E lr £ichpgan B&aiLj Sixty-Eighth Year -I :___ EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN "When Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone No 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. "Yoo Hoo, Everybody!" JESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL KRAFT Realistic Pacifism rr swims AT THE CAMPUS: 'Green Man' Product Of Comic Genius THE CONSISTENCY with which the British seem to turn out hilarious comedies is, at times, somewhat amazing. Ordinarily characterized by a gruesome delight in the slightly macabre and a great dependence upon the skill of the comic actor, remarkably funny English films seem to pour into this country as rapidly as American dollars seem to pour out. The latest product of this peculiarly Anglo-Saxonr comic genius is "The Green Man," the movie currently playing at the Campus Theatre. Starring Alastair Sim, the film traces the planning and attempted-execu- tion of a political assassination; it is fully as funny in effect as any of the illustrious Mr. Sim's earlier screen exploits. Briefly, the plot concerns the efforts of an apparently respectable Suggested for World's Ills ONE WONDERS how remote the possibility is that this world will soon be involved in the horror of World War III. Events of late are moving the East and West toward the like- lihood of this conclusion. The most conclusive evidence from Moscow indicates that Mr. Khrushchev-an impulsive, ambitious man, given to excessive drinking- is fast filling the shoes of the deceased Comrade Stalin. Like Stalin, he has since Stalin's death removed by force and cunning his rivals-first Beria, then Malenkov, Molotov, Shepilov and Kagonovich and now his one-time saviour, Mr. Zhukov. This will probably mean that Soviet foreign policy will reflect ever so much more the per- sonality of the daring, impulsive party boss and less the considered and more moderate ideas of a "collective leadership." Zhukov's likely departure from Kremlin policy circles will mean less understanding of, and more belligerence toward the West, in- creasing the likelihood of war. While Zhukov held to the "limited war" concept, a man who has said bombing planes are obsolete and who favors ICBM development is now, it appears, in firm control of the military. While Zhukov, like Eisenhower, a military man, has a full appreciation of the senseless destruction of another war, a politically preoccupied man is now more than ever dictating policy. While - Zhukov, to a great extent out of his personal friendship with Eisenhower, has believed the differences of East and West could be solved by hard negotiation, Khrushchev demonstrated the intransigence of his government at the ' recent London disarmament talks. OF LATE, starting with the precipitation of the Suez crisis and ending with the war scare threat in Syria, Khrushchev has demonstrated his daring and determination to gain a long- sought Russian foothold in the Middle East, even at the risk of war. There is great likeli- hood that Khrushchev and Zhukov had their parting over. what Khrushchev, has done so far in the Middle East, or more disquietingly, what he plans in the future. Either because of the insecurity of his position or because of his own ambition, Mr. Khrushchev is not at allE satisfied with the status quo of the world and seems intent on providing strong impetus-both overtly and covertly-to the "wave of the fu- ture." But Khrushchev's relent challenges to the West have been met with resistance and not with division and pessimism. This resistance is not cause for rejoicing, but really it only heightens the tensions. There is certainly less talk today of peaceful coexistence, more talk of toughening up far that day when we may have to slug it out with the Russians if we can't scare them out of belligerency. NATO has, its spine up and the United States Will likely do some sharing of the "where did everybody go?" type intercontinental missile. The United States has even been getting some missiles off the ground of late in a show of latent strength. Mr. Dulles' warning to the Russians to keep their claws off Turkey was certainly unequivo- cal. QNE IS TEMPTED to burrow underground or emigrate for a few decades to the South Sea Isles, but that would meet the common condemnation of being unrealistic. One wonders what policy can realistically be called realistic, these days. I am coming to the position where I think pacifism is more realistic than this heightening situation of challenge-response, which, history counsels us, will lead only to resolution in war. I am nearly convinced it would be more practical and realistic to, upon our own initiative, disarm and submit ourselves to world public opinion and commit our defense monies to the poor and backward abroad. I do not believe the Russians would dare bulk world opinion, that they have enough strength or that they have an enduring ideology to undertake an effective, lasting imperialism. In any case, there is nothing worthwhile, imagi- native or realistic about continuing this game of challenge-response, which is leading the world toward a war which should kill a half- billion people and a war which Mr. Khrushchev shows no reluctance to precipitate as long as he can claim United States' belligerency. -JAMES ELSMAN JR. Editorial Director ''U , ''-- = WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: No Teamwork on Satellite By DREW PEARSON Speech Department Playbill ITH THEIR first laboratory bill, "Reach for a Dream," scheduled for tonight, the Speech Department starts another season of entertaining the public and providing practical experience in play production for students. Maybe this year the student body will show more appreciation of their efforts. The Department's bill, consisting of a major series - works by well-known playwrights -. and several original one-act plays or readings, is connected with speech and theatre produc- tion class work. Crews of student workers, cos- tume, prop, make-up and stage hands,-etc. as- sist a paid production staff. Faculty directors have a student associate director. Plays are en- tirely student acted. Men and women work hard on their own time to prepare each play. Intensive five-week rehearsals take three hours a night, six nights a week. The result is not a flawless performance. No one can or should expect polished perfection from an amateur group, whose actors are in- experienced and whose directors are not pro- fessional. But we can give credit where credit is due, If we stop looking for points to criticize long enough to realize that each play has taught the cast something, we must praise it on edu- cational grounds alone. And 'isn't advance- ment of the learning process a function of any college education? THIS DOESN'T mean that the plays aren't good entertainment, as skimpy attendence records at last year's shows would seem to indicate. The 1957-58 major bill of Joseph Kessel- ring's "Arsenic and Old Lace," Eugene O'Neill't "Desire Under the Elms," Verdi's Opera, "The Msked Ball," J. M. Synge's "Playboy of the Western World," and Shakespeare's "Love's Labor's Lost," are theatre classics not often produced anywhere. The department should be commended for its adventurous spirit in attempting to present such a fine and worthwhile series. Perhaps once a month students ought to consider substituting the weekly movie for live drama. Money can be saved, incidentally, It might also be mentioned in passing that a student undertaking deserves some support from the students. Right now tickets to the series are available all over campus, at a special student discount. Why not take advantage of it? --ROSE PERLBERG Activities Editor THIS COLUMN recently dis- closed that the Army has six satellites in a warehouse at the Redstone Arsenal, H u n t s v ill e, Ala., which it believes could have been launched well ahead of the Russian Sputnik. They have been gathering cobwebs for six months. Three months ago, the Budget Bureau, operating directly under the White House, actually sent auditors to Huntsville to make sure not one penny was spent by the Army on satellites.. This column also revealed that the original 1954 satellite pro- gram, "Operation Orbiter," which used the Navy, the Army, and the Air Force, all working as a team, had been switched in July, 1955, to "Operation Vanguard" and put solely under the Navy. * * * THE NAVY has an excellent man, John P. Hagen, in charge of this operation. But the Navy was the feast experienced branch of the armed services to be given ex- clusive control of the satellite, be- cause the chief problem is boost- ing the satellite into outer space. This requires a missile or rocket of tremendous power, and the Army and Air Force have been well ahead in developing such a missile. The question which the Amer- ican public is entitled to ask the Eisenhower Administration, therefore, is - why the switch- ing from different branches of the armed services? Why the ineffi- ciency? Why the tragic delay which cost us untoid loss of pres- tige throughout the world and definitely contributed to the toughening of Russian policy in the Near East? The No. 1 answer is lack of di- rection at the top. Under Roosevelt, the atomic bomb or "Manhattan Project" was placed under the direction of one man, Gen. Leslie Groves of the Army, now with Remington-Rand. Groves was not a scientist, but be was an administrator. He was re- sponsible directly to the com- mander-in-chief, Franklin Roose- velt. All the scientists worked un- der him. He placed Dr. Robert Op- penheimer directly in charge of building the bomb at Los Alamos. UNDER THE much-publicized Eisenhower -Ateam," there v has been little actual teamwork. Each branch of the armed services competed against the other. Each went before Congress to demand more money, materials, and man- power. The present commander- in-chief, who so emphasized team-play, actually had no team- play. Though he spent his life in the military, he did not act as commander over his own military. That was the primary reason why our world leadership in sci- ence evaporated. Another reason was big business competition to get in on govern- ment contracts. During their recent trip to Rus- sia, members of the Joint Con- gressional Atomic Energy Com- mittee visited the Dubna High Energy' Laboratory, where the world's largest synchrotron is in- stalled, with a capacity of 10 bil- lion electron volts. Seated at lunch beside the di- rector of the laboratory, Sen. Al- bert Gore (D-Tenn.) was asked how American scientists got their money for research projects. "Well," replied Gore, "The President presents a request for funds to Congress, and then the House and the Senate vote. After that there's a compromise, and fi- nally the President approves the total amount." * * * "THAT'S NOT exactly what I meant," said the Russian. "How do your scientists submit their re- quests?" "Oh," said Gore, "They make an initial request, and then it's reflected in the President's rec- ommendation to Congress. By the way, how do you Russian scien- tists get your funds for research?" The Russian ignored the ques- tion. "You know," he continued, "I've been told by some of your Ameri- can scientists that the way they get their money is to say, 'The Russians have a 680-megavolt cy- clotron, and we need a bigger one.' or, 'The Russians have a 5,- 000-KW reactor, and we need a bigger one.' Is that true?" "Just a minute," interrupted Rep. Mel Price (D-Ill.). "Senator, you asked the gentleman how Russian scientists get their money for research, and he hasn't an- swered you yet." "Same way," declared the Rus- sian. (Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.) professional assassin to murder an the interest of certain Near East- ern parties. Sim, the malevolent hero, finds out that the MP in question, Sir Gregory Upshott, is spending the weekend in seclusion at a seaside hotel called, "The Green Man." * * * A BOMB is carefully planted in a portable radio which Sim plans to take to the hotel, set to go off in the middle of a fake re-broadcast- ing of one of the victim's over- pompous speeches. In the midst of the preparations for the crime, however, Sim's Aan- cee-his erstwhile source of infor, mation-becomes suspicious of her gentleman friend, and has to be unpleasantly removed from the scene. The hero's henchman is unfor- tunately careless in the execution of his task, and the woman's body is accidently discovered in the piano of a empty hduse by a brash vacuum cleaner salesman and the female tenant-to-be of the premises. From then on, the movie is a series of gleeful and grotesque misfortunes as the assassin at- tempts to evade detection and to safely accomplish his ghastly task. ALASTAIR SIM is perhaps the most regularly funny of the cur- rent British comic actors. With the possible exception of Alec Guiness, he is by 'far the screen's most art- ful practitioner of the knowing grin, the hypocritical smirk, and the dissembling leer. His perform- ance in "The Green Man" is mark- ed by the usual joviality and finesse. George Cole as the salesman, and Terry-Thomas as Sim's be- spectacled fellow-malefactor turn in humorous and vigorous inter- pretations of their respective roles. These two, with Sim, sustain the film during the occasional mo- ments when the plot threatens to wear thin, and help the movie to maintain a constant level of rol- licking and boisterous entertain- ment. -Jean Willoughby JAZZ CONCERT: Swvintging Sounds T AKE A WALK downtown some Sunday night, and'as you pass a Main Street restaurant, you'll hear sounds emanating from the upstairs portion. Bob Detweiler and his dectette have initiated what Ann Arbor has been needing and asking for-a local jazz group that performs regularly. The sound of this ten-man or- ganization is big; this is what they advertise, and this is wht they deliver. With four trumpets, four saxophones, a bass, and drums, the group possesses an integrality of brass sounds that approaches professionalism. Acoustically, the room in which they perform is poor, for it ampli- fies brashness instead of the more subtle brass sound. In the musical arrangements, the problem of caco- phony versus balance, or the con- scious and purposeful juxtaposi- tion of one screaming horn against another, creating the same disson- ance that the room picks up and emphasizes, is not without justifi- cation. That is, any intense con- trast of brass sounds is intentional and adds to the, final goal of a single sound, in spite of negative influence of the environment. THE DETWEILER group indul- ges in both popular arrangements and jazz forms, the improvisations of jazz, apparent in the solo work, and the dissonances of mod- ern music, obvious in some of the ensemble material. In "Ollie's Blues," the swing and syncopation of the opening pro- vided an excellent basis for conti- nuity of rhythm in the main body of the music. Emphatic tempo was manifested throughout, and here the group exhibited its talents as a coherent unit, able to express the feeling of swing, in the special kind of delayed action emphasis of the blues medium. "You'd Be So Nice To Come Home To" provided the opportun- ity to employ Latin American rhy- thm against the exciting jazz trumpet of Dave Martin, and the alto sax of Ron Rogers. Timing was essential here; it was handled imaginatively by us- ing complete stops oetween units of the arrangement, creating sus- pense, and giving a dynamic sense obnoxious member of Parliament in AT THE MICHIGAN: Stopover' Complex "STOPOVER: TOKYO" is a fuz- zy carbon copy of the original cloak and dagger story. It deals with the exploits of an American security man, Mark Fannon (Robert Wagner) on a "top secret" mission to Toyko, which involves an assassination attempt on the American High Commissioner in Japan. The assassination is planned for the dedication day of a memorial to lasting peace between Japan and the United States. The High Commissioner is to light the mon- ument, in which an incendiary bomb has been strategically placed by the villain, Edmund O'Brien. The remainder of the movie is concerned with Wagner stalking about in the more picturesque parts of Tokyo in a black trench- coat,, when he isn't occupied in stalking after Tina Llewellyn (Joan Collins). ALL THE USUAL cloak and dagger techniques are employed, with oriental overtones. In a sweat-soaked if not gripping scene, Wagner is almost suffocated in a steam bath. This gave the camera- man an ideal opportunity to record Wagner's somewhat overdone dis- play of emotions and contortions. The story is often difficult to follow, as clues appear and dis- appear, and sinister-looking men slink in and out of camera range. A sub-plot involves the loss, re- covery, loss and and final recovery of three magazines which contain U.S. Regulation Classified mater- ial. The magazines are found by Wagner and placed in a golf bag which is exchanged on a golf course for another golf bag owned by a Japanese security man. HOWEVER, the Japanese is kill- ed in a phone booth by three men in a blue car, who shot him three times in the head and twice in the shoulder. The magazines later turn up in the hands of the Tokyo police at a sculptor's garden party. All in all, it was terribly com- plicated. Wagner manages to handle the part of the clean-cut American youth in adequate style. In places, he was almost too earnest in his portrayal of the intense young man safeguarding the national security. Edmund O'Brien played excellently the part of the jovial assassin. Joan Collins walked on and off. The movie actually left no dis- tinct impression of goodness or badness. It isn't a bad evening's entertainmentdif there isn't any- thing else to do. -Carol Prins DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding - publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1957 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 36 General Notices Regents' Meeting: Fri., Nov. 22. Com- munications for consideration at this meeting must be in the President's hands'by Nov. 13. Late Permission: Women students who attended the concert at Hill Audi- torium on Thurs. Oct. 24, had late per- mission until 11:05 p.m. Season tickets are now on sale for the 1957-58 Playbill, presented by the Department of Speech. This season ticket sale will continue through the first production. The 1957-58 Playbill is as follows: Nov. 7, 8, 9, "Arsenic and Old Lace"; Dec.. 5, 6, 7, "Desire Under the Elms"; Feb. 260-27, 28 and Mar. 1, "The Masked Ball (with the School of Music);tMarch 20, 21, 22, "Playboy of the Western World"; April 24, 25, 26, "Love's Labor Lost." Persons who are interested in apply- -ing for the General Electric Education- al and Charitable Fund Fellowships for 195P-59 must make arrangements for taking the recommended Graduate Record Examination before Nov. 1. Ap- '- nlicaios for th Felloships illmbe a -4 +- . THE CULTURE BIT: Hillel Players Work Hard By DAVID NEWMAN * INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Dulles 'The Prattler' By WILLIAM L. RYAN Associated Press Foreign News Analyst A YEAR AGO this week, the worst enemies of the Arab world as pictured by Egyptian propaganda were the Israelis, the British and the French. Today the Egyptians and their brethren in Syria have all but forgotten Britain and France. Reading and listening to Egyptian- Syrian axis propaganda, one would suppose the Arabs have only one real enemy in the Western world, and that man is John Foster Dulles.4 Egypt's chief propaganda medium, Saut al Arab (Voice of Arabs) has pulled out all stops, broadcasting in many languages a campaign of vituperation against the U. S. Secretary of State. An Arabic language broadcast pictures him as "Dulles the prattler," attempting to wed Western journalism to "my sister Israel." A POEM broadcast in Arabic to the Sudan pictures Dulles as a man "born a devil," who spends his time planning for Arab dis- unity, indulging in trickery and plotting to turn both Turks and Jews against the Arab world. English language broadcasts from Cairo ac- cuse Dulles of indulging in a "brink of war" policy by bringing Turkish pressure against -Syria. Another broadcast accuses Dulles of try- ing to buy Arab goodwill with American dol- lars. It lays all Western woes in the Arab world to Dulles. Just a year ago, Israel invaded Egypt and the British and French joined in, hopeful of knocking Nasser out of his role as the libera- tor-symbol of the Arab world. The attempt failed, and Arabs gave much of the credit to the United States and the pol- icy of President Eisenhower. FOR A SHORT WHILE in Cairo, Americans were heroes to a public which evidently had been looking for an excuse to regard Americans in such a light. This lasted only briefly. With the Eisenhower doctrine came a new. wave of Arab disillusionment. The Arabs, noting there was no protection offered in that doctrine from a repetition of the aggression Egypt had experienced, looked upon American policy as attempting to "fill a vacuum" in the Arab world. 'rho r..srvniancmnfi qviian mist +hat+ nunip ALTHOUGH the local theatre offers enough to keep any de- voted theatre-goer theatre-going, much of its fare is standard stuff. Nothing wrong with standard stuff, of course, but there should be room for the unusual, or non- commercial play. The Speech Department will occasionally take a chance, but for the most part, Ann Arbor shows - MUSKET, Civic Theatre and so on - are little inclined to offer drama off the beaten path. They can't afford to, any more than DAC could. The glimmer of hope, however, is to be found in the Little Theatre groups on cam- pus. There are still signs of life, most happily in an organization known as the Hillel Players. The Players are beholden to thesHillel Foundation for use of their chapel (for a stage) and for monetary support. But members, it must be em- phasized, are culled from all across campus, with no religious preferences taken into account. THE CREDO of the group, ac- cording to President Jerry Kof- fler, is "to do plays for our own enjoyment, and for the audience's, without wnvrvinr ahnut monev. Diary of Anne Frank and The Master Race, finally ended their season with an original student play. In almost all cases, the re- sults indicated success and a de- cent margin of quality. Three of the plays toured in Jackson and Saline. Of course, technical troubles came up, but the Players feel that surmounting these was excellent experience. The chapel, according to Koffler, has no directional lighting or dimming facilities, just plain old wall switches. There is no curtain, of course, and blackouts had to be used in all cases. The lack of subtle lighting makes for make-up problems as well. "The difficulty is' achieving enough definition of the actors' features," said Koffler, "and we surmount this by about four inches of make-up per square face." FACED WITH this set-up, many a theatre group might for- get the whole bit and go home to "I Love Lucy," but the Hillel Play- ers have actually thrived on it. They are already in rehearsal for their first production, a concert reading of Sartre's No Exit, to be given November 24 in the chapel. ing of O'Neill's Emperor Jones, and, (they wildly hope) a musi- cal. Auditions are held separately for each production. The tours furnish more fun and challenges for the Players. "Last year," Koffler told us, "we went down to Saline for a performance which was to be held in a recrea- tion hall of a youth hostel. When we arrived we found no stage. At the last minute, the proscenium staging had to be changed to theatre-in-the-round. Along with this there was no lighting. So we improvised, having the characters enter carrying flash lights and kerosene lamps. It was pretty unusual, but since the play took place in a hovel, it added at- mosphere. But from now on," he added, "we find out about our tour theatres in advance." * * * THE GROUP, which began in 1924, charges no admission at their performances, but they keep happy. "It all depends on your goals and outlook," Koffler ex- plained. "If you're aiming for Broadway credentials, it won't work. "But if you want to present good plays and work and learn, it can be as good as you make it. '10'