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October 23, 1957 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1957-10-23

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, '-I

ti Junior Chamber of
has begun an effort to
it a merger of Ypsilanti
anti township into one
oup, composed of busi-
from both city and
voted to lead "all-out
of a proposed unifica-
ie city of Ypsilanti and
township into one single
ion followed a report by
ship's board of super-
[onday recommending
township incorporate..
)osed city would com-
rround Ypsilanti proper.
nior Chamber of Com-
ted difficulties in the
incorporation, such as
,d planning" and inef-
plication of services.

Of Couples
ises at
Foreign students as well as
American students share the re-,
cent trend toward increased col-
lege enrollment of married
couples, Robert M. Klinger, Inter-
national Center counselor, 're-
There are 218 married foreign
students at the University this
fall, compared with 184 last fall.
Total enrollment of foreign stu-
dents at the University is 1,414, a
13 per cent increase over last.
East and Southeast Asia is $he
geographical area from which
most of the students come. The
second largest group comes from
Latin America and the Caribbean
The increased number. of stu'
dents from the Caribbean, 230
this fall compared with 90 last
fall, is partly due to the transfer
of / students from universities
closed during the recent revolt in
There are 22 students from
Europe, 193 from Canada, 180
from North and Northeast Africa,;
21 from the rest of Africa, and
seven from Australia and New
Nine countries, from among .the
total 85 political units with stu-
dents on campus, are represented
this semester by more than 40
students: Canada,- 193; India,
148; Chinese citizens, 111; Tur-
key, 81; Venezuela, 67; Japan, 64;
Philippines, 63; Korea, 52; and
Thailand, 49.
In addition to enrolled students
from other lands, there are 105
"visiting scholars and other ex-
change visitors" at the University.

Cross Says Fraternities Lose Money

Fraternities tend to have a
"champagne diet with a beer in-
come," according to the Assistant'
Dean of Men in charge of frater-
nities, Bill Cross.
A recent report of fraternity cost
for the school year 1956-57 sub-
stantiates his statement. Accord-
ing to the cost breakdovin by the
Ann Arbor Trust Company, most
houses serving meals lose money.
U'T eachers
New translations of two classi-
cal works will be published Friday
by the University Press.
The complete works o'Roman
poet Gaius Valeriou Catallus have
been translated by Prof.-Frank 0.
Copley of the classical studies de-
partment, who has been studying'
Catullus for twenty-five years.
Among Prof. Copley's other
translations are Plautus' "The
Menaechmi" and "The Haunted
House," and Terence's "The Wo-
man of Andros."
Prof. Moses Hadas, Jay Profes-j
sor of Greek at Columbia Univer-
sity, has translated "An Ethio-
pian Romance" by Helidorus.
"An Ethiopian Romance" 'was
one of the earliest novels, and in
its first English translation was a
favorite in Elizabethan England.
Prof. Hadas' other works in-
clude the editing of the Modern
Library editions of "Tacitus" "Ci-
cero," "G r e e k Poets," and

I Writes
aw Book
Wright of the Law
ritten a half-fodt
use in training In-
together with an
nstruction manual,'
exclusively in .the
d training program'
i Revenue Service.
and book will train
ents who enter the
ear, and will help
10,000 agents now
revenue service deal
y with income tax.

Rebates to members not wishing
a meal on a certain day account
for the greater part of the loss.
Lack of adequate supervision by
the chapter's steward, an "extrav-
agant cook" and "improper buy-
ing" are also cited in the report
as factors.
Stewards Could Stop Waste
"Fratenities have failed to in-
crease board rates to meet the in-
crease in cost of food," Cross said.
Cross added that better trained
stewards and fraternity treasurers
could eliminate much of the waste-
ful spending.
The average fraternity man has
to pay $2.35 per day for his meals.
For every dollar spent for food,
approximately 75 per cent goes for
the actual meal while 25 per cent
accounts for the kitchen overhead.
Kitchen overhead includes ,the
cook's salary, kitchen help, main-
tenance bills and other expenses
necessary for the kitchens opera-
tion. The cook's salary represents
the greatest outlay of money.
Room Costs Show Gain
Most fraternities reduce their
board cost by seeing a profit in
their room rent. Almost every fra-
ternity has a definite gain in their
room cost accounts. The average
member is charged $28.00 per
month to live in the chapter house.
Fraternities show a tendency to
IHC To Announce
Integration Head
The Inter-House Council inte-
gration committee will be reor-
ganized as soon as a new chair-
man is chosen, Bob Ashton,'59,
The committee was organized
last spring by Bob Warrick, '57E,
last year's IHC president. The
chairman appointed last year did
riot return to the University this
fall, and the committee has not
yet met.
(Use of this column for announce-
ments of meetings is available to of-
ficially recognized and registered stu-
dent organizations only.)
* * *
ULLR Ski Club, meeting and movie,
Oct. 23, 7:30 p.m., Room 3-, Union.
* * *
Sociedad Hispanica, meeting, Oct. 23,
7:30 p.m., Vandenberg Room, League.
Program: Mr. Solinis-Herrero of the
Spanish Dept., guitarist. Movies and
* * *
Political Issues Club, business meet-
ing, Oct. 24, 7:3, SAB.
* * *
Young Democratic Club, joint meet-
ing, Resolutions, Program, and Debate
Committees, Oct. 24, 3:00 p.m., SAB.
* * *
Chess Club, meeting, Oct. 23. 7:30,
* * *
Soil Conservation Society of America,
panel discussion, Oct. .25, 8:00 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheater. Topic: "The
Functions of Planning."
*' * *
Student Government Council, Edu-
cation and Social welfare Committee,
meeting, Oct. 23, 7:30 p.m., SAB. As-
signments and sub-committee chair-
manships will be annunced. Attend or
leave message regarding preference
With Gerald Blackstone, NO 3-0553.





ti .

(Continued from' Page 4)
ells) by Percival Price; Stephen
a 0, Suzanna, 'Cherny'j The. Bells
on, MacDowell's To a Wild Rose,
h's Trees, and Mozart's Turkish
ademic Notices
ge of Architecture and Design
an five-week grade reports are
urs., Oct. 24. Please send them
Architecture Building.
'eacher's Certificate Candidates:
eacher's Certificate Application
e turned in to the School of
Lon, 1439 University Elementary
by Nov. 4 of the Junior year.
nar, Dept. of Anatomy Rm. 2501,
:edical Building. Coffee will be
one-half hour before in Room
ast Medical Building Wed,, Oct.
0 a.m. Dr. Jos. P. Schade, Head,
nent of 14euro-Psyiology, Neth-

erlands Central Institute for Brain Re-
erlandy Central Institute' for Brain Re-
search: "Eletrical Properties of the
Cerebral Cortex."
* Actuarial Seminar: Wed., Oct. 23 at
11:00 a.m. in. Room 2451 Mason Hall:
The discussion of Ammeter's paper! on
"Group Insurance Experience Rating"
will be continued.
Operations. Research Seminar: John
Lathrop, Department manager, Com-
pany Studies, Lockheed Aircraft Cor-
poration, will lecture on "Operations
Research in the Lockheed. Aircraft Cor-
poration" on Wed., :Oct. 28. Coffee hour
in Room 243 West Engineering at 3:30
p.m. and seminar at 4:00 In Room 229,
West Engineering All faculty members
ihysical, Analytical, Inorganic Sem-
inar. 4:10 p.m., Room 1200, Chemistry
Building. Robert Robinson will speak
on "Matrix Isolation Studies: Infrared
Spectra of Reactive Species." .
Organic Seminar. 7:00 p.m., Room
1300, Chemistry Building. Prof. Nathan
Kornblum from the Department of
Chemistry of Purdue University, La-
fayette, Indiana, will speak on "The,
Contrasting Reactions of Silver Salts
and Alkali Metal Salts with Alkyl Hal-
ides. The Alkylation of Ambident Ions."
Applied Mathenatics Seminar -
Thurs., Oct. 24, at 4:00 p.m. in Room
246, West Engineering Bldg. Prof. R. K.
Ritt will continue his talk on "The
Non-Self Adjoint Differential Opera-
tors Associated with Acoustical Scat-r
tering." Refreshments at 3:30 p.m.- in
Room 274, West Engineering.
401 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the
Application of Mathematics to Social
Science, Room 3217, Angell Hall, Thurs.,
3:30-5:00 p.m. 'Oct. 24. Harry Goode,
Department of Industrial Engineering,
"Computers and Systems."
The following foreign visitors are to
be on campus this week on the dates
indicated. Program' arrangements are
being made by the International Cen-
ter: Mrs. Miller.
Mr., William.Tambunan, Director,
Secondary School, Indonesia, Oct. 7-25.
Dean Soetedjo, Dean of Engineering,
University of Indonesia, Indonesia, Oct.
Mr. M. S. Huq, Educational and Cul-
tural Attache,, Embassy of Pakistan,
Washington, D.C., Pakistan, Oct. 22-26.
Mr. Chansamone, U.S. Information
Agency, Laos, Oct. 24-30.

Mr. H. M. Collins, Secretary, Council
for Overseas Colleges of Arts, Science
and Technology in London, England,
Oct. 25-26.
Mr. Sarino Manguntranoto, Member
of Parliament, former Minister of
Educ., Indonesia, Oct. 24.
Mr. ,Siahaan, Head of Extensifn
Fourses, Ministry of Education, Indo-
nesia, Oct, 24.
Placement Notices
Personnel Requests:
Ayerst Labs., Inc., Rouses Point, N.Y.,
has an pening in the Detroit office
for a Salesman with a background in
Science. ,
.Studebaker-P a c k a r d Corp., South
Bend, Ind., needs men in Acctg.,
Engrg., Mfg. Sales, and Bus. Ad.
Nationwide. Insurance Co., Columbus,,
Ohio, 'is interested in employing a re-s
cent Law School graduate in general
corporate legal work.
Whirlpool Corp., St. Joseph, Mich.
offers employment opportunities to
Engrs. - Elect., Mech., Chem. and
Metal., to Physicists and tp Chemists.
There is also an opening for a Com-
munications Assistant and for a Man-
ager of Salaried Personnel. r
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.,
Bldg., ext. 3371.
Special Notice:
To the girls interested in working at
the World's Fair fn Brussels, the Bu-
reau is happy to announce that in-
formation has arrived in the office con-
cerning contacts for possible employ-

." .

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