bach
got together for a wonderful time
of real music making. The Gigue
is one of the finest movements of
its kind in Bach.
* * *
THE FINAL dance of the Par-
tita, like the Gigue, contained a
good deal of virtuosic writing
which was brought off splendidly
by the artist.
This great work was the high
point of a fine program. For me,
this was definitely a strong point
in Menuhin's favor. That he
should shine best in the most mu-
sical part of the program, rather
than in the purely virtuosic
works, is a sure sign of his artis-
tic maturity.
F o 11 o w i n g the intermission,
Menuhin and his accompanist re-
turned to perform the Schubert
Fantasie, Op. 159 (a spurious opus
number). Again the burden of
the work fell about equally on the
two artists and again Baller oc-
casionally took more than his
share. Aside from this excessive
volume, Baller did a good job.
* * *
THE ANDANTINO section con-
tained a very lovely theme, a por-
tion of which is also found in
Schubert's song, "Sei mir Geg-
russt". This theme was taken
through a series of variations
which were alternately taken by
the two instruments, the violin
part becoming an accompani-
ment when the piano was prom-
inent, and vice versa.
During the final presto section,
Menuhin and his pianist strayed
away from each other and pro-
duced a rather ragged finish to an
otherwise beautifully performed
The program closed with Paga-
nini's "I Palpiti" which is a pure-
ly virtuosic 'work. Strangely
enough, Menuhin did not come
forth in this work nearly so
strongly as I would have expected.
He did it well, but it lacked the
brilliance and finish he might
have given it.
Three encores were performed
to acknowledge the enthusiastic
-Robert Jobe

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Dailyaassumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Dai due at 2:00 p.m. Friday,
General Notices
President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold
open house for students at their home
Wed., Oct. 30 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Freshmen and transfer students are
especially invited.
International Center Tea, sponsored
by International Student Association
and International Center, Thurs., Oct.
24, from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. at the Inter-
national Center.
Persons who are interested in apply-
ing for the General Electric Education-
al and Charitable Fund Fellowships for
1958-59 must make arrangements for
taking the recommended Graduate
Record Examination before Nov. 1. Ap-
plications for the Fellowships will be-
come available in November. More in-
formation may be obtained from the
Office of the Graduate School.
Agenda, Student Government Council,
October 30, 1957, Council Room, 7:30
Minutes of the previous meeting.
Officers' reports: President, Execu-
tive vice President, Regional Exec.
Committee, NSA Evaluation, 8GC: Ad-
ministrative vice President; Treasurer,
Campus Chest Loan Committee.
Special Committees: SGC Housing
Committee, University Calendar, Forum
Committee, Health Insurance Report.
Standing Committees: Public Rela..
tions Committee, Daily Column; Na-
tional and International, NSA Con-
gress; Student Activities Committee,
Residence Hall financing, Hellenic As-
sociation, requests recognition, Acti-
vities, International Student Relations
Elections Committee: Personnel D-
rector, Administrative Wing, tryout
Old and new business.
Members and constituents time.
Academic Notices
Linguistics Club meeting Wed., Oct
30 at 8:00 p.m. In West Conference
Room, Rackham Building. Reports on
the Eighth International Congress of
Linguists held in Oslo, August, 1957.
Speakers: Profs. Fries, Penzl, Pike, Pul-
gram; and Prof. H. Josseson of Wayne
U. All persons interested in the scien-
tific study of language are invited.
Seminar, Dept. of Anatomy. Wed.,
Oct. 30, 11:00 a.m. 5th Floor Conference
Room, Kresge Clinical Research Build-
ing. Dr. Jos. P. Schade, head, depart-
ment of Neuro-physiology, Netherland
Central Institute for Brain Research:
Demonstration of the Rectograph, and
tour of the liboratory of Neurosurgical
Applied Mathematics Seminar -
Thurs., Oct. 31,at 4:00 p.m. in Room
246, West Engineering Bldg. Prof. R. K.
Ritt will continue his talk on "The
Non-Self Adjoint Differential Opera-
tors Associated With Acoustical Scat-
tering." Refreshments at 3:30 pm. in
274 W. Engineering.
401 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the
Application of Mathematics to Social
Science, Room 3217, Angell Hall, Thurs..
3:30-5:00 p.m., Oct. 31. Bernard Galler,
Department of Mathematics, "Elements
of Programming."
The following foreign visitors are to
be on the campus this week on the
dates indicated. Program arrangement
are being made by the International
Center: Mrs. Miller.
Mr. Chansamone, U.S. Information
Agency, Laos, Oct. 28-29.
Mr. Sarino, Member of Parliament,
former Minister of Educ., Indonesia,
Oct. 28.
Mr. Siahaan, Head of Extension
Courses, Ministry of Education, Indo-
nesia, Oct. 28.
Mr. Manuel Rojas Sepulveda,Free
Lance Writer, Chile, Oct. 30-Nov. 1.
Mr. Hiroshi Enomoto, U.S. Informa-
tion Agency, Japan, Oct. 30-Nov. 3.
The following foreign visitor's pro-
gram arrangements are being made by
the Political Science Department: Dr.

Mr. Hannes Ulrich Bernhard Pusch,
Secy. of Schiesig-Holstein C.D.U., Ger-
many, Oct. 30.
Placement Notices
Personnel Interviews:
Representatives from the following
will be at the Bureau of Appointments:
Thurs., Oct. 31
Argus Cameras, Sylvania Electria
Products, Ann Arbor, Mich. - in ad-
dition to interviewing for Sales Train-
ing Program - needs a man with back-
ground in Industrial Psychology or
similar background for work in Per-
sonnel. Man will do interviewing of
hourly employees, clerical help, work
with statistics, reports, etc.
Mon., Nov. 4
The Procter & Gamble Co., Overseas
Div., Cincinnati, Ohio - Feb., June,
and August men with any background
for Advertising, Acctg., Buying, Pro-
duction Mgt. on an overseas career
basis; nationals of Canada, Mexico,
venezuela, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Peru,
Fac e. Biu .Ialy . Switzerlnd






W. W. III May Be Nearer


Associated Press Foreign News Analyst
NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV'S ouster of Marshal
Georgi Zhukov can increase the danger of a
third world war. The Soviet Communist chief
badly needs to do something drastic to consoli-
date his power.
Secretary of State Dulles Monday pointed up
the danger to the rest of the world. He said
that when a great nation has internal troubles
such difficulties sometimes lead to external
acts. Therefore, he said, the free world must
be on the alert for possible foreign moves by
the Kremlin.
Apparently Khrushchev has become dizzy
with his success in getting rid of his rivals for
supreme power in the Kremlin. He's a gambler
who has been winning and is evidently con-
vinced his winning streak will continue.
THE ABRUPTNESS of his action against
Zhukov, taken while the latter was outside
the Soviet Union, indicates that Khrushchev is
also acutely aware of the instability of his
position which now seems to be approaching
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
DONNA HANSON . . ................Personnel Director
TAMMY MORRISON............... Magazine Editor
EDWARD GERULDSEN ... Associate Editorial Director
WILLIAM HANEYr......... . . ...Features Editor
ROSE PERLBERG...................Activities Editor
CAROL PRINS ...........Associate Personnel Director
JAMES BAAD ... ..............Sports Editor
BRUCE BENNETT..........Associate Sports Editor
JOHN HILLYER ...........Associate Sports Editor
CHARLES CURTISS Chief Photographer
91 4,C4Af0 00.t't2

absloute but unconsolidated, dictatorship over
Zhukov's dismissal must come as a shock
within Russia. It was one thing to demolish
the authority of the hated secret police chief,
Levrenty Beria. It was not hard to destroy the
reputations and influence of Georgi Malenkov,
V. M. Molotov and Lazar Kaganovich, who had
dirtied their hands, as Khrushchev himself
did, in Stalin's crimes. It's another thing to
demolish the Zhukov legend, the lengend of a
war hero who is a symbol of victory in World
War II, of the integrity of the Soviet army and
of Russian nationalism.
Khrushchev perhaps can do this, given time.
But in one sense he may not have much time.
If he gives Russians a breathing spell from ex-
ternal and internal tension he may be courting
trouble. As Soviet people get over their im-
mediate shock at Zhukov's removal they may
realize that the condemned personality cult
is being revived-perhaps also rule by police,
THEIR DISCONTENT could come out into
the open and shake the foundations of the
The logictof Soviet politics indicates that one
possible course of action for Khrushchev would
be to create a crisis so acute that Russians will
rally around the flag and forget everything
except the national danger.
This crisis already exists over Syria-and the
Kremlin helped create it. Khrushchev may feel
that to solve his internal problems he needs to
make it still more acute.
New Books at the Library
Gerhart, Eugene C., ed. - The Lawyer's
Treasury; Indianapolis & NY, Bobbs-Merrill,


Petition Proposed To Free Hungarian Writer

To the Editor:
A FEW days ago, we learned
that Tibor Dery, a noted Hun-
garian novelist, will probably be
sentenced to death by the Hun-
garian government for his part
in the revolt of a year ago. .
Dery has given much to Hunga-
ry and to the world through his
literary efforts. Before the revo-
lution, which broke out last Oc-
tober, Dery pleaded for ref orm in
the Hungarian government. Dur-
ing the revolution, he counseled
When resistance continued aft-
er it became obvious that the re-
volt had failed, Dery appealed to
the people to cease useless resis-
tance which would lead only to
further reprisals and bloodshed.
TWICE BEFORE, private ap-
peals for clemency from England
to the Hungarian government
11 ..7o _. _nnnr .o__ + - - , m

Therefore, we have prepared a
petition to be sent to the Man-
chester Guardian to aid its ef-
forts, and to the Hungarian gov-
ernment. Our reasons for doing
this are two: 1) to save the man's
life; and 2) to show our common
concern with the Hungarian
If you support this effort, will
you add your name to the follow-
ing petition, copies of which will
be on the Diag today and tomor-
We, the undersigned, raise our
voice of appeal to request freedom
for Tibor Dery, Hungary's veter-
an writer of international repute,
Through his writings, Tibor Dery
is known throughout the world
as a frank, sincere and honest
novelist who urged reform before
the Hungarian revolt a year ago,
sooke for moderation during it,

The Answer? . .
To the Editor:
IN REFERENCE to the article by
Richard Taub, "Internal Prob-
lems of the SGC," why, indeed, is
it that the activities of the SGC
are interesting to so small a group
as the SGC members themselves,
and a few zealously pro-problem
student newspaper editors?
The simple answer is that the
student council is but an assem-
blage of pretentious "campus lead-
ers" ,who like to play legislator.
Its deliberations are puerile and
trivial. They are of no discernable
importance to the majority of Uni-
versity students, especially to the
(happily) neglected students liv-
ing in unorganizea housing, who
are more concerned with signifi-
cant things like learning.
Until such time as the SGC ob-
tains real authority independent

the SGC from its inception to the
present, even a Daily editorial or a
speech by a university president is
-Timothy Swanson, '59E
-Richard Luplow, '59
-Gary Dysert, '60A&D
-Howard Warren, '59
Reviewers .
To the Editor:
IT SEEMS that at this time every
year, there is a complaint against
The Daily's music reviews; so let's
get in this year's letter.-
It seems to have been a past
policy of The Daily to compare
concerts with the high standards
of Hill Auditorium. In this respect,
some reviewers went overboard, as
one who castigated a fine perform-
ance of the Vienna Philharmonic.
But when a concert was praised in
The Daily, it was clearly good.
This year, Daily reviewers - are



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