"IKE !" Sixty-Eighth Year EDrTED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Then Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily hexpress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. ZDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID TARR _.s._ Should the United Nation's 12th Birthday Be its Last? o-I. 44 4 t s FOUR BURNING ISSUES: Turkish Elections - Historic Crossroads By WEBB McKINLEY Associated Press News Analyst ISTANBUL-Flanked on the northeast by Russian soldiers and on the southeast by Syrian soldiers with Russian guns, the Turkish voter plods to the polls Sunday in elections marking a major crossroads in Turkey's history as a republic. To the West, long used to the unswerving friendship of its strategi- cally placed Middle Eastern ally, the Oct. 27 balloting has a'hidden ,a: t es . . TODAY BEING the 12th birthday of the United Nations, and therefore the day of its emergence from childhood, it is a good time to take stock of the organization which began life with such high hopes and see what it has and has not accomplished. It is clear that the world is in worse shape now than it was in 1945, and the prospects are it will get far worse before it gets better. The world bumps merrily along from crisis to crisis, always inches away from war. This does not reflect credit on an organization devoted to world peace, as the UN is. Two years ago, for its tenth anniversary celebration,.the UN laid claim to having settled three major crises in its history. These were listed as the Kashmir dispute, the cease-fire in the Israeli-Egyptian war, and the resolution of the Korean conflict. In a ten-year period in which Russia Annexed Czechoslovakia, the Communist Chinese pushed the Nationalists off the mainland, and Indo-China was the scene of a ceaseless guerilla war, this is little enough to boast about. Yet even these meager achievements have been shown, in the light of what has happened since, to have been only temporary. Moslem and Hindu have fought and still fight each other in Kashmir, while Ihdia refuses to permit a plebescite on the final status of the territory; the United States, in cognizance of the fact that Korea is not yet a dead issue, has begun modernizing, arms of soldiers stationed there, which is something the Communists have been doing ever since 'the end of the fighting; the Middle East is in worse shape than ever. Three achievements in ten years-none of them last- ing; it is not a record of which to be proud. THE WORLD HAS tacitly recognized the im- potence of UN. Outside that body numer- ous organizations and coalitions have grown up. On the one 'hand, there are the North Atlantic and South East Asia Treaty Organiza- tions and the Organization of American States; on the other, the Warsaw Pact, with a variety of others in between. As an arbiter of international disputes, the UN testified to its failure almost precisely one year.ago when it stood by, despite the anguish- ed pleas of the Hungarian people, and let Rus- sia crush their rebellion. The delegate from Ethiopia may well have felt a stirring in his memory as the UN sent troops to the Gaza Strip, not the Danube. History, with appro- priate changes in the cast of characters, has begun to repeat itself. Even as a first step to world government, the :.UN is of no merit. At present, the desirability of world government is an open question, but- the possibility of getting the lion to lie down with the lamb seems at least as remote as ~Judgment Day. World government is possible only through willing compromise; Russia has shown no interest in any compromise, and a world government along the lines she prefers is infinitely worse than "international anarchy." ONLY IN ITS subsidiary agencies-many of them antedating the "parent"-may the UN claim to have made its own way. Some of these, (the World Meteorological Organization, the Universal Postal Union, the International Tele- communications Organization) have served as vital coordinating agencies in areas where such groups are valuable. The merits of others (UNESCO, the General Agreement on Trades and Tariffs) are highly debatable, but .on balance, when they keep themselves free f partisanship, the smaller organizations are worthwhile. On the whole, however, the UN is not worth the space it takes pp or the money it costs. It has been, like Prhibition, a "noble experi- ment;" unfortunately, like Prohibition, it has failed. It has ceased to act on measures of vital importance to the world, with the single weak- kneed exception of the Suez affair, which it bungled. UN has shirked its responsibilities; it has been timid in crises. The time is not far distant' when it will go the way of its prede- cessor; like its predecessor, it has shown it deserves that fate. --JOHN WEIGHER No .t. THAT THE UNITED STATES should desert the United Nations or that the UN should be dissolved seem to be proposals of the past. Few serious people now speak of those moves. Rather, the question now is: The UN has done considerable, good and little bad; how can it be revised to be more effective? If one first understands what the UN is-an international forum of sovereign states brought together in the hope they can negotiate and take concerted action together-the record of the past twelve years is commendable. The war in Indonesia was brought to a halt. Granted, the UN, though it has tried, has not achieved final settlements in Kashmir, in Palestine, in Korea and in Suez, but who is willing to argue those brushfires could have been quenched more peaceably and permanently if the United Na- tions was never in existence? The recent Atomic Energy Agency, the Suez Emergency Force and the Suez Canal clearance project are instances of cooperation in the keep- ing of peace. While the UN has been most hampered in its attempts at peace and cooperation by the reflection of the cold war in that body, and especially in the Security Council, the United Nations has served to temper the intensity of that contest. By providing a forum where the prized undecided and newly freed nations of of the world can observe the actions and rationalizations of action of the two protagon- ists-Russian (in Hungary) and the United States (in Turkey)-the United Nations com- pels each power to fit their actions to world moral opinion. ALSO, UNITED NATION'S intervention into a controversial area is oftimes a face-saving way for iations to extricate themselves peace- ably from futile actions (Russia during the Berlin Blockade and both sides seeking an ar- mistice during the Korean War). In terms of cheap foreign aid that creates much good will, it seems a weak argument to hold that the United States is not getting its moneys worth in the UN. For less than $50 million the United States is recognized as the greatest benefactor to the extensive social work done by the UN around the world. A listing of the humanitarian, activities of the UN would be too extensive, but for those interested a talk with local foreign students from Asia, Africa or Latin America would convince the most skeptical that lives are being saved and length- ened by work done in the health, agricultural and education fields. Before any man is a tax-paying American, he is a human being though we often get our priorities mixed. But most urgent, the United Nations is a step in the direction of a work organization governed by universal law. Nothing is more tragically true than that the nation-state system has in the past, and will continue to bring war to the world. Nothing is more inevitable in this area than that the world shall someday be under one system of law. We may have to wait until after World War III. A reading of the UN Charter's preamble leaves most convinced that the UN was founded upon noble principles and that we must work within, not retrogress from, the United Nations to build it for better work. 0UR FAITH and ,cooperation in the United Nations will indicate if we are: "determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising froi treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and to promote social progress and better stan- dards of life in larger freedom . . AND for these ends to practice tolerance . . . to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security ... and to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples ... -JAMES ELSMAN JR. Editorial Director WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Prince Philip's Memory By DREW PEARSON WITH THE Queen and her Prince back in England, the nation's capital has settled down to the problems of Syria, Sput- nik, and red tape. Still buzzing through social Washington are, tales of the royal couple, especial- ly Prince Philip's amazing mem- ory. As he stood in the reception line at the British Embassy garden party, greeting 2,000 guests, he asked casual questions about where guests came from, what they did. "What do you do?" he asked Peter Strauss, son of Nathan Strauss, housing commissioner during the New Deal. "I work., for the ILO," replied Strauss. 4.'. * PROBABLY not more than half a dozen people among the 2,000 who passed through the line would have knon that ILO stood for International Labor Office; nor would have known where its offices were, nor its head. But the Prince knew. "Do you work in Geneva or Washington?" he asked, refer- ring to the ILO's two chief of- fices. "In Geneva." "Then you must work for Morse," observed Prince Philip, referring to David Morse, head of the International Labor Office. One reason for Prime Minister Macmillan's anxiety to confer with President Eisenhower imme- diately rather than wait until next winter was to head off an Eisenhower conference with Mar- shall Zhukov. An Eisenhower-Zhukov confer- ence, the British fear, might pave the way for a sort of American- Russian understanding regarding various parts of the world, which would leave the other NATO allies out in the cold. This spectre of a close Russian- A me r ic an understanding has hung over the British ever since the war years, has sometimes giv- en them the diplomatic heebie jeebies. It began during the war when Stalin proposed to Churchill and Roosevelt that there be a di- vision of the Balkans; Britain having a sphere of influence over Greece and Yugoslavia, Russia taking Bulgaria and Rumania. Significantly, Russia has now bitten off exactly the same two countries Stalin wanted - Bul- garia and Rumania. * * * ALSO during the war, Stalin proposed that Russia take a sphere of influence over Asia; the United States over all Latin America. Roosevelt said no. The Kremlin, however, K4as proceeded to bring a good slice of Asia under its red wing, anyway. Lately, repeated noises have been coming out of Moscow, sug- gesting that the USA and USSR could decide the world's problems if they operated face-to-face. This was suggested during last s u m m e r 's disarmament talks; again more pointedly during the worsening Near East crisis. So far Secretary Dulles has spurned Moscow's overtures. Some of his advisers, however, plus many American military men, think the United States might make real strides for peace by talking to Russia direct - with- out deserting our allies. Congressman John Blatnik of Minnesota came back from Yugo- slavia the other day where he found that, despite momentous events, the United States lacked either an ambassador or a No. 2 man on the job. The ambassador, Jimmie Rid- dleberger, has been in Washing- ton, sitting on a board to decide on the promotion of career diplo- mats. The Counsel of Embassy, Norris Chipman, recently died. In the interim, Tito had a vi- tally important visit from Mar- shall Zhukov, Commander of the Red Army and the man who will probably succeed Khrushchev.' No top United States diplomats were on hand to report back to Wash- ington. * s * MEANWHILE, also, Yugoslavia decided to recognize East Ger- many, thereby causing West Ger- many to break -diplomatic rela- tions. No American ambassador was on de'ck in Belgrade to make Tito realize the consequences. Blatnik found out from his own sources that Tito was at his hunt- ing lodge preparing an important statement. The unmanned Em- bassy assured him, however, that Tito was simply hunting. It turned out that the congress- man, who had been in the coun- try only a few days, was better in- formed than the American Em- bassy. Shortly thereafter, Tito released an important statement declaring Yugoslavia's intention to recognize East Germany. (Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.) significance. -though Turkey's ties with the not been seriously questioned by any one of the most severe tests of friendship with the West any country has faced. The Turkish voter-for all his fighting reputation-would have to be deaf not to hear the provoca- tions aimed his way. There is shooting on his southern border, where Syrian guards are brandish- ing newly acquired Russian arms. There is shouting from the over- powering north, where Nikita Khrushchev keeps warning Turkey -under threat of missile attack- not to take arms against Syria. * * * THE THINGS the Turk has in his favor are important too. The United States 6th Fleet, and hence U.S. military aid, is close by. Turkey's strategic position is his- torically important, and her grip on the Dardanelles keeps the great part of Russian Black Sea naval strength out of the Mediterranean. In addition, the Turk has a fero- cious mien. He earned his most re- cent battle respect as the scream- ing, ear-hacking warrior of the Korean War. Turks are concerned with four burning domestic issues that could determine the course of Turkish democracy and hence the stability of Turkey herself. First, there is Premier Adnan Menderes himself. This tough, dynamic man has been overwhelm- ingly the most important force in Turkish affairs for seven years. Now 58, he is still dark-haired and amazingly vigorous. He became premier in the Democrat landslide of 1950, and was re-elected in 1954. He is inseparably identified with the all-out economic devopment program which has tripled Turkish production in the past seven years, greatly raised standards of living in Anatolia, but which has brought the country deep into financial crisis. His enemies call him dicta- torial and given to wilful action. * * * SECOND, there are very serious shortages of consumers goods and sormeindustrials. Its foreign ex- change spent in the development program, Turkey has no hard money to import automobiles, cof- fee, tires, spare parts, paper, medi- cines, film, machines or luxury items. Third, inlation is squeezing the economy. Statistics are unreliable here, but by various estimates the cost of living has risen 16.7 per cent or as much as 33 per cent in the past year. Fourth, civil liberties have be- come burning issues. The leader of one opposition party is in jail for insulating Paliament. Four jour- nalists have been jailed under a press law forbidding insults to gov- ernment officials or offices, and six others are free only on appeals. Yet it is notable that all of these issues are domestic. Democrats and their opponents-People's Republi- cans, and followers of the Freedom and Republican Nation parties- agree on fundmental foreign is- sues. They believe in alliance with the West. They support NATO, op- pose Communism, and warn that Britain, if it leaves Cyprus, must agree to partition the island be- tween Turkey and Greece. Atlantic Pact and America have candidate, the vote is nevertheless DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes- no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1957 VOL. LXVII, NO. 32 General Notices Showing of secondary school mathe- matics films Thurs., Oct. 24 at 4:00 p.m. In 451 Mason Hal. International Center Tea, sponsored by International Student Association and International Center, Thurs., Oct. 24, from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. at the Inter- national Center. Fuibright Applications and all sup- porting material must be received in the Graduate School, Room 1020, Rack- ham Building, by 4:00 p.m. Mon., Oct. 28. This is the closing date for the 1958-59 competition and the deadline will not be extended. Late Permission: All women students whoattended the lecture at Hill Audi- torium on Tues., Oct. 22, had late per- mission until 10:40 p.m. Coffee Hour for students, sponsored by the Office of Religious Affair, at Lane Hall, 4:15 p.m. Fri. The following students sponsored so- cial eVents are approved for the com- ing weekend. Oct. 25, 1957: Phi Delta Phi. Oct. 26, 1957: Acacia, Anderson, Al pha Epsilon P1, Chi Phi, Delta Theta Student Council, Greene House, Hele Newberry, Kappa Sigma, Lambda Chi Alpha, Martha Cook, Michigan Rouse, Mosher, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Rho Sigma, Reeves and Scott, Sig- ma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Alpha Mu, Sigma Kappa, Sigma Nu, Tau Delta Phi, Tau Kappa Epsilon. Oct 27, 1957 ,,Phi Delta Phi. Lectures Research Seminar of the Mental Health Research Institute. Dr. Nicholas Rasbevsky, professor of" mathematical biology, University of Chicago, will speak on "Topological Biology" on Thurs., Oct. 24, 12:45-2:45 p.m. at the' Conference. Room, Children's Pyh- atric Hospital. CailnConcerts C oRecitalby Sidney Giles, As- sistant University Carillonneur, 7:15 p.m. Thurs., Oct. 24: Prelude No. 1 by van den Gheyn, Ballet by Edward Loos, Dutch Holiday by Ferdinand Tim- mermans, and Sonata (for a carillon of 30 bells) by Percival Price; Stephen Foster's O, Suzanna, Cherny'3 The Bells of Avalon, MacDowell's To a Wild Rose, Rasbach's Trees, and Mozart's Turkish March. Academic Notices Graduate Students In' Lingustis: Preliminary examinations for the doc- torate in Linguistics will be given on Nov. 8 and 9. Students intending to take the examinations should notify Prof. Marckwardt, 1613 Haven Hall on or before Mon., Oct. 28. Applied Mathematics Seminar - Thurs., Oct. 24, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 246. West Engineering Bldg. Prof. R. k. IRitt will continue his talk on "The Non-Self Adjoint Differential Opera- tors Associated with Acoustical Scat- tering." Refr~shments at 3:30 p.m. in Room 274, West Engineering. 401 interdisciplinary Seminar on the Application of Mathematics to Social. Science, Room 3217, Angell Hall, Thurs., 3:30-5:00 p.m. Oct. 24. Harry Goode, Department of Industrial Engineering, "Computers and Systems. Seminar on Relativistic Quantum Theory Thurs., Oct. 24 at 5:00 p.m. in Room 3212, Angell Hall. Conclusion of discussion on Action Principle led by A. Siegel, Discussion of groups by Pro- fessor Rainich. Analysis Seminar. Prof. N. D. Kazar- inoff will speak on "Elementary Prob- lems in Geometry." The lecture will be perceded by a brief problem solving period. Meeting will be in 3017 An- geli Hall, Mon., Oct. 28. Interdepartmental Seminar on Ap- plied Meteorology: Engineering. Mon., Oct. 28, 4 p.m., Room 307, West Engi- peering Bldg. Robert N. Swanson will speak on "Weathering of Exposed Sur- faces by Moisture" - Chairman: Prof, Leo L. Carrick. Doctoral Examination for Lewis Jo- seph Leeson, Pharmaceutical Chemis-. try; thesis: "Decomposition of Aspirin in the Solid ,State," Fri., Oct.' 25, 2525 Chem-Pharmacy Building, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, A. M. Mattocks. Doctoral Examination for. Phyllis Agnes Caulfield Morrison, Education; thesis: "A Study of Certain General Education values of Typewriting in; the Junior High School," Fri., Oct. 25, 2203 University High School, at 3:00,, p.m. Chairman, J. M. trytten. Doctoral Examination for Barbara Eleanor Wykes, English Language and Literature; thesis: "An Edition of Book I of The Scale of. Perfection by Walter Hilton," Fri., Oct. 25, 2401 Ma- son Hall, at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, S.M. Kuhn. P1dWA01P A0 I ) 4 (I .4 {. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: American Arms Aid Helps Maintain Peace u 4 Wright ccentric But Effective To The Editor: MR. THOMAS DAVID'S attack on the United States foreign policy - his third through The Daily, if we recall his efforts last year -- as "naive and myopic" be- trays the author as a willing and happy victim of his own misin- formation. His argument is that American arms aid has touched off an arms race in many areas, forcing some countries to turn to Russia for purchase of military equipment (as Syria), or diverting their own resources to military use, as done by India. Both, arguments are absurd. American military aid is noth- ing new. It was a major factor in saving America's allies during the Second World War from defeat. In the cold war, it started with the Truman Doctrine and eventually helped to save Greece, Turkey, Iran, the Philippines, and many other countries from Communist control. It was and. is a major contributor to the defense of the free world and to the maintenance of peace. NEITHER SYRIA nor E g y p t purchased Soviet equipment be- cause of supposed American arms aid to any of their "enemies." nue on defense since independence ten years ago. Her defense ex- penditure has been twice the total revenue of Pakistan, and more than three times the amount spent by Pakistan on her defense. American military aid to Pakis- tan started only three years ago. Concrete assurance was given that the arms would be used solely for defense, not only against Com- munism, as Mr. David says, but against aggression, whatever its shape or form. If India has at any time feared aggression by Pakistan, why hasn't she tried to solve her disputes with her much smaller neighbor on an equitable basis? That would place the two countries on a firm foot- ing of friendshipsand ,understand- ing. THE BIGGEST dispute is Kash- mir. There are about a dozen spe- cific United Nation's proposals on this point, all acceDted by Pakis- tan. Let India accept them too, and help cure the cancer which has poisoned the subcontinent for ten years, Pakistan in 1950 suggested to India that the two countries should enter into immediate negotiations; that if these fail, they should re- sort to mediation; and, if this too fails, they should refer their entire India's "P r e s e n t economic plight" is indeed tragic-as indeed it is of Pakistan. But Mr. David should not blame the Americans for the mess that is creation of his own politicians. He should be grateful to the American people whose taxes, con- verted into billions of dollars of economic aid without strings, have saved them from the disastrous consequences of their ridiculous policy of hostility toward smaller neighbors. --Mohammed Azhar Ali Khan, Grad., '57 Vicious Circle ... To The Editor:,. THERE APPEARED in the Octo- ber 17 issue of The Daily two strange articles. One, after an array of misty reasonings, gave a wrong diagnosis of the real symp- toms of that much contagious ail- ment of conformity infecting the general American scene. The other suggested a wrong cure to the same disease. Writing under 'Vigilant Genera- tion', Mr. James Elsman Jr. may be right when he claims that stu- dents adequately appraise them- selves of the various issues con- stand up and swim against the popular tide, even though they may have fully informed them- selves of the issue and, feel that what .is being done is wrong. And then they try to find self-justifica- tion in the feeling that their lone vpice will be lost like 'the lone cry in the wilderness' and serve no practical purpose. Such complacency of self-justi- fication is totally unwarranted, be- cause somebody along the line has to stand up and face the initial brunt of criticism, 'unpleasant consequences', social ostracism or even death before the less ardent slowly rally around. And in the article, "Faculty, Arise -- Take up the Challenge," the authors strangely enough rest complacent by throwing the gauntlet to the faculty and chal- lenging them to set an example by themselves first attempting to break "this growing cult of yes- manship in'- which security be- comes a craven disguise for serv- ility," This is merely playing in-a vi- cious circle and dallying as to who should be the scapegoat to take the blame. And besides, one may ask, "If the young and 'proud' blood of a nation can't rise to the challenge, how can you expect the old and su te t do it? " ,, ANYONE ELSE would be called peculiar, even crazy. Frank Lloyd Wright is called eccentric. This is the measure of genius. But Wright's "eccentricities" are not the measure of the man, nor are his opinions on architecture or things in general. The measure of the man is the way he pre- sents these opinions, what he expects to gain by so presenting them and the degree to which he has accomplished his ends. In these respects, he is no longer a cantan- kerous old man, but becomes instead a shrewd diplomat striving for a particular effect in everything he does and says. becoming unconstitutional." One gets the feel- ing he wants nothing so much as to induce people to think-preferably his way. Aside from all that, however, beyond and deep down under the cynical wallpaper he covers himself with, 6ne can see the firm foun- dation of a dedicated naturalist. Wright con- siders himself purely jan architect; but he in- sists that architecture covers almost the whole of human existence. This is evident from his secret, surprise talk to a group of architecture students here Mon- day night. HI5 COMMENTS, as always, were caustic but . . I